
Jack the ripper: Origins

Set in the Victorian age a humble 12 year old boy named JACK PETERSON with a strange sickness of his own, desires nothing but to escapes his impoverished homestead by becoming a world renowned actor but all of that soon changes when he befriends two girls, SUSAN and JULIA GIBSION who are victims of heinous abuse, on discovering this Jack seeks help from a mysterious man CATHER J. KIPPER, who helps him by unknowingly turning the humble boy into an articulated and meticulous cold blooded serial killer.

Theodoresauls · Realistic
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25 Chs


The next day started as usual, I am really not going to explain his morning ritual all over again, so think of the previous chapters, copy and paste that to your imagination, fast forward it times two, do the same with the school day, because my creative juices are currently running on empty, so my dear, lovely reader, I am going to rely on your creative ability but if you are more left brain, skeptical and logical, I will add this little clue to light up that little amber of imagination( he went to school), I hope that was able to stimulate that creative ability if not please as around or as I said use pervious chapters as a reference, so let us continue with the story, I drank a little coffee so I am feeling a little inspiration coming on.

School ended( Gosh, how many times have I started a paragraph like this about this).

School ended and as he walked out the school gate he was abducted by killer whale looking aliens that could shoot laser beams out their butt holes, because they are just all about that anal probing, never mind lets get to the real story.

School again🙄, for the third and bloody, last time I hope ,fingers cross + emoji ( which is not working at the moment) so he went to his super secret meeting, slash chill spot, where Sir C.J and his faithful servant was eagerly waiting his arrival.

'Welcome!, Welcome!, my dear Jackie boy, my bastard off spring.', Sir C.J broke into an hysterical laughter.'

'Ignore him Master Jack, I do not want to be rude or seem impatient…'

'But you are!'

'Shhh,you!, where was I, I was just wondering, if you have found out anything that could help us with this situation, with the girls of course.'

'Listen here, Jackie, I think what she is trying to say is, do you have any information, which she can go gossip about, a date, time, place, when, where, how, muffin or cup cake, honestly I never understood the difference, Jack you work in a bakery, could you please explain in detail between these two desserts or snacks?'


'Cather, could you be serious for once in your life and let the boy speak, Good afternoon Master Jack, I trust you have had a pleasant day at school?'

'I would not know, it was completely out of my hands.'

'That is quite alright, would you care for some biscuits and tea?'

'He would love some.'


'When will you ever say no, to a free meal Jackie boy?'

'I was about to until y….'

'Who cares, we are not here to discuss the fornication and adultery, spare no detail, my student, Sevki, please poor me some of that tea, my throat have been feeling scratchy.'

'Of course, must be the weather, it has been quite chilly these past few days.', Sevki said, pouring tea.

'Yes, I have been struggling to get up from my bed and going to school, I just want to stay in my warm bed in the mornings.'

'Jack, life lesson here, there is no use staying in bed, when there is no one to stay with you.'

'Mhmmm…, Charlotte ask me out on a date.'

'What!, that is ridiculous, why on earth would she do that?'

'And what did you say Master Jack?', Sevki drew a little closer to him.

'I said.., yes.'

'I think we are going off topic here people, the question is why would she ask you out on a date?'

'Maybe she is not getting enough attention from Mr Gibs..', Sevki replied, shrugging her shoulders.

'Oh, his name is Gregory.'

'What kind of fairy name is that!', Then Sir C.J launched his tea cup against a tree.

'How can you not know his name Cather, you have sold him horses before.'

'I know, I just wanted to create a dramatic climax, back to the point, I think that she asked you on a date because she is not getting enough attention from Greg', Sir C.J pulled a funny face after saying his name, 'Or  maybe she is trying to make him jealous.'

'Or maybe she is not as satisfying as she thought he would be.', Sevki immediately covered her mouth.

'What did you say!, girl, you better keep those  thoughts in your head because we might catch on what books you are reading these days.'

Jack looked at C.J and Sevki, who were giggling.

'Uhmmm…, I would like to get in this joke too.'

'You will understand one day, young Master, so what do we do now Cather, does he go on the date or are we sticking to the original plan?'

'Well, this date thing does change things a little but maybe we could use this to our advantage.'

'Do not tell me that I have to get close to her and get into an actual relationship with her like I did with the girls, because it is a waste of time.'

'Was it, this date, you are going on, could get her to open up, leaking some information on her and Greg's relationship and what they might be doing the rest of the week, if my anticipation is right, if a little birdie, informs him that you are taking her, correction, if she is taking you on a date, he might get so jealous, that he might do something completely irrational and stupid and in that moment, it will be our moment of glory, you get  ready and find out where she is taking you and make sure the girls get wind of it.'

'But would that not upset Susan?'

'Yes, Jackie it will and that is want we want.'

'I do not understand Cather, why would we want to upset his daughter.'

'Gosh you two have no sense of articulation, if she finds out that another woman is taking her supposedly boyfriend on a date, she will be upset and sulk around the house, questioning her ability to keep a man, obviously her sulking will be noticed by her mother, father or sister, and ask her what is wrong, then she will spill the beans and that news will spread around the house, soon Greg, will get a sniff of it and come rushing to the scene.'

'What if he wants to stay home with his wife?'

'Noooo, way that is happening, no way he will stay at home with that crazy thing.'

'What do you mean Sir?'

'Nothing, stop being so busy, geez, one could swear you work po-po lice, you just make sure they know, what day and when, okay?'


'See Master Jack, I told you that Cather was good at these sort of things.'

'I must say Sevki, I did have my doubts in the beginning but now it seems like it is all coming together.'

'It is only natural to have doubts but with the proper mind set and skill set, you can make anything happen, that is enough from you two, Jack go home and think of discreet ways of asking Charlatan, ha!, you see what I did there, back to earth, ask Charlotte about her and Greg's relationship.'

'How will that help?'

'It will keep you busy and prevent you from touching places you are not suppose to, and you know what they say, an idle mind is the devil's playground and you are of that age where he encourages you to play with yourself.'

'Thanks for the homework and keeping me from falling into sin.'

'Glad, I could help, Adios amigos!'

'Bye Master Jack.'

'Bye. Sevki and the tea was great by the way.'

'Thank you.'

Jack turned around and made his way home, grumbling about how unfairly he is being treated even though he is the star of the show.

At home things did not get any better, it seemed like the universe was conspiring against him and his father was not satisfied with his character's limited characteristics and to decide to expand his character's range of acting by getting drunk and make moves, forceful moves not only on his wife but also his daughter, in order to get more story time or more narration on his character, this was about to result into a scene which not even I could have anticipated.

Jack entered the house, his mother holding her arm and blood running down her forehead, his sister cowering behind her mother, holding her clothes on her body.

'Hey!, what is going on here!'

His father scoffed

'Look, who it is, my useless son, you better stay out if this, these are my women, you have your Gibson girls, how you manage to get both if them, it is a miracle, no, a bloody Phenomenon, I really do not know what they see in you, you so ugly and white.'

Jack was starting to boil, all the things he had bottled up are applying pressure to the cap.

'When did he start drinking.'

'I do…not know.'

'She knows…., she has been giving me money to go and drink.' be burped and took a drink of water, then spat it out again, 'This is not vodka, what is this?'

'Mother is this true?'

'Mother is this true.' he father repeated in a mocking voice, 'Yes, it is true, you Faggot!'


'Because, that is what a wife does, she takes care of all her husband's needs, besides I have a need that has to be taken care of, Jane!, go to the room.'

Jack ran over to his mother

'She is not going anywhere.'

'Listen here you waste of seamen, you were really a mistake, you are the entire reason why I had to get married, I would have been a free man if she just got you aborted, now look what you turned out to be, now step aside or else.'

'Or else what!'

Jack's father put down his bottle and cracked his knuckles, 'It looks to me you need a good beating because it seems you have grown too old for your underwear and after that, I am going to make love to my wife, hell I will even take the little one too.'

'You are disgusting.'

'Hey!, do not talk to me like that, Jane!, come here now.'

Jack's mother shook her head, John stormed forward but intercepted, shoved him forward and slapped him across the face, which caused his mother and sister to gasp.

'Now you are going to see you fly rapist.'

Jack's father replied with a let hook, Jack dodged and returned the favour with a shot to the rips and another to the stomach, his father stumbled back and vomited a little, wiped his mouth and smiled before coming in with a tackle, Jack could not dodged this one and took it head on, flying through the air, when he land his head bounced off the floor making an horrendous sound, everything was blurry, there was a zinging sound in his ear, he could not feel the rest of his body, all he could do was just watch as his father mounted him and started blasting away at his face, his mother tried to intervene but she too was pushed with back with such force resulting in her falling back words, hitting the back of her head on the edge of the stove, Jill watch as her father was beating her brother's face to a pulp and her  mother bleeding from her head back of her head, she was left with two choices, either run and get help or become the help herself, she took the heavy pan of the stove, gripped it tight and walked slowly towards her father, just as he was about to turn, she mastered all her strength and swung away, smacking him right across the face, knocking old John out for the count.

The next morning when he woke up in a haze, his brain was in a daze, his vision was craze, the only thing his could recognize was his sisters gaze, her valiant efforts indefinite need of praise.

'Jack!', His sister ran to his side, 'How are you feeling?'

'A little confused, how about you?'

'I am fine.'

'And mother?'

'The doctor, said that she took a pretty hard fall but she will be alright.'

'That is great news and the other man?'

'He left, as soon as he realised what he has done.'

