


ADE123WEIRD · Fantasy
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Act one: Lucifer's Hatred

(It all begins, when the universe was just dim and then the beam of glow shone on the earth and the earth became as clear and bright as the star, then I made you out of beam that was how it was for all time be.)

Lucy: My lord can you tell about your newest conception

The Lord: I will, but at the right time.

Angel Lucifer: I was thinking, every day, we stand here and the lord reserved on saying he is busy; I anticipated he isn't making a special light that can outstand me; I don't want it.

Angel lucky: don't predict an event that hasn't even happen yet Lucia, you know after the lord you're the next powerful angel, moreover please don't make use of those terms here you know of Angel Gabriel she is one heck of an angel take notice of it.

Angel smart: attention angels a message from the lord... All the angels should gather to be part of His project and I think he wants Lucia to be part I presume he might..... (Interrupted)

Angel Lucifer: can you slash it out! Let's go, you're wasting our time or mine particularly.

The Lord: Assemble! For you shall be part of my project, let it begin; Lucia, go along and fetch from the earth.

Angel Lucifer: I should fetch from the soil you say.

The Lord: Yes, go on don't keep us waiting.

Angel Lucifer: if you say so

(And so he left and as he arrived, he said the following ;)

Angel Lucifer: World! I order to fetch from you, said the Lord in His glory and name, let me!

Earth: No! I will not be part, don't use me in making, I don't want you.

Angel Lucifer: why don't you?

{Before he could say anything else the Lord called him back; so he went back to him}

The Lord: You have return, speak forth Lucifer.

Lucifer: The Earth didn't allow me

The Lord: I know what it wants, Death Go on and fetch for me.

Angel of Death: yes my lord

{So she went ahead and asked}

Angel of death: Earth, I know of what you want, I here by make a promise to you with every pinch I fetch from you; would be returned in a handful.

{That is the reason why if humans die they are buried in sand to fulfill the promise made to the earth by the angel of death.}

Angel of Death: here my Lord, the soil you need for your creation.

The Lord: gather around, for you will all now witness one of my creations; I hereby make you, man out of sand, in My own image; and you shall be ruler all over living things both on the earth and in sea.

{And He breathed life into the nostril of the sand, I created him in my own image and he shall be the father of all nations, and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.}

The Lord: Do you have anything to offer?

Angel Lucifer: I do father;

{So Lucifer spited on him and said this will be called saliva}

The Lord: And it is done; now I command all of you to bow down to this man; for his name now, will be Adam.

{They all bow down to him except for Lucifer}

Angel Lucifer: my lord, never will I bow down to man, weak and pathetic, created from mud.

The Lord: you must all bow down to him including you Lucifer now I say!

Angel Lucifer: I can never bow down to a man

{So he flew out and left}

The Lord: let him be he will regret it soon


Adam: my lord

The Lord: Angel Smart, take him to the Garden of Eden

Angel Smart: yes my Lord

{So they arrived at the big gate of Eden, a beautiful garden filled with all sort of beautiful and fierce animals, because before the arrival of Adam all the animal creatures were created.}

Adam: oh my creator

The Lord: Fear not Adam, for they will obey you, as from today henceforth; you will be above all of them.

{And that is how human gain control but thank goodness they are not in charge of the world}

Adam: but creator, do you mean I can eat from all the fruit and play with the animal and name them.

The Lord: yes you can, and as for the fruits; you can eat all except from the forbidden fruit, (he pointed at the tree) for if you eat from eat you will die.

Adam: it's great! Thanks my lord; I will always worship you.

{That was how he made the promise he couldn't fulfill, I think he kind of maybe tried}

The Lord: Yes, I will leave now; but if you need anything just call on me.

Adam: Ok my Lord, as you wish, I shall dedicate my whole life to worshiping you with all my heart and soul.

{So Adam was in charge of the entire Garden; he made friends with the animals and also named all the creatures. Adam was happy, he was enjoying in the Garden of Eden and was very lonely, he realized that he needed a companion; so he called upon the Lord.}

Adam: My Lord thou hast created me but without no companion.

Angel Smart: My lord I noticed that Adam has not been happy few weeks after thou hath made him, remember that thou hath said that thy created thee in thy image so why hath created man without my sister's resemblance.


When the angels appear, the devils run away

A cat goes to a monastery, but she still remains a cat

Tell a lie and truth will come to light

Women and glass are always in danger

If the devil is your grandfather you will be welcome in hell

If we knew were death resided, we would never stay there

The earth is man's only friend

It is easy to tempt a frog to the river

On a rainy day many offer to water the chickens

Listen with one ear; be suspicious with the other

A stone from the hand of a friend is an apple

He who saves us for another day has no trust in God

A single finger cannot catch fleas

The stone in the water does not know how hot the hill is, parched by the sun

Don't raise your club so high; it will only fall on your head


{God appeared in Eden and said to Adam ;}

The Lord: Now you would be put to sleep.

{Then Adam was put to sleep}{Then Adam was put to sleep}

The Lord: By the power bestowed on ME, I hereby create Eve from the rib of him the man, Adam and she would be his companion.

