
Jeremy's Piece

She was the ruler of the school, and he was its geek. She gave the orders, people like him fulfilled them. She was their princess, he was their peasant. They could never mix, it was clear as day. But when an unpopular artist vanishes, leaving only a necklace as a clue to his location, the two teenagers join forces to find him. Along the way, they find out that they have a lot more in common than they initially believed.

Nkem_Ibiam · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter five

So this is how I die.

I always knew I wouldn't graduate, despite being one of the best students Royalwood would ever have. I knew somehow my death would come before I had the chance to make my speech on the podium. But I never thought that it would be today and in the hands of a raging Brad Henshaw.

It was funny in a way. I just dangled helplessly as he held me by the throat, cutting off the air supply to my lungs. I was having a hard time making out our surroundings; one moment I was behind the locker rooms with Cassy and the next I was in the middle of the field with the hands of an infuriated madman around my throat.

My vision was blurry, but I could easily tell that Brad's frightening display of strength and fury attracted a crowd. They all just watched as he threw me down on the center circle, not one of them bothering to help me or stop him or call a teacher. It did not shock me, though. I was used to this. Everyone got a kick out of seeing me beat up, humiliated, and in pain. I guess there was just something about me that irritated people, something that always made them revel when they saw me writhing in agony.

I suppose that was why I was shocked when I saw Cassy sprinting towards us and yelling at Brad not to hurt me. The angry jock looked like a god from where I lay. He pinned me down with a vengeful glare that had me frozen to the spot. I dared not move, even when he tilted his neck to face his girlfriend.

Brad's gaze met Cooper and Chase's before shifting to Cassy, "Hold her back." He ordered, and his goons nodded in submission. They blocked Cassy's path, and I could see her shove and pound at their chests as she tried to get a glimpse of me over their shoulders.

Wait, was Cassy Miller worried about me?

If she was, then I did not mind getting beat up. This was practically a dream come true!

Sick, I know.

But that dream was quickly transformed into a nightmare as Brad's feral growl reached my ears. When my eyes rejoined his, my bladder suddenly felt like it had shrunk.

Good God, why was he even so upset?

"Even with death staring right at you, you still have the balls to look at my girl," Brad seethed, making me gulp. A dry, humorless chuckle creeped out of his lips as he hung his head. "I never knew you were such a ballsy nerd."

"Leave him alone, Brad!" Cassy screeched, causing the both of us to look in her direction.

"Shut up!" The angry jock roared, and I didn't even get the chance to process what was about to happen until, well, it did.

The metallic taste of blood hit my tongue as pain shot from my lips down my jugular. My vision worsened before I pinched them shut to hold back the tears. It was getting hard to breathe. I was choking on my own blood.

That's what one kick to the face from Brad Henshaw can do to a person.

But sadly, I wasn't given a break because barely a second after that attack, I received several more kicks to my torso. I think I heard a crack at some point, but it was hard to tell from all the pain and screaming Cassy was doing. I wanted to look up and tell her that I was okay, but I wasn't getting that chance.

And all the thirty-five other members of our gym class did was watch.

But I didn't blame them. No one wanted to go against Brad or get on his bad side. I made a mistake by laying my hands on Cassy, but I sure as hell did not regret it.

Her skin was so soft.

Cassy's screams appeared to be doing more damage to Brad than his kicks were doing to me. He pinched his eyes closed like he was the one going through unbearable pain before focusing his glare on Cassy. "Why are you even screaming like that?! Do you like him or something?!"

The last question made Cassy's spine straighten and her eyes widen. Other than my labored breaths, the entire field was silent. Everyone was waiting for Cassy's answer. And for as long as I am still conscious, I am as well.

Her eyes narrowed into slits as she said, "Pft! Oh, please, Brad. Do you really think I would like someone as lame as him?"

Those words hurt more than the ache in my torso.

I didn't exactly expect her to admit to liking me. I knew that wasn't even possible in my dreams. But I…. I thought that we were friends at least.

I guess I was wrong. I should have known Cassy Millers and I could never be friends; our worlds didn't mix. And they never will.

"Then do it." Brad demanded, Cassy looked at him with confusion, and so did I.

"Do what?" Cassy asked.

