
Jacks, The Pirate lost to the World ( One Piece Fanfiction )

In an Island that doesn't show up on any maps, stands tall a Marine Base that only serves one purpose. Keep a dangerous pirate prisoner. Nameless in reports and locked up in chains surrounded by pure darkness. When he finally breaks out, will he go for the One Piece? Or will he get revenge on the World Government?

Jokah4320 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter Two: Show Your Strength!

"Miyara. Come and tell me about the crew. And tell me about what all of you do." Jacks asks. "Well sir. I'm the first mate of this crew. You can leave all the navigation to me." Miyara starts. "You can call me Captain, or just Jacks if you want you know. Don't be so stiff." Jacks says with a laugh. "Alright Captain. Next. There's Sawada. That short and fat one. He can cook very well. But sadly, half of all the foods he cooks end up in his own stomach." Miyara points to the fat guy. "Yeah. I see how that can be true." Jacks laughs. "Next we have Fuse Shojiro. He's great with swords and bad with words. He usually deals with enemies the others can't handle." Miyara points at the tall, long haired man cleaning his katana. "Fuse? Now that's a strange name." Jacks says. "Goro-san is our doctor. Our crew has had a lot of tough times. If it wasn't for Goro-san and his medicine. We would have died a thousand times." Miyara points at the big strong looking guy. "So he's the doctor huh. That's a necessary member." Jacks says. "Then there's Nakamura Eiji. Our trustworthy Shipwright. His hands must be magic because he has fixed this ship countless times and it still looks new." Miyara points at the scrawny dude with a rope tied around his waist. "But. He looks so small. You sure him alone can keep a ship this size in good condition?" Jacks scratches his head. "You'll see in due time Captain. Every single one of us is as capable as any other. And speaking of capability. There's Watabe Gennosuke. He has an angel's voice and is great at singing. He is a great artist too. He drew our Jolly Roger." Miyara points at the tall, thin dude. "Now I'll have to hear it myself. Who is that tall buff dude. He looks like he can punch a ship out of the water." Jacks asks. "Yamamoto Raidon. Great aim, weak muscles. He worked out just for the ladies. Which he doesn't even get." Miyara starts laughing. "What about the other." Jacks starts but is cut off by a loud shot from a cannon.

"Captain! Enemies ahead. They have started firing at us." Goro yelled from atop the mast. "Get ready for battle. Let's see how well you all do against these measly enemies." Jacks yells. In return, the whole crew yells out in agreement. The enemy ship comes closer into view. Missing their sail, the ship gives off a depressing aura. "Hey Miyara. What's wrong with them?" Jacks asks worryingly. "Seems like they had a run in with the Foxy Pirates. Missing sail and almost dead, yep that's what Them Foxy Pirates do to you." Miyara says. "Well whatever happened, they shot at us first. Let's beat them up." Jacks starts smiling. As the ship gets closer, Miyara and the crew jump into the enemy ship and starts fighting with the enemy crew. With a strong number of 20 people the enemy crew starts fighting back. Jacks stays back and tries to find out their fighting strength. Miyara and and Fuse holds their own against 4 enemies while the others keeps getting beaten around. "Guess I should lend a hand." Jacks says as he jumps across the gap between the two ships. Looks towards Goro who was getting pummeled by two enemies. Jacks runs towards them and punches one of them so hard they go flying through the ship and lands out in the water. Kicks the other one straight in through the deck of the ship. "Oh I forgot to mention. I'm suuper strong you know." Jacks smiles at Goro. Surprised by his strength, everyone stays frozen in place for a minute. "Thank you Captain. But why are you here?" Goro asks Jacks after patting the dust off of him. "Saving my crew ofcourse." Jacks smiles at him. "Our former Captain usually stays back at the ship and rarely fights." Goro says. "Let's talk after we beat these guys." Jacks says as he runs towards Watabe who was running from 3 enemies with swords. Jacks swings his leg and sends the 3 of them flying out the ship. "Thanks Captain. I thought I was dead for sure this time." Watabe lets out a sigh in relief. Jacks grabs onto one of the enemy who had his sights down on Miyara. He pulls his arm back and throws the enemy towards the wall, which he smashes through into the Captain's quarters.

