
Jackson Wnag, My Hero

Hanami_Hime · Music & Bands
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Jackson Wang x Female Reader

Your eyes lazily danced up his body, you studied every crease in his loos hanging pants, your eyes widened at the slight sight of the rubbed band of his briefs that seemed to cling to his body with dear life. Your chest ached as to how you wished they would slip down ever so slightly with his movement.

But nothing.

As your view danced up you were able to gain a slight glimpse at what was hiding under his loose shirt, but your fantasy was ruined by the shrill sound of a woman shouting to get your undivided attention.

"Y/N! Earth to you, you idiot."

Anger boiled in your chest from the woman's unnecessary insults, you spun from your seat to face the puffing angry woman, your lips parted slightly to shout back, but your throat pulled tight as you felt others' eyes on you.

"Honestly, how high is your head in those clouds?"

What a shrill of a rude woman. Now what did I do? What did I forget? Did I leave some paint somewhere it shouldn't have been left?

These thoughts pounded in your head as you waited for the plump woman to bark at you for some unreasonable reason, your body curled inwards as her bright pink lips opened to yell and cause a scene, and have all of the attention fall onto you.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to leave the paint cans like that by the door?!"

Her voice made your ears ach as she towered over you yelling and screaming, her perfectly manicured hands danced in the air as she pointed towards the halls entrance, where you had neatly stacked the empty paint cans for the janitor to collect and carry to the correct place for the proper disposal.

You had left them right where they should have been placed, you even stacked them neatly, hurting your hand in the process, but somehow this displeased the director, who towered easily over you and continued with her rant.

"Director, that isn't necessary."

His voice boomed from behind you, when did he make his way to where you were seated.

"Y/N followed your instructions along with the cleaning crew's orders and placed the cans in the middle ground, so calm down. They aren't in anyone's way."

Jackson's voice was soft, yet his tone was harsh and heavy as he spoke in your defence. The woman before you stammered and whispered her words, she angrily turned on her heels and made her way out of the hall to yell at invisible faces.

You slowly turned to face the man who defended you, as usual, you expected his gaze to be elsewhere locked on something else, instead, this time his warm brown eyes were focused on you and nothing else.

The corners of his lips were twisted into a small smile, his strong scent wafted over you like a freshly made cup of coffee, you had to swallow down the lump in your throat just to help you form a sentence as he looked down at you.


He whispered your name, before slowly reaching out to graze his fingers down the side of your arm.

"Are you OK?"

He sounded genuinely concerned, just like how he was with the other actors in the play. All you could do at the time was look up at him and nod your head quickly, as the words you wished to say had no sound to them.

His brow quickly furrowed in at your response.

What was wrong? Did I answer incorrectly?

A voice echoed across the hall as one of the actors hollered for Jackson, it pulled his gaze and attention swiftly and away from you before you could voice your thank you. With that he was gone, skipping his way to where he was earlier, and tending to his duties on the stage.

You sank deeper into your seat, a sigh leaving your lips, as your mind erased the intoxicating fog, only then did you realise your heart was pounding in your chest, and it wasn't slowing down, especially when the actor would glance over to you during his short rehearsal.

Once your chores and duties were completed with the set, you waved off towards the other crew members before kicking the standoff your bicycle up and starting to push it in the direction of your dorm on the other side of the campus.

Your head was too dazed to allow you to even consider riding the bike to your temporary home, your heart was still pounding from the earlier activities, and the glances that were stolen between you and Jackson.


His voice pulled you out of your trance, making you stumble slightly with your bicycle fear instantly took over as you clumsily scurried back to your feet. His low chuckle made your cheeks flush and burn.

"Sorry, didn't mean to frighten you."

He snaked his way from behind you and to the opposite side of your bicycle, without a single word he gently pried your hands off the handles and took the bike from you, he flashed you a bright grin.

"We didn't get to talk much today, so I thought I should walk you to your dorm."

"Uhm, thank you."

We didn't talk much? We have never talked, I was shocked that he even knew my name.

Your mind raced with these thoughts as your feet moved forward slightly in sync with his, the two of you walked in a silence that made your heart pound heavy in your ears, a silence that made you feel sick to your core.

What should I say, should I offer him some tea or coffee when we get to my dorm? What do I do now?

Nervously your eyes darted from your feet to the bicycle, to his hands, a lump formed in your throat at the sight of the thin lines of veins that seemed prominent under the dim lights of the road.

Quickly your eyes darted away and up forward so that you could focus on the path to get home.

"Sorry about the director today, she shouldn't have acted like that."

His voice made you slowly turn your head to face him.

Now, now I can say thank him for his assistance.

Your lips parted, but a whisper left your lips as the lump in your throat grew tighter.

"Thank you."


His lips curled into a bright smile as your eyes landed on his face, in an instant your eyes darted back to the path you were following, and your heart pounded harder with every step.

Your building was slowly approaching as you walked in silence, your mind raced with the beating of your pounding heart, your palms felt clammy and slick, your mouth was dry as your lips parted once again.

