1 Kuchisake-onna (口裂け女)

The infamous Kuchisake-onna, A.K.A. The Slit Mouthed Woman, is a Yokai from Japanese mythology who takes the form of a woman in a surgical mask and asks people if whether or not she is pretty.


Kuchisake-onna was once a beautiful, young maiden who always roamed the village asking "Am I pretty?" to the people living there. To which they would always reply with an avid "yes". This would make her overly confident in herself and since she was so full of herself, she thought she could get away with an affair with another person which was a noble soldier. Not long after, her husband, who was a very intelligent samurai, knew her secret. One day, he saw both of them and walked up to them. He said to the soldier, "Why my wife?" "Why not someone else?". The soldier then replied, "Because she is a very beautiful person." "I could not pass up this opportunity." Furious, the samurai shoved the soldier away. He then went up to Kuchisake-onna, grabbed her neck, and slit her mouth ear to ear with his sword. "Who will think you're pretty now?" the samurai said, as he walked away, leaving

Kuchisake-onna to bleed to death.


She returned to Earth as an evil spirit, and takes the form of a woman in a surgical mask, roaming dark alleyways. If you approach her, she will ask, "Am I pretty?" If you answer no, she will stab you with her razor-sharp scissors. If you agree and say yes, she'll pull off her mask, revealing her hideous, toothy grin. She will then ask, "How about now?" If you answer no, she'll cut you in half. However, if you say yes, she will slit your mouth so it resembles hers.

Evasion Method:

Some sources say that she can be confused by being ambiguous or answering ambiguously. Examples are "So-so", or "You're an average person". Another way to avoid her is to answer back with the same question-"Do you think I'm pretty?"-This will give you enough time to flee while she is still lost in her thoughts. In some variations, you can throw coins or candies at her which she will then pick up, giving you time to run away.

Even if you escape, you might find her at your doorstep later and get killed. You can catch her off-guard by making her focus on another potential victim.
