
January Morning

Juan_Lopez_7771 · Urban
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4 Chs


Chaos! Confusion! Pandemonium!

Those three words could briefly sum up the state of affairs in Martin Avenue, and maybe the entire Financial District, perhaps even the entire city. People flocked out of the skyscraper, going in completely different directions, screaming, trying to get away from the buildings, some of them smouldering wrecks. In the distance, several emergency sirens could be heard in unison, their ugly symphony only increasing the distress of the formerly calm citizens.

The tide of people hit James, dozens and dozens at once, like a tsunami hitting a remote coastal village, causing him to lose his balance, and knocking him to the ground. All he could do now was squirm around on the cold road to avoid getting crushed by the never-ending flow of people. When he looked to the side, he was pretty sure he saw a light in the storm drain, and some shadows quickly drifting through it. He wasn't sure. He tried crawling towards it, but the hundreds of people running forced him back, still desperately trying to get out of the Financial District. James was doing his best not to get trampled on by the crowds, and out of desperation and pure instinct, he got into the foetal position, hugging his bag as it was the only stable thing right now. It seemed to be working, until someone accidentally kicked him in the head. He felt a soaring pain as if his head was splitting in half. James opened his mouth to scream in pain, but the scream got caught in his throat, as the world slowly shrank into a pinpoint.

Then it disappeared.


The explosion had caught Hazel off guard. She stood for a moment, frozen in the spot, trying to take it all in.

But she didn't have too much time to think about it, for hundreds of people suddenly started pouring out of the skyscrapers and running in all directions. She heard another noise, this time more like a high-pitched whine, and she realized she was listening to the sirens coming from ambulances and fire engines. Their loud, menacing noise put everyone even more on edge. When she looked up, the sky was rapidly darkening. From a bright pale blue, stormy clouds soaked it dark grey. The sun stopped shining as brightly, the birds stopped singing, and all that could be heard were the sirens, the explosions and the screams of the people, trying to get away from it all. Hazel put herself flat against the wall of a nearby building to avoid being pushed over by the crowds. She could feel her pulse quickening, and her breath too. Was she hyperventilating? Yes.

The whine from the ambulance, however, was overshadowed by yet another noise, this time it was coming from her ears. The noise grew louder and louder until it completely overtook the cacophony around her. Hazel was in total disbelief at what was happening. Up till a few minutes ago, life was going on as it always had. Now it wasn't even a shadow of itself.

Time slowed down.

And Hazel lost it. Panic took over her. She wasn't in control anymore.

She broke away from the building and ran blindly along with the crowd.


When James woke up, his head felt as if it had been used to play football.

He found himself on the ground, on his side, his messenger bag still wrapped around his arms. He turned so he was on his back, staring directly at the sky, which was darker than usual. It was still cold though, and he was glad he'd worn his scarf this morning, for the cold seemed to reach all the way into his bones. His messenger bag was still wrapped around his arms.

James slowly got up, but his legs felt like they were made of jelly. That and the fact he was still incredibly dizzy made him have to sit back down abruptly.

He groaned. Clearly this wasn't going to be an easy task.

He took a few moments to try and get his head to stop spinning and tried again, this time more slowly. It worked, though his head still hurt. He coughed repeatedly, as he had inhaled dust and dirt whilst he was out. He looked around him.

He faced an alien landscape.

Martin Avenue was as empty as a skull. He was the only soul present, his only companions being the cars, which littered the street here and there, in odd places, some had crashed into the streetlights as if people had simply jumped out of them. James found it hard to believe this once was one of the busiest streets in the city. Now there were several gaps where buildings had once stood, like teeth missing from a smile. There was rubble and glass everywhere. Fine white dust coated all remaining structures. When James looked to his left, he saw his reflection in one of the buildings. And it did not look at all like the James that had left his apartment earlier that morning.

For starters, his coat was tattered to shreds, with a stain that looked suspiciously like blood splattered down his right sleeve, though he wasn't injured on his right side. With a feeling of dread, he realized it was someone else's blood. His face was unrecognisable. The same familiar green eyes stared back at him, but the left one had a deep purple ring around it. His brown hair was sticking out in all directions, with debris clinging to it. When he shook his head to remove it, it only made his headache worse. He felt his eyelids becoming slightly heavier, but he fought the urge to sleep as hard as he could. Now more than ever, he wished he was back home, hanging out with Ed...


His heart skipped a beat. Was his brother okay? He was barely 13, of course he wasn't. Ed was his responsibility, had been for a few months now. If something were to happen to him... No. It wouldn't, but all the same, James had to make sure that he was okay. And the way to make sure was to get to him as soon as possible. No matter what.

James had a duty to keep him safe, and he would do so, for as long as he was alive.