
Jin dynasty hegemony

As the world's general trend says, long-term division will eventually lead to unification, and long-term unification will eventually lead to division. When the court is corrupt, the emperor loses his virtue, and the empire loses its Mandate of Heaven.

yuesheng · History
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7 Chs


Time flies, and Pan Farm is covered with white frost and the cold is pressing.

Winter wheat has been planted long ago, and even green wheat seedlings have grown.

The livestock are ready for winter, and hay is piled up like a mountain.

The caravan came once, stayed for two days and then left, and everything seemed normal.

Shao Xun's life was very monotonous.

Working, training soldiers and——

"The sky and earth are dark yellow, and the universe is vast and boundless. I have taught you for so long, but you still can't remember it. You deserve to be whipped." Shao Xun looked at the words written on the ground by a young man and said with a stern face.

The young man squatting on the ground stood up dejectedly and came to the door.

Outside the gate, the squad leader Huang Biao sneered, and the boy took off his pants on his own accord. The pants were full-crotch pants, with thin legs and sewn crotch. They were introduced by the Hu people from the grassland. Before that, the two legs of the pants worn by the Han people were separated, and the crotch was not sewn, that is, there were only trouser legs, no crotch, and trouser waist, which mainly played the role of keeping the legs warm. However, the Hu people needed to ride horses, and it was very uncomfortable not to wear closed-crotch pants or full-crotch pants.

"Snap!" The whip was thrown down heavily, and a clear blood mark emerged.

After being beaten, the boy tidied up his clothes, walked back again, and asked his left and right companions how to write the words .

Shao Xun continued to check the homework of other teenagers.

If they met unqualified ones, there was no need to say anything, just whip them directly.

Although the teenagers were young and ignorant, they were not stupid. They all knew how valuable literacy was and how much it cost.

Even more, many people are willing to pay the price, but have no way to find a place to learn.

The team leader is willing to teach them to read and do his best, which is a great thing. Therefore, even if learning is very difficult, everyone still has no complaints.

Even if there are some people who really don't want to learn, after seeing others studying eagerly, they will doubt whether they are too careless and are forced to study hard.

It took Shao Xun a long time to finish reading all the students' "homework", and then he summarized it, praised a few people, criticized a few people, and rewarded and punished them - mainly in terms of food.

After the summary, he continued teaching: "To punish the guilty, Zhou Fa and Yin Tang."

He wrote these words on the whiteboard with a charcoal pencil, and then asked the students to carefully identify them and recite them together.

"To punish the guilty, Zhou Fa1 and Yin Tang2..."

At first, the voices were not very uniform, but after repeated repetitions, they gradually became uniform.

Shao Xun patiently read over and over again, his heart calm.

He didn't know how long this peaceful day would last, but as long as he was there, he would be responsible for these children.

Besides, he also had some of his own little thoughts.

Leaders are temporary, but teachers are lifelong. During the Three Kingdoms period, some soldiers died on the battlefield and had no offspring. Cao Cao ordered the relatives of these fallen soldiers to find children to adopt, give them land, give them cattle, and set up teachers to teach them. Since then, the title of "teacher" has gradually become popular.

The Jin Dynasty was not orthodox and was ashamed to mention "loyalty and righteousness", so it attached great importance to filial piety and respect for teachers. After decades of implementation, remarkable results have been achieved in this regard - it always makes people feel strange.

There is no doubt that teachers are much more important than leaders, flag owners, etc.

Shao Xun once thought about why the Hu people were able to establish a regime in the north after the Western Jin Dynasty moved south.

He thought of a lot of reasons and found that the most important one was that the Hu people had "their own people" to use.

Establishing a regime requires a large number of local officials. The Hu chieftains have tribes as their base. After the population base increases, there will always be some talents who can help the chieftains to manage the local area, arrest thieves, collect money and grain, recruit soldiers, etc.

It is true that people from tribes may not be good enough, but with tribes as the base, the chieftains of the Hu people can bargain with the Han people's aristocratic families, have bargaining power, and eventually give up some of their interests in exchange for cooperation from the aristocratic families and local tyrants. At this point, a not very stable country was initially established.

If there is no tribal base, or the overall cultural level of the tribe is low, and it is really difficult to find so many talents, what should we do?

This is more troublesome, and it may be necessary to give all the grassroots to the aristocratic families and local tyrants.

Of course, such tribes generally cannot establish a regime.

