
Jia's First Million

Some kids want to be astronauts. Others want to heal the sick and cure world hunger. And Jia? Not much. She just wants to be rich. Talented fashion designer Zhong Jia was on her way to closing a deal that would make her an official dollar-millionaire when she gets into a car accident. If this isn't cliche enough for you, let me tell you all about how Jia fell into a deep coma and woke up in another world as a peasant girl from another time. Oh no, this is not a love story. This is the story of a poor woman getting reincarnated as an even poorer woman. This is the story of Jia and her struggle to obtain her first million. (P.S. Okay, this may or not also be a love story).

uberchrome · Fantasy
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account balance: 860,000 USD

Zhong Jia stood in front of the mirror, her eyes fixed on the reflection staring back at her.

Today was the day she had been dreaming of for years—the day when her hard work and determination would finally pay off.

She took a deep breath, straightened her shoulders, and adjusted her glasses, feeling a surge of confidence wash over her.

She glanced around her small studio apartment, taking in the piles of fabric, sketches, and half-finished designs scattered across every surface.

It had taken her years of sacrifice and sleepless nights to get to this point, but she knew it was all worth it.

Her clothes had an edge that set them apart from the mass-produced, cookie-cutter designs that dominated the fashion industry.

Jia had been up since the crack of dawn, ironing her best blouse and skirt and fussing over her hair until it fell in a sleek, polished bob around her face.

She checked her watch, realizing that it was time to leave for the meeting. As she stepped out into the cool morning air, she felt a sense of anticipation and nervous energy building inside her.

The meeting was at a high-end conglomerate office, and Jia had never felt so out of place. But as she walked towards the entrance, the sleek glass and metal of the mall shimmering in the sunlight, she reminded herself that she had worked too hard to let her insecurities hold her back.

She took another deep breath, her eyes fixed on the entrance, ready to step into her future. Just then, her phone went off in her pocket. 

It was a message from her best friend, Lisa.

"Good luck today! I'm on my way to the mall to cheer you on. Can't wait to see you crush it! ❤️"

Jia smiled, feeling a warm glow spread through her chest. Lisa had been her rock since they were kids, always there to cheer her up when she was feeling down or lend a listening ear when she needed to vent about work or life.

Jia met Lisa when they were both seven years old, growing up in the same apartment building.

Lisa was always the life of the party with her quick wit and infectious energy. Jia, on the other hand, was the quiet one, more content to spend her time lost in books or drawing.

But somehow, despite their differences, they became fast friends.

They spent their childhood playing make-believe games in the park, trading stickers and toys, and dreaming about their futures.

As they got older, their interests diverged: Lisa became a musician, while Jia discovered her passion for fashion design.

Despite their busy schedules, they remained close, talking on the phone for hours at a time or meeting up for coffee when they could.

Lisa was always there to offer a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on, and Jia appreciated her more than words could express.

Jia took a deep breath and stepped into the meeting room, her heart racing. As she presented her designs to the representatives from the management, she felt a sense of calm wash over her, remembering all the hard work and sacrifice she had put in to get to this point.

As the meeting ended, Jia stepped outside, feeling elated and proud. And there was Lisa, waiting with a huge grin on her face.

"You did it!" Lisa exclaimed, throwing her arms around Jia. "I knew you would!"

Jia hugged her back, feeling a sense of gratitude and joy wash over her. As they walked out of the building, arm in arm, Jia knew that no matter what happened in the future, she had Lisa by her side, and that was worth more than any deal or accolade. 


Jia hugged Lisa goodbye and walked away, feeling content. She took a deep breath of fresh air and looked up at the bright blue sky, feeling grateful for everything that had happened that day.

As she walked down the street, she spotted a flower shop and decided to buy some flowers. She picked out a beautiful bouquet of daisies and sunflowers, her mother's favorite, and continued on her way.

She made her way to the cemetery. It had been years since she had visited her mother's grave, and she felt a pang of guilt for neglecting it for so long.

As she approached the small, memories of her mother flooded her mind, and she closed her eyes, taking a moment to collect herself.

