
Unexpected Meetings (Part 1)

The early morning sun spilled gentle rays through the windows, casting a soft glow over the dining table where Algus and his mother, Lyra, sat, savoring their breakfast together.

Mid-bite, Algus couldn't help but let his curiosity get the better of him. He turned to Lyra, his mother; her features were a reassuring source of comfort.

"Hey, Mother," he began, a hint of intrigue in his voice. "Last night, you mentioned that Aunt Edriva was coming to our home today, right?"

He paused, his gaze fixed on her, his mind racing with thoughts about why Aunt Edriva, the esteemed headmistress of the prestigious Aeos Academy, would be making an unexpected visit.

After all, she should have been preoccupied with the aftermath of the "Phantom Incident."

As Algus posed the question, he couldn't help but wonder what circumstances had led to this peculiar turn of events.

The "Phantom Incident" had sent ripples of chaos through the academy and left Aunt Edriva with a mountain of responsibilities.

It was difficult to fathom why she would carve out time from her undoubtedly busy schedule to visit them.

The house seemed to hold its breath, waiting for Lyra's response, as the tantalizing mystery of Edriva's visit hung in the air, inviting intrigue and curiosity to take root in Algus's mind.

Lyra, her eyes reflecting a sense of mild puzzlement, replied to her son's inquiry with a thoughtful expression.

She paused for a moment, savoring her breakfast, before responding, "I myself don't know; she was very vague about it."

Her fork found its way to her mouth, and she took another bite of food. "But it could be important," she added, her voice tinged with a touch of uncertainty.

Algus nodded, his own thoughts mirroring his mother's uncertainty. "It could be," he agreed, his mind still racing with possibilities.

The two exchanged glances, a silent understanding passing between them. It had been a while since Edriva had graced their home with her presence, and her unexpected visit had stirred a sense of anticipation within them both.

Lyra leaned in slightly, her eyes sparkling with an idea. "Since she is coming after such a long time, we should prepare something special, don't you think?"

She suggested it, her tone filled with enthusiasm.

Algus couldn't help but smile at the suggestion. "We should," he affirmed, sharing his mother's enthusiasm for the idea.

The question then hung in the air, a tantalizing puzzle in itself. "But what should we prepare?"

Lyra wondered aloud, her brows furrowing slightly in thought.

Algus contemplated for a moment before a spark of inspiration struck. "I also don't have an idea," he admitted, "but I could ask a friend for suggestions."

Lyra nodded in agreement, her face brightening at the prospect.

"That would be a good idea," she concurred, her curiosity piqued as they embarked on the quest to make Edriva's visit truly special with the help of outside perspectives and creative ideas.


Once their breakfast had concluded, Algus made up his mind to visit his friend Elvis for some much-needed suggestions. With determination in his stride, he bid his mother farewell and left the comforting confines of their home, ready to embark on his quest for creative ideas.

As he stepped outside, he felt the warmth of the morning sun on his skin, a stark contrast to the mysteries that lay ahead. He walked briskly, following the familiar path that led him towards the Mytras District.

He recalled that it was approximately a 35-minute walk from his home, but the anticipation of Aunt Edriva's visit kept him focused and energized.

Algus vividly remembered the description Elvis had provided of his house. It was an impressive structure, standing tall with four stories and adorned in a striking combination of white and gray.

He also recalled Elvis mentioning a vast training ground situated at the rear of the house, a detail that made his friend's home unmistakable.

As he arrived at Elviis's house, he stood before the imposing four-story structure, adorned in its signature white and gray. With a quick inhale to steady his nerves, he knocked on the door, a sound that echoed through the grand entrance.

From behind the door, a melodious voice replied, "Coming!"

The door swung open, revealing a woman of striking beauty. Her curly black hair framed her face, and her hazel eyes sparkled with warmth and curiosity.

She had her lips painted a deep red, and her tan skin gave her an exotic allure. Algus couldn't help but be momentarily captivated by her presence.

With impeccable manners, Algus introduced himself: "Hello, Miss Rubas, I'm Algus, a friend... However, before he could complete his sentence, Elvis's mother interrupted, her tone friendly and welcoming. "So, you are Algus, whom Elvis told me about."