'Great, I am really proud of you sister?'


'You conquered your fear of the enemy and the dark and went to get help.'

'I did nothing…'

'You saved us both, thank you and I am very proud of you too.' their mother said, standing at the door.

'Mother!', they both shouted.

'You should be in bed, the doctor said that you need to rest.'

'I am fine dear.' she walked steadily to the bed and sat next to them.

'How are you my son?'


'And you?'

'Nothing to worry about, I had worse injuries then this in my childhood, how is your face.'

'Do not ask him that mother, you know it is his pride and joy.'

They all giggled

'Ouch, my face, it really hurts, how on earth will I carry on living.'

'And there he goes.'

'By the way what is the time?'



Jack hopped out of bed, his mother grabbed his wrist.

'What is going on, what are you doing?'

'I am going to be late, I have to get to school.'

'NO!, you cannot go like this, you need to rest son.'

'Mother, I understand but education is very important and it is my only ticket out of here, so I cannot afford to miss a day and this.' Jack walked over to the mirror and took a look at himself, giving himself a little fright, 'Uhmmm…this..this, is nothing.'

'You cannot even speak properly my son.'

'Mother is right, Jack, one day would not hurt.'

'That is where you are wrong, one day could hurt me for my entire life, you will not understand, how sick I am of living like this, I want out!'

Jack took off his blood stained clothes and started changing.

'Aaaah!, Jack you could have waited until we left, cover your eyes mother.'

'No, need, I have seen it all before.'

Jack exited his room and walked through the house, flashes of the previous night played through his head as he walked to the door.

'Jack, are you sure you want to go to school?' his mother asked.

Jack smile or at least tried, 'Yes, I am sure.'

'Are you not going to eat anything.'

'No, I am going to grab something at work, besides I cannot eat anything now, the swelling  needs to subsided  a little.'

'Alright, if you say so, be gone then.'

'I shall.' winked at his mother and shut the door.

On his way to school, Jack started talking to himself again.

'Man, I should have listened to my mother and stayed home.'

'But if you stayed at home, then how will you get out of this God forsaken place, geez, I do not know how you managed to survive all this time.'

'The struggle is real my friend.'

'So, what are you going to do about the guy, who did this to you, to your most priced possession, your face.'

'Oh, I have an idea for him, I am not a forgive and forget kind of guy, that is not my style, '

'Maybe you should serve him in a way that will be ironic.'

'Like drown him in his own alcohol.'

'Yes, I am thinking more realistic like, liver failure.'

'I do not think that is possible.'

'Anything is possible Jackie.'


'You, see, if one drinks pure enough alcohol and if you add something special.'

'Where, would I get something like that?'

'I think you know, who to ask for it.'

'NO!, No, I refuse to ask him for help, I will deal with this myself, hopefully in a way that does not get me into trouble and put my mother to shame, there has to be a better way to exact revenge, then resorting to his tactics, I will find a better way.'

'If you say so.'

Two people walked by and stared at him, then whispered to each other.

'What are two looking and whispering about, has your mother not told that is rude to stare.'

'Huh, kids of today, they are so rude, did you see the tall ones face, looks like a cats testicles, dried out.'

'I honestly, I cannot imagine that, nor do I want to.'

'Me neither, well here we are at school, people will talk but you need to keep your head high, you done something that some adults would have just stood by.'

'Thanks, wait, why am I thanking myself, whatever.'

When he entered the school, his face became like a magnet for the wondering eyes, everyone stared at him with great curiosity, and asked themselves the all the very first thing that anyone would ask themselves if they see someone like that, 'Who is this guy, was he always at our school?', but Jack ignored them, kept his head held high and continued to march on, until he encountered Susan and Julia.

'Jack, is it you.' Susan asked

'Susan, get away from him, you know what mother said about talking to strangers.'

'Haha, very funny, Julia, yes, it is I, the one and only Jack Peterson.'

'Yep, it is him.'

'Jack Peterson, what happened to you?'

'I should ask you two the same question, you look like you had a rough time too.'

'No..no..no.', Julia shook her head, 'It does not work like that, we asked you first, first come first serve.' 

'Huh, Well played Julia, if you must know, I fell down the stairs.'

'No, do not lie to us Jack Peterson.'

'Yes, you do not fool us, we have used that one before, get your own, isn't Susan?'

'What do you mean Julia?'

'Nothing!, she means nothing, you know her always just blabbing away, isn't Julia?'

This was the first time Jack has heard Susan use an affirmative tone and it was kind of attractive.

'Yes, do not mind me, this is just pure nonsense coming out of my mouth, nothing to see here.'

'Okay, if you say so.'

He did not believe them for one second.

'So, Jack Peterson, are you going to tell us, what really happened to you?'

'No, kidding and you lost, no surprise there.'


'Now, what sister, you are giving me a hard time for telling the truth.'

'Yes, that is true, I did lose, so, you have heard my story, what is yours.'

'Is it not obvious, we fought each other?'

'Is that true Julia?'


'She does not want to answer because she lost.'

'I think we both lost.'

'Do not mind her, she is just a sour loser.'

'At least I can face the truth.'

'What truth Julia?' Jack asked.

'Please, stop this, when will you stop being a cry baby, but I still love you.'

'That, is all lies!, how long will you lie to yourself like this….how long?'

Then Julia, just took off.


'No, Jack, let her go, she is just childish.'

Jack turned to face Susan and connected with her eyes and what he saw was emptiness, as if her soul was gone, as if she was just functioning on autopilot, old Susan died in that very moment.

'Susan, are you okay, you do not seem like your old self.'

'What do you mean, I have never felt better, come on let us get to class, I do not want to be late.'

'What about Julia?'

'She is a big girl now, she need to learn to deal with thing on her on.'


Susan, took his hand and head into class, he looked over his shoulder to see where Julia was but she was nowhere to be seen.

At recess, the atmosphere was tense, you could cut it with an imaginary knife, like that one saying people say, the two girls stared at each other without saying a word.


Both girls looked at Jack.

'Uhmmm…. I hate to interrupt but I have to ask, are you two having some sort of staring contest or talking telepathically?'

Susan and Julia both gave him the glare of death, which could cause a bird to fall out the tree and die.

'Ouch, tough crowd, is anyone one going to say something?'

'Aren't you saying enough for all of us?' Julia answered.

Jack could barely master up a smile, 'You know Julia if it was not for my swollen face or your face, mainly your face, I would have crawled right over and kissed you.'

'Ewww!, I would rather die, then be kissed by you.'

'Wait a minute, I thought that I was your special person, how come you never offered to kiss me?', Susan said, folding her arms and pouted.

'Well, if you would like, I could fix that mistake right now.'

'Ha-ah, that train has left the station.'

'Good one sister!' Julia, crawled over to her sister, raised her hand for a high-five but lowered it back down again.

'Come on, Julia, you know, you want to.' Susan said giving her a warm smile.

'You know, you want to Julia, how long are you going to stay angry with your sister, do you not want to celebrate that insult, I just received, you know it is not easy to be the elder sibling.'

'Oh, Jack, you just want to make this about you in some way but who cares, I love my sister.'

Julia high-fived her and embraced her sister.

'Aww, look at you two, how about we make this a group hug?'

'NO!' both girls answered

'Look at this now, I got them to reconcile, yet I am treated like an outsider, this is how you kids of today show gratitude.'

'Get in here you big baby?', Susan said.

'You sure.'


Jack joined the girls for a brief moment until…

'Does Julia have to be here too, I mean she had her turn.'

'Argh..Jack!' both girls cried and broke it off.

'You just had to go spoil the moment.'

'Well, I am sorry Julia, I had to state the facts, what can I say life happens, when you least expect it.'

'That sounds like our everyday life.' Susan said.

'And through time and patience you learn to roll with it.'

'Well said, Julia, well said, of course I would have added something more profound to it but everyone cannot be brilliant as me.'

Susan and Jill just looked at him and rolled their eyes.

The school day ended and it was time for work and to start his integration of his pending date, which he is looking forward but not too forward as it could most likely  going  to lead to the penultimate chapter of the book, which could mean that it is going to be leaving him unemployed and properly homeless but let us not focus on the negatives but the positives.

He arrived at work and his fellow colleagues, Arnold and James was already waiting for him.

'Wooow!', Arnold shouted

'Do you have to make a scene?'

'We cannot ignore it James, look at his face.'

'Well you do not have to, react this way.'

'It is fine, James.'

'What happen to your face?'

'What a way to easy into it Arnold?'

Arnold put his hand on James' shoulder.

'Somethings in life just has to be done, whether we like it or not.'

Jack put both his hands in the air, 'Preach the word brother.'

'See he is not afraid of the truth, now speak in tongues my brother, let the truth flow through you like a piping bag.'

'Really that is the best you could come up with?'

'Shhh, he is about to speak.'

'I was in a fight.'

'Who, when, where and how, was it one of Charlotte's old jealous boyfriends?'

'Why would one of Charlotte's old boyfriends attack me?'

'Aww, look at him acting like he knows nothing, James but we know everything?'

'Words travels fast around here son.'

'I take it you heard.'

'Yes, technically she told us but tell us, is it true, is she taking you on a date, how did you manage to get that right and I am the one they call 'Arnold, the sexist chick magnet alive.', Arnold went on to flex his biceps.

'No one calls you that.'

'I think I have heard some people call him that.'


'Nope, I am just joking.'

James started laughing and stretched his hand towards Jack for a handshake, Jack accepted.

