
Jasper Snow- The Lost Titan

“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”

AtlasDemigod24 · Book&Literature
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12 Chs

Chapter 10

A tear slipped from his onyx eye, one lone tear. Before his sister could see however, he quickly wiped it away. Now was not the time for pesky emotions to drive him away, he needed to keep it under control. He had to stay calm for the sake of his quest and his mission, his last one. For far too long he had lived, working from the shadows and lurking in the darkness. Being the driving force behind many mysterious instances where he had to take matters into his own hands.

Those days were long gone and he put them behind. His last day would not be spent on the past, but on the present. Where he was currently driving along with a huntress who also happened to be his sister, a daughter of Zeus who seemed like she despised and wanted him dead. The son of Poseidon clearly sided with the spawn of the King of the gods and the Satyr wanted him to tag along, for his sheer power. If any of the group members could sense his aura, the half goat would be the one to do it.

So when the truck spluttered and came to a halt he groaned in frustration, gritting his teeth as he jumped out of the bed of the car just as the daughter of Zeus slammed the drivers side door shut with anger, sparks running across her arms.

"Out of gas." She snarled angrily to the skies, before angrily turning and kicking the front left tire. Seconds later the tire exploded causing her to growl angrily.

"Control your temper, daughter of Zeus." Perseus calmly stated, his face expressionless. Thalia whirled around on him as thunder crackled in the sky, her electric blue eyes flashed in lightning as she pointed a finger at him. A bolt of lightning arced from her fingertip and shot towards him, only to be absorbed in a shadow that appeared in front of him.

"Enough." He growled. "The car does not matter no more." He pointed down towards the carving of the river the led steep downhill. "We must cross the river and resume our journey on the other side." He put a hand thoughtfully on his chin. "Or maybe not." He concentrated deeply, calling the shadows towards him. The murky darkness concerned the quest members. How did this man have control over the darkness and shadows?

The eerie black surrounded the five and each of them looked at Perseus with confusion and trepidation His eyes were closed and he appeared to be concentrating deeply, the shadows continued to swirl around them. Suffocating and condensing.

"What the Hades are you doing?" Thalia screamed as she crackled with electricity trying to blast the darkness away and keep it from wrapping around her.

Instead of answering, the son of Atlas just raised his right hand instead. Effectively silencing the daughter of Zeus as the palm of his hand glowed a dark orange. The coils wrapped around each of them and all four of the original members screamed as they were absorbed by the darkness.

All of them cold, an inescapable cold. They could see nothing, shivers ran down their backs and they were scared at what was transpiring. Were they dying? What was happening?

When the darkness vanished and was replaced with the scene of a mountain and the setting sun each fell to their knees coughing harshly and gagging. Perseus himself looked weary but otherwise unaffected by the travelling. Minutes later each of the quest members rose and gave Perseus a death glare. Thalia snarled at him as Clark narrowed his eyes.

"What the Tartarus?" It was Zoe who screamed this.

Perseus turned to her and merely raised an eyebrow at her. "What the Hades was that?" Thalia snapped angrily. Her eyes flashing darkly.

In response, he smirked. "Shadow travelling, it's quicker than anything. We are here, Mount Orthrys." He glared hatefully at the place he once called home, the rising base of the Titans. His father was going to pay for what he had done to him.

"You must concentrate as you pass through," He pointed at the entrance to the garden of the Hesperides. "The mist is really strong here."

"Real or magical?" The son of Poseidon asked. Perseus rolled his eyes and did not respond. It was his sister who responded.


Perseus pulled a midnight black blade from nowhere and walked through the mist, the other quest members following him closely but he seemingly disappeared.

"Perseus!" Thalia exclaimed in anger. Her eyes bright as they looked for them as the four passed completely and successfully through the mist.

"Silence you fool." His voice hissed in a whisper from behind them. "You do not want to wake Ladon. He is a beast that all of us combined could not defeat, I do not know if I could sway him from killing any of you. He is really protective of the tree." Zoe nodded in affirmation.

"How are we going to get past then?" Clark asked in confusion.

"I will distract him, you make your way around the garden and up to Mount Orthrys." Zoe told them determined.

Perseus' eyebrows furrowed. "Absolutely not, I will. He still listens to me."

"No brother. Go, they need you to lead them."

Before either could approach the dragon four beautiful woman appeared before the two. "Turn back questers, or you shall die." Their eyes turned to Perseus' with slight shock, either upset or nervous that he was here. Seemingly the eldest narrowed her eyes at Perseus. "You know father will kill all of you, turn back."

"No." The determined voice of Clark spoke, earning surprised eyebrow raises from all the siblings of the Hesperides.

"Go, or we shall wake Ladon." She warned.

Instead of being deterred by her words. Zoe smirked. "Ladon." She yelled, the dragon stirring and all one hundred heads of the dragon staring at the questers and the Hesperides. They seemed frightened and Zoe grinned at them smugly. "You never had any courage sisters."

She said as the four disappeared into nothingness. Perseus glared at her harshly as Zoe approached the dragon. "Go." She called to the other questers.