"What's with all of this commotion. I thought I told you to deal with them quickly." With a low growl, a voice says through the broken wall. The enemy crrw freezes up and loses their grip on their weapons. Miyara and the rest of the crew notices it but Jacks is too busy punching and kicking the enemy crew out of the ship. "I said quiet down!" The voice yells and throws a table through the hole in the wall. The table keeps heading towards Jacks. "Look out Captain!" Miyara yells. Jacks turns around and punches the table, breaking it into two pieces. "Who the hell are you? Show your face!" Jacks yells. With a sudden smashing, a huge guy steps out through the wall. "Captain, the wall. There's the door right there. We can't afford to break this ship anymore." An enemy pirate says. "Hehehe. After I'm done with these pipsqueaks, we'll take their ship." The Captain of the enemy pirates says in a deep voice. "Captain. We can't deal with an enemy that size. What should we do. Miyara says. "Pipsqueaks? I'll kill you." Fuse says as he starts running towards the enemy captain. "Hey. I was wondering why Fuse has 5 swords on his hip. Can he even hold that many?" Jacks asks Miyara. "After he was beaten by a swordsman who uses 3 katanas simultaneously, he decided to aim higher." Miyara starts. Fuse unsheathed one katana and proceeds to cut the captain. "Let's see how our swordsman handles this." Jacks says as a smile forms on his face. Right before the blade hits him, the enemy captain punches him and Fuse crashes into the mast. "Is that all you got. This will be easy as pie." The enemy captain laughs. "Miyara, take care of Fuse. I'll finish this." Jacks says as he uses his high speed to get behind the enemy captain. He jumps and tries to punch the enemy captain but he notices Jacks and elbows Jacks that goes smashing into the Captain's quarter's wall. Smashing through inside. "I'm the Captain of the Sea Sharks pirates. I have a bounty of 50,000,000 Berries. " The enemy captain laugh. "Captain." Fuse says in a weak voice. "Round all of them up. Tie them up and throw them into the sea, tie them to the ship and burn it. Do whatever your hearts desires mateys. Their ship is ours for the taking." The enemy captain laughs as he starts walking towards the other ship. "Miyara!" Jacks voice rings through the Captain's quarters to the outside. "Captain?" Miyara and the crew says in unison with tears in their eyes. "Don't worry. I just started getting to know all of you. I will not let anything happen to any of you. And as for you." Jacks says as he steps out of the hole made in the wall. "Hey you Overfed Pig. Don't you dare underestimate me." Jacks says as he rushes towards the enemy captain. "What did you just call." Jacks punches the enemy Captain, who breaks the railing of the side of their ship and goes flying into the horizon. Scared, the enemy pirate crew backs down. The yells of excitement from Jacks crew could be heard for miles. Miyara and Goro help Jacks across the gap into the other ship. Goro starts tending to their wounds. "You all should remember not to mess with us anymore. Be thankful we're letting you leave with your lives." Jacks says as the ship starts sailing away.

