

RuYui · Teen
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13 Chs

Chapter 6.5: Dad Will Do Whatever It Takes

Yukimura Shinji's POV

"Rin, how is everything at home?" (Shinji/Dad)

"It's quite well Master…

The Madam is very much satisfied and along with my wife, they have now established themselves among the neighborhood.

Young master Souji is also doing well, he already have a 'Fans' club along with my son, Ryota.

As for Young master Sei, he have made a new friend named Katsubara Kazu-sama and I think today they will have an extended play day at Kazu-sama's house." (Rintarou)

"Who will accompany Sei to the house?" (Shinji)

"Young mater Souji, Ryota, Chika and Kazu-sama's elder sister, Fuyumi-sama…

I also dispatch the shadow guards incase anything happens…" (Rintarou)

"Good, just make sure all of them are safe" (Shinji)

I went back to work after Rintarou's report. With stacks of paper piled up every day I rarely went home in time to see my son's awake, though I sometimes see and talk to Souji but not being able to spend some time with Sei is really frustrating.

Sei… my mature youngest son…

Ever since he was a child, he is already a peculiar one… he doesn't speak much but when he did, he is very fluent and though we didn't taught him the language, he somehow knows it. There are also time where he is very and I mean VERY mature for his age which really worries me quite a bit.

Both Claire and I wondered how he could have end up like that but when we think about it, we always end up with nothing. I mean, we shower him with love almost at every chance we have and we never restrict him much with anything he wants.

Well even though little Sei is the way he is, I still love him loads and I know that he loves me as well since he is very talkative when I am around.

"Sigh~ little Sei is soooo cute~" (Shinji)


"I think I can be back home early this time…" (Shinji)

I was about to finish the last stack of papers when I receive a call from Rintarou.

"Master, we have a situation… Young master Sei has been kidnapped, the shadow guard that I left with them is currently tracking the pursuers at this moment.

I am also on my way to the place…" (Rintarou)

"Rin where is the location?" (Shinji)

"Don't worry master I am on my way to the place to deal with the sit-" (Rintarou)

"Rin! Tell! Me! The! Place!" (Shinji)

Upon hearing that my little Sei have been kidnapped, my mind become dark. It is as if I went back to the time when Sei almost died. I felt chills all over my body and fear slowly taking over my mind like it is taunting me of the worst outcome that could happened to my precious boy.

I immediately left the company and drove to the location where my son is supposed to be at. Arriving at the scene I saw that Rin and the police have taken care of the kidnappers and is asking where they took Sei. I looked at the car and heard a little noise at the trunk so I quickly ordered Rin to open it, there lies Sei all bounded and blindfolded.

I immediately took him in my arms checking for some injuries He have a bit of bruise on his forehead but other than that, it seems like he's okay.

"I'm so worried Sei… but I am so glad that you're all okay…" (Shinji)

"Papa ari-tou for saving mwe…

Sei knows papa will save mwe sho I wait pashiently…" (Sei)

Seeing Sei in good condition made my nerves relaxed but when I heard him say those words, it made my entire being crumble. I didn't hesitate to hug my son tightly and let my tears flow out. Just thinking of the whole ordeal made me realize how precious Sei's life is and how fragile it is.

After that case, I didn't double think to set aside my work for a while and spend more time with my little Sei. Seeing Sei all happy and cheerful made me also happy but a single thought doesn't leave my mind.

[Is Sei really alright with all that has happened to him?]

I know my little Sei is very mature for his age but he is still a kid and no matter how mature a person is, that thing is very traumatizing especially if the person involve is a child. As days goes by, it seems like for Sei there is nothing wrong and that's all good but as his father I am very worried of his mentality.

Then one day, when Sei and I are planning on cooking lunch, my assistant, Matsubara Kyosuke, came in order to take me away from my little Sei.

Okay that's not really the reason but if feels like it is… T^T

Soon my lovely Claire came down and seeing Kyosuke practically in tears and begging me to go back to work, she somehow persuaded me to go back with him. After eating the lunch that is supposed to be prepared by Sei and I, I reluctantly left and went back to work. My little Sei send me off with lots of love so I need to work hard so that I can get home early today with that in mind, I barely finish my piled up work in time.

Upon reaching home, I quickly spend some time with my little Sei and this time I decided to confront my little boy about his thought on the recent incident. I know that it is not very ideal to do such thing to a child that have gone through such ordeal but I am very worried that if I didn't do this, it may affect him in the near future and I truly do not want that to happened to my boy.

"Sei, there's something that dad wants to ask…" (Dad)

"….." (Sei)

"….. Sei… Are you sure you are okay? You're not holding it in are you?" (Dad)

I waited for Sei to answer but what happened next is very out of my control, my little Sei is crying…

This is the first time that I ever saw him cry after his near death incident when he was a baby. I don't know what to do to make him stop and soon his cries were heard by Claire and the others which they misunderstood that I did something bad to him, though that is very unlikely, but maybe it really is my fault.

I don't much recall what happened but what I do remember is that I took quite a beating from the female department and I did nothing to stop them. After Sei calmed down, he tried to say that everything was a misunderstanding but from my perspective this incident shows that my son is very mature but very delicate.

So from then on I vow to make sure that my little Sei will never meet any mishaps ever or at least things that may harm his life.

For my little Sei, Dad will do everything that it takes!