
The First Spooky house

Jerry's POV

*ding dong*

*ding dong*


"TRICK OR TREAT!" We say as the door opens.

"awe look who we have here, heheeheh" Lilly and I open our bags to recive our candy.

"Awe salt and pepper, what a lovely couple costume. I remember the old days when I would walk the neighbor hoods with a pink tutu, on." She giggles when she finishes her sentence. Then dropped candy eye balls into our empty candy bags.

"THANK YOU!" We say, as we walked down the stairs and down the driveway.

"Be safe, and don't get scared." With those final words, she went back inside her house and shut the door.

Ignoring what she said, we continued to go on our merry way to our next house. As we walked up to our next house we did not expect what we saw, when we knocked on the door and it opened up.....

Thank you for reading my Halloween holiday special!

To find all of my other great books and holiday specials search: #TheFireBooks

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