"Hurt. Him." Brad demanded, narrowing his eyes to slits as his jaw ticked.

Cassy's eyes were as wide as saucers as Chase and Cooper gave way for her to pass through. When they saw she wasn't making any moves to come near us, Cooper grabbed her arm and brought her forward.

So here I was, ladies and gentlemen, laying at the feet of the two most popular students in school. The king and queen of Royalwood High.

"Didn't you hear what I said?" Brad snapped. "Hurt him, kick him, step on him! Show him his damn place. Let him know what happens the next time he even thinks of touching you."

All eyes were now on Cassy.

Everyone present knew Cassy was more superior to Brad, but this was about her pride and reputation. She could not be seen socializing with the school's filth. She had to display her power and rank.

I was surprised by the ache I felt in my heart as our eyes met. She looked away from me as she reared her right foot backwards. The last thing I saw was Cassy's foot barely an inch from my face before the world around me went dark.


Pain was all I could feel the second I stepped foot into the conscious world.

Everything hurt.

If not for the thin light that penetrated my eyelids, I would have believed I was blind. My right eye won't open properly thanks to the massive swell. I lifted my upper body off the soft mattress before searching my surroundings. I was at the school's infirmary.


"Wow, I am happy to see that you are awake." Rachel, the school nurse, said as she came into view from behind the curtains, obstructing my view from the next patient's bed.

"How did I get here?" To say I was terrified by my own voice would be an understatement. With my good eye, I watched as the small smile on Rachel's face slowly vanished.

"I found you lying unconscious in the middle of the soccer field. At first I thought you had passed out, and then I saw the bruises…." She drew out, motioning toward her face.

I nodded as the tears stung my eyes, and to make it worse, I couldn't even blink them away because it hurt like hell to even move a muscle. "Can I get a mirror?" I asked softly. I needed to know the damage that was done to me.

Rachel shot me a hesitant smile before rushing to her desk and pulling out a mirror from her drawer. She handed it to me, and I waited a few seconds before looking down at the punching bag that was my face. I could not help but flinch and shiver at my own reflection. I wasn't exactly the most handsome guy at school, but I would definitely be known as the ugliest if my face didn't get fixed quickly. There were stitches on my bottom lip, a bandage wrapped around my head, and my nose was practically disfigured. And my eyes... God, it was so disgusting. I just wanted to throw up. It was terribly swollen and purple. There was some weird liquid oozing out of the corner of my eye too.

I was hideous.

Sucking in a rush of air, I winced at the pain in my ribs, and it was then I noticed the majority of my torso was wrapped in bandages as well.

"I tried calling your mom, but her phone was switched off," Rachel informed after several moments of silence.

Well, thank God for that.

I still wasn't ready to face my mother, especially with a face like this.

"It's fine, I can take it from here," I said, dropping the mirror on the small bed before hopping off it with wobbly legs. Rachel's worried expression did not go unnoticed by me but, honestly, I couldn't care less.


"But nothing," I snapped. I was feeling way too many things at once, and I needed to be alone as soon as possible. "Thank you for treating me, Rachel." I said, hoping my polite tone would erase my rude one from earlier. I picked up my shirt from her desk, and it took a while before I could put it on.

As I neared the door, I heard Rachel say, "Anytime, Jeremy."

The moment I stepped foot out of the infirmary and onto the busy hallway, all murmuring and movements came to a halt. Everyone was staring at me, and unlike feeling embarrassed like I usually would, I was angry.

Keeping my head down, I made my way through the hall and towards the exit, not giving a damn about what the time was. Until…..

"Hey, nerd! like the present my baby gave you!?"

My steps came to a halt as Brad's voice met my ears. Slowly, I turned to face the direction of the voice. Brad stood with his crew leaning against their lockers. I felt so much anger after seeing the smug smirk on his irritating face, but it was nothing compared to what I felt when my eyes fell on Cassy's.

Her head was leaned against Brad's shoulder, with his arm over hers. She wasn't looking at me, and I was more than happy about that. I quickly tore my eyes away from her and focused them on Brad. And then I did something I never knew I could do until this moment.

I flipped him off.

A bunch of "ooos" and chuckles resonated across the hall as I turned my back on them and pushed past the exit without looking back.