
Jack the ripper: Origins

Set in the Victorian age a humble 12 year old boy named JACK PETERSON with a strange sickness of his own, desires nothing but to escapes his impoverished homestead by becoming a world renowned actor but all of that soon changes when he befriends two girls, SUSAN and JULIA GIBSION who are victims of heinous abuse, on discovering this Jack seeks help from a mysterious man CATHER J. KIPPER, who helps him by unknowingly turning the humble boy into an articulated and meticulous cold blooded serial killer.

Theodoresauls · Realistic
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25 Chs


'This is nice, is it not Jackie boy, getting some sun and some colour on your skin too.'

'I do not understand you, Sir C.J, you care so much about the colour of my skin but we almost have the same colour skin if not the same.'

'But there is a difference.'

'What difference?'


'Master Jack have you ever heard of the thing called projecting your insecurities on others.'

'Yes, I actually read about that not too long ago.'

'Well, that is what he is doing to you and it is such a shame for a fully grown man to do so and he cannot even blame it on a mid-life crises because he is long past the age of thirty five.'

'Hey, now you listen here, you know how I feel about people knowing my age and I think you are getting too smart for my liking, I think I should put a stop to your unfettered access to the library, I think I should put a lock on it, I do not understand you kids of today, when I was your age..'

'Is that when dinosaurs still roamed the earth?'

Jack and Sevki snickered

'Haha, very funny Peterson, I think you need to read a book on maturity, now I have to start all over again, when I was your age, I was not reading books and do not get me wrong I have nothing against books but, I was not reading them the whole time, I was getting out there meeting people having fun, girls, like that man and women over there, who look very familiar, wait a second is that not that girl from the bakery what was her name again..'

'Charoltte Bonate'

'Yes and Gibson.'

'I think you mean Gregory Aka Greg Gibson.' Sir C.J said.

'Wait, Master Jack if his name is Gregory Gibson, how can it be Aka Greg Gibson?'

'I have to agree with the help on this one Jack, there is just something off about the whole thing.'

'Cather did you not say that he was married?'

'Yes, he is to a very beautiful women, might I add but it seems like old Greg here likes to have his bread buttered on both sides, well who can blame him she is quite a looker.'

'Maybe it is not what we think it is guys, maybe our perception his wrong.'

'So how about we check it out, take a closer look Jackie boy and see what the facts are, we will hide behind that conveniently place bush and they will not see us, what do you say Jackie boy it is the only way to find out the actual truth or are you willing to live a life of curiosity and guilt wondering if you could of stopped an horrendous event from unfolding if only you had taken a closer look.

'Why, are you emotionally blackmailing the boy Cather and anyway, I do not think Jack will compromise his moral values and principle in order to satisfy you.'

'Yes, Sevki is right, it is wrong to eavesdrop, maybe is best we leave things.'

'That is good Master Jack, keep your integrity in check do not stoop to the level of this man and maybe they are not even doing what we think they are doing..'

'Are you two blind or something, it is obviously a date and that equals affair.'

'I do not believe so, maybe they are just having lunch as friends.'

'Yes, more like friends with benefits, am I right..huh?'

Sir C.J put out his hand for a fists bump but no replied.

'Alright then, I will connect myself, I do not need you guys.'

'What do you mean by 'friends with benefits'?'

'See, what you did?'

'Uhmmm…, Jackie boy, there is a certain age to know everything.'

'Besides, I do not think that it has gotten so far so quickly.'

'Well, when you have no moral value and self-respect it can but then again what we know is nothing and to find out the truth we have to take a closer look and you both know you want to.'

Jack and Sevki looked at each other waiting for one or the other to give the go ahead.

'I have to agree with Sir C.J on this one, if I could prevent an unpleasant event from taking place, which will protect my friends then I might as well make some sacrifices on my end for the greater good.'

'That is my boy!, how about you Sevki, are you still going to take the high road after hearing such a motivational speech to do something wrong, come on have a heart think of poor Susan and Julia, I am sure that they would do the same thing for you.'

'Alright!, geez, I will come with you but just for those girls.'

'Yes for the girl, this is what this whole story is about.', Sir C.J said, giving her a wink.

'let's go then.'

'Wait, you cannot just go there, take of your shoes?'


'So they do not here us, duh it is called being stealthy, amateur.'

The three of them took of their shoes and shocks hide, and crawled over to the conveniently placed bush expect for Sevki of course she had to do something in between a bear crawl and crouching because she was wearing one of those Victorian dress .

'Shhhhh!, you two are making a noise they my hear us.'

'You're the only one talking Cather.'

'If you two keep this up, they will hear us and most likely put the police on us too.'

'Oh, please the police, who is scared of the police these days Master Jack.'

'She is right, those fools cannot even find lice in their own hair.'

'My fellow partners in crime, I would like to know what we are looking for in order to confirm our suspicion?'

'Sevki, I think the boy is asking you a question.'

