
Je T'aime Love Stories

Je T'aime Love Stories Mini Novel and Short Stories Collection by : Madellene Kong Peñaflor copyright 2019 Finished in the Philippines "La Vie En Rose [Series #1]" France is at war against Germany. During that chaotic time, Suza realized that what is more important more than love is family and faith. Time drags her on into unknown road of dreams. Together with her new found hope, she is ready to face life head on. ~ "Solo Quiero Estar Contigo [Series #2]" France is at war against Germany and Heroine needs to fight for his family and for his people. Against the odds and agony of war though, what gives him strength is the the love in his heart and the lessons of faith from his old Grandma. As fighting for his life became the real deal, he finds himself stepping into a New Land with a hope of a new life . ~ "A Hand That Shelters The Heart [Series #3]" A family feud that leads into a tragic ending will completely turns the trajectory of life of Princess Giana Carissa Gaulle Fontabella upsidedown. As one of the Danish Royales, the palace walls turn to become her prison as she is surrounded with the snares of people who aims for the throne. Being an orphan, the regency needs to protect her twin, which is the true heir, while she was left behind on the lion's den and waiting to be devour. This is when Sir Gael enters the picture for her rescue. ~ "A Heart of Gold [Series #4]" Mourning for her twin's death, Queen Guillana Corrianne Gaulle Fontabella, Queen of Denmark, struggles to pick up the broken pieces left by Giana's demise. ~ "Asi Fue [Series #5]" Karmelee Tasarov's life was devastated. Her parents were masacred and she was gang raped and burnt. What's worst more than losing her own face is that she was stripped off her own identity. Living a new life as Isabella Beatrice O'Flaherty Patel, she was being consumed of her own vendetta and revenge. ~ "Nueva Vida [Series #6]" Isabella Patel regrets everything in her own life including losing the one she loves as a collateral damage of her own demons. Moving on to her new life, she crosses paths with Ivanov Leroux Vasiliev Kozlovsky, a missionary who reminds her so much of her first and one true love. ~ "This Silly Girl So Scared [Series #7]" Janine Lee is a delinquent teenager for most people, but deep inside, she was just a little girl who longs for love. Dr. Daniel Harlem together with Harlem Child Support Group is the one who will hear her cry for help. ~ Je T'aime Short Stories Are several stories of different people from different races and generations, interconnected either with an event, acquaintance or bloodlines. ~ Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Any mentioned of actual people (living or dead), place or event is either purely coincidental or are being used fictitiously. Any mention of foul words for a certain group or person in history are only for the purpose of telling the opinion of the characters in the story. All rights reserved.

Madellene_Penaflor · History
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11 Chs


There is always something in life that push us to turn tables and spin around like a whirlwind in the kaleidoscope. There are millions of pitfalls out there in a single battle, and who knows how countless feuds there may be in life. No matter, there is always something about life that reminds me about my mom. She always lectures me that no matter how queer and difficult the circumstance as it may be, life is still a colorful hue. Every time you fall, no matter how dreadful the pain you have, there is always a stick to count on that will help you to stand up even in one knee. If it is really too hard to swallow your pride, just cover your choke with a smile and stay still. The thing is, what makes you better is a life apart from regrets. She tells me to never, ever leave my guts to take risk, so that every time a chance comes my way, my door is always ready to welcome every opportunity. In spite of every hardships, I must bear with the pain, that when I get through it, I can now adjust the sail and succumb those dreadful things in life. With that, either I clash or collide with the surge of the storm – la vie en rose.