
Jasper Snow- The Lost Titan

“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”

AtlasDemigod24 · Book&Literature
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12 Chs

Chapter 3

A pure black horse galloped by at speeds that were thought seemingly impossible. The black blur was seen by no one, the only reason the blur could be seen was the slowly vanishing light from the moon. Only the footprints embedded into the snow showed any trace that a horse was there. Atop the horse, Perseus rode the steed with a neutral expression. His onyx black eyes like hardened steel, his raven black hair flew around in the wind. His two hands clutched tightly to the reins.

Small whirlwinds of snow whirled around after each step from the horse, after kicking the snow up. Up ahead was a small stream, glistening in the fading moonlight. The horse nor the rider did not at all seem fazed, instead the horse just charged straight at the river.

The horse' hooves did not go into the water as they touched the river, instead the horse' hooves connected with the top of the water and just continued to run. As soon as the horse touched the water a burst of energy seemed to go through the horse, and the horse sped up to a supersonic speed. Leaving white dust in the background, the river already gone from sight at the speed of the horse.

Suddenly, a scream of pure terror erupted around the son of Atlas. His hands immediately tugged backwards on the reins. The horse immediately stopped and Perseus jumped off the horse, immediately the horse vanished into sea green mist, as if the horse was made from water.

Snow crunched under his feet as he landed, his knees slightly bending forward. He straightened himself, and listened quietly. Another scream erupted not to far from him. Less than a second later, Perseus took off at full speed towards the sounds of the screams.

Ducking and weaving through each and every tree and branch he finally came to a small beautiful clearing, but despite the beautiful clearing, the sight in the middle horrified him and he was so repulsed, but quickly that emotion drained from his body, replaced with a raw amount of fury and anger, his onyx black eyes burned into fire.

A young man, probably in his late twenties had no shirt on, showing off his muscles and the scars that covered his back. As well as showing he was not affected by the cold at all. The only traits other than his tan scarred skin was the bright blonde hair that covered his head. The man had a young beautiful woman pinned under him. A hand placed roughly over the woman's mouth, and another had pinned her arms to the side. The man was slowly removing the clothes of the woman.

Perseus started to shake in rage, he rushed forward, moving so fast the wind snapped and crackled. He slammed his pitch black steel toed boot straight into the vile man's chest. With a loud snap, the man rolled landed on the snow a few feet away from the woman he was just about to defile.

The man groaned in pain and stood shakily. He stood up, his hands clenched to the right side of his rib cage. Feeling several of his rib bones jutting out in odd angles, one of them pushing against his skin. He turned around and looked at his attacker. His electric blue eyes flashed with lighting as raw fury danced in his eyes. As soon as they landed on his attacker, he felt as if the man looked oddly familiar.

He also could not deny the fact that the man made him nervous and scared him slightly with his attire and appearance. Despite his fear, he could not let the man know or allow the man to do this to him. He puffed out his chest, ignoring the explosion of pain in his chest. He glared angrily at Perseus.

"Who do you think you are?" He snapped, his body starting to shoot off sparks. "You dare to attack a son of Zeus, and even more a god?" He roared loudly. His voice echoing in the clearing. The man growled angrily, as if he recognized him and knew him. His dark black eyes became even darker if possible.

"Hercules." The man growled in a normal octave. Causing the god to flinch.

Perseus was enraged. Not only had the so called greatest hero ever just tried to rape an innocent woman, this was the man who had caused harm to his little sister and caused her a lot of pain in which she did not deserve. He used his little sister and then threw her aside like a broken tool.

His vision tinted red as he charged forward, the god seemed shocked at the speed he possessed and before Hercules could react a fist was driven into his face. Followed by a satisfying snap of hos nose, golden blood spewed from his nose as he fell to the ground.