"Miyara. As it was unofficial before. I want to make it official." Jacks starts. "What is it Captain?" Miyara asks. "Guys. We've eaten together. And now we have fought together. And right here and right now, I'm asking you all. Do you all accept me as your Captain?" Jacks asks. There was a moment of silence. "Yes Captain!" Everybody yells from the top of their voice. "Then onward to thousands of adventures. Towards Fame and Fortune." Jacks yells back. "Captain? I think you're forgetting about something. Foxy Pirates and the Marineford?" Miyara asks. "Oh shit yes. I totally forgot. Foxy Pirates comes first." Jacks says shocked. "If I'm correct, we should be near Long Ring Island now. The Foxy Pirates were seen there last. I wonder how our previous captain is doing." Miyara says. Well however he might be, we're off to kick their asses. Nobody messes with us and lives to tell the tales. We're the... What's our pirate crew name?" Jacks asks. "We were called The Black Lagoon Bandits. But under new ownership, we must be called something new. And the name itself is all confusing and weird." Miyara lets out a light laugh. "How about the Deadeye Reapers?" Jacks asks. "Well there's a pirate crew already under the name Reapers. Don't you think that would collide with us?" Miyara asks. "Land ahoy. I see land." Goro yells from atop the mast again. "Why's our Doctor on top of the mast again?" Jacks asks whilst scratching his head. "Well he loves that spot. And he says he can focus more on his medicine making up there." Miyara explains. "Well whatever suits him best. Miyara. What island are we seeing right now." Jacks asks. "Wait it shouldn't be right. We're heading towards Jaya right now." Miyara says. "Jaya? Sounds like a nice place." Jacks smiles. "Captain. Jaya might sound like a nice place. But it's a lawless place filled with pirates to the brim. They rule the place and without any Government authority over the place, it has become a hoodlum's den." Miyara explains in a worried tone. "Like I said nice place. We'll stock up on food and gather information here. If it's pirates that rule here, we'll have no trouble." Jacks says. "Captain. I've prepared a list for what we'll need for the ship. We'll be able to set sail as soon as we get the stuff." A skinny looking crewmate hands Jacks a list and runs off to help with the docking of the ship. "Hey Miyara. Who was that?" Jacks asks all confused. "That was Kimura Iyeoshi. He's great at coming up with strategies and honestly, he's way too good at keeping the ship stocked with resources. If he came up with that list, we'll be good for days." Miyara says. "Well Miyara. You and Fuse can go stock up on that stuff. Me and Watabe are gonna go ask around about the Foxy Pirates. Does that sound good?" Jacks asks. "Yes Captain. So we'll meet back at the ship at sundown at the latest." Miyara says as the ship docks onto a small clearing. "Remember Captain. Sundown." Miyara says as him and Fuse runs off. "Watabe. Let's go. There's a town nearby I guess." Jacks says as he jumps off the ship. Both of them start walking into the forest. "There's a town called Mock Town that's not too far from here. We got into all kinds of fights around here. C'mon, I'll lead you to the town." Watabe says as he starts running. "Fights? Are you sure they'll be happy to see you all back here?" Jacks says catching up to Watabe. "Well we were always losing fights before you came along Captain. And here, we lost to the Bellamy Pirates over and over again. They robbed us blind every time. Their Captain, Bellamy The Hyena has a bounty of 55,000,000 Berries. He has always been too fast." Watabe explains. "So Bellamy huh. Sounds like he's an arrogant brat. Well let's get our info first." Jacks says as Watabe and him step into Mock Town. There was fighting everywhere. Jacks and Watabe slowly move through the crowd of people fighting each other. Evading all of the punches and weapons. Jacks slowly backs out and bumps into a huge person. "Hey sorry there. Didn't see you there." Jacks apologizes. "Don't you have eyes? Or do you not intend to use them anymore?" The stranger grabs Jacks collar and threatens him. "Sarquiss-san. Forgive our ignorance. We didn't know we bumped into you." Watabe backs up and bows. "Tch. You small fries are lucky I'm in a good mood today. Just run off." Sarquiss says and lets go of Jacks. He walks away slowly. "Hey Watabe. Who was that Circus fellow. He works in one or something?" Jacks asks Watabe. "Captain. He's called Big-Knife Sarquiss. Quiss. And he's the First Mate of the Bellamy Pirates." Watabe says. "So why did you bow to him." Jacks starts getting angry. "He used to beat us near to death countless times. And he has a bounty of  38,000,000 Berries." Watabe explains. They both start walking. "First-Mate huh?" Jacks starts thinking. "Hey Snowflake!" Jacks says as he walks towards Sarquiss. "Huh? You should've listened to  your little friend and just ran off. But now, I'm going to make you regret it." Sarquiss says. "It's like a thousand degrees out today. Why the heck are you wearing a coat? And I have a question for you." Jacks says as he walks