'Man, that is a good one.' James said, wiping a tear from his cheek.

'It seems like, that person knocked some respect out of you too.'

'Booo!, Arnold, Booo!, you are such a sour loser, he is just a kid, you cannot take these things seriously, I must say you turned out to be a dark horse but never mind that, now tell us where is she taking you?'

'I do not know.'

'I know she probably told you not to tell us anything but if you do not tell us, how are we going to know where you are if something bad happens to you?', Arnold  took Jack's hand into  his calloused hands and started stroking the top of  it and nodding slowly at the same time.

'Arnold what are you doing?'

'Quiet James, this is called emotional blackmail.'

'I am sorry Arnold but whatever you trying, it is not working on me.'

'You, do not tell them these busy bodies anything.' Charlotte said, entering the room.

'Look, who it is the lady of the hour herself, Charlotte Bonate, you know you could have asked me on a date too, I spend more time with you, I literally work with you, I should be going on that date with you.'

'This is why I did not ask you, because you are like this, childlike, I cannot be  on a date and still have to babysit, I am sorry I am old now and I have a ID.'

'You tell him sister.'

'Listen to you James, she did not ask you either, so I do not understand why you are happy.'

'Why, should I ask James…'

'Ha!, she did not even think of asking you.'

'No, let me finish now, why should I ask James, if he has a girlfriend.'

'What!', Arnold threw a chunk of dough against the ceiling.

'Yeah, you did not know.'

'I…did not, is this true James?'

James gave a nod.

'I cannot believe this, everyone is like moving on with their lives and I am staying in one place, bu…but, why did you not tell me anything, I thought  we were friends not just friends more like best friends, now I do not know, what we are.'

'Now come on Arnold, you know that we are best friends, I kept quite because I wanted to see where it goes and how serious it gets.'

'So, how serious is it?', Jack asked.

Everyone looked at him.

'What, am I not allowed to ask, I work here you know.'

'If that is so, then why is there no one working?'

'Well that is because we…..' Jack turned around to find Waldo towering over him.

'I am waiting.'


'I thought so, everyone get to work now!, we have customers down there, Jack we will not be on the floor today, due to obvious reasons, you will return to your previous job until the swelling goes down, I cannot have people thinking we running a saloon here, I hope you understand.'

'Ye…yes, sir.'

'I am glad, do not worry, you will not be alone down there, I hired someone, when you got promoted.'


'You know.'

'No, I do not know.'

'Look, I do not know too, the guy's name, is one of those names you forget easily.'

'I do not think that is appropriate for an employer to say that about his employees.'

'Please do not preach to me, I wonder how many, employers know the names of all their employees, so if you would excuse me, those two man cannot handle all those people by themselves, so if you would excuse me, I have to get to work and so do you.'

Waldo, left for work but the four, still have something to discuss.

'What is up with him, all serious and stuff?' Charlotte asked.

'I do not know, I think, he is like this because his mother called him home to get married.'

'Are you sure Arnold, because that is not what I heard.'

'What did you hear James?'

'I heard that he recently got a letter from a long lost daughter and now she wants to come live with him.', James said and then started to begin his work.

'Well, that is not what I heard.'

'What did you hear Jack?'

The three of gathered around him.

'I heard that we all have to get to work or we will get fired.'

'Oh, shut up.', Charlotte said 

'See, this is what happens when you believe kids.' Arnold said and returning to his work station.

'Thank you Jack.'

'My pleasure James.'

Jack picked up his bag and went to go and change.

Back to the yard for our unlikely hero.

'Here you are again, it gets quite lonely out here and with everyone inside.'

Jack looked around to see if he was talking to anyone else.

'Excuse me, are you new here, are you the new man Waldo hired?'

'No, I am not actually new here, I was here before you got the job at the counter, we actually met, that very day that you left.'

'Oh, now I remember.'

(Lies!, honestly dear reader even I have forgotten about this character Francois, no, I think that is from someone's back story, do not worry, I will remember soon, 'You see, dear narrator writer not even you remember this person, so why does he have to be in this story, nor do I want him.', Shut up!, and do your job, any way back to the story.'


'Of course, I have to, so how is life treating you?'

'Okay, it was a little cold yesterday but I am fine now, how about you, you seem like you have received the short end of the stick of life.'

'It is not like I have any CONTROL but I do not know what to tell you, I feels like I am going  through some sort of small climax before I get to a gigantic one and it is making me very nervous, I do not know if I am going to die or someone close to me but mainly I do not want to die, I am only twelve going on to thirteen, I have so much to live for.'

'I see where you are coming from, sometimes I feel like that too, but if you sit still and remain patient the butter fly will come to you but if you keep on chasing it, it will continue to fly away from you.'

'So I should go sit in the field and wait for butterflies, what the hell, man!'

'No, you misreading the fortune cookie.'

'Now, things are making sense.'

'What I am trying to say, there is no use fretting over things that you have no control over, you will only cause your own misery.'

'Let us be truthful here, you read that somewhere and now you are throwing it in anywhere because you getting some face time or word time, am I right?'

'You caught me red handed, I was just trying to sound wise.'

'I knew it!, these are the things  people do when they are in the spot light, yes, I am done, I can go hooome.'

'He said the clement too.'

Rickus pointed, Yes!, that is his name, Rickus pointed behind him.

'Dammit, just when I was about to escape.'

Jack got up and opened the barrel and picked up the clement and smelled it.

'Hey, these does not smell like the usual clement.'

'What do you mean?'


Jack handed Rickus handed the fake clement and he smelled it.

'Aaah, now I see.'

'What, what do you see?'

'These must be the naartjies that Waldo imported'


'Naartjies, they are from South Africa.'

'Never heard of the place, look they are easy to peel.'

'Yes, I expected nothing less, legend says, that they always have a trick up their sleeves to make everything easier and love to dance, some say that it is the home of rhythm and music.'

'True that, I have seen it for myself today.'

'Let us continue our work, preferably  in silence , because I do not know how to carry on this conversation, do not get me wrong Jack, you are a nice guy and all but we are not clicking, there is no chemistry, I think it is for the best.'

'I understand but I cannot help but feel, I was the one who was suppose to say that.'


The two peelers continued their work in silence side by side, gave each other a little smile from time to  time, until they both had finished their given tasks.

When the work was completed, the two clean up their working spaces and shook hands and went their separate ways, soon after Waldo arrived.

'You two, worked well today, where is what's his face.'

'Ricky, something, who cares anyway.'

'What is wrong with you, did you get off on the wrong foot?'

'Yeah, I think, he stole my lines.'

A little smirk grew on Waldo's face before he could answer Jack.

'He did, do you wish to report this crime?'

'Yes, I would like to report it to the head of human resources, who is it by the way?'

'No one, because I do not think we need a position like that in a company this small.'

'If this bakery does become international, just remember that position is mine.'

'I will surely remember that, if God wills, never the less, I am proud of you.'

'For what?'

'For taking you temporary demotion like a man and not starting some strike.'

'Now, that I think of it, I should have tried to do something like that.'

'You better not, do you need me to walk home with you, incase this kid you fought with come back with vengeance, bringing some friends along with him.'

'No, I will be fine.'

'Are you sure?'

'Yes, I am.'

'Alright, uhmm.., want some Jam and bread, I think there is still two or three loafs left, you know how much your mother loves our bread.'

'Thank you, I will take it before I leave.' Jack headed towards the door but before he entered Waldo called.


'Yes, Waldo?'

'Is everything, alright at home?'

'Never been better, why?'

'You just seem a little off today.'

'Must be the fight, taking it's tall on my body, all I need is a good night's sleep then I will be back to my old self.'

'I think so too, go on now it is getting late.'

Jack nodded and went up to go and change, after changing, Jack sneakily took his doggie bag and snuck out of the shop without anyone noticing, on his way home Jack started replaying all the incidents up to date and could not help wonder, how his life took such a major turn, how did boring and dull Jack, turn into a extrovert, working and caring man.

When he arrived at home, he saw the man he hated most sitting at the kitchen table, drunk again, his mother standing in one corner and his sister nowhere to be seen.

'Huh, he is my son, my only son but turned out to be useless, looks like I did quite a job on you.'

'You seem proud of yourself, I wonder how long that is going to last?'

'What do you mean?'

'It means that we all get what we deserve in the end, mother where is Jill?'

'She is in her room, are you not going to eat something?'

'No, I just lost my apatite.'

'You are such a woman, boy.'

Jack hissed at him and went to his room and closed his bedroom door, he could hear how John was shouting at his mother on how ill-mannered Jack was and how she failed as a mother, Jack wanted to go out there but he just did not have another round in him, he was just…just..to tired, all he could do was throw himself on the bed and pray to the almighty that he would see his mother the next morning alive.

When he woke up the next morning, he flew up from his bed and ran out of his room calling out for his mother, 'Mother!, Mother!'

And like a cold drink on a hot summer's day, her voice brought coolness not only to his heart but to his soul too.

'Yes, my son.'

He ran over to his mother and gave her the biggest hug that you will see in your life, obviously you cannot see it because, I am using words but I think you can imagine it, his mother embraced him as if she was never going to let him go, then showered him with kissed all over his face, every time she would kiss on a place that hurt, she would apologise and kiss it, then he would flinch from the pain again and she would apologise again, this time Jack did not feel annoyed or too old for it but he was at peace and felt an unexplainable amount of gratitude, he suddenly remember something he read somewhere, which from the first time he saw it, he has been trying to figure it out. "If you are looking for heaven, you will find it at your mother's feet.", and now he finally understood it, for in being in his mother's arms did feel like heaven, even and whatever pain and sorrow he was experiencing vanished.