The Lord: Adam wake up; see, now you are not alone, you are now blessed with a life partner

{ And the Lord joined Adam and Eve as husband and wife, so it went on; they were both with the place they resided in and were unaware that they were naked, until one faithful Adam was out Eve was roaming about and saw a rumble through the bushes….}

Eve: is anyone there? Are you scared? Don't be scared come out. {She said}

Lucifer: {in disguise of a serpent} I am Lucia the Serpent and I have a thing or two to discuss with you come back then when you are free I will discussed with you

{Then he went in to the bushes quietly you know those times serpents have legs and were more normal}

{Back at Garden Eden, Adam had returned but Eve didn't Say nothing to him she was remembering what the serpent said to her and made up her mind to go alone without Adam knowledge}


{Back at the hall of judgment Lucifer body suddenly stated burning but to be skipped he went straight to death and asks}

Angel of Death: Lucifer you are here, I hope all is well

Angel Lucifer: what is happening to me; a sense of darkness is exploding inside me; with my good looks, what's wrong with the beam inside me.

Death: well I think you must be going through the power of disobedience, why will you talk back to your creator and why wouldn't you bow down?

Angel Lucifer: I can never bow down to a mere mortal.

Angel of Death: you will fall

(He left Death's presence)

{Back at the garden Eve was walking through the garden and stated eating Some fruit from a tree close by Adam told her: you shall eat from all fruit except from theforbidden tree}

Lucifer: {in disguise as a serpent} went through the bushes.

Eve: Lucia is that you

Lucifer: Yes I'm the one, what are you doing here.

(In a snake voice; hsssssssssss you know what I mean)

Eve: I am just analyzing the tastes of this fruit isn't it amazing, it's delicious

Lucifer: it's delicious, but have you ever thought of eating from that tree

Eve: No! Preposterous you know; neither Adam nor I can eat from the forbidden tree.

Lucifer: why? If I may ask;

Eve: because it's an instruction

Lucifer: from were

Eve: it's from above

Her Conscience: {Eve I really don't think you should listen to him he is evil}

Lucifer: with your permission can I tell you something

Eve: Yes, go on am all ears

Lucifer: The reason why you were told not to eat from the fruit of the forbidden tree is because after thou hath eat of the fruit you will be like God and will know good and evil.

Eve: Wow, really?

Lucifer: Yes

Eve's conscience: {if I eat this fruit I would be wise like God and would know all good and evil this is an opportunity I can't miss out on.}

{And Eve ate from the fruit and Adam saw what his wife hath done and went to her.}

Adam: Eve! Why have thou eaten from the fruit of the forbidden tree that God said we shouldn't eat from.Eve: The serpent told me to, he said when I eat it I would be wise like God

Adam: Really?

Eve: Yes

{And Eve persuaded her husband to eat from the fruit thereof, and he ate from it and their eyes were wide open and they saw that they were naked and they took fig leaves and covered their selves with it.}

{And God return back to the Garden of Eden and He called upon Adam and saw that he was hiding with his wife Eve.}

The Lord: Why art thou hid from me Adam? Have thou eaten from the forbidden tree that thy have said not to eat from?

Adam: My Lord Eve gave the fruit to me to eat.

The Lord: Eve, why did thou give your husband the fruit and why did thou eat from it?

Eve: Lucia, the serpent told me that if I eat from the forbidden fruit I would be wise like you and I would know good and evil.

The Lord: Because of thy disobedience, Adam whatever land you tilter shall be withered and Eve, you shall experience labor pain during the time you want to give birth.

{You were told not to eat from the forbidden tree}

Lucifer: who now has succeeded in getting rid of those filthy humans?

The Lord: Lucifer, Lucifer, Lucifer You have done it you tempted Eve and you're now exposed and your beauty and your voice shall be taken away from you, for you are cursed and turned into a ram with two horns and a tail, and you shall be ugly so now go for I banish you from heaven to hell.

{And he was banished with God's fury and anger which created what we come to know as of today; "hell" where he was cursed to live for eternity.}

Lucifer: now you have said it, I will go, but for what; for a human I now ask you to grant me one last request I will make a deal with you I will raise my army, I will make the children's of Adams suffer; I will make them fight each other; I will make sure they worship you falsely; I will send down my agents, I will make human souls mineyou will see that humans are not worthy of your grace, mercy and protection; they will hurts themselves, I swear on the Hell my kingdom and someday I will over throne you.

{And he boasted and was beating his chest, later he was sent to Hell and Gabriel was sent to earth. On earth Adam arrived but left Eve he was upset and confused Eve came to him}

Eve: am at fault here I never knew that the Serpent was telling a lie

Adam: don't worry woman we will ask the creator for forgiveness he will forgive us and we will be back to Eden anytime soon

Miss Amelia: jack what the hell are you doing

jack: teacher I am telling the story of heaven and hell ma'am

Miss Amelia: you know that this is history class right? you're been acting crazy these days but you know what jack, your performance in class recently has been stupendous, as a reward; ask me anything and I guarantee to fill your day.

Jack: what if it isn't a lie ma'am, what if we make it to heaven and don't get inside

Miss Amelia:: good deeds jack, it's all in the good deeds

Jack: why do people fight kill and hurts each other, what if we can't go back, what if we look and look and looked the on look to overlook us

Miss Amelia:class dismiss

Jack: ma'am what about the questions.

Teacher: the school's dismissed, and I wouldn't want to ruin your day. Perhaps you might have plans for the day so off you go

Jack: thanks a lot ma'am