faster. "It's my style. Unlike yours with only a scrawny jacket and a T-shirt." Sarquiss says unsheathing his knife. "Captain." Watabe starts but Jacks waves him off signaling him to stay back. A small crowd forms around them and lots of whispering can be heard throughout the crowd. "So you're his Captain? Let's see if you can handle the true power of the GrandLine." Sarquiss runs towards Jacks waving his huge knife. "Die!" Sarquiss yells as he thrusts the knife towards Jacks. "You're way too loud." Jacks punches his face into the ground. "One hit K.O." the crowd gasped. "Now snowflakes. Take me to your captain. The so-called Hyena." Jacks start slapping the unconscious Sarquiss. "Um Captain. I think he passed out." Watabe says. "What! I only punched him lightly. Hmph. So this is the true power of the GrandLine? Depressing." Jacks says as he pokes Sarquiss. "First the straw hat. And now this guy." A voice from the crowd. "Watabe. Let's go find somewhere else to get information. Snowflakes here don't seem like he wants to talk." Jacks kicks Sarquiss out of the way. "Captain. Don't you think that's a bit cold?" Watabe lets out a chuckle. Both of them start walking towards The Pub and Pies Bar. "Hey. What can you tell me about The Foxy Pirates? Do you know where I can find them?" Jacks asks the barmaid as they sit down. "Huh? Foxy? The weird little guy? I don't know." The barmaid replies. Depressed, Jacks tries to leave. "Captain. As long as we're here. Let's get something to eat." Watabe says as he starts ordering food. 5 minutes pass by. Jacks and Watabe enjoy some warm food. "It was him! He knocked Sarquiss out." A random guy bursts into the pub and points towards Jacks who was way too much interested in his food. "Hey small fry. Was it you the one who beat Sarquiss?" A mysterious voice asks. "Eeek. Captain. it's Bellamy." Watabe pokes Jacks. "Sarkiss? Who?" Jacks asks with a mouthful of food. "Uh Captain. Please swallow the food in your mouth before speaking." Watabe says as he wipes his face. "Haha sorry Watabe." Jacks says covering his mouth. "HEY! I'm talking to you!" Bellamy roars. "I did not beat a Sarwhatever. But I did beat up Snowflakes. The dude who was wearing snow clothes out in this heat. And to be honest, he deserves it." Jacks says getting up from his seat. "Snowflakes? Are you making fun of my crew?" Bellamy gets angrier. "Yeah, what're you going to do about it?" Jacks mocks him. "Meet me outside." Bellamy says as he walks outside. "Pff. Like hell I'm going to follow a dude like you anywhere. Say what you want here." Jacks starts laughing. "Fine. It's your funeral." Bellamy says as he starts bending down. "Hey is he constipated or something? Why'd he bend down like that?" Jacks taps his elbow on Watabe still laughing. Frozen in fear, Watabe couldn't say anything. In a sudden movement, Bellamy starts bouncing off the walls of the pub. "Hey! i already told you. No fighting here. Take it outside." The barmaid yells. Bellamu keeps bouncing off walls and cutting everything in sight. His bouncing makes Jacks's plate of food to topple over and fall on the floor. Jacks notices that and his expression changes to totally shocked. He balls his fists up and grabs Bellamy by his neck and smashes him into the ground. "Listen here you Super Ball. That was good food that you ruined. Now I'm gonna ruin you." Jacks throws Bellamy through the wall and he lands outside on his face. Jacks runs out and kicks his face while Bellamy tries to get up. Jacks catches up and starts beating Bellamy up. "Hey uh Watabe? What's going on with the Captain? And why's he beating up Bellamy? I thought we were looking for information on Foxy pirates." Miyara comes near Watabe all confused. "Bellamu dropped the Captain's plate and the food was all ruined. It's all way too funny." Watabe falls over laughing. "Ah. Well let's go. We found out where Foxy is and also got enough rations to last for a week." Miyara says helping Watabe up to his feet. "Just because of food? The Captain sure is strong." Fuse says all proud. "Look who's talkative all of a sudden." Miyara taps Watabe with his elbow. The three of them walk out of the pub together. "I paid good money for that food damn it!" Jacks yells at Bellamy. "Captain. Let's go. We got all that we needed." Miyara calls out to Jacks. "Oh are we done?" Jacks says in a joyful voice, jumping up from on top of Bellamy and starts skipping towards Miyara and the others. "Wait. Who the hell are you? And what do you want from us?" Bellamy says in a weak voice. "Well we wanted information. But you started attacking us first. Jeez." Jacks says. "And his name is Jacks. Remember it well." Miyara yells. "Yeah your Super Ball." Watabe yells back. "A Super Ball? How even?" Miyara asks. "I'll explain later." Watabe chucked loudly. The four of them start walking towards their ship. "Woah. That's a huge bag, Fuse. Is it filled with food?" Jacks applauds Fuse. "Jacks huh? We should really leave this town Bellamy. Who knows what the next person who comes here would do." Sarquiss says as he comes limping to Bellamy. "Shut up you weak bastard." Bellamy says as he struggles to stand up.

