
James Hook And The Mirror Of Darkness

Once upon a time, there lived a normal couple in a normal colony of a normal city of New York. They were very happy with their lives and only wanted a child. They decided to go to the orphanage next week, but who knew that God was listening to them that day and decided to drop a child on their front door. And this child would change the future in an unimaginable way.

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26 Chs

Chapter # 01

Mr and Mrs Rosswell lived peacefully in the 7th street of Lavada Fortress in New York. They were accompanied by Mr Rosswell's mother who had spent a beautiful life. Mr Rosswell worked in a company that dealt with the manufacture of steel and other products.

So, to sum it all up, they were living a happy and prosperous life. The only happiness that they didn't have was a child.

One fine morning Mr Rosswell woke up, got fresh, had breakfast and went towards his office. During lunchtime he remembered that last night he asked his wife that what was her biggest dream and she said that to have a child. As she couldn't bear one, so Mr Rosswell thought of taking her to the orphanage next week.

He then happily went back home and told his family about his decision. Mrs Rosswell was so happy that she sprang on her husband and hugged him. Mr Rosswell said,"Now after announcing such a news my apatite has gotten up". And so they happily had dinner and went to bed. But who knew that tomorrow would change their lives forever.

Next morning, Mr Rosswell woke up and followed his daily routine but when he opened the door to leave the house he gasped and dropped his suitcase. Then he yelled,"Katie!...KATIE!". Mrs Rosswell came and said, "What's the matter dear?" and she gasped too.

There was a small baby boy warped in a snowy white blanket sleeping peacefully in a picnic basket. "Who's child is this Jordan?", asked Mrs Rosswell."How would I know that!" Mr Rosswell replied with a counter question. Then Mr Rosswell mother came" Why are you both shouting this early in the morning?Oh! what a beautiful child. Well then bring him inside or else he'll catch a cold".

They then brought him inside the living room near a coasy fire burning in the chimney. Mr and Mrs Rosswell were both passing serious gazes at each other. "Well, why are you two looking at each other like that. Don't be so tensed, it's just a child. You were planning on bringing a child next week, so what's the problem with him arriving early" said Mr Rosswell's mother.

On the other hand, Mr Rosswell tried to reason with his mother and said, "That's not the problem, we don't even know who's child is this. They might be even looking for it". Mr Rosswell's mother ignored him and took the child out of the basket and starting playing with it.

Then they noticed a file inside the basket which contained some fake documents stating that the child was their's. And there was also a letter.

"I'll read it", said Mrs Rosswell and she started reading it. "It's says here that the child's name is James, HOOK!". Hook was Mrs Rosswell's family name so she was shocked. She reads onwards."This child.... It's Thomas son!" (Thomas is Mrs Rosswell's elder brother). Mr Rosswell then enquired,"So what happened?". Mrs Rosswell said, "NO!....I..It sa..says that he's dead!".

Tears starting pouring down from Mrs Rosswell's eyes on the letter. Mr Rosswell took the letter from her,gave her water and some hope and she sat on the couch. Then Mr Rosswell continued reading the letter."It says here that we are entrusted to raise him personally by Thomas until he is muture enough".

Mr Rosswell's mother then handed the child to Mrs Rosswell and said,"But who sent him?, Was it Thomas?"Mr Rosswell replied darkly,"No...It was sent by 'Them' ". He continued,"It says that they will come to take him when he is matured enough".

Mrs Rosswell looked at the child in her arms that was smiling happily but when a tear fell from Mrs Roswell on his cheeks, he started crying.

She then wiped the tear from the child and said, "No... This is my child now and I will not let them take him from me! They will just take him and will get him killed like my brother. I WILL NOT ALLOW IT!" Then she hugged the child. Mr Rosswell came near them and said, "We'll talk about it when the time comes, but for now, he is our son. Our James"