"Would, would you like a cup of tea?"

Instantly you regretted the words that left your lips, you spun to face the smiling man and fought with your words as they raced in your mind.

"You don't have to, I was talking crazy, you can just leave my bike here, thank you for the walk and talk, ok bye, tomorrow I will see you, maybe, who knows, anything can happen between now and tomorrow -"

"Tea sounds great, Y/N."

He stopped your rushing words and thoughts with that one simple statement, making you stand there gawking at him, but suddenly your mind pounded with more, unreasonable thoughts.

Do I have tea? Did I just say that? Did he just accept my offer? Why is that cat watching us?

Jackson happily tied your bike to its assigned slot in the nearby rack, your eyes couldn't help but dance with his moments, you watched as his sleek fingers juggled the lock to test its strength.

Once he was done you lead him to the main entrance and up the dimly lit stairs, your feet felt heavy with every step you took, he was close on your heels with your movements. Once you finally reached your room, your shaking fingers fumbled with the lock.

The latch slipped open with a heavy hollow clang that rocked through the empty hallway. Slowly you lead the man in and hit the switch on to your small room. You moved slightly out of Jackson's way to allow him access to the small space.

The taller being slowly made his way past you, his eyes scanned the one-bedroom space, then darted towards where the small kitchen was kept.

"I know, it's small, but it's just me."

You muttered as you made your way to where you kept your kettle, cups, teas and mainly coffee. Your footsteps were light, but they seemed to echo as Jackson followed you. With shaking hands you turned the kettle on and started to prepare the hot drinks, your eyes darted around frantically, as you tried to guess what he was doing behind you.

What is he looking at? Is he watching me?

Nervously you looked over your shoulder to see what he was doing exactly, and as you assumed he was watching you, his brown eyes were lazily locked on your back, his lips were curled into a small, sweet smile.

With the sight of him leaning against the wall and watching you your eyes darted back to your activities, panic washed over you as you tried your utter best not to screw up what you were doing.


He said your name sweetly, almost in a whisper, you were lucky to have heard it. You turned to face him, but his body stopped yours as he leaned over you, placing his hands on either side of you, pinning you where you stood, with your back to his.

"I have a confession."

His lips were right behind your ear as he whispered in a husky tone.


Your words stammered as he pressed slightly harder against you, his breath was in your ear, sending a warm wet feeling down your spine and between your legs.

"I have had a crush on you, since the first moment I saw you, smiling with paint over your nose."

A chuckle left his lips that sent another wave down your body, your fingers curled under his words as you tried to hold back a moan.

"And if I'm being honest Y/N."

This time he muttered right into your ear, pushing his body slightly harder against yours.

"I had to take a shot, just to get the courage to walk you home, and when you offered me tea, I got excited, to spend more time with you."

His breath was heavy in your ear, slightly hitched as he trailed his lips down your ear and over your jaw.

"I wanted to ask you out for dinner today, but, I was interrupted, and seeing you tonight, I made it my mission to walk you home, but being here with you, all I can think about kissing you."

A low groan slipped out of your lips at his heavy words in your ear, your body shook with shock and excitement.

"So, Y/N."

His hands left the counter and found their way onto your hips, where he started to gently turn you around to face him, still feeling shy and in shock, your hands floated between the two of you, your hands dropped and grasped onto the counter behind you as some type of support for your weak knees.

Your eyes locked with his for what felt like hours, but within that brief instant they dropped to your lips and right back up to your eyes, the tip of his tongue traced his lips before he drew in a deep breath.

You waited patiently for him to ask his question, but instead, he leaned in closer, resting his forehead against yours, and whispered in a raspy broken voice.

"Can I kiss you?"


In a heartbeat, you responded, and within another, he slowly pressed his lips to yours, a sweet simple innocent kiss was shared, he pecked at your lips gently pressing his lips to yours.

Your hands slowly left the counter so that they could press up against his chest and lazily run up his pecks and wrap around his neck, as you did this his hands danced from your hips and around to your back, to push you even closer to his body.

As he gently pulled you in closer, your mind fogged and your instincts rolled in, you deepened the kiss, by gently pressing the tip of your tongue against his lips as a silent plea for him to let your tongue in.

He parted his lips, but not for you, he did it so that he could gently glide the tip into your mouth, making you hum at the sensation, you eagerly welcomed it, allowing him to take control of your mouth, his tip grazed your tongue and teeth as he explored that part of you.

A hum left his chest that vibrated through you, you made him do that, you made Jackson hum a low moan. Your fingers run up his neck and into his hair, you slowly grazed your fingers up the back of his head and into the long locks at the top of his head.

Not thinking, your fingers lock with the strands and gently pull on them, making the man groan into your kiss. Shocked at his response, both of you pulled away, a pink stain ran over your cheeks as you looked up into his brown eyes.

Something was different with his eyes, they were darker, filled with something you had never seen in someone's eyes.

Was he angry? Did I do something wrong?