'Mother, I think that is enough for today.'

'Just a few more seconds.' gave him a final squeeze and let go.

'Ouch, that hurt but I have to get changed.'

'Go on and wake up your sister, I think one day at home is enough to recover from anything.'

'Will do so and one more thing mother.'


'I love you.'

'Ooooo, you better leave or else I will hug you and never let you go.'

Jack ran to his room and kicked the door open.

'Wake up!, time for school.', then shut the door carefully.

At school, yes, we are at school already, Jack was caught  between a heated debate, as old as time its self, which of the two is better peanut butter and Jam, that is jelly for the western folk or toasted bread with apricot jam with butter, of course he did  not care about this silly debate but Susan and Charles did, oh, yes for those who wondered what had happened to him after  his insane grilling session, he contracted a muscles  but now he is back and debating hard.

'Just tell her Jack, apricot and butter is better.'

'No!, it is not, come on Jack tell him that peanut butter and Jam is better.'

'Honestly guys, I could care less, I work in a bakery and smell these thing all the time, I am sick and tired, my face and it hurts, all I want to sit here and entertain myself with my imagination.'

'Do you not want to ask the teacher if you could go home?'

'No, Charrrrless, I am fine, as I said before, I just want to sit here, preferably in silence and stare out the window.'

'Alright, Charles, let's take this somewhere else.'

'Okay, Susan.'

The two left and went to go and sit somewhere else as for Jack, he turn to the window and wondered off into his own world, pondering once again over what Elizabeth might be doing in London at this very moment, was she in class, was she stirring up trouble again or was she pretending to be on a secret mission(I think she is living her best life), his could not help but smile and the thought of Elizabeth running around her school talking into her hand as if it were a walkie-talkie or throwing stones at people pretending they are grenade or even shooting people with stick gun, Jack immediately covered his face at the thought of this embarrassing act.

'My God sir, no she would not, I would not be surprised if she did.'

'Who would not?', the unknown said, that sits in front of him.

'OH MY WORD!, it is you again, forcing yourself into scenes again, how can a person be so forwardjitus, shhhooou, no man, did your mother not teach you manners at home, look here girlie dis is not your mother's  house so please face the forward, do not forget who signs your pay check.'

'I don't get paid.'

'Because, dis is your problem man, you see, you must stop being forwardjitus, jumping the bullet before it flies out of the gun, so just please man, please!, face the forward or must I help you.'

'No, I can manage.'


Recess, Jack feeling depressed and longing for a lover that friend zoned him did not bother to go out, for his was thinking of Elizabeth obsessively, to the point where it felt like his heart was going to fly out of his chest and after her.

'Jack, how long are you going to hold on to her or live a life that brings you nothing but sadness, longing after someone that will never be yours, it is like the moon, trying to catch the sun.'

'The moon does catch the sun.'


'It is called an Eclipse, you know when the moon moves in front of the sun.'

'Oh damn, thanks for ruining my moment of wisdom, man just when I was sounding like a teacher, you just had to snatch the spot light.'

'I am sorry, I …just.'

'I know.'  Mrs Taylor put her hand on his back and sat down in the desk behind him and he turned to face her.

'So, I will ask again, how long are you going to long for a person that you cannot have?'

'As long as it takes, just as the moon eventually catches up with the sun, the same way, eventually I will meet her again.'

'What if she finds someone else?'

'Then, that would be great.'

'Why, would that be, would it not hurt even more?'

'Nope, I think then I would be at peace.'

'At peace.'

'Yes, my mind would be at peace, then on this point of realization, it would stop entertaining silly fantasies about being with her, which is only causing me more agony.'

'Hence, just let go.'

'That is the thing, I do not know how.'

'I think you do but you just do not want to.'

'Why would I not?'

'I was hoping you would tell me.'


'There goes, the bell, time to educate those idiots.'

'Mrs Taylor?'


'How come you did not go out for break time?'

Mrs Taylor coughed, then cleared her throat, 'I could not leave my student in such a vulnerable and depressing state, what kind of teacher would I be, we as teacher actually care about our students, believe it or not.'


'No, I actually, owe one of the teachers money, so I am avoiding them.'

'Now it makes sense.'

'I do want to apologise, for making you think that I actually care about you snot nose brats.'

'It is fine.'

'But you must not tell the other students, because they will properly tell their parents, their parents will get into mobs, come to my house with pitch forks and torches, calling me a witch because, I am way smarter and articulated then them and their husbands combined, hence they will tried to burn me out of spiteful revenge and jealousy because, their I.Q is now higher then a birds, which is a real phenomenon, that they could get to that level of intelligence, since all they do is house cleaning and popping out children, oppressed by their husband and prevent from getting an higher education because of the husbands insecurities and ego…'

While Mrs Taylor was rambling about how illiterate the village/town people are, how oppressed and ill-treated women and how their children is at the bottom of the victim pile, so society will never recognize them as human being and no one will ever expect them to amount to anything, he realised that he and she are not that different after all, they both have the same goal were trying to lift their community out of poverty and help them live a better life,( I do not think that is her goal.).

'Of course, I was not sure where my life was going or why, I still want to live but I guess since, I am not dead yet, I have been doing something right, by teaching kids how to read, write and to think for themselves, so they can stick out a tentative finger beyond themselves and this town, so they can relief some of the suffering in this world our maybe go educate themselves further, come back and help people here, hopefully educate some of their own parents too.'

'I think that you have been doing a wonderful job.'

'Thank you, now stop paying me compliments before the others come and think that something is going on.'

'Yes, ma'am.'

'Good boy and please start doing your work, I cannot continue pretending that I do not see you working, these other students will soon catch on, they are not as duff as you think, trust me I know because I am their teacher, they might start an uprising, Charles most likely being the leader, he seems like the rebellious types and I do not want to deal with that right now.'

'Yes, ma'am.'

The rest of the lessons went quite well for the boy, he had a conversation with Mrs Taylor without his soul wanting to flee his body in terror and she was nothing like the rumors said she would or what he imagined her to be.

'Mrs Taylor, may I please be excused, I need to go to the toilet.'

Mrs Taylor gave him a suspicious look before she replied, 'Yes, you may go but I will be timing you, you better be back in five minutes or else I will come fetch you, do I make myself clear?'

'Crystal clear.'

'Now be gone before I change my mind.'

Jack got up and ran out of the class, like a person with a bad case of diarrhea when he arrived at the bathroom, he kick open the door of the first stall, gave the person inside such a fright he almost fell off the toilet seat.


kicked open the second one and some hooligan had peed all over the seat and the floor, so there was the last one, 'three times the charm', as people would always say, so kicked it open with as much force as he could muster, the door slowly started to open and there it was a perfectly clean toilet, hardly ever used, reason being that someone had spread a stupid rumor, that if anyone how dares to use this toilet a ghost, will come out of the toilet, and twist off your nut and bolt, clean off but whoever came up with this rumor did not know that they were dealing with a genius named Jack Peterson, he took off his pants and claimed on top the toilet, squatted, so if the hand does attack, he would just jump off, this plan made him very proud and put his mind at peace, then he took the best urination  he has taken, watching the water descent into the abyss, was just majestic but this did not last long, as someone knocked against the door, almost turning Jack's number one into number two.

'Hey!, who is there?'

But no one answered, only a letter came sliding in from underneath the door, Jack jumped off the toilet and opened the door but there was no one, he picked up the letter, threw it back on the ground, put on his socks and shoes, then pick up the letter again, went to wash his hands, opened it and read it.

Dear Master Jack

I write this letter on the behalf of my employer Cather J. Kipper, to inform to please meet him at his house after school.

p.s, You better hurry boy!, my time is valuable , DO NOT BE LATE!

Jack stood in confusion, trying to find out where this pleasant cooling breeze was coming from and how it was possible.

'Oh crap!, my pants.'

After putting on his pants, Jack could not help but ponder over what this meeting is about, is it about the Gibson Aka Greg, or is he going to have to do something which could land him in Jail for sure.

Back at class.

'You made it back in time, I almost came after you, maybe you needed someone to wipe your bum for you.'

'Thank the Lord, there was no need for that.'

'Yes, thank the Lord for that, now sit down, since you feeling inspired by the holy spirit, you can answer the rest of the questions, maybe the Lord can help you with them.'

'Indeed, the help of the Lord is always near, AMEN!'

'AMEN!', the whole class responded.

'Alrighty then.'

Soon the rapid fire of questions began and Jack answered every question correctly and elegantly, using proper English and big words, with everything right answer his confidence grew and in the unseen, in some instances he even considered a career in ministry, the holy spirit was surely with him today.

'Well done Jack, you managed to survive my onslaught but we will see how you will fair tomorrow.'

'Tomorrow, Yoh!, Hai!, ma'am  , mara why, Yoh, Hai, haaa, ahhh, this lady, what is wrong with her.'

'Carry on like this and I will make it for the entire week.'

'Hai ke, nonsense man.'

  Jack took his bag and left the class, pretending to be disgruntled but actually not, because going to go home and prepare his heart out but first he was going to deal with whatever life has prepared for him at the house of Sir C.J.