* 1 Hour Later *

The ship is filled with laughter. "Captain beat him up because his plate of food fell?" Goro laughs. "Hey it was some tasty pie alright?" Jacks replies all sulking. "So the Foxy pirates are somewhere nearby?" Fuse asks. "Yeah. They left Jaya a few days back. Resupplied and just left, they said. So I'm guessing they left for Long Ring Island." Miyara says. "Why Long Ring Island though? Do they have a special connection there?" Jacks asks. "Yeah. The terrain and how the island is, makes it easier for them to trick the other pirates in their Davy Back Fight. A game where the losing team has to give up one of their crew members." Miyara explains. "So that's how they took your captain?" Jacks asks. "Yeah. And the bastard didn't even try to resist. Talking about how he's going to live hos life all comfortable starting then. The Black Lagoon Bandits died that day." Miraya explains. "Tch. That bastard. I'll skin him alive if I get my hands on him." Sawada says. "Well you'll all have your revenge. Cause now, we're the Skull Cracker pirates." Jacks says in a joyous voice. "Hell no. Sounds weird Captain." Everyone refuses in unison. Jacks starts laughing. "Hey Captain. I also got this from Jaya. This caught my eye and I thought you might want to see that." Fuse hands Jacks a roll of paper. Jacks unrolls it and instantly regrets it. "That marine recruit Bastard. I should've kicked his ass." Jacks throws the paper and storms into the Captain's quarters. Watabe picks up the paper. "Hey it's a bounty on our Captain." Watabe says out loud. Goro takes a look at it and is confused. The same goes for everyone. "Why's his bounty so low!" Ieyoshi yells out. In their hands, they hold a bounty poster consisting of a blank portrait but has the name of their Captain. Jacks. And only a 500 Berry bounty. "Okay who read it." Jacks jumps out the door with his fists balled. "None of us." Ieyoshi shoves the paper into Sawada's mouth. "Good. Ah! I'm all fired up now. Let's go and beat up Foxy!" Jacks yells on top of his voice. "Aye aye captain." Everyone yells. "Hey Sawada. Did you swallow it. You glutton." Ieyoshi slaps the back of his head. "Hey that hurt. And I thought it was food so I swallowed it." Sawada says. Everyone turns in for the night as the night gets darker. "Captain. What did you mean when you said that marine recruit bastard?" Miyara sits beside Jacks with a bottle of rum in his hand. "I was a prisoner in a marine base for I don't know how long. A group of marines caught up to me not long after I broke out. And there was this one recruit. Even after witnessing my power firsthand, the bastard had the audacity to give me such a low bounty." Jacks laughs taking a sip of the rum. "You are a person of mystery Captain. We sure would love to hear your stories." Miyara says. "Soon. Pretty soon enough you'll all hear about it all. First let's deal with this one annoying pirate." Jacks clinks his rum bottle against Miyara's bottle. "Can't wait, Captain." Miyara says. They stay looking at the night sky for a few minutes. "Well Captain, I'm going to get some rest for the night." Miyara walks off into the kitchen. "Captain. Where are you?" Jacks whispers to himself as he lays down on the ship's deck.

