
James Hook And The Mirror Of Darkness

Once upon a time, there lived a normal couple in a normal colony of a normal city of New York. They were very happy with their lives and only wanted a child. They decided to go to the orphanage next week, but who knew that God was listening to them that day and decided to drop a child on their front door. And this child would change the future in an unimaginable way.

Destango · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter # 07

The old man was looking heavily at James with his deep blue eyes. But then suddenly his attitude suddenly changed and he grabbed James's hand and started shaking it with a wide smile on his face. "It's a pleasure to meet Mr Hook" said the old man.

Mr Gon interrupted him and said, "As you already know Mr Rondal that Mr Hook has a ship to catch soon. So why don't we skip the formalities and come down to business"

The old man stopped shaking James's hand and grabbed the tip of his cap and tilted it slightly. Then he opened the door in the right and went inside. James a sked Mr Gon, "What was that about?". Mr Gon replied with a slight smile on his face, "Well your parents did save the world, so you're really famous in our community".

Then the old man came back with a slight worried expression on his face, "Alas! Mr Hook had chosen a really bad time to buy a pet" He waved his hands forward and said, "These are the only pets remaining in the shop and they are either weak or have a bad temper" Mr Gon was now also worried and said, "What do we do now? There is no other magical pet shop in New York" He Looked in the direction of James who was wondering in the shop.

James was fascinated by these pets as whether they were weak or not, they were still magical beasts. There were still a variety of beasts present in the shop. There was a white snake like beast sleeping is a big glass vase, small cats with tiger's coat looking menacingly at James, a couple of bat-like creatures hanging upside down and then James saw him: the beast and partner of his fate, the one who will be with James in good times and bad times. It was a large eagle sized black bird sleeping in a cage which was handed in the ceiling.

His head was tucked under his wings and James was looking for it. The old man came near him and said, "Oho! You have quite an eye Mr Hook. Do you know what that is?".

James nodded his head in the negative and Mr Gon also joined them. He looks at the bird in shock and amazement and said, "Mr Ronald, Is that a..". The old man interrupted him and said, "Yes Gon, that is the rarest specie of the phoenix: The Dark Paladins".

The phoenix took out his head as soon as he heard his specie's name. It had a curved beak and had bright red eyes just like James's. Then the phoenix's eyes locked with James's and they both emersed in each other's eyes.

James thought as if the phoenix was calling him" James said, "Mr Ronald, can I have this? The old man said with a worried expression on his face, "Mr Hook, I am afraid that you cannot have him. This specie of phoenix is really rare and is prideful and thus doesn't chooses a master so easily" James looked at the old man with puppy eyes and

said, "We can give it a try can't we Mr Ronald, please"

The old man stood silent for a moment and then thought, "It will be a pain in the neck to get it back in the cage if it doesn't chooses Mr Hook. However, this is the first time I have seen it not snoring when a customer is looking at it". The old man sighed and said, "Fine, but I will not be held responsible if something bad happens and Gon, don't you dare make a mess in my shop" Mr Gon Waved at him nervously and James noticed that Mr Gon was about to use magic again and was excited to see what will happen.

Mr Gon casted, "Dark Arts Third Verse, Dark Barrier". Ghostly figures emerged from under Mr Gon and started revolving around Mr Gon And James at a high pace. Then a protective barrier formed around them. Mr Ronald carefully placed the cage on the ground and opened it. The dark paladin emerged from the cage and flew.

It was taking several rounds of the

shop at a huge pace. Then it maintained a position at a certain height and angle from the barrier and black flames surrounded the bird. Mr Gon became alerted and a magic circle appeared in his hand. The old man yelled, "Don't do it Gon!" and the magic circle vanished.

The phoenix dived at them surrounded by flames and hit the barrier and shattered it. James and Mr Gon flew in opposite directions and the phoenix landed on top of James and screeched loudly. Mr Gon was coming at them but the old man stopped him. Then it looked at James in the eyes and James slowly moved it hands at him and pet him. The phoenix happily received the petted and screeched loudly and sat on his shoulders. "Magnificent Mr Hook Bravo! Now you must name it so that the bond between the two of two grow".

James thought for a moment and petted it under his neck and said, "How about Night? Do you like it?" The Phoenix screeched loudly and then again started flying around the room. Then Mr Ronald said, "Now that the pet is chosen, it's time to put it in a core..." He abruptly stopped when he noticed the pendent in James's neck. "Whose core is that Mr Hook?", Mr Ronald said while pointing at the pendent.