While he was journeying to Sir C.J's house, he heard a faint voice calling from behind but he simply ignored it, for he did not have time beggars or their stories of how they were in some kind of terrible accident or how their house burnt down, lost all their clothes and belongings hence they also lost their jobs, now they cannot pay for their parents or grandparents hospital or medicines and on top of their child has gone missing, and now they need more money to pay the police to keep looking for them, he has heard all these stories before, the voice called out again, he chose to ignore it again and carried on walking, until he was struck in the head with a stone.

'Why….the nerve of these…', Jack picked up the stone, turned around to return the favour with twice the force but saw that the person who is was taking aim at was not a beggar but a friend, Sevki, put her hands together as a sign of apology and came running towards him.

'I am sorry Master Jack, you would not turn around so, I was left with no choice.'

'You were left with no choice but to pop me in the head?'

'Technically speaking ,yes.'

'With all due respect Sevki but have you ever heard of calling someone.'

'With all due respect Jack, if memory serves correctly, I did call you repeatedly but you just kept on ignoring me, as if I was some kind of debt collector, beggar or something.'

'Yes, that is what I was exactly thinking, anyway, that is water under the bridge, so, do you have any idea of why your Master has requested my presence, I am a busy man you know.'

'I am sure you are, as for why he has request to see you, I have no idea, I never know what is going on in that man's head, look we can cut through here it is a shortcut.'

'Are we doing that back door thing again?'


'I know, I am going to feel stupid asking this..'

'Then do not.'

'I will, why, must I always enter through the back door?'

'That is simple and I am pretty sure that he has already told you why.'

'No, he has not.'

'If you say so, because he does not want you to know where he lives.'

'But why, only me?'

'I do not know, Jack, so please stop asking these questions to which I have no answers too, I am not his mother or P.A or something.'

'I am sorry, no need to get upset, now I know why curiosity killed the cat?'


'Because he caught the wife at the wrong time of the month.'

Jack covered his face and began to laugh, then looked over at Sevki, who did not seem the least amused.

'You know what Master Jack, I think it is best if you shut up and walk in silence.'

'Funny this is the second time this has happened to me this week.'

'I wonder why.'

The two cut through the bushes and followed the little path to Sir C.J's house, when they arrived, Sir C.J was already waiting to for them at the door, with his arms stretched open wide.

'Welcome!, Welcome.'

Sevki, just walked past him as if he was not even there.

'Woow, hold on their Chicka ,is this how you treat your employer, I have feeling you know .'

She turned around and showed him an illegal hand sign which I cannot describe due to copy write reasons.

'Hey, do not steal my stuff, I got that from Boston, get your own stuff hand signs, she just left, the attitude of these youngsters these days, is just horrendous, Jack what did you do?'

'Nothing…..I just made a little joke.'

'A joke, I see, was it a joke that could offend the opposite gender?'

'I think.'

'My uncle's step sister's grandson!, when will you learn, this is a very big problem.'

'What big problem?'

'This!, when Sevki is like this, it is very difficult for me to order her around, let me not even talk about the snacks and tea or the food, it will just completely taste horrible, and the presentation, it is like a dog vomited on the plate, ate the vomit, then pooped it back on the plate, and I am not talking that stiff poop, that watery kind, where you can still see the things it ate recently, sitting there, like sunken ships.'

'Thank you for the extremely detailed description.'

'My pleasure, you know, I always try to help the youth wherever I can, now go on and apologise to her, I need to eat tonight and we also need her for your lesson.'

'What lesson?'

'The lesson, I called you here for.'

'And that is?'

'I will tell you once you have apologised to her.'

'What do I say?'

'How about, I am sorry.'

At that moment Sevki entered the kitchen, looking a little emotional and still boiling under the surface.

'Okay, I will leave you to it, while I go and prepare and remember, women are not as complicated as you think they are.'

He patted Jack on the head, winked at Sevki, then tip-toed out of the kitchen.

Jack, paced around the kitchen, pretending to be interested in everything else, except apologising to Sevki.

'Come on Jack be a man, look at her, she is Sevki, she will not bite, just do it son, just say it.'


'I am sorry.'

'You are sorry, I am the one that should be apologising.'

'I know but I just thought that I should get it off my chest first, I should not have spoken to you in the manner, I did, so please accept this cup of tea as a peace offering.'

'Well, thank you but I would like apologise too for making a joke which was offensive and insensitive to the female gender.'

'Thank you.'

'Please accept this cup for tea you made for me as a re-peaced peace offering.'

Sevki smiled, then accepted, 'Thank you, you too kind, I hope Sir C.J did not give you an earful.'

'He did.'

'Oh no.'

'About dog vomit and poop.'

'He went on about that again.'

'Again, so he has told this before?'

'Several times.'

'Hip, Hip, hooray!, we all are friends again!', Sir C.J shouted as he entered the room.'

'Cather, were you eves dropping again?'

'No, I do not know anyone named, Eve and If I did why would I drop her?'

'That is not what she meant.'

'Do not bother, he knows exactly what you mean, one could swear, there is no privacy in this house.'

'And why are you dressed like a waiter?'

'You will soon find out, since you two are friends again, I thought you two may want to celebrate it over a dinner date.'

'I think your Master has finally lost it, you want us to go on a date inside your house?'

'Yes, what is so difficult to understand?'


'I think that we should just go with the flow.'

'You are agreeing with him?'

'Well, if you think about it, it could be a lot of fun and it would be good practice for your date.'

'And that is exactly, why you are here today, so what do you say Jackie boy, are you really going to leave this beautiful young lady, hanging dry?'

Jack turned to look at Sevki, who seemed to be trying really hard to control her excitement.

'Why not.'

'Yes!', Sevki shouted, almost flying out of her seat.

'Control, Sevki, Control, we do not want to seem desperate here.', Sir C.J said, scratching  the  side of his neck, 'Now that we got the green light, we shall begin, since she will be picking you up, Sevki you will have to leave the room and return only when I say so.'

'Yes Cather.'

Sevki left the room.

'And what will I be doing?'

'You just sit here.'

'And what will you be doing.'

'I will be in charge of making sure that everything goes perfect, like a narrator/guide person, telling you what to do, what to say, what to imagine, all those types of things you know.'

'Sounds nice and creepy.'

'Now, listen here boy, I am doing all this, for you and for my own personal entertainment but who am I to judge, right?'


'Good, now sit properly, we are about to begin.'

'I am sitting properly.'

'Return, Sevki!'

Sevki entered the room, wearing a new dress and make up.

'Someone, is taking this seriously.'

'Shut up, I am just trying to make the environment as realistic as possible.'

'If you say so, Jack, why are you still sitting get up and greet her.'

Jack got up and shook her hand, 'Hello.'


'What is this!, a funeral, take her hand and kiss the back of it, tell her how beautiful she looks.'

So Jack did as he said, took her hand and kissed the back of it, 'You look lovely today.'

Sevki giggled and blushed.

'Why, Sevki, why are you just giggling and smiling like a cat that just stole cream, say thank you.'

'Thank you.'

'Now you Jack say something poetic.'

'But I do not know any poems.'

'Me neither, well, let us carry on, even though it would have been a nice touch, now stick out your arm and say 'shall we','

And Jack did as he was instructed, executing every order to detail, 'Shall we?'

'I would love too.' Sevki hooked her arm around Jack's

'Thank God!, we are getting somewhere .'

'Now what?'

'Now you follow me Jackie boy.'

'I thought you said that you would just stay in the background.'

'I said I would be a guide too, now be quiet and follow me.' 

They follow him to the foyer ,of the house.

'Now, here we are at the second stage of the date, this is where you will talk and get to know each other better, you will walk up the stair point at random stuff, laugh and come down the other side.'

'After you milady.'

'NO!, NO!.'

'What did I do now?'

'You cannot let the lady walk up the stairs first, what if there is a possible danger like a broken step or someone planted something there that will result in someone's death, in order to gain their inheritance.'

'The last part sounds very specific and suspicious.'

'The world is dark man, its dark, now let us stop focusing on the negatives and work on the positives, now before you help her go up the stairs, you go up first.'

Jack bolted up the stairs.

'What is this fool doing Sevki?'

'You said he should go up the stairs.'

'Not, you know what, I am not going to stress like this, I think it is not good for my beautiful and generous heart.'

'Beautiful and generous?'

'Don't jella, catch tips, Oh dear Jackie boy, please come down here.'

Jack walked down the stairs.

'Stop!, now offer her a hand and say 'careful now, then you will walk up the stairs, point at random things and laugh, then stop at the top, stand a little, talk then come down the other side, okay?'

Both of them nodded.

'Good, I will go prepare for dinner.'

Sir C.J disappeared into next the room, Sevki and Jack did exactly what they were told, pointing at random things and laughing about it.

'Here we are at the top, what do we do now.' Jack asked.

'I believe he said something about standing here at the railing and talking about stuff.'

'Oh, yeah, I wonder what he is up too and why he is doing this?'

'I am just as clueless as you are but he does have a good heart, I can vouch for that even though he makes those self-centered comments all the time.

'I guess so, you really look beautiful today.'

'Thank you.'

'So, tell me, how does a beautiful and intelligent woman like yourself, has not found Mr Right yet?'

'You know, I ask myself that very question every single day, maybe all men see me as nothing more than a servant girl.'

'That is not true, you are much more then that.'

'I know, that is what Cather always says too, hence he always encourages me to read all the time, according to his studies, rich men like smart and witty girls, I do not believe that nor do I want a rich husband, just somebody to love, so I will just be patient, as they say "all good things comes to those who wait.''

'Amen, sister.'