"Hi, Mom," Jia whispered, her voice shaking with emotion. "It's been a while. I'm sorry I haven't been here more often."

She placed the flowers gently on the ground and sat down next to the grave. She took a deep breath and began to speak, telling her mother about the day's happenings.

"I did it, Mom," Jia said, a sense of pride in her voice. "I signed the deal. My designs are going to be in chain stores. And look," she held up the check, "I'm a dollar millionaire now."

She smiled, satisfied with herself. Her mother had always believed in her, even when no one else did. And now, finally, she had something to show for all her hard work.

"But that's not all," Jia continued, her voice softening. "I'm going to build you a new gravestone, Mom. Something beautiful and grand. You deserve it."

She looked around the cemetery. So many of the graves were old and neglected, forgotten by their loved ones. But not her mother's. She was going to make sure it was something special.

"I miss you, Mom," Jia said, tears welling up in her eyes. "I wish you were here to see all of this. To see me succeed. But I know you're watching over me, wherever you are."

She sat there for a few moments longer. She looked up at the sky, feeling a sense of connection to her mother. She knew she would always be with her, guiding her, watching over her.

She was going to make her mother proud, and nothing was going to stop her. She took one last look at the gravestone.

"Goodbye, Mom," Jia whispered, a sense of strength in her voice. "Until we meet again."


Jia's heart pounded in her chest as she left the cemetery. Her mother's grave receded into the distance behind her, and the sun began to dip lower in the sky.

The sound of rustling leaves and distant footsteps echoed around her, and she had a distinct feeling that someone was watching her.

She shook her head, trying to dispel the feeling, but it only grew stronger. She quickened her pace, hunching her shoulders in an attempt to shield herself from the unseen gaze that seemed to follow her every move.

As she pulled out her phone to call Lisa, her fingers trembled.

Just as she was about to press the call button, a shadowy figure emerged from the darkness. Jia's eyes widened in terror as the person rushed towards her, shoving her towards the oncoming traffic.

She stumbled and fell, her body colliding with the hard asphalt as the car hit her with a sickening thud.

For a moment, everything went black.

The world seemed to tilt on its axis, and the sound of rushing blood filled her ears. She tried to scream, but no sound escaped her lips.

A dull ache throbbed through her body as strangers rushed towards her, calling for an ambulance.

Jia lay on the ground, her limbs twisted at awkward angles. She tried to move, but every inch of her body screamed in pain.

Her thoughts drifted to Lisa and her mom and her lifelong dream She hoped with all her might that someone would come, that she wouldn't be alone in this moment of fear and uncertainty.

As the ambulance arrived, she was rushed to the hospital, her body battered and broken. Doctors and nurses rushed around her, their voices a blur of urgent activity.

Jia tried to speak, to ask what was happening, but no words came out.

The pain was too great, and she felt herself slipping into unconsciousness.


The doctors had told Lisa that there was little chance of Jia ever waking up from her coma. Her brain activity was so low that it was a miracle she was still alive.

But Lisa refused to give up hope. She knew that her friend was a fighter and that she would never give up on her dreams. She couldn't let Jia down.

As the weeks turned into months, Lisa's life began to revolve around the hospital.

She would wake up early each morning, rush to the hospital, and spend the day with her friend. She would talk to her, play her favorite music, and even read her stories, hoping to stimulate her brain in any way possible.

The hospital became her prison, and she felt trapped in a nightmare she couldn't escape. The attacker remained at large, and without any leads, the police seemed no closer to solving the case.

Lisa's music career was also suffering.

She had been forced to cancel gigs and put her dreams on hold, all in the name of being there for her friend. But as time wore on, she began to feel guilty for not pursuing her own dreams.

She knew that Jia wouldn't want her to give up on her own aspirations, but she couldn't help feeling like she was abandoning her friend.

Still, she continued to visit Jia every day, bringing her flowers and playing her favorite songs on her guitar.

And even though Jia was still in a coma, Lisa knew deep down that somehow, somewhere, her friend was listening.
