

waking up with new memories James was quite confused because these memories were of him being 8 years old with a brother, this part kind of exited James as he was an only child in his apparent past life, luckily he kept his first name otherwise he might not have been able to get used to a new one, though his last name has changed and is now Quill while his brothers name is Peter Quill, it is now that he realises 'I'm in the marvel universe!, and not just any marvel universe i'm in the cinematic one!', he was excited but sad at the same time because his mother is just about to die according to the heart rate monitor situated in front of him which has just flatlined and James can't help but let out a few tears at the sight of his mother lying there with a content smile on her face as the pain and suffering caused by the tumor on her brain finally fades away, the next thing I know Peter is sprinting out of the hospital and I'm chasing him, I can't leave him alone at a time like this no matter how much we don't get along (according to my new memories) as I catch up to him in am empty field a spaceship suddenly appears above us and starts shining a light down onto us, the light starts pulling us up into the ship and all I can hear is my brothers screams.