
Chapter 5

Jesse’s eyes went wide for an instant, but then he nodded, a slow grin spreading over his face. “You know, baby, that could be awesome. And I know just the guy to ask. I always heard Bud was a great lover and he hasn’t got a steady girl right now. We’ve always done stuff together and helped each other out. I bet he’d do it. Would he be okay?”

LuAnne could hardly contain her delight but she knew she’d better act cool. “Why, yes, I guess so. He seems like a really nice guy, a gentleman just like you are. He was kind of shy when we danced, maybe because he knows I’m your lady, but there wasn’t a woman in the place who wasn’t watching him. He’s—well, almost as sexy as you.”

After she spoke, she watched his face closely for a moment. Did I play that subtly enough? Gee, I hope so. I don’t want to upset him or make him feel threatened, but he did make the first suggestion.