
Chapter 12

He rode that contentment into sleep. 5

LuAnne awoke, feeling much too warm and confined. She tried to stretch but there was no room to do it. After a moment she remembered everything the three of them had done the previous afternoon and evening. Wow, did we really do all that?She giggled softly at the recollection. Then she recognized Jesse lay on her left and Bud on her right, both of them with arms across her. No wonder she felt almost claustrophobic. They were both so big.

About that time the two men also began to wake up.

“I need to go pee,” she said. “Can you let me out?”

Bud guffawed. “What, are you a pup that has to go outside to do its business?”

She smacked him. “You know what I mean—I’m being held a prisoner here between you two hulking brutes.”

Jesse looked at her with a mock mournful expression. “Last night we were hunks. Now we’re just hulks. I’m really hurt.”

She smacked him, too. “Let me up before I wet the bed!”