
James Hook And The Mirror Of Darkness

Once upon a time, there lived a normal couple in a normal colony of a normal city of New York. They were very happy with their lives and only wanted a child. They decided to go to the orphanage next week, but who knew that God was listening to them that day and decided to drop a child on their front door. And this child would change the future in an unimaginable way.

Destango · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter # 04

Remembering the two figures from the vision, he thought that they were probably his real parents. James was looking deeply at the jewel of the pendent and decided to wear. it since it was the only resemblance of its real parents, plus it was really beautiful.

James's heart was beating fast. This was the most nerve-raking day of his life. He was really curious to know what exactly happened. Moreover, there were also some really strange things mentioned in the letter, his parents protecting the world him having extraordinary talents ("Well, my grades are good. But they're not that high that they can consider it extraordinary talent by birth", thought James). There were many things that he wanted to find out, so he dashed downstairs with the letter for a 'serious inspection'.

Mrs Rosswell was preparing the cake for James's birthday but when seeing him wearing the pendent and the letter in his hands, she fainted. "Mom" yelled James while running towards her.

Mr Rosswell and James's grandmother also came outside the living room. James said Dad! Pick mom up and take her to the living room. I'll bring some water. Mr Rosswell lifted Mrs Rosswell with his trembling hands while looking at James's appearance

"Damn it! I should've tucked the pendent in my pocket. It is just yelling the whole conversation that now I know the truth.", thought James while he was filling the glass with water. He then went to the living room and handed the glass to Mr Rosswell, who then poured some water in his hand and then sprinkled it on Mrs Rosswell's face. "Katie, wake up!" said Mr Rosswell.

Mrs Rosswell slowly opened her eyes. "Here, drink some water" said Mr Rosswell while handing the glass to Mrs Rosswell and she slowly drank it. "Mom, are you okay?" said James. "Why.... Why are you still calling me that. You know the truth right?" said Mrs Rosswell. She was looking like that a piece of her heart was stolen from her. James said, "I know that I am not your real son, but the fact still remains that you took care of me and gave me love and support like I was your son. It was so fun to spend my life with you all". "So....." said Mrs Rosswell, Would you still want to give your fake mother a hug?" James moved towards his mother and hugged her tightly. Mr Rosswell also came near them and folded his arms around them James's grandmother said with a small smile "Such is life". James remembered his vision and said, "But still..... I want to know about my real parents. Ever since I found this pendent, I am starting to have strange visions about them" Mr Rosswell put his hand on his head and said, "Well...."

"Ting Tong, Ting Tong". The doorbell rang. "Who has come this early in the morning?" thought James. They all went to the door and opened. There stood a man in his twenties. There was something strange about that man; he had a black tattoo under his left eye. "Good morning ladies and gentlemen" the man spoke, "My name is Gon Spincher" The family was really shocked by the sudden appearance of this man. He was certainly not from the neighborhood and it was the first time seeing him, well for most of them, it was a first meeting. Then James's grandmother gave a cough and the stranger's attention went towards her. The man said, "Bless my soul! If it isn't Miss

Zabel. Zabel was in fact James's grandmother. "How are you Gon?", said Miss Zabel. "Well mam, as good as you can see". Then they started to have a conversation

"Still not married Gon? I believe there was a girl you liked" said Miss Zabel. "Mam! That was supposed to be a secret between us. Well, I still haven't gotten the courage to propose to her. But that doesn't mean that I'm giving up" the man said this with shear determination in his eyes. Miss Zabel hopelessly replied, "Then keep trying, good luck". James interrupted, "Grandma, do you know this man?". Miss Zabel replied, "Well, how should I put this?" Mr Rosswell then said, "There is no good in hiding it now. He already knows half the truth, tell him the rest too mom". Miss Zabel said, "This is Gon who was my student when I was a teacher at PELMION ACADEMY" James was shocked. "Isn't it the same academy that dropped me here? Who are they? What have they said in this letter?" James Replied with a tsunami of questions.

"Well, aren't you a lost fellow?" Gon replied with a smile on his face. "It's going to be a real shock for you so I recommend we all go to the living room and sit down first. Because I'm afraid you might collapse from the shock". Then Miss Zabel said "I forgot all my manners in this tension. Come in Gon. Katie dear, would you please bring some tea for our quest".

While heading to the living room James thought, "What is going to shock me that much that I might collapse. I just learnt that the parents that I have spent 15 years with are my foster parents. Nothing can shock me now". Or so he thought.