The god roared and suddenly the air pressure dropped and a monstrous white lightning bolt fell from the sky towards Hercules, just before the bolt hit the god he flicked his wrist. Sending the lighting bolt at Perseus, who just barely had any time to react as he raised his hands. Water appeared in front of him and thickened into a shield of ice. With an explosion of light, the ice exploded outwards. Immediately the shards dissolved into steam in case any could come to harm the female who still laid upon the ground.

Perseus skidded backwards a foot and looked at the son of Zeus murderously. The god had already gotten to his feet, and had a three foot bronze blade clenched tightly in his hands, so tight his knuckles turned white. Perseus seemed to get even angrier at the sight of the celestial bronze blade.

Perseus rushed forward his two hands grabbing the scythes and pulling them free from their sheathes. Holding the scythes backwards and upwards so the point of the scythe was pointed upwards but was behind him. The curved blades seemed to follow the outline of his back, only a few inches away from his unprotected back.

Perseus slashed both his blades upwards, trying to cleave the god into three. Hercules used the bronze blade and tried in vain to block the strike from the massive weapons. Horrible mistake, the blade was sent flying out of his hands. Hercules jumped back after the easy disarming of his sword, narrowly avoiding the sharp blades that almost killed him.

His eyes went to his sword that was across the clearing, Perseus saw this as he just shrugged and waggled his hands at him. "I do not need the blade for the likes of you. I will use these." He said smirking.

The furious look in Perseus' eyes had yet to fade as his lips contorted into a scowl, he threw his scythes like throwing knives with incredible speeds. Hercules eyes widened as he ducked underneath the twin blades. Hercules grinned smugly, believing this had just allowed for him to gain a easy victory because the man threw his weapons away, and being the god of strength, he would clearly overpower the man.

Perseus finally let loose a smile through his face of fury. Hercules at seeing his face immediately grew wary and he turned around. just to see the scythes coming at him. His blue eyes widened in shock and he rolled sideways. But not fast enough as the cool metal slashed through part of his arm.

Hercules squealed in pain, fresh golden ichor pouring from his arm wounds, flowing down his arm into his hand. He looked at Perseus murderously. "You are going to pay for that, fool." He roared and charged forward. Only to notice the two blades were back into Perseus' hands. But both vanished from his hands as he got a step closer.

Hercules threw a powerful and fast fist at the face of Perseus, who quickly ducked and tried to sweep the god of strength of his feet. Instead he quickly jumped in the air, over his leg. Landing on the ground, Hercules swung his fist in a deadly uppercut.

Perseus caught the fist with his left hand, not even moving an inch despite the immense amount of strength Hercules had put behind the punch. Hercules froze with shock, as Perseus used this time to slam his right fist into Hercules jaw.

The god was lifted off his feet and thrown back ten feet from the force of the punch. Perseus looked as Hercules struggled to stand up, his skin was split from the power of the punch. His nose and arm still bled golden ichor profusely.

Perseus slowly advanced towards Hercules, still shaking in anger, he got until he was a foot away from the fallen god. Who's electric blue eyes stared at him in shock, an immense amount of pain in his eyes that were clearly seen by Perseus from his attacks.

The golden haired god opened his mouth to speak, only to receive a boot to the mouth. Hercules squealed like a girl from pain. Golden ichor now dribbled from his mouth.

Perseus grinned in satisfaction at the sight of his wounds, a broken jaw, missing teeth, cut up arm and a broken nose. "You deserve much worse vile filth." He snarled venomously at Hercules, who tried and failed to not flinch.

"Fuck you." Hercules growled. "I have done nothing to you. And I know you have no relations to the girl. So why do you hate me?" He asked curiously.

Perseus' onyx black eyes gained a wicked glint, sending shivers down the gods spine. "Your right, but I would never allow such a terrible fate to happen to such a lady. But on a different note, this was also for my sister, you bastard." He roared before smashing his fist into Hercules face over and over again. Continuing to do so until he felt a slight pain in his hand.