They approached the entrance to Mount Orthrys while they also stared at Zoe, making sure the hundred headed dragon was not attacking her. Suddenly the demeanor of the dragon changed and Ladon lunged at the former Hesperide.

Thalia, Clark and Grover looked on at Perseus in awe, for the only reason the huntress survived was the speed and survival instincts of Perseus. He reached her before the attack of the dragon, an incredible feat considering the distance and he knocked Zoe out of the way and rolled away from the biting jaws of one of the heads of Ladon. He stood in front of Zoe trying to deter the dragon from attacking considering Ladon still listened to him, but it seemed like he only had eyes for his sister and lunged.

Perseus jumped back and shoved Zoe out of the way and twisted, dodging another bite. His sister could not seem to rise and get out of the way quick enough before another assault, he jumped closer to her and knocked her out of the way. But Ladon attacked quicker than expected, but Perseus again still tried to dodge.

But Ladon sank his teeth into Perseus' side.

The pain was intense as the dragon ripped a chunk of him out, he could feel poison spread through his veins.

"Perseus." Clark called and went to approach.

"No go." He called, before turning around and easily picking up his sister and sprinted out of the way of Ladon, ducking and dodging Ladon' strikes. He could feel his blood dripping to the ground, the poison burning through his veins.

He dropped Zoe to her feet, ignoring her pointed feet as all of them stared at the black bricks that were forming the Titans palace.

Perseus grimaced and held his hand to his side, feeling his warm blood made him cringe. If his father did not kill him, then the poison of Ladon would be the end of him.

"What is this?"

"The palace of Mount Orthrys." Zoe responded, but she seemed somewhat lost. Staring at Perseus in surprise, her eyes looking at him holding his side. She would have said something but a harsh glared pointed in her direction shut him up. "This is bad, this was ot here before." She stated worriedly, seeing the confused looks of Thalia and Clark she continued.

"In the first Titan war, the palace of Mount Orthrys was blasted to pieces by Zeus' master bolt, now it is reforming as we speak. She pointed at the black marble as they continued forward. "This is bad because..." She paused briefly as tears began to form in her eyes as she saw her mistress chained and trapped underneath the weight of the sky. "This is where, where Atlas used to hold the sky." She swallowed a lump in her throat as Artemis' dull silver eyes laid upon her.

"No, Zoe run." The goddess screamed frantically, Zoe however ignored her pleas and with tears in her eyes sprinted towards the goddess of the hunt and yanked on her chains as Artemis closed her eyes in a weary pain.

A booming laugh sounded. "Ah, such a sight to see." A man around seven feet tall boomed, the eyes of all the questers laying upon him and they were frightened by what they saw, he looked nearly identical to both Perseus and Zoe, his facial expressions, stern coldness, his copper skin and especially his onyx black eyes.

"Ah, the huntress comes for her goddess." He chuckled. "How pathetic." He laughed manically. "Perhaps you would like to take the burden of the sky from her?" Atlas mocked.

Zoe opened her mouth to speak but Artemis cut across screaming. "No Zoe, I forbid you." Her mouth immediately snapping shut.

Atlas' eyes swept across all of the questers until they landed upon Perseus and they widened comically, whether in surprise, hatred or anger they stared at his son. Their matching onyx eyes glaring at one another before the Titan finally spoke.

"Perseus..." His voice was a rough monotone, but cracked slightly as if he was saddened by his appearance or scared of him being here.

"Father." The eyes of both Thalia and Clark widened, now they realized why the three looked so similar. Atlas was there father, but the last words in the prophecy never clicked. They never realized that most likely it would be one of these two to perish and a bite from the most fearsome monster in all of Greek mythology was already sapping his strength and eating away at him.

The steel in the eyes of Perseus' was harsh and the venom in his voice made everyone but himself and Atlas flinch. He tried and failed to snap his attention away from his son but failed, instead he continued to stare at his son while he spoke. "These are the greatest heroes of the age, how pathetic." Sparks flew from Thalia's hands and Clark growled angrily.

"Fight us and you'll see." Clark said confidently, but Atlas merely chuckled at his words.

"This is a family matter," He spoke roughly. "I'll let Luke crush you instead."

Clark's blood boiled at his words. "Another coward I see."

Atlas raised an eyebrow in response to his words. "You have fire, bravery. I'll give you that." He smirked. "But you will not survive this fight."

Thalia growled and drew her sword, Aegis spiraling into view as she stared down her former friend Luke son of Hermes. Who looked sick, tired, the scar on his face red as if it had been freshly opened. "Enough Thalia, join me and we can defeat the gods. Remember when we cursed the gods, cursed our fathers for the life they gave us and let us live. They don't deserve to rule the world, join me. Please Thalia, this is my last chance." The daughter of Zeus opened his mouth to speak but Perseus cut her off.

"The choice of who rules over the world is not yours to make son of Hermes." Grinning in delight as a scowl fell over his face. "I knew your plans regarding the Ophiotaurus, you mean to play on her fatal flaw of power. But what little you Titans and rebels actually know. I slew the Ophiotaurus days ago, destroying the entrails. You plans failed." He laughed as Luke's face turned a sickly shade of white.

