

The Prophet Adam entered the castle and was greeted by Eve. To his wife, he told of the course of the meeting, where Sayidina Sis was willing to work for the realization of fruits from the Garden of Heaven. He also told the disappointment of Sayidina Kabil because she was married to an ugly Siti Damimah.

Siti Hawa brought up the story of the past in which between herself and her husband had disagreed understanding about the procedures for the marriage of their children. The Prophet Adam thought, the first son should be married to the second daughter, while the second son was married to the first daughter. The third son is married to the fourth daughter, while the fourth son is married to the third daughter. And so on. On the other hand, Siti Hawa believes that the first son should be married to the first daughter, the second son is married to the second daughter, and so on, on the grounds that they have been married from the womb.

The difference of opinion made the two of them disagree without anyone willing to budge, until finally they decided to ask for guidance from Almighty God. Each of them then takes out the seeds from the body to be placed inside the Cupumanik Astagina heirloom. The seeds of the Prophet Adam were placed on the cupumanik lid, while the seeds of Eve Eve were placed on the cupumanik body. After a few days, by the will of God, the seed belonging to Adam changed into a fetus candidate, while the seeds of Eve Eve did not change. For this reason, Siti Hawa claimed to surrender and submit a decision regarding the procedures for the marriage of sons and daughters to be carried out according to the opinion of the Prophet Adam.

After the Prophet Adam and Eve left, Angel Gabriel came by the command of Almighty God to unite the prospective fetus with the seeds of Eve to become a living baby, which was later given the name Sayidina Sis. Thus, the first to fifth child is always born to a male and female pair, while the sixth son is only a male, namely Sayidina Sis. Not long after that a typhoon appeared that flew Cupumanik Astagina somewhere.

Siti Hawa ends the story. The Prophet Adam tried to calm his wife's feelings, and considered Sayidina Kabil's complaint earlier as a mere household test. So he also invited Siti Eve to further strengthen faith and always surrender to God Almighty, hopefully whatever will happen can bring good to mankind.