Perseus looked down at the unrecognizable Hercules, who's face was now purple, with a squashed nose and golden ichor covering everywhere. Perseus stood up, and Hercules gave a small whimper of relief.

"I am not done yet fool." He snapped angrily. He vanished for a second and Hercules tried to move but to no avail. In a matter of a few seconds Perseus was standing over him, the bronze blade Anaklusmos in his hands, the obsidian eyes eyed the blade for a moment before looking at Hercules with amusement. A evil light shining in his dark eyes.

"Funny thing really, this blade is the reason you are still alive." He chuckled. "And now it will be the reason you go to Tartarus." He said in a stoic tone of voice. Hercules blue eyes widened as much as they could and his mouth opened slightly.

But before anything else could happen, Perseus thrusted the celestial bronze blade downwards, right into the heart of Hercules. Who gave one last whimper of pain before he dissolved into golden dust.

Perseus grinned before he did a one eighty, turning completely around towards the woman upon the ground. As he started towards her, the bronze blade his sister made shrunk down into a cheap ballpoint pen. He raised an eyebrow, last time he had seen the blade was with his sister and it always turned into a hair clip. Why was it different now?

Perseus pushed down his questions, curiosity and thoughts as he rushed towards the female. As his dark obsidian eyes scanned the girl. He immediately noticed how beautiful the woman was. Any lesser man would be left jaw dropped at the sight of her. But Perseus did nothing.

She had high, perfect cheekbones, with smooth and flawless creamy white skin along with shining luminescent blonde hair. So bright blonde, her hair almost seemed to be silver. Her eyes which were in a daze and slightly glowing, revealed bright blue eyes that were beginning to fade. She had beautiful rosy red lips and Perseus was relived that she still had all her clothes on and they were only slightly ruffled. so he had not violated her as much as he had originally thought.

Suddenly Perseus' eyes widened with worry and he rushed forward and saw her skin was starting to turn blue, as well as her body was starting to shiver. Quickly he placed his hands on each of her cheeks and they started to glow with a soft sea green light as water started to flow through his hands and heal the woman of the hypothermia.

The blue color vanished without a trace as Perseus finished healing the woman fully after a minute. Perseus, who's forehead was dripping in sweat despite the cold smiled.

The female woman stood up from her daze, dusting the snow off of her before her blue eyes landed on Perseus and she trembled backwards in fear. "Stay away from me you pig." She screamed at him, tears falling down her face. Perseus despite being yelled at, could not just help to think her voice was angelic. Even when she was screaming.

Perseus raised his hands in surrender and slowly took a step towards her. "It is alright. The man who tried to violate you is gone now. I promise you I mean you know harm." He said his hands still in a surrendering gesture.

The woman took a step towards him, and stopped shaking. The tears stopped flowing from her eyes for a second as she looked at Perseus with hope. "Did you save me?" She asked in a softer tone of voice. Perseus nodded his head and flashed her a smile. Which caused the blonde haired woman to blush slightly at his pearly white teeth which just made him more handsome.

The woman took a few more steps towards Perseus and hugged him tightly, as she started to sob into his shoulder. Perseus just whispered soothing words into her ear and rubbed her back slightly.

Sending pleasurable arcs of electricity up her spine. But Perseus did not seem to notice. After a few minutes of being in a close embrace she pulled away and looked around.

Her blue eyes widened and she looked scared. "Where am I? How did I get here? There is not even a forest anywhere near my house" She asked Perseus.

Perseus raised an eyebrow. "I have no idea where we are, nor do I have any clue as to how you got here. I only came her because I heard your screams and needed to see what was the matter." She nodded, but did not seem pleased by her answer.

"However," She looked back at him. Interested now. "I could get you to the nearest city and find your house. If you wish?" She nodded but her eyes seemed to be full of doubt.

"How could you get us there? We are in the middle of a forest." She asked confused. Perseus smiled, and whistled loudly, his horse cantered up to him and bucked it's head.