Before Luke could respond, Perseus pulled a blade that was pure black from nowhere and charged towards Atlas. The daughter of Zeus charged the traitor son of Hermes and the son of Poseidon and his sister followed him. A javelin and bronze armor appeared on his father before he could reach him. But he paused, weary of his father who was looking at him with hesitation and trepidation. He charged as his sister warned the son of Poseidon of attacking their father.

Perseus attacked with vigor his blade glinting and glowing darkly in the palace of the Titans. His speed and agility with a blade unmatched, he had easily defeated the Titan Perses. he had beaten far more enemies before him. But Atlas, his father was on a whole new level of fighting. Once, just once he had challenged his father to a spar. He had been defeated easily, thrown around like a rag doll and he nearly died at his assault. Perhaps he was better now, but he doubted he could go toe to toe with his father especially with his injury.

He blocked a strike of force from Atlas' javelin. The strength he got from his father helping him tremendously. He dodged the wild swing from his fathers fist and avoided another punch that made him jump back and break the dead lock of weapons. Faster than thought he swept his javelin out like a bat, Perseus dodged quickly and rolled out of the way but the son of Poseidon who was approaching his unarmed side for a sneak attack was caught in the ribs by the strike sending him flying and landing next to Artemis who bore the weight of the sky.

Perseus in response growled fiercely and jumped towards his father, twisting to the side and dodging the stab of the point of his fathers weapon. He slashed at his fathers chest, but somehow he brought his javelin upwards and deflected the strike, leaving his guard open and he slammed the but of his javelin into his sons gut causing his to double over slightly as Atlas slammed his fist into his face knocking him to the ground.

Atlas roared as an arrow sank into his arm but was otherwise unaffected as he stalked towards Perseus who rose shakily. It seemed like his father was hardly trying as he swatted away half a dozen silver arrows from landing their targets.

Instead of waiting for his father to meet him he lunged forward, dodging the strike of his father and slashing his blade across his fathers bicep causing him to roar in pain as golden ichor seeped from the wound. Atlas roared in rage and backhanded him knocking him into the air and he crashed at his sisters feet.

"Cover me." She spoke softly to him. "I'm going to face him."

"No." He half groaned, half yelled. But Zoe had already grabbed her silver hunting knives and charged their father.

Perseus weakly rose to his feet, his body screaming in pain. He could feel the poison nearly pumping into his heart, his final moments were coming and he would not let his little sister die in his final seconds of life. He hissed as he grabbed his blade, a look of defiance shining in his onyx eyes as blood seeped from his body.

His sister was nimbly avoiding the attacks of their father but not landing any of their own. His eyes turned towards the son of Poseidon who finally rose and was talking to the goddess of the hunt. But there was no time, Atlas would kill Zoe before he could take the weight if the sky.

Atlas swept Zoe's legs out from under her and raised his javelin, a horrific grin on his face. But just as he stabbed downwards he was lifted off his feet by what felt like something eerily similar to the weight of the sky on his back.

The Titan groaned and rose from the ground, his muscles aching from the blow, he turned and came face to face with his seething son. Who seemed to be paler and his aura was getting weaker by the second. He barely had enough time to block a strike that would have cut him in half, his javelin groaning under the strength of the strike.

The speed at which his son fought was incredible, but he was tiring and slowing.

Atlas barely blocked a strike from his sons blade and brought his knee up into Perseus' gut. He groaned but didn't double over, but Atlas was quick. He swept his javelin downwards, but he anticipated the strike and jumped the weapon before launching himself at his father. His blade coming within inches of Atlas' chest but with his free hand Atlas grabbed him by the throat and squeezed tightly, lifting him effortlessly into the sky. Onyx eyes met onyx eyes as his son struggled and gagged to breath.

The Titan grinned as Artemis finally left the burden of the sky and his daughter cried out for Perseus, he raised him higher into the air before driving his javelin right into Perseus' abdomen and watching his eyes go wide from shock, blood dribbled from his mouth as he pulled the javelin slowly from his body.

A scream of pure pain sounded from Zoe as the silver eyes of Artemis were too stunned to do anything in that brief moment as Atlas smirked evilly at his son.

"You're going to burn in Tartarus." He whispered before tossing his son aside.

Zoe cried out as Perseus hit the ground, sprinting over to him and trying to put pressure on the wound but there was too much blood seeping from the hole in his torso. He was going to die and there was absolutely nothing she could do about it as she let the tears fall from her eyes.

Perseus on the other hand, as darkness started to envelop him, a small smile fluttered across his face as he saw Zoe leaning over him safe and unharmed. What he thought were raindrops fell on his face but he realized they were tears from Zoe.

He saw nothing but his sister, everything else was black and dark. He grabbed his sisters hand and gave her a bloody smile. Giving her hand a soft squeeze as the light faded from his eyes and darkness consumed all of his senses.

All that was heard was a mind shattering scream of pain that could be heard on the other side of the world.