
Jake In The Walking Dead

Surviving in the world of Walking Dead with 3 wishes , powerful mc and building here and there Walking Dead is the work of Frank Darabont and Gale Anne Hurd :) only changes and mc are made by me

MonkeyDAnish · Video Games
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12 Chs

1-2 month(part 2)

As I progressed with my daily life, my physical strength and endurance improved tremendously as I improved my control over the serum. As well my fighting moves under a great teacher in the martial artist classes. But being physically fit and fighting skills was only the beginning. I searched online about the various leaders, both historical and fictional, their strategies and decision-making skills. With this knowledge, I learn how to be a good leader as well make tough decisions under pressure. 

I also found out about a little gift that god had given me a virtual combat training skill. When I'm sleeping I can enter a room where I can fight various masters. It was a challenging and intense part of my journey to improve my control and learn new skills. The system created various battle scenarios, such as close combat, hand-to-hand combat, and gunfights. With each challenge, the system enabled me to learn and improve my skills. I learned the different combat techniques and how to use various weapons, both traditional and modern. With the help of virtual reality training during my sleep, I was able to immerse myself in these situations and learn from my mistakes without any risk of death but there was still the physical pain.

It was not only about becoming physically and mentally strong. The gaming system also emphasized the importance of strategy. I had to lead a team of virtual soldiers through different missions, and he had to use his leadership skills and knowledge of war moves to achieve victory. The system also simulated real-life scenarios, where I had to make quick and critical decisions, just like in a real war. 

As the months went by, My progress was incredible. I had become physically fit, learned about leadership, mastered various combat techniques, and sharpened my decision-making skills. My journey during the first month with the gaming system had not only taught me valuable skills but also instilled a sense of discipline and dedication in me. Of course I have not forgotten about the storyline and Rick. Of course as I practiced I also searched about where Rick was kept and I also gathered a lot of items that can be used for later on. My loadout was the standard military loadout: the Helmet, uniform, boots, armor and bulletproof vest, M16 & one hand gun and standard combat knife , ammos , food, canteens, compass, and a few first aid kit which I kept on my jeep at all times.