
Jeff's Journey

Jeff is just trying to live a boring and mediocre life, but sadly he was rudly interrupted by his mirror image giving him a backhand slap.

TheGreatPanda · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The Beginning

On a rainy Tuesday morning Jeffery Jones prepared his suit and tie for his upcoming job interview as an accountant. Yes he knew that sellling his soul and working as an corporate slave wasn`t the best of ideas but who else would pay his rents? Suddenly Jeff saw something moving in the corner of his eye.

Beeing serioussly creeped out I did the first and only rational thing that came into my mind: Shrieking like a three - year old. But seriously all thie stress was getting to me. Calm down I thought to myself. Rationally thinking I am the only one in this flat...supposedly. Well screaming would not help me so I toned down my voice and looked around suspisiously for clues of my probably non - existent intruder. And finally after a thorough 2 minuits search I found exactly.....nothing at all!

Dissapointed, actually pretty relieved I just forgot the matter and returned to my mirror to dress up and trying to set my strangeling tie straight. Why do people even wear these? Actually I dont care. Sadly my ingenios thought process was rudly interrupted by another movement. This time directly in front of my face! My reflection was smiling at me, why was I in such a happy mood.

Something wasn`t right. I slowly reached for my face and the realize that I am not even smilling! Shit, is this some kind if prank from the neighbor? Well ist not funny! But suddenly my reflection started waveing at me, I dumbfoundedly stared at it for a good minuit. Well this means I am officaly a therapeutic case. Looking at the bright side I dont have to do some shitty job interview. I sighed!

Turning around to call the next best doctor a hand reached out from the body sized mirror and slapped me sqarely acros the face. And then I froze, overthinking my life of what I did do deserve getting slapped across the face by MY OWN REFLETION!!!

But wait a second this pain feel very real.

Because it is you moron, my reflection screems back, now already half a step out of the mirror and scaring the shit out of me quite literally.

Disgusted my reflection steps carfully back to avoid me. Well I have nothing against it. A littel bit distances is the perfect recipe for a good RUN!!! Bolting out of my room I sprinted into my bathroom, while running into the transparent glass doors, (never knew why they were even invented) and locked myself there.

I exhaled a long sigh of relive and reached for my pocket to call the police....or would it be better to call psyshatric? Halucinating a walking talking copy of myself should be convincing enough to have them coming over in seconds.

I am very much real you dumbass a voice suddenly said from behind. Getting another jump scare (one wasn't enough) I swirled

around and stared at my handsome face coming out of my bathroom mirror.

My nerves were strained too much today first the job interview and now this so my nerves did the only logical thing: Collapsing. A hooray for my brain.

So I gave up any thought of running or escaping and did what I could do best. Shouting!

So I let loose waterfall of curses which apparently stunned my double resulting into a dumbfounding face stating back.

"That was.....surprising to say the least" my double aswered.

"Well it was fun chasing you but now let's get to the serious stuff.."

"You gave me the scare of my life,...FOR FUN?!?"

"Yes but that's unimportant,now thanks for letting me finish my sentence THIS time:

What is yout name?

Mine is.....