'If you are done with your sermon but there, come down quickly the food is done!.' Sir C.J shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

'We are own our way!', Sevki replied.

'He can cook?'

'You will be surprised by how well.'

'Let me guess, he travelled somewhere and studied under a great chef.'

'Nope, he is self-taught.'

'Is there anything he is not good at?'

'Yes, he cannot sing to save his life.'

'Yes!', Jack raised both of his hands in the air.'

Causing  Sevki to laugh.

'Hey, not so loud, he might actually here you.'

Jack pressed his index finger on his lips.

'Do you want to see something cool?'


'Check, this out.'

Sevki, took of her gloves and handed it Jack, she made her way to the railing, lifted herself on to the railing and slid down it.


'Bravo!, Bravo!', Jack shouted and applaud, Sevki took a bow and Sir C,J came running to the scene.

'What is going on here, are you sliding down the railing a again, a fully grown woman, with a identification card is doing children's things, how many times have I told you not to slide down the railing it scratches the wood, I have to go, otherwise you will have burnt food, and Jack do not even attempt to slide down here, if I see any scratch  on the railing, you will re-sand and vanish the entire railing, both in fact, otherwise they will be uneven if only one is worked on, can you imagine, what will people say, okay.'

Then he rushed off again.

'Argh, do not mind him, Master Jack he…'

'Sevki, we have known each other for some time now, so could you please drop the 'Master', thing.'

'If you say so Jack!'

'That sounds much better.'

'Good, now that we got that  introduction out of the way, even though we are pretty far into our date, how about you try coming down the same way I did, it is quite thrilling.'

'But what about…'

'Do not worry about him, he will be too busy trying to make everything perfect.'

'If you say so.'

Jack walked over to the railing and positioned himself the same way Sevki did but something was not right, the height factor seem to present a problem.

'Uhmm..Sevki, I think something is wrong here.'

'I see, it seems like you are a little short, why do you not try jumping on, no, no, wait, you might jump all the way off, why do you not try mounting it like a horse.'

Jack turned sideways and eyed the railing up and down, 'What about my marbles.'

'I am sure they will be fine.'

'No, I am talking about the wooden knob thingy at the end.'

'Yeah, this thing, would do some serious damage, especially with these edges, jamming it, right up there, heeesshhh, you know how in cricket you get, wide balls.


'Well, in your case it will be no balls.'

'I think, I will just…'

'Alright, alright, I am just playing with you, do not worry about this thing, I will stop you before you clash with the castrating knob.'

'Will you?'

'Of course I will, I am a lot stronger then you.'


Jack mounted the railing, looked back at Sevki, who gave him a thumbs up and a dodgy, yet slightly reassuring smile.

'Here I come.'

'Easy does it.'

(Is it just me or…)

Jack slid down the railing, with his eyes closed, awaiting the crushing finale but instead of a painful end, it was met with a soft, cushion stop.

'Thanks Sevki, I was really worried there for a second.'

'But you should be.'

'Sir C.J,..'

'If I find a scratch on my beautiful railing, your marbles will be the least of your worries, now get off.'

Jack flew off the railing and Sir C.J popped out a magnifying glass from his pocket and scanned the railing for any scratches.

'Luck, seems on your side today, now let us go eat, please follow me.'

The two followed Sir C.J all the way, until he stopped in for of two big red doors.

'I give you.' he pushed open the door, 'Casablanca, Morocco, in summer!'

They entered the room and an orchestra starting playing an old classic, they made their way to a two a table set in the center of the room, with a big chandelier hanging above them, glittering all over the room, the reflecting on the rose petals, making them look like there lighting up with the colour, complementing the green and white them of the room, it was if as they entered a garden inside the house.

'Sir C.J, I have done some reading on Casablanca, Morocco and it does not look like this, it is more dessert.'

'I know genius, I have been there and Morocco, is a beautiful place, it is one of my favourite places, definitely in my top five.' 

'Then why say so?'

'So I can make it more fancy, what should I have said, Kanpur, Bangladesh, does that sound good to you, so please Jackie boy, just sit down before I lose my mind.'

Jack pulled out his chair and sat.

'Jack, what are you doing wrong?'

'I am sitting down, just like you said.'

'I can see that but what about your date, who is waiting here, like she is holding a candle in a monastery.'

'Hey!, I always wanted to be a monk.'

'That is not the point here, Sevki, the point is Jackie, when you are on a date or out with any woman, even if it is with your mother or sister, you always pull out the chair for them and push it back once they sit and if the seat does not move, you wait until they sit down, then you sit, that is basic manners, do you understand?'

'Yes, sir.'

'Now, stand up, pull out the chair for her.'

Jack got up, pulled out the chair, waited for her to be seated.

'Thank you Jack.'

'That is a good man, wait..wait, what happen to the Master, huh, you young ones surely move fast these days.'

'Cather, get your mind out of the gutter and get us our food, I am starving.'

'Yes, Cather, please get the food, one should not keep a lady waiting.' Jack winked at him.

'How dare you Sir, use my own teachings against me, have you no respect or shame Sir?'

'Cather please!.', Sevki put her hands together and raised them above her head.

'Namaste to you too.'

'No, this is me begging for food, spare me the dramatic and theatrical antics, I just want food.'

'Huh, people have no appreciation for good theater.'

'Tell me about it.'

'What, you are agreeing with him, you are hungry too, I can hear your stomach growling from here.'

Jack gulped and suddenly develop an interest in the cutlery.

'Alright, Sevki, there is no need for the roast the food will be on your table, right away.'

Sir C.J left the room and soon returned with a big shiny dome and place it down in the center of the table.

'I give you.' he lifted up the lid, 'mini mushroom pies, with a creamy white pepper source.'

Instead of being in awe of the presentation, they seem to be disappointed.

'Uhmm… Cather, I do not mean to be rude but are you telling me you spent hours in the kitchen, since this morning, making this.'

'Well, I think that the thought is what counts, even though we might leave hungry from here.'

'I am surrounded by uncultured, uncivilized and ungrateful people, this is not the main meal, this is just the starter, there is still more to come.'

'Ohhh.', both Sevki and Jack said, then dived right in.

'Mhmmm, the mushroom is very tender and the pastry is wonderful, did you make it yourself?'

'Yes, I did Jack.'


'See, I told you he was a good cook.'

'Do you need anything else?'

Jack and Sevki, just shook their heads.

'Alright, I will go finish off the main course.' Sir left the room.

'I do not want to sound greedy or anything but I would have liked more of it.', Sevki said, picking the tiny piece from the table cloth.'

'I do not think it is rude, I would have liked some more to…'

'But that would defeat the purpose of a starter.'


Sevki, let out a high pitched scream.

'Okay, now that is just bad manners.'

'What do you mean it is just bad manners, you the one that just appeared out of nowhere, of course she would be startled, you could have given her a heart attack.'

'Are you okay, Sevki, tilt your head back, put this handkerchief on your face, pinch the top of your nose and breathe slowly through your mouth.'

'Do you not treat a nose bleed like this?'

'Do you have a paper bag on you boy?'


'I thought so, so we have to make due with what we have, you just carry on breathing Sevki, in and out.'

'Why are you sneaking up on us anyway?'

'I wanted to see if you are ready for the main course, without disturbing you.'

'You failed at that one, Cather.'

'You just keep your head back.'

'But this is not helping at all.'

'I know, because it is a treatment for nose bleeds.'

'Then why?'

'I take it both of you are done and I can bring the main course.', he started collecting the plates and left the room.

'He is a strange one.'

'You can say that again but the best boss in the world.'

'Do not say things like that, when he is close by, otherwise you know.' 

'You do not have to warn me, I live with the guy.'

The doors swung open and Sir C.J entered with another big silver dome, this time it was bigger and shinier, then the one before and placed it in the center of the table.

'Are you ready for a five star main course?' 


'Get on, open it already!' 

' Calm yourself down Sevki, you will eat and no one will steal it.', He lifted the dome and their is was a perfectly wrapped pieces of pastry, with Brussel  sprout and mash on the side, finished with a light drizzle of gravy, ' I give you Beef wellington, at its best.' 


'I have no words for this, you have done it again Cather, you just....' 

'Sometimes, I, myself cannot believe how talented I am.' 

'Is there anything you cannot do Sir C.J?' 

'Honestly Jackie boy, you have no idea how many times I ask myself that question and never seem to find an answer.' 

Sevki rolled her eyes, 'Why are you still here?' 

'I want to see your expressions when the food first touches your tongues.' 

'Aaah, yeah, that is not going to work for me, so if you do not mind, please make yourself disappear, because I cannot eat while someone is watching me and I do not recall chef/waiters coming out of the kitchen to watch their customer eat at their restaurant, Jack do you know of any restaurant that does such a thing.'

'No, I do not.'

'Thank you, now then bye, bye.' 

'Right, I do apologise for my mistake and over excitement, I shall leave now.'  Sir C.J bowed, smiled and left.

'Why did he smile like that, I do not like it when he smiles like that, it just makes my tummy feel like, not good.' 

'Relax, he is just trying to intimidate us.'


'For speaking to him like a waiter or an imbecile.' 

'I did nothing as such, you did all the talking.'

'Argh, Jack, just keep quiet and eat your food.' 


Jack, took a bite, his eyes widen, his ears turned red, it felt like angel has urinated on his tongue, 'My beautiful God, the Lord of the world, Glory be to him, what kind of food is this, everything is just so perfect.'

'I know but just do not speak to loud, you might inflate his ego even more.' 