Not every tribe can gain a foothold in the chaotic north for a long time, and the threshold is real. Otherwise, wouldn't the peasant uprising army also be able to establish a country and rule the country?

Shao Xun knew that there were more conditions for gaining a foothold in the north, but it was always right to train more of his own people.

He had time, energy, and enthusiasm, so he would do more. Even if the army was disbanded in the future and he was transferred to another place, he could still have some friendship. At the very least, it would give these young people an extra skill, isn't it beautiful?

You have to farm...

Yes, someone has to do something.

What he did was much better than the nobles abusing addictive drugs. In this regard, he had a sufficient sense of moral superiority.

****** ******

The first heavy snow fell, and the capital was already on the verge of a war.

Some people, either disappointed or frightened, quietly left Luoyang, a place of trouble. But most officials did not leave, after all, the situation in the world had not collapsed to the point where it could not be further devastated.

The simplest manifestation was that the emperor still had some majesty, the grain transport was not interrupted, the appointment and removal of local officials were still valid, and the army could still be mobilized.

At Pan Farm, everything was the same as before, and it seemed that there was no ripple.

At this time, on the parade ground, drums rumbled and shouts were heard.

"Beat the drums to march, beat the gongs to stop, don't you understand?" Shao Xun took a whip and whipped the boys who disobeyed the order one by one.

The boys blushed and were ashamed.

Some of the comrades winked and laughed. Shao Xun also whipped them a few times, and then they became honest.

Looking down from the air, the fifty people were divided into three groups.

Thirty people gathered in the middle, holding spears, standing still.

Ten people were in the upper right corner, and ten people were in the lower left corner.

This formation suddenly appeared in his mind, and it was very familiar, just like he had used it countless times in his previous life.

He inexplicably knew that the yan yue was both offensive and defensive. Its essence was to use the thick central army to resist the enemy's front, and then use the rotating crescent (upper right corner) to flank the enemy. It was a very classic military formation.

He didn't know when the yan yue appeared in history, but it was very popular in the Tang Dynasty, especially in the late Tang and Five Dynasties. This formation was both offensive and defensive, and was always loved by the generals. It appeared many times in important battles.

Therefore, he chose this formation as his first choice to train soldiers, and he was very concerned about it - a team of fifty people might not need any military formation, but he was training these young men as officers, so the requirements were naturally different.

There were two other teams training on the training ground.

What they trained was relatively simple: only queues.

At this time, the "Eight Formations" were popular in the Jin army.

The so-called "Eight Formations" is actually a variant of the square formation, that is, each formation is located in all directions, "scattered into eight, and then into one".

The center is slightly empty, where the commander is located. Here, the most elite troops are usually left, called "Yu Qi", which is actually a reserve team, to plug the gap at a critical moment, or when the enemy is exhausted, they will resolutely invest and make the final decision.

Compared with the Eight Formations, the yan yue is more complicated and has higher requirements.

Shao Xun didn't care about this.

He remembered an incident in the future.

A dance teacher led a group of children to rehearse a dance. There were many people, some dancing, some playing musical instruments. It was very complicated and required a lot of coordination.

At the final performance, the adults were shocked to see the performance of the group of children, because in terms of complexity, adults had to practice for a long time to reach this performance level.

The teacher who led the team only said one sentence: "Don't tell the children how difficult it is."

Yes, don't tell them how difficult it is!

At present, there are only 50 people. If there are 500 or 5,000 people practicing together in the future, the difficulty will increase exponentially. At that time, you will have to continue to find your own problems and continue to practice hard.

Of course, it is easier said than done. To achieve the goal, it is always inseparable from a lot of tedious and meticulous work, as well as persistent determination.

Most importantly, there must be a noble person who appreciates you, someone who will protect you and give you a stable space to play.

"Line up, do it again." Shao Xun shouted loudly after turning around.

"Boom, boom, boom..." The rumbling sound of war drums sounded again.

"Kill!" Fifty young men shouted in unison with their childish voices, and struck the ground with their spears, and the team began to move.

Shao Xun stared at the marching team intently.

He knew very well that in this era, peace was an accident and war was the mainstream. Any peaceful time was very precious and must be seized.

Especially this kind of opportunity where someone provided "food and lodging", training venues, equipment, consumables, food and other necessities. It would be a pity not to make full use of it.

His ambition was not limited to the fifty young men in front of him. In fact, he asked for a lot of things.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Let's take it step by step.