Her words carried a sense of familiarity, as if she had already heard much about him from her son.

Algus smiled. "Yes, that's right," he confirmed, grateful for the prior introduction Elvis had evidently given to his mother.

Miss Rubas regarded Algus with a warm smile, her hazel eyes filled with kindness. "So, you've come to meet Elvis," she noted, her tone friendly and inquisitive.

Algus nodded in confirmation. "Yes, I had something to discuss with him," he explained, the eagerness in his voice reflecting his desire to gather some wonderful suggestions.

Miss Rubas then shared some news that gave Algus pause.

"In that case, you'll have to wait for a while," she revealed, her voice tinged with understanding.

"You see, Elvis's father just returned from a very long phantom expedition yesterday. They're currently spending some quality time together, camping by the riverside."

Algus absorbed this information, understanding the significance of family bonding, especially after a long absence. "I see," he replied, realizing that he might need to handle the matter on his own. "Then I suppose I'll have to handle this matter myself. Sorry for bothering you, Miss Rubas."

Miss Rubas waved off his apology with a reassuring smile. "No need to apologize, dear," she said kindly, her demeanor radiating hospitality.

She watched as Algus turned to leave, offering him a friendly farewell.

As Algus made his way back to his own home, he couldn't help but reflect on his brief encounter with Elvis's mother. "She is such a nice woman," he remarked to himself, feeling a sense of gratitude for her understanding. "She's not as bad as Elvis claimed her to be."

It was a realization that added another layer of complexity to his perception of his friend's family, leaving him pondering the intricacies of their relationship.

Algus pondered his next move as he walked, his thoughts revolving around the quest for suggestions to make Aunt Edriva's visit truly special. "Now, whom to ask...?" he mused aloud, the uncertainty evident in his voice. "I don't have any other friend than Elvis," he continued, his steps carrying him further along the path.

"I can also ask Luina, but considering she is the daughter of an archduke, she might be quite busy."

As he contemplated his limited options, Algus couldn't help but feel a twinge of apprehension. His friend Elvis was currently unavailable, and he hesitated to burden Luina given her prestigious background and potential commitments she may have.

Just as Algus was deep in thought, lost in his deliberations, a sudden tap on his left shoulder jolted him from his reverie.

Startled, he turned around and found himself face-to-face with none other than Luina.

Her presence before him was unexpected, and he blinked in surprise.

"You called my name," she stated, her voice soft and filled with curiosity, as if she had picked up on Algus's musings.

Algus couldn't help but chuckle in surprise at the unexpected encounter. "Ha, Luina, what are you doing here?

He asked, still slightly taken aback by the serendipitous meeting.

Luina responded with a mischievous glint in her hazel eyes, her lips curving into a playful smile. "Oh, you know, I was just out here for a walk," she explained casually, as if it were the most ordinary thing in the world. "Sometimes I go out for a walk just for some fresh air," she added, her voice light and carefree.

Algus nodded, feeling a sense of ease settle in. "I see," he replied, realizing that perhaps he had been too quick to assume she was too busy for a casual conversation.

Luina's curiosity, however, got the better of her, and she leaned in with a probing question. "So, what is this 'thing' that you don't want me to be bothered with? Her eyes sparkled with interest, eager to uncover the mystery.

Algus hesitated for a moment, but he could sense Luina's genuine interest and decided to open up.

"Well, it's nothing," he began cautiously, but Luina was not about to let it go so easily.

"No, no," she insisted, pressing harder. "I want to hear about it."

Algus pondered for a moment before a thought struck him. He glanced to the side and pointed towards a small coffee shop that stood on the opposite side of the footpath.

"How about we talk about it while sitting at that small coffee shop?" he suggested, inviting her to join him in a more comfortable and private setting.


Seated in the cozy ambiance of the coffee shop, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the air, Algus and Luina placed their orders with the friendly barista before delving into their conversation.

Luina, with a sense of anticipation in her hazel eyes, leaned forward and encouraged Algus to share his thoughts. So, now spill the beans," she urged, her tone expectant.

