
Jeff's Journey

Jeff is just trying to live a boring and mediocre life, but sadly he was rudly interrupted by his mirror image giving him a backhand slap.

TheGreatPanda · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The Maze Trials (1/4)

A long (or not) while later I sluggishly opened my eyes and saw the beautiful light of the sun. Well I hoped so, sadly what looked back, was a dark, gloomy dungeon with.. people chained at the wall?


Why am too chained at a fucking wall! 

I tried moving my limbs yet none of them responded to my call. I was literally hanging on a wall bereft of my moving capabilities.

Well shit nothing I could do about it.

So I tried communicating with my cell mates

"My lovely hanging men and women, would you know where we are?

"Another newbie .." A woman answered

"Just another hope to crush. Nothing more and nothing less *Sigh*" A old man interrupted with listless eyes.

"Don't make the kid cry!" the woman shouted back.

"Shut up, will you" another voice echoed from the side "We will all die one way or another"

"I am not going down without a fight!" the woman exclaimed.

"With or without a fight it doesn`t matter either way"

"What a lovely team we are, no?" I replied, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Shut up!" everyone shouted back, well sorry for not being depressing I grumbled. As I still did not know their names despite our *ahmm* extremely good conversation, I just made up some names on their behalf. Well your own fault for being so grumpy!

The woman is now "Shifty", because of her constantly nervous movements.

The old man will be...hmmm.."Old man", I am just bubbling with creativity I thought to myself.

And the *very optimistic* man will have the name "Depri". Very appropriate I guess.

Now after this incredibly optimistic talk the whole dungeon went 

quiet again. Well nothing I can do about it except taking a power nap. Is this how bats feel like I thought as I took my well - deserved nap.

The next morning, well assuming it`s morning, I woke up with sore limbs, I felt like I had a "hang over" hehe. Bad jokes aside, except for the hanging part I spent pretty soundly. Sleep does wonders as they say.

I felt much more energetic, in contrast to my cell mates for sure, and was ready for evry challenge the little sadist fairy could throw at me.

At that point I didn`t know what hell awaited me a just a bit later I very much 

regretted saying that. Correcting myself that "bit later" turned out to be NOW!

Because thee sadistic fairy suddenly appeared in the middle of the circular dungeon a spoke with a cheery voice: "Nice too see you again my lovely participants, are you ready for the Maze trials?""

"We are no participants in you sick games!" Shifty screamed.

A lightening bolt later and another scream more the dungeon was eerily quiet again. After this shocking display no one interrupted the little fairy and she merrily spoke on as if nothing had happened: "Now that the noise is gone let me come to thee more important matters! I have heavily invested on you people so I expect REPAIMENT!"

What investment I wanted to ask but I kept my mouth shut as I didn`t want to be brain fried.....AGAIN!. One time is already enough.

"I wish you luck, you will need it" she said and I had the feeling that she looked at me a second longer than the others. Well I am probably just imagining things.

Then with an spectacular explosion of colors she disappeared again and with he my consciousness.

What a show off....

A moment later I found myself lying face down on a cold stone floor...FOR THE SECOND TIME!

I hope this doesn`t become a habit though. So I begrudgingly sat up and checked my surroundings. As I was getting used to the sudden light influx after days of darkness I surprisingly found out, that I could move my arms and legs again.

Realizing this I shakily stood up and looked straight into Depris face. What a wonderful sight I thought *Sigh*. I turned around and saw my other lovely cell mates standing up groggily.

As I looked behind them I saw a podium and standing upon it was a person that looked like a human and a cockroach thrown into a mixer and then put together part for part.

Just Great, this day couldn`t get any worse

....or so I thought.