'But everything is just so perfect, the pastry the meat inside, the Brussel sprouts, the mash, it is so creamy and filled with buttery goodness, how can I not give praise where it is due.' 

'Then give it mentally.'

Three minutes later, Sir C.J returned.

'Is everything still alright?' 

'Good that you have, I was just telling my date here, how slow the service is in this place.' 

'I do apologise for the slow service ma' am but you have to understand, I am only one man, I cannot be here and in the kitchen at the same time.' 

'Can I order now, I am not here to listen to you excuses.' 

'I am sorry, what would you like?' 

'Finally, we are getting somewhere, uhmm.. I wanted some more juice the meat is a little dry and over cooked..'


'I am sorry, did you want to say something?' 


'I see, I would like some freshly squeezed orange juice, so I can wash the food down, would you  like anything, Jack?' 

'No, I am fine.' 

'You better be.' 

'Hey, waiter boy, do not forget your place, Jack do not be intimated by these under educated rural boys…' 

Jack almost choked on his food and Sir C.J narrowed his eyes at her and a little grin grew on his face.

'Just you order whatever you want, it is his job to get whatever you want.' 

'If you say so.' 

Sevki, nodded and Sir C.J's grin grew into a hard pressed fake smile.

'I would just like some water.' 

'Your wish is my command.'

'No, no, not just water, sparkling water, with ice, lemon and mint, at room temperature, understood.' 

'As you wish.'

Sir C.J turned around.

'And one more thing.' 


'Make it snappy, I do not have the whole day, the thirst is killing me.' 

'Why you…'

'Aaahaaah, we are on a date and remember you are a servant.' 

'I hope you two know, this will not last forever, I will have my..' 

'Good on now, I cannot wait here forever,.' 

'Mmmm.', Sir C.J walked off mumbling to himself.

'Nice one Jack!.' 

'Why, I said nothing the whole time.'

'I have a feeling that we are going to pay dearly for this.' 

'Yet again, I did nothing.'

'I know but you only live once.' 

'Sevki, I think you not hearing what I am saying, I was not..' 

Soon Sir C.J returned, placing their drinks or should I say refreshments because, I do not want to give the impression that Sir C.J is giving him alcohol, and stepped back.

'Here are your drink, sorry refreshments.'

'Thank you, Sir C.J, I just wanted to say, I had…'

'Would you like me to clear the table, so I bring you dessert.' 

'Please do.' 

Took the plates and went off to the kitchen.

'Wait…, I want to protest my innocence.' 

But he heard nothing and soon returned with two domes,  and placed them in front and Jack's plate to prove his innocence went out of the window as the anticipate and anxiety of a mind, body and spirit experience, which awaits under the sliver domes, he lifted the lid up, their eyes glistened as the food appeared.

'Here it is, individual fountain cakes, accompanied with white chocolate balls filled with strawberry muse, enjoy!' 

'Woow!, Cather, you really out did yourself here.' 

'Thank you.' 

'I must say, this is really amazing, did you make it by yourself?' 

'No, I ordered in.' 

'Aaah, that explains a lot.'

'Jack, I think it is time for you to go.' 

Sevki laughed and patted Sir C.J on the arm, 'Calm down, Cather, he is  just pulling your leg.

'The chocolate tempering too?' 

'Yes, Sir.' 

'Is there anything this man cannot do ?' 

'Believe it or not, I ask myself that question all the time.' 

Sir C.J smiled and left the venue, only to be seen a few lines later.

'Chocolate on top of chocolate, this must be the best dessert in the world.' 

'For you it must be, I am not a very big fan off chocolate.' 

'Then there is seriously wrong, you need to go see the vet with immediate effect.'

'The Vet?' 

'Yes, because I do not know off any human being that does not like chocolate.'

'Hahaha, very funny.' 

'What is so wrong with chocolate, why do you not like it?' 

'It is not tha…'

'Oh no!', Jack gasped and covered his mouth.

'What!, was there something in your dessert, what, speak!, dammit!'

'It is not the colour is it?'

'Colour, wha..,no, NO!, of course not.'

Jack lean forward and called Sevki

'Sevki, you are not a racist are you?' 

Sevki almost spat the dessert in his face but manage to hold on to it and swallowed.


'Well, what other reason could there be for not liking chocolate, do not tell me you also trying that new Western thing called Alligator, or Alijex..Aler…'

'It is called Allergy and it is an actual thing.'

'Where have you heard of someone who cannot not touch grass.'

'I do not know.'

'Exactly my point, so how can you not like chocolate.'

'There is many reasons for not liking chocolate, like it is too sweet, we all have different taste preferences and…, I am out of reasons but the colour is not one of them, I have black friends you know.'

'How does having African friends not make you a racist, you could not be racist around them but when you get home, you go all out.'

'Jack, it sounds like you are trying to justify your own actions here, do you do that at home?' 

'Oh, trying to turn the table here but to answer your question, I have no African friends, so that makes me a racist, I refuse to live in denial, like some people I know.'

Sevki scoffed and called for Sir C.J.


And out of nowhere he appeared from underneath the table, 'Yes, why are you making so much noise.'

Jack let out a high pitched scream before he fainted right on the spot and Sevki  launched herself on to the table landing on it, like a terrified cat before shouting remarkably loud.


'I do not see the need for all of this manic behavior and get off my table.'

'I would not be on it, if you would just behave yourself like a normal person.'

'But I do behave myself as a normal, as a matter of fact, I think, I was the perfect host tonight.'

'The perfect host!'

'Sevki, could you lower the volume, this is not your mother's house.'

'I REFUSE!, look what you have done to poor Jack, you scared him unconscious.'

Sir C.J broke out in laughter.

'This is not funny.'

'It kind of is.'

'Do you think he is dead, he looks paler than usual?'

'Is he not always that colour?' 

'I think so, I mean no.'

'I am sure he is, it must be the lighting.'

'The lighting.'

'Yes, you see his skin is use to candle light, so the blood  did not circulate through his body properly, now that it is under electrical lighting, which improves circulation, the blood vessels in his skin are getting renewed giving his skin that extra glow, making him seem paler.'

'That is just the most unbelievable utter ru…'

'No..no…., it is not good for young women like yourself to say things like that.'

'Okay, I will not say it.'


'I will shout it.'




'RUBISH!, she stood up on the table and started marching  in a circle repeating the word ' Rubbish!...Rubbish!...Rubbish!...Rubbish!.' 

'I think that is enough now, time to get down.', Sir C.J offered a hand of assistance but she slapped it away, then called him closer with her index finger, then came close bent down grabbed him by the head and pulled him closer to her face.

'Ruuuuuuuubbbbbbbbiiiiiiisshshshshhshshshshshshshhshaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.', then broke wind, causing her to jolt up, cover her mouth with both her hands, ' I am so sorry Master Cather.'

'Master hey.'

She nodded.

'I have never been disrespected like this, not even by a bird and they poop everywhere.'

'I am really sorry, I have no idea, what came over me, was there any alcohol, in any of this?'

'No, there was none, so that was the real Sevki, huh, what an entertaining character.'

'I am really sorry, I do not know what to say or what to do.'

'No, need to apologise for being you, you should let yourself lose more often, then always taking everything so seriously but no deed goes unpunished, what about Jackie boy over here?'

'What about him, we need to wake him up.'

'I do not think there is anything wrong with him, he is just over acting as usual, I know all this boys schemes and tricks to get attention, I cannot believe you are still falling for it.'

'So you are jealous because?' 

'I am not jealous, why would I be jealous of Jackie, gosh, what low standards, I would have to have.'

'Mhmmm., just make yourself useful and get me some water.'

'I already got it, just before you decided to go all party animal Sevki on me, I  still cannot believe it.'

'Well believe it.', She stuck her fingers in the glass and sprinkled or sprayed, I do not know  the correct term for if but if you do fill in the blank(______), I hope that is enough space for it because I do not even know of how many letters it consists of, she did the (verb) thing we discussed earlier but no response, she tried again but still he did not come back to them.

  'Do you thing he slipped into a coma?'

'No, I do not believe so for one minute, he just does not want to go home because he wants to live the best life for as long as he can but I have had guests like him before and I know exactly how to deal with them.' 


'Simple, hand me the glass.'

Sevki gave him the glass, he took the glass, took out a piece of ice, the biggest he could find and dropped it down Jack's back, causing  him shake profusely in his seat.

'Sir C.J, is the suppose to happen?'

'I…..do not know…I think his seizing.'

'So what do we do now!'

'Just calm down and help me get him on the floor and on his side, you take his feet and o will take his upper body, right?'


'On three!,…One…,two…,thr….., is he smiling?'

'Be serious for once.'

'Alright, On three….one…, two…three!'

They lifted him up and Jack could not hold his character any longer and started to laugh.

'See, what did I tell you, he would do anything for a little attention.'

'And that is why I did what I did.'

'Because he said you would do anything for a little attention, you guys are idiots.'

'Look who is talking, Ruuuubbbbbiiiiiishshshshhshshshsh.'

  They both dropped him hard on the floor, 'Say that one more time and I will castrate you with a rusted spoon, do you understand?'

'Yes, ma'am'

'Good, let us sit down and enjoy this lovely dessert, by the way where is the dessert?'

'It is gone, you knocked it off the table while you were doing the rubbish dance.'

'How do you know that, we thought you fainted?'

'Yes, but thanks to your loud stamping I was able to return from the fainted universe or zone, I cannot decide which sounds better?'