Algus took a sip of his coffee, gathering his thoughts before he began to explain. "The thing is," he began, lowering his voice slightly as if sharing a secret, "that Miss Edriva is coming to my house today, and both my mother and I don't have any idea what special thing to prepare for her."

As he spoke, Algus's brows furrowed, and his expression reflected the genuine concern he felt about making Aunt Edriva's visit memorable. He knew that Luina's creative input might prove invaluable in this situation, and he eagerly awaited her response.

Upon hearing Algus's dilemma, Luina furrowed her brows thoughtfully. "Oh, I see... but I must ask, is this Miss Edriva you spoke of the same one, the headmistress of Aeos Academy, or someone else with the same name?"

She inquired, seeking clarification.

Algus nodded, confirming her suspicion. "Yes, it's the one from the academy," he replied with a hint of pride, "who is also actually my aunt."

The revelation took Luina by surprise, and her curiosity deepened.

She couldn't help but inquire further, her voice laced with intrigue. "And why is she coming to your house today?"

She questioned herself, eager to uncover the mystery.

Algus just shrugged helplessly. "I don't know," he admitted, a note of frustration creeping into his tone. "My mother said she was very vague about it."

Luina couldn't help but chuckle internally at the intriguing turn of events. As she sipped her coffee, a playful thought crossed her mind. "Oh, my, that's interesting. I knew that it was a good idea to follow him."

She mused to herself, contemplating the possibility of extending her visit to Algus's house to be a part of whatever surprise awaited Miss Edriva's arrival.

As the waitress brought their cups of coffee, the warm aroma enveloped the small table where Algus and Luina sat, deepening the cozy atmosphere of the coffee shop.

Luina, taking a sip of her coffee, leaned forward with a thoughtful expression. "I have a name for a good delicacy that might help you," she offered, her voice carrying an air of intrigue.

Algus couldn't help but lean in closer; his interest was piqued. "Really...?" he replied, curiosity gleaming in his eyes.

Luina, taking another sip of her coffee, maintained a playful demeanor. "Yes, but I will share the name only if I get an invite to your house," she declared, her gaze fixed on Algus.

Algus blinked in surprise. "Huh. Why do you want to come to my house?" he inquired, genuinely puzzled by her request.

Luina, her expression slightly impatient, sighed and frowned. "I thought I told you this the first time we met back at the academy," she remarked. "My life is dull, Algus. I always find something to make it interesting, and currently, Miss Edriva coming to your house is interesting."

Algus chuckled, remembering their previous conversation. Oh, yes, I remember that," he conceded, a small smile forming on his lips. "I guess you can come."

Luina's hazel eyes sparkled with amusement as she revealed her culinary suggestion. "So, have you ever heard of the dish called pizza?"

She asked, her tone teasing.

She couldn't help but wonder what might happen if she involved Narvi, the janitor, in this intriguing meeting.

In the heart of the bustling Terris Market, the vibrant hub of activity was in full swing, with a diverse array of shops both big and small offering a multitude of wares. The air was filled with the tantalizing scents of exotic spices, the chatter of merchants, and the haggling of customers in search of the finest goods.

Narvi found himself immersed in the colorful tapestry of the market, standing amidst the flourishing flower seed shop, eager to purchase some red tulip seeds. The shopkeeper, a seasoned vendor with a twinkle in his eye, handed over the desired seeds. Narvi, ever the prudent buyer, inquired about the price. "For how much?" he asked, his voice filled with curiosity.

The shopkeeper quoted a reasonable price. "10 coppers," he replied.

Narvi counted out the sum and handed it over, securing his purchase. As he turned to leave the shop, an unexpected surprise awaited him. A familiar voice called out, and his eyes widened in disbelief.

"Hello, Janitor!" Marie greeted him with a sudden appearance, waving her hand with a warm smile.

Narvi's jaw practically dropped as he stammered in response. "Marie!?!!" he exclaimed, struggling to comprehend how she had seemingly materialized out of nowhere in the midst of the bustling market.

Marie, her eyes dancing with a playful glint, couldn't help but enjoy the astonishment on Narvi's face. "Ha... surprise to see me," she quipped, her voice carrying a teasing undertone.

