
New boys

I never thought I would of been so overwhelmed. The most popular, handome and cute boys were joining my school! 7 boys! They were the most popular in the country for their tremendous dancing.

They had been in the news so many times that if you picked up any newspaper nowadays, it was bound to have '7 cute boys with their amazing dancing skills and stunning looks have done another outstanding performance yet again!' written on it somewhere.

The members of this almost I geuss you could call it 'boy band' were Jungkook, V, RM, Suga, J hope, Jimin and Jin. The one that stood out to me the most was Jimin. For his cute and affectionate personality was absolutely irresistible! I felt though, as they are moving to my school I will love them all in the end. They are all unique and I will love all of their individual qualities.

I went to sleep that night my mind buzzing with thoughts of the information I had gathered in my head. Thoughts like...

"I wonder who I will get along with the most"

" What if they don't like me?"

" I cant believe they are coming to my school!"


" What if I mess up?!"

" oh no I can't mess up, not today"

" My eyes will be blessed when I see these visual masterpieces in person"

" I'm so overwhelmed! "

My sleep was not good that night. It felt as if I had drank 10 coffees and maybe consumed a few drugs that night. I hadn't. But it felt like it. I was just so alert to any small noises which made it impossible to go to sleep when my hamster is noisily running away on his wheel everynight. Hamsters run 5 miles per night, NONSTOP.

Nevertheless, I went to sleep at 11pm and woke up at 5am, naturally due to my excited brain can not wait to be a few inches away from these famous, good looking boys.

It's 5am. Birds are tweeting and I get to see a orangey-pink sunrise. Being as quiet as possible I make myself chocolate hot cross buns ( I love chocolate ).

Waking up at 5am is the best because you can do whatever you want , whenever you want (apart from making noise).

For example, I had a run outside in the garden. I wouldn't normally because my family would watch and judge me negativity. Now, however there was no one to judge! Everyone is asleep so I can just be in my own world for 2 hours, until my mum and brother get up that is.

Waking up at 5 am is also such a fresh start. The bitterely cold air wakes you up and it's all fine that it's cold because there's the stunning visuals of the sun and the bright sun can sometimes even melt the bitterness away!

I get changed..

..and hop on the bus

Today is the big day!