'To think you were in the special forces but now you cannot even debunk a simple affair, I wonder what you did there, did you even go in an operation or were you one of those who made sure that all their gear was clean, because I have never seen anyone from your military days come visit you.'

'Listen here, you forget that you are still my employee and you have no right talking to me the way you do, no right what so ever and to answer your question, he is cheating on her because, he took his wedding ring off.'

'So, he could have lost it somewhere.'

'Dear innocent Jackie boy, it the only reason he took that wedding ring off, is to stop his conscious from bothering him and to suppress the guilty feeling of cheating as the old saying "Goes out of sight, out of mind."'

'How can you be sure?'

'Because, I …, I have many friends who have done this sort of thing before, then they still have the audacity to come to me and brag about it, how far mankind have fallen it is just disgusting , I tell you, simply disgusting.'

'Are you sure that you were not amongst these men?'

'How dare you insult me like that you lowly serv…'

'Wait…., where is Jack, I mean Master Jack?.'

'You can give up the gimmick when he is not around.'

'It is no gimmick, where is he?.'

'The boy was right here a few seconds ago.'

'Do you think.'

'Do think that he….'

'He went to go hang himself or went to go tell the girls about their lying cheating father.'

'He cannot they will never believe him.'

'Somebody better stop him before he embarrasses himself.'

'Poor thing, first Elizabeth and now this, how will he ever get over all these things.'

'Sevki, now is no time to reminisce about the past and all the bad things that happened, we must find the boy.'

'Okay, you go left and I go right, and remember one thing do not call out his name out loud.'

'Why not?'

'Because he might think that debt collectors are after him, so it is best you look for him in a discreet manner, it will be the best for all of us.'

'You are not talking about yourself are you?'

'Did you forget, I did pay you.'

'No, you did not.'

'Would you stop being so selfish sometimes, we have more urgent matters to attend to, my money, my money, gosh, money is not everything in the world you know.'

'I do not have time for this drama, I am leaving to find him, you go that way like we discussed and please stay focused for once.'

'I am as focused as a ford focus.'


So, the hunt was on for the mythical powder white boy, both the contestants, searched furiously around the town, one turned her head around so times that she actually became dizzy the other enjoyed a good old traditional English breakfast, just filling up on what he had missed that morning, soon they both met up at the place they had agreed on.

'My, you look exhausted, I take it you really put the work in, probably ran around like a headless chicken.'

'I take it you did nothing at all.'

'I beg your pardon, I take great offence to that statement, I did do something and it was very important.'

'I have a feeling, I am going to regret asking this but my curiosity renders me powerless, what did you do?'

'I had breakfast.'

'You..you had breakfast!, you think that is more important then finding a missing person?'

'Yes, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, do you hear that, MOST important and besides I was not going to waste my energy pretending to look for somebody when I know where exactly he is, it is just plain stupid.'

'Yes, it would be plain stupid, you…you so unbelievable sometimes.'

'I think you mean mysterious but we can discuss my amazing character some other time we have to get to Jack or else he will be even more sadder, let's go!'

'I am not going to run, I am all out of energy.'

'You should have had breakfast, then you would be as fresh as me.'

The search party/contest ventured off into the dense forest were they would encounter no, obstacles or any dangerous wild animals, except for a light wind blowing north at a speed of three kilometers per hour, no heavy rain or thunder showers expected throughout the week, it looks like a clear blue sky for the rest of the chapter and possibly to the end, finally an they reached a deserted area of the forest, they wind whistled through the tree sending a cold chill down the spine of our brave participants, they scanned around the area for any signs of life, then they a heard something out of nowhere, which almost gave Sevki a heart attack, she grabbed Sir C.J's arm and hid behind him.

'Would we look at this, it seems like your bark is worse then your bite.'

'You are using that expression at the wrong time.'

Furthermore, Sir C.J took out a lighter out from his pocket, lit it and held it above his head, which was completely unnecessary because it was still day and the sun was at its peak.

'It is for an adventures effect.'

They heard the whimper again, to their left.

'It is time to arm yourself.'

'But I am armed.'

'But this is my arm, pick up a stone or stick.'

Sevki picked up a branch and Sir C.J took out a knife from his ankle, flicked it open and moved forward, where they able to come in full view of the beast sitting on a rock hunched over breathing heavily and wiping its snot with its twig like forearm, pulling it across its face leaving a slivery, glittery line across its face, then it spoke.

'Sir C.J, Sevki, is that you?'

'What!, how do you know our names you vile and foul beast, speak now!'

'What is wrong with you it is clearly Jack, Master Jack are you okay, why did you leave so suddenly, we have been looking for you all over the place.'

'She was looking for you all over the place, I knew where you were.'

'I…, just did not know what to do, I wanted to believe that I was wrong, I wanted to believe that what I was seeing is all in my head.'

'No, it was not because we were there.'

Sevki rolled her eyes at Sir C.J, 'Tell us, what did you see?'

'I…, I..saw…'


'Hey!...hey, come on Cather, what the hell is wrong with you, how are you going to get the answer out of him when you scaring him like this?'

