
jack Thompson

A teen boy gets taken into a world where magic and mythical begins live.

Thembinkosi_Gumede · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

As Jack was walking in front of the Great August Kingdom. He was stopped by two guards."Hey stop, Identify yourself," the first guard said."Relax Jack I got this, just repeat after me okay " Mardochaios said. "Okay." Jack replied. " I am lost and my family was killed by a group of goblins, please help me I'm starving." Jack said. "I don't buy this and look at his clothes those look like prisoner clothes." The first guard said. "What if he is a lost boy and he is really starving, you wouldn't want a boy to die because of your actions now." The second guard said. "All right. Get in boy but make sure to go to the orphanage it's next to the castle." The first guard said. "Thank you sir thank you very much." Jack said. Jack entered the Great Kingdom of August. There where different smells in the air. He saw people using magic. "So where are we going?" Jack asked. "To the orphanage, you need to throw away those clothes and take a bath." Mardochaios replied. "Why?"Jack asked. "I'll explained later." Mardochaios replied. Jack arrived at the orphanage. The orphanage looked like the oldest building in the Kingdom. It was filthy and filled with files. "Is this it?" Jack asked. "Just go inside and tell the orphanage keeper the same story you told the guards got it!!" Mardochaios commanded. Jack walked inside the orphanage. A young woman in nun clothes saw Jack entering the orphanage. "Hello are you lost?" She asked. "Yes, I'm looking for a place to stay. My parents got killed by a group of goblins." Jack replied. "Oh I'm sorry to hear that we do have space for you to stay. Come follow me." She said. The nun held Jack's hand and accompanied him to his room. "She looks way to young to be a nun." Jack said in his head. "Shut up perv and focus." Mardochaios said. "We have arrived this is your room." She said. "Thank you miss." Jack said. "No don't call me miss. Call me Sister Mary." She said. "Okay Sister Mary." Jack said. Jack entered the room and closed the door. The room was small and was only good for one person. It had one bed, a sink and a small wardrobe. Jack opened the wardrobe looking for clothes to change into. He found two t-shirts, one pair of pants and two pairs of shoes. All the clothes looked like they were in great condition. "Why did you want me to throw away my clothes?" Jack asked. "You look like a prisoner." Mardochaios replied. "Oh" Jack said. Jack took those clothes in the wardrobe and started undressing. "Tell me one thing, you're not from this world are you?" Mardochaios asked. "How do you know ?" He asked. "Answer me!!!" She commanded. "Yes I am not from this world." Jack replied. "But how did you know?" He asked. "You used a inter-dimensional magic circle. A forbidden magic circle only known to me and August. How do you know this magic circle?" She asked. Sister Mary budged in and didn't realize Jack was naked and was about to change. There was an awkward moment of silence. Sister Mary's face turned red and covered her eyes. Jack took the pillow and cover himself. "Sorry I should've knocked forgive me." Sister Mary said. "No it's okay what do you want." He said. "Food is ready at the cafeteria, I'll be waiting outside of your to accompany you there." She said. Sister Mary left the room feeling embarrassed. "What a pervert." Mardochaios said. "What no , it was a mistake that's all." Jack said. End of episode Three