Narvi, still trying to process the unexpected encounter, let out a somewhat bemused response. "Yeah," he replied, his tone a mixture of surprise and amusement. The surrealness of the moment hung in the air as they stood there, caught in a spontaneous reunion amidst the lively chaos of the Terris Market.

Marie, always one to be observant, couldn't help but notice the red tulip seeds Narvi had just acquired. She pointed them out, her curiosity piqued. "So, what are the tulip flower seeds for?" she inquired, her gaze focused on the small packet.

Narvi didn't hesitate to respond; his practical nature was evident in his answer. "Well, growing them, of course," he replied, his voice carrying an air of matter-of-factness.

Marie nodded in agreement but dug a little deeper into the matter. "I know, but I mean, for what reason?" she pressed further. "Tulips symbolize passion and love, so what's the special reason for the tulips?"

Narvi's expression softened as he revealed the heartfelt intention behind his purchase. "My wife loves tulips," he confessed, his words laced with affection and a hint of nostalgia.

Marie's smile faltered slightly as she heard those words. A sudden, sharp pang of jealousy unexpectedly gripped her heart. She hadn't anticipated feeling this way upon learning about Narvi's wife's love for tulips. It was a complex and unfamiliar emotion that she couldn't quite put into words, but it was there, lingering beneath the surface as she tried to hide her inner turmoil.

Narvi, noticing the 'strange' subtle shift in Marie's expression, wanted to inquire what had suddenly happened to her but thought perhaps it was because she was feeling uneasy and uncomfortable because of the surroundings; this wasn't the type of environment people like her could be comfortable with; he knew it from his experience; after all, he was once of the same breed.

"Anyway," he began, his tone gentle, "so tell me, what brings you here to this market area?"

Marie appreciated the redirection and smiled, grateful for Narvi's thoughtfulness, which she believed in her mind, of course. "Oh, you know me," she replied with a light chuckle, her earlier unease now fading away. "I was just wandering around, exploring the market and its vibrant offerings."

Narvi couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, finding it somewhat unusual to see Marie in the bustling Terris Market. He voiced his surprise with a hint of curiosity: "You know, I thought you would be more inclined to go to the Mytras district, where markets for rich people exist—you know, something more your type?"

Marie chuckled softly, her eyes gleaming with a sense of adventure. "That may be true," she conceded with a playful twinkle in her eye, "but I thought I should also see what other places have to offer for a change."

Narvi listened to her explanation, though he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to her decision than she was letting on.

 Marie then commented on the weather. "It's quite hot here, don't you think?" she remarked, faking a look of discomfort as if the sun was bearing down on her.

Narvi, however, felt differently. He shrugged nonchalantly. "Well, I don't know; I'm feeling normal," he replied, seemingly unfazed by the warmth.

Marie raised an eyebrow in playful exaggeration. "Perhaps for you..." she began, her tone teasing. "But I think I might be melting soon."

She then proposed a change of scenery. "Hey, why don't we go to some cooler location? I know a few good places, and I don't worry about money. I'll pay for it. I also have some things to discuss with you."

Narvi declined the offer with a polite apology; for some reason, it didn't rub him in a good way. "Nah, sorry, maybe some other day," he explained. "My wife is waiting for me."

Marie's smile remained, but internally she felt a twinge of defeat and a resurgence of that odd sense of jealousy. A sharp pain pierced her heart once again. "I see," she replied, her voice touched with a hint of melancholy. "In that case, you should go."

With a casual farewell, Narvi turned to head home. "Smell you later," he called out before departing.

Marie, left alone in the bustling market, decided to turn her attention to the same flower seed shop where Narvi had recently made his purchase.

She beckoned the shopkeeper over, realizing she might find something to occupy her thoughts there. "Hey..."

The shopkeeper, recognizing her from earlier, turned to her with a friendly smile. "Yes?" he inquired.

Marie leaned in, her eyes gleaming dark. "Give me some tulip seeds."

Volume 2: A Dark Secret takes place within the span of one month while the Aeos Academy is still in repair.

This volume contains parts that will deviate from the canon that Narvi knew( his knowledge was already foggy and a little vague), as if it already hasn't.

The main focus of this volume will be Luina.

And a second yandere trigger event. 

UnsealingEmptinesscreators' thoughts
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