The word left you in an attempt to calm down any rage behind those eyes, but all it did was make the corner of his lip cock up into a twisted smirk.

"I've never gotten so hard just by kissing someone."

Your breath caught in your chest at his words, and then you felt it, pressing against your belly was a thick bulge, aching to be freed. You bit your lower lip at the sensation pressing against it, you swooned at his warmth and intoxicating scent.

"I'm, sorry, should I-"

Your words and thoughts trailed as your belly pulled tight with excitement, your hands quickly darted to the band on his pants that you were staring at earlier, but he shook his head before gently taking your hands in his and guiding your fingers up into his hair.

"Silly, Y/N, I'm a guest and should be repaying you for your hospitality."

You froze at his words, your brow pulled tight at the sight of his twisted small smile on his lips.

Repaying me how? Repaying me for what? He defended me today, he walked me home, and I haven't made him tea.

He leaned in grazing his lips over your ear and hummed a low moan before gently nibbling on your earlobe. His breath was heavy and broken in your ear as his hips rolled forward, allowing you to feel his hardened length, which sent a tantalising sensation up your spine.

"I have dreamt about wearing you like a scarf."

Your breath caught in your throat making you groan, his words made your thighs pull tight, his breath running down your side made your neck feel like jelly, forcing your head to roll back, giving his lips access to trailing kisses down your neck.

With your movements you permitted him to trail his lips down your collarbone, his hands easily danced down your hips and down to your jeans, where he easily guided the button out of its holding space.

You whimpered at the feeling of his fingers dancing down and grazing over your silk panties. Jackson slowly trailed his lips back to your ear.

"Tell me to stop if you're uncomfortable."

He pressed his lips to your temple before falling to his knees. His fingers roughly tugged on your jeans and with ease, he pulled your sneakers off and tossed your jeans to the side.

Your lips parted to allow a whimper to leave your lips, his hands trailed from your hips and down to under your ass cheeks, where they grabbed at you and pushed you up so that he could part your thighs and swing your legs over his shoulders.

Once you were propped up with your legs wrapped around his neck, within a breath he had his mouth over your folds, his tongue pressed hard against your underwear, making the cotton material soaked with his spit and your arousal.

Your fingers were still locked in his hair, you gently pulled on his strands as he pressed his face in deeper to your core. Brown eyes rolled up and locked on you, as the tip of his tongue teasingly lapped up and down.

You watched from where you sat as his tongue glided over the cotton material that acted as a barrier, stopping him from digging into you. Your heart pounded in your chest as he pulled away slightly and pecked at where his tongue was.

"Y/N, be good and moan for me."

His voice was a growl that vibrated through you, which made you whimper and nod your head quickly in response.

"OK, J-Jackson."

Your voice was thick with a raspy whisper, which made him smile, your eyes were locked, keeping your attention on his brown eyes, you barely felt one of his hands glide down your thigh and hook in your panties, so that he could pull the material away, giving him the access he wanted.

Once you were exposed to him, you drew a sharp breath in through your teeth, his soft lips were warm as he pressed them to your soaked folds, as a choked cry left your lips, he quickly dipped the tip of his tongue into you.

The wet sensation made you gasp and tense slightly, but the warmth between your legs made you suddenly ease, it was when he slipped the tip of his finger into you, that you responded with a moan.

"Good Y/N."

Another moan rolled off your lips as he said your name, then he slipped his finger in deeper, this time he started to twirl his finger inside of you, making your already sensitive body shiver at the sensation.

Your head rolled back when his lips caught your swollen clitoris, this time your fingers pulled onto his hair and tugged hard on his dark strands. This pulled a groan out of him that vibrated through you once again.

His brown eyes not once pulled away from you, especially as he started to suck on the swollen bit, with every low moan that left your sensitive body his finger swirled quicker and started to gently pull back and forth.

Jackson continued his gentle assault, making your body shake and fingers tug harder on his hair. 

"Don't stop."

You muttered under your breath, your hips rolled with his movements, making the tip of his finger dig deeper, but the man did the opposite, he stopped and made you cry in agony.

In silence he straightened up and pulled your legs around his waist, he stole a light kiss from you before slipping his middle finger into his mouth, he continued to suck on the digit, with his lips curled into a sadistic smile.

"I'm not sure which part I like tasting the most."

You sat there in shock at his words, his darkened eyes and twisted smile made you quiver and hungry for more, for him to be in you longer than what you just had. The fingers he used to dig into you gently found their way around your neck.

His thumb lazily sat on your throat, his eyes once again kept your attention on his smiling face and twisted lips while his other hand darted down to the belt of his pants and the elastic band of his briefs.

"Y/N, I'm hoping to take you out for dinner, and hopefully on other dates."

A smile crossed your lips at his warm honeyed voice.

"I would love to."

You felt a wave of confidence wash over you at his question, the thumb he had on your throat traced your bottom lip.

"I'm so happy you said that."

With those words he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours once again, catching your breath as the tip of his member was guided and slowly slipped in between your wet and swollen lips.