"My horse is very fast. We could get to the closest town soon. Would you take I ride?" He asked who was starring at the horse in awe, her blue eyes shining.

"It's beautiful." She murmured. The horse stamped his foot. Causing the woman to raise an eyebrow.

"He does not like to be called an it. His name is shade by the color of his eyes. So, will you join me for a ride?' He asked again, and the woman immediately nodded. She shivered in the cold as she took a few step closer to the magnificent black horse. Perseus took off his black jacket with the hood and held it out for her, she turned to him and blushed at the sight of his muscles and perfect copper skin.

"Won't you be cold?" She asked with concern in her voice, as she gestured to the falling snow. Perseus flashed her a smile.

"Do not worry, I have lived in these conditions my whole life. It will not affect me as much as you." He said softly. She nodded gratefully and took the jacket before throwing it on. Almost immediately pleased by the warmth of the jacket.

Perseus mounted the horse and held out his hand to the beautiful female below him. She smiled up at him, parting her glistening red lips and showing her flawless white teeth.

She grabbed his hand and he pulled her up effortlessly. She got behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. Which caused her face to turn red. Perseus grabbed the reins and looked at the blonde beauty behind him. "Before we go, would you mind telling me of your name?" He asked.

She smiled again. "My name is Shannon, Shannon Saris." She told him. Perseus smiled.

"A beautiful name, for a beautiful woman." He said, making her blush a deep, dark red. Thanking that he could not see her face. "My mane is Perseus, but you can call me Percy." He offered. She smiled again as Perseus flicked the reins sending the two of them off at shocking speeds.

It had been barely fifteen minutes since they had started riding, Shannon still hanging on to his waist and ducking behind his powerful back to keep the wind out of her face.

Shannon's eyes widened in shock, she was nowhere near her city. She recognized the city and had no clue as to how she got anywhere near here. Perseus horse slowed down to a slow trot and continued forward towards small hotel.

The sun had just started to rise and very few people were out, but all of them were looking at Perseus and Shannon weirdly. Perseus dismounted and helped Shannon dismount in front of the hotel.

"I cannot go further. I have important business to attend to with my family and must make quick haste to get there on time." He said and watched as Shannon's face flickered with disappointment. Perseus reached into his pocket and pulled out several rolls of hundred dollar bills. "Here, just in case you place is far from here. Use the money to get back home." He said. She opened her mouth to argue. But Perseus forced the money into her hands. "No. I do not need it. You do." She finally nodded and accepted, knowing the fact she would not win.

She crushed him into a hug. "Thank you, Thank you, thank you." She squealed. Before releasing him and looking him deep in his dark eyes. "Without you, I would be having a fate I would not want to live with. Thank you." She whispered again quietly. Before she reached up on her tiptoes and gave him a quick peck on the lips before swiftly turning around and running towards the hotel, her blond hair bouncing as she ran.

Perseus stared at her retreating form in shock. Before grinning stupidly as he touched his lips, which were now numb. Before he turned around and mounted his steed and took off towards his destination.

By the time he reached his destination on the side of a mountain, it was almost dark. He dismounted his horse and just as day started to turn to night he walked through the clear white fog that had surrounded the entrance.

Perseus' breath hitched as he saw the scene before him. The garden that he had not laid eyes upon for millenia after what had happened to him. His dragon Ladon, who he had been unable to play with because of the banishment.

Perseus after a few long wistfully glances at the garden he crouched in a sneak position and started his stealth to towards the other side of the garden of the Hesperides. He was about ten feet from the entrance when four female figures materialized right in front of him. And he cursed himself. He had been hoping to avoid this exact situation.

All four of the females looked exactly like him and Zoë, same raven black hair. The exact same volcanic rock eyes and the exact same skin tone that almost seemed to be copper. The only differences between them were the ages. He spoke to them in a even tone.

"Hello once again, sisters."