* Back In Jaya *

"Hey Bellamy. You saw who we lost to? He has a wanted poster." Sarquiss says ,dropping an ice bag on his whole face. "What?" Bellamy says all angry still. Without a word, Sarquiss slides a piece of paper towards Bellamy. "We lost to a 100 Berry loser? What the hell?!" Bellamy starts yelling. Sarquiss nods. "Let's just leave before we lose any more dignity." Bellamy gets up and leaves. Sarquiss follows without taking the ice bag from his face.

* A Few Hours Goes By *

"Captain. We're here. And luckily. Foxy's ship docked right there." Miyara says. Jacks stands up and stretches. "Let's go get back our dignity." Jacks jumps off the ship and heads towards Foxy's ship. "Wow. It's a huge ship." Jacks says to himself. "Are we sure about this, Captain?" Miyara asks. "Yeah." Jacks says as he chuckled slowly. "FOXY!" Jacks yells. "Come out here you freak!" Jacks keeps on yelling. "Who is yelling! Have you noticed the goddamned time? It's 3 in the morning!" A voice yells from inside the ship. A weird person starts walking down from the ship. "Do you people not sleep? And what do you have against me?" The weird person yells. "That's Foxy?" Jacks points at the person. "Yes Captain." Miyara says. Foxy stops a few feet. Wearing pink striped pyjamas. Foxy starts waving his fist at them. Jacks and his crew start laughing at him. "Why me?!" Foxy drops down to his knees all depressed. " He has a weird face. What's with that hairdo. What's with that long nose. Why's he all wide from the hips. He's weird!" Jacks says to Miyara. Foxy gets even more depressed. "Hey! Are you making fun of our Oyabin?" A big guy stops near Foxy. "Hamburg. You're the only one good enough. I don't even know who he is. And what I've done to him. Yet look at all that he's saying." Foxy says. "I've come to get revenge for my crew. You beat them in your weird fight a few days ago." Jacks says. "So are you looking for a rematch?" Foxy smirks. "No! I'm here to beat you to a pulp." Jacks says stretching his legs. "Fiifififi!" Foxy starts laughing. Jacks and his crew fall over laughing. "Don't tell me that was your laugh. Hahaaa. You're way too weird." Jacks keeps clutching his stomach and laughs. "I'll kill you." Foxy says. In a single minute, all of Foxy's crew members jumps down and huddles up near Foxy. "You think you can beat all of us up in a fari fight?" Foxy smirks. "Ah. Captain. There's that turncoat over there. Our previous Captain. Let me at him." Miyara points towards a huge person behind Foxy. "Ah Miyara. I see you're all back for more. I'll kindly get rid of all of you again." He says. "Kashiwa! I'll kill you." Fuse says gripping on his swords. "You guys just take care of the stragglers." Jacks steps forward. He takes a deep breath and uses Conqueror's Haki. Stopped dead in their tracks. The Foxy Pirates start collapsing one by one. "Captain. You said to take care of stragglers. But you took out the whole crew." Miyara says with a laugh. "Was that... Haoshoku Haki? A powerful one at that too." Fuse says. "Captain?" Goro notices Jacks not moving or saying anything. "Hey Miyara." Ieyoshi starts but is cut off. Jacks suddenly drops back. "Goro!" Miyara runs over to Jacks. Goro too runs over to check up on him. After checking his vitals, Goro lets out a sigh of relief. "Captain's just passed out. Let's just take him back to the ship." Goro says. "Hey at least we won." Watabe says. "Yeah. But we have to start training too. The Captain can't always fight all of our battles." Miyara says grabbing Jacks shoulders. The crew slowly brings him up to the ship. "We should start heading to Marineford. Captain wanted to meet someone there." Miyara says. The ship sails off as the sun rises.