'I would totally go with 'The fainted zone'.'

'I have to agree with her on this one I can totally see it working for you, it instantaneously creates a dramatic seen, I can see it all, just imagine..'


Sir C.J productions presents…

In association with..




Cather J kipper 






Sevki and Jack are sitting at the table, having their dessert, Jack takes another spoon full and shoves it in his mouth and decides to speak to Sevki with his mouth full.



Oh, are you trying to smear your mental illness on to me, sorry sister that will not work on me.

(eats another spoon of his dessert.)



And why not?



Because I have no African friends, so that makes me a full blood racist, and I refuse to live in denial!, I am a person too.




(puts her index finger on his lips.)

Why are you making so much noise, this is not your mother's house.



You right, she is far too poor to afford anything like this as long as that parasite is living with us.



(shakes her head and lifts up her right arm.)




And you said I am making a noise.





  Sir C.J levitates from underneath the table a golden light shines on top of him, the angels descend from the light playing the harp, the entire house started shaking, its starts snowing.

  Jack: Nope it is still sunny out there, I think I just heard someone say that is has been mark the hottest day of the year.

Sir C.J: How!, from who, there is no one here.

Sevki: I knew he was going to make it about him.

Sir C.J: it is not about me, I have not even began telling the story yet, FYI, global warming is a serious thing, Now quiet!, where was I?



(Speaks in a deep and soothing voice.)

Why are you two making so much noise?


Jack let out a high pitched scream of joy and delight, chokes on something then fainted, Sevki Jumps on the table, to get a better look at the god like beauty.


(With tears flowing from her eyes.)

Oh what a beautiful man, I never knew such beings could ever...

Sevki: Unbelievable!, have you no shame, man?

Jack: It was not a high pitched scream, more of a surprised shout.

Sevki: I!, cry over a man, actually, I would cry if I looked at you closely.

Sir C.J: See!

Sevki: Only because you so ugly.

(Jack started laughing and they fist bumped each other.)

Sir C.J: Enough!, Enough!, this is my time to shine!, mine!, I earned it!, I earned it!, and I refuse to let two jokers like you take it away from me, do you hear me!, it is mine.

(The room went into dead silence, until one of them built up the courage to speak to him.)

Sevki: Okay, Cather, we understand.

(Sevki, approached him slowly then sat him down on the chair)

Sir C.J: it is mine….it is mine.

Jack: Sir C.J, are you alright, here have some water, it will make you feel better.

Sir C.J: I am fine Jackie boy, I need no water.

Sevki: What happened to you voice Cather?'

Jack: Yes, you sounded like an elderly lady suffering an agoraphobic attack.

Sir C.J: Oh, that, (he cleared his throat), I had a honey and ginger tea before I came out here.

Sevki: And what does that have to do with anything.

Sir C.J: What does it have to do with anything, amateurs, am I right Jackie boy, every great actor and singer knows that honey and ginger tea, relaxes the vocal chords, allowing for a higher pitch in sound, that is how they reach those high notes.

(Sevki looked at Jack, he folded his arms and nodded)

Sir C.J: Now if you do not mind, I would like to carry on with my story, I mean the fainted zone.

(Sevki gave him a thumbs up.) 

Sir C.J: now if you do not mind looking into that corner right over there and enter my world of pure imagination, take a look.

Sir C.J floats upright and is showered with rose petals from the angels above.




Yes, Miss Valconnie, you call for me, what would you like? 

(His deep voice echoes through the room)



Yes, I like you.



Yes, you and many other women.


But I am not like other women, I promise you, if you make me yours, I will do anything you want, I will have as many children as you want.


I am sorry miss, but I am already taken, so if there is nothing else shall I go? 

She shakes her head, he nods and raise his hand up to the sky and starts floating towards the sky, Sevki leaps forward to touch his feet but end up falling over, Cather stops and looks down at her.


  Huh!, These mortal girls.







What about my friend, I am afraid he might be dead.



Argh!, he just fainted, it is an old excuse used by guests, if they do not want to go home, just sprinkle a little water on him or better yet just toss the whole jug, rats hate water.

The End


Cather J Kipper –as himself 

Sevki Valconnie voiced by Cather J kipper 

Jack Peterson voice by Cather J kipper 

Special thanks you

Cather J kipper 

'What was the point of all of that, you made it all about you.'  Sevki said.

'No I did not'

'I could not agree with you more in that one Sevki, I only had like two lines in the entire skit.'

'No that is no…'

'Do not worry Jackie boy, I will do you a solid next time.'

'Like, I believe you.'

'Gosh, I am surrounded by imbeciles, that is not the point I was trying to make, the point is, that you did even dramatize no, put actual emphasis on 'The fainted Zone', the entire  thing was about you.'

'I did mention it.'

'He did.'

'Thank you, Jackie boy.' 

'Yeah, close to the end, I cannot deal with this right now, I am done, thank you Jack for this wonderful date, I think that it is one of the most excited dates I have had in a long time and…'

'It is the only date you ever had.'

'And Cather, thanks for nothing, the food was horrible and I withdraw all my praises I gave you tonight, goodnight Jack Peterson.', She bowed and let the room.

'That was not nice Sir, why do you have to be so mean sometimes.'

'You think she heard me?' 

'No, I do not think she did.'

'Aaa, thank God Sir, otherwise, I would be eating dog poop that learn how to vomit, new poop, for breakfast, trust me, and an angry Sevki is not something you want, making your breakfast.'

'Are you an idiot Sir C,J?' 

'Hey, no need to be rude, I know she heard me, I was only saying that for comedic effect, by the way when are you going to leave, I do not do the whole sleep over thing, I am a full grown adult, what!, you do not  mind sharing a room with Sevki.'

'I think it is best, I get going.'

'What is wrong with you two tonight, it is like your sense of humor has left or something.'

'Maybe the things you are saying are not so funny,'

'Okay, before you leave I have a few gifts for you, correction for your family.'

'Why do, I not get a gift?' 

'Do not be selfish Jack, your gift was a five-course meal cooked and served by me and you got some dating experience.'

'One would think that you are doing it out of the goodness of your heart.'

'Do not be silly'

'But there really is no need for the gifts.'

'Yes, what kind of host would I be if I let my guest leave, without giving them something that will always remind them of the wonderful dinner they had at my place.'

'A humble one.'

'Before, I leave, what happened to your face?'

'Here you we go, I should tell him, then he will deal with that useless man for once and for all but then mother would blame me for his death since I am the one dancing around in public with this face and might hate me for the rest of her life, I could not bear to live a life without my mother's love.'

'Hello, Jack are you still there or have you fainted again but just with your eyes wide open this time?'

'No, I am still here you were saying?'

'You know, one should not think about exacting revenge on those who caused us harm but simply forgive and forget otherwise you as a person might start a vicious cycle of negative karma, which will not only affect us but also our children and future generations.'

'I will be sure to remember your words next time, I want to sound wise, I really have to go now.'

'Wait, your gifts, why is everyone in such a foul mood.'

He got up and went into the next room to return very soon, with two shopping bag and a rectangular box, almost looks like a case or something.

'There is really no need for this.'

'Okay, you really need to stop with your false modesty and yes, there is a need for these gifts, you will take them home and give them to your family, a good host always gives gifts before their guests leave, it is good hosting 101, check it in out the library.'

'What are all of these things?'

'Things!, these are not things but precious gifts, I had personally hand-picked for your family, well, if you must know, in this box is a pair of earrings, not too expensive, I do not want you to go and sell them, that would be very rude, for your mother of course and in this one, we have a tiara, every girl wants to be a princess, loved and the feeling of being wanted, Jack do not even think of trying it on, I know you of that age where the world is seemingly more interesting and you want to try new things and find out who you are, but please, you have to control yourself when the time comes.'

'I will be sure to try my best, what is in that box?'

'This is a special gift for your father, my friend Johnny walked all the way from his estate  somewhere in London to bring it to me, man can that guy walk.'

'Sounds like quite a loyal friend but how I am going to carry all these stuff?'

'My good Sir, I always thought you were smart, guess I was wrong, place some of the things in your bag and carry the rest by hand.'

'Huh, I guess you are right.'

'I am always right.'

'You could be more humble sometimes, I will go get my bag.'

'Don't worry about that it is already at the door, I took the initiative to put it there, I did not want to hold you up any longer.'

'Am I going to use the front door?'

Sir C. J chuckled.

'Do not be silly, at least the sun has not completely set.'

Jack took the stuff and head towards the door and saw there was no sign of his bag.

'I thought you said that my bag would be at the door.'

'I did.'

'So, where is it?'

'Calm down Jack, I am sure it must be here somewhere.'

They searched the kitchen, then the porch, where Sir C.J spotted in at the end of the stairs.

'Found it!'


'Over here.'

'Thank goodness, I do not know what I would have done without it, I do not know why but I have a feeling, that you knew it was here all along.'

'How dare you!, of course I did but was the search not fun?'


Jack put the earrings and the tiara in his bag and rushed off.'

'Aaahaa!, are you not forgetting something?'

'Oh, how careless of me.'

'If I did not know any better, it seems to me that you wanted you leave your father's gift here.'

'No, I did not, I am just a little confused.'

'Jack, everything alright at home or at school?'

'Everything is finer then ever.'

'Alright, then if you say so.'

Jack walked off.



'I have a feeling a miracle is going to take place.'


Sir C.J shook his head and went inside.

'Huh, I wonder what that was about, who knows what goes on in that man's head.'