'I think you just answered your own question dear.'

'Look at me, Master Jack and do not pay attention to this fool and focus on me, now tell me what did you see?'

'I saw, I saw, their lips touch and then they tongues, does that mean that he is cheating on Elaina?'

'No, they were just making a pinky promise with their tongues, since they are like friends and all.', Sir C.J said sarcastically.

'I am afraid so Jack.'

'So, what does it make her, his second wife?'

'No.., No, that makes her his side piece or his midday booty call or more commonly known as the mistress, like I said that thing between the Master and mattress and as you know, the mattress touches more then your lips.'

'Okay, cool it Cather.'

'Awww, man I was just about to demonstrate with my walking stick and this hole in the tree.'

'So, what should I do Sevki, should I go and tell them, they are my friends after all and I think Elaina would like to know what her husband is up to during the day.'

'Yes and while you at it, tell them how you also saw a golden unicorn riding on a bold eagle.'


'I am afraid to admit this but I have to agree with Sir C.J on this one, you cannot just go to their house and tell them that their father playing full contact skin on skin tag with other women.'

'What do you mean by 'full contact skin on skin tag'?'

'It Is just a nicer way of saying that they are f….'

'Fictionating!, Firctionationateing!', Sevki shouted.

'Is that even a word or a thing?'

'Do not look at me, she is the one who said it.'

'The point is Master Jack, you cannot go tell them the truth now.'

'Why not?'

'Because he is a man!, gosh someone educate this boy.', Sir C.J said, throwing his walking stick down in a fit of rage.

'I still do not understand.'

'If you go and tell them, he will simply deny everything, it will be your word against his and who do you think they are going to believe and even if they wanted to, they are still going to choose him, in order to protect their mother and themselves.'

'So, what should we do, I cannot just pretend that nothing happened after seeing what I saw today.'

'Huh, you would be surprised of how quickly you get use to it, you have no idea how many illegitimate children and secret families I know about, the human being is truly amazing.'

Sir C,J chuckled.

'Well, I am not like you.'

'You have no idea.'

'Please help me, Sevki.'

'I wish I could but my hands are tied when it comes to these things, only thing I can advise you to do is to collect evidence or expose him in some way.'

'But how?'

'As I said my hands are tied but I know someone who can.'

She glanced over at Sir C,J, who was preparing to cremate a dead mole


'I know he is a little manic in his temperament but he is very smart and skilled he just hides it well.'

'Sometimes I wonder, if there is anything he cannot do.'

'That remains a mystery yet to be solved, so what do you need help with?'

'Were you not busy with cremation over there?'

'Yes, he is still burning.'

'That is a fire hazard!'

'No, it is not I put a lot of leaves around it, so the fire does not spread, gosh she understands nothing sometimes, I wonder if she actually reads the books or just pretends to?'

Sevki, just walked away and started digging up sand to throw on the fire.

'So, what is it that you want to ask me?'

Jack stared at Sir C.J who was swaying back and forth with a big smile on his face, wondering if he should ask him for help, what if it turns out like the Phil family, what if he kills the entire Gibson family and what if he cannot get away with it this time, can he really kill his friends, Julia would not be a problem but would he actually have the guts to do it.



Jack, stared into the sky, thinking hard about the request and decision he is about to make.

'Yes, I will help you with whatever you are contemplating in your head.'

'But, I did not ask you yet and you do not know what it is?'

'Does not matter.'

'Go, on Master Jack ask him?'

'I am waaaiiiiting?'

'Could you tell me what I should do, with out the girls getting hurt in anyway?'

'Well, I cannot guarantee that no one will get hurt, you know this reminds me of the time that I was in M.I..'

'Cather, we do not want to listen to your back stories from your glory days.'

'I am talking to Jackie.'

'With all due respect, I too do not want to listen to your back story, so could we skip forward to the plan.'

'You have no respect for experience but in any case the solution to this problem is to expose them.'

'Expose them?'

'Yes, expose them in public.'

'I do not understand.'

'Please explain to this boy Sevki.'

'If they are exposed in public, there will be so many witnesses that not even he can deny it.'

'Yes, what would be better if we could get the mother and daughters to witness it.'

'Why, not just get the mothers and the daughters to see him, why the entire town?'

Sir C.J took a few steps closer to Jack put his hand on his shoulder and shook his head and looked at Jack.

'Then it would not be so SCANDALOUS and SPECTACULAR!!!!, can you imagine, the SHOCK!, The DRAMA, The EMBRASSEMENT, The HURT and BETRAYLE, gosh, I am so disappointed in you Jack after all this time you still do not know me by now, I have a feeling that you would never ever know me.'

'I still don't.'

'Come closer so I can tell you my brilliant plan.'

The group gathered together, like in a sports games and discussed what is probably the most.., oh wait I cannot disclose that information yet because you will have to read about it in the next chapter or the next or the one after.

'Remember Jackie boy, I scratch your back, you scratch mine.'