
Jack the ripper: Origins

Set in the Victorian age a humble 12 year old boy named JACK PETERSON with a strange sickness of his own, desires nothing but to escapes his impoverished homestead by becoming a world renowned actor but all of that soon changes when he befriends two girls, SUSAN and JULIA GIBSION who are victims of heinous abuse, on discovering this Jack seeks help from a mysterious man CATHER J. KIPPER, who helps him by unknowingly turning the humble boy into an articulated and meticulous cold blooded serial killer.

Theodoresauls · Realistic
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25 Chs


Jack and Elizabeth held on to the end of Sir C.J's skirts( those suites that butlers wear) , as he marched down the path, through some thick shrubbery and along a road that seems like it has not been used for a while, pushing through tree branches, blinded by some sun rays piercing through the thick leaves until they emerged at the back yard of an enormous mansion, with big white pillars, like the great Roman pillars, this gold lining at the bottom and top, two big oak doors, in front the of them, cow heads, the floors and stairs where made of solid dark marble, (which ever goes great with your flavour palette in your imagination), leading down to the Canadian green grass, emphasizing or enhancing its colour too.

'Here we are!, kids, I hope all of you enjoy the less then ordinary trip to your destination?'

Elizabeth nudged Jack with her elbow and whispered, 'Close, your mouth, flies are going to fly in.'

Jack gulped and then closed his mouth.

'Impressive, is it not Jackie boy?'

'Yes, Sir, indeed it is.'

'I know, come on in, it looks way better on the inside.'

'Wait, there is one thing I do not understand.'

'What is that?'

'Why are we entering from the back, is this someone else's house are you two trying to get me into trouble?'

'No, why would you think that?'

Sir C.J snickered.

'See, I knew it, I am going home.'

'No, it is nothing like that, Sir C.J, say something.'

'Jackie boy wait…., phew, that was a good snicker, I am not sure if you could use it as a verb or adverb, well who cares, the reason why we are entering from the back, wait let me rephrase that because I know you youngsters have a tendency to thinks certain things that makes your mind jump to other sort of conclusions so, I will say it like this, the reason why we are invading.., no.., penetrating , maybe‍…., okay, of course not, the reason, why we are going in from the back is because no one goes in from the front anymore, Oh my God, that sounds so wrong but in any case, because there is this new thing going around that you youngsters prefer to jump over the back gate and go in from the back, so that is what I am doing, I am sticking with the trend.'

'Sir C.J, I do not know where or who told you this but no one is doing such things.'

'You sure, Elizabeth?'

'Yes, Sir.'

'Man, or maybe it could be that some bad people were following us but that is a story for another day.'

'Bad people!'

'Oh, Jackie boy, calm yourself down, we are perfectly fine or not, so let's us see who gets to the door, last one there might be assassinated by accident.', C.J looked at Jack and smiled, in the meantime, Elizabeth already bolted off.

'Man, look at her go.'


'Okay, guess, it is time for me to go too.', C.J pushed Jack down and ran off, Jack shouted a few, illegal words for the ears then got up dusted himself off and soon followed.

They all gathered in front of the two big doors.

'Here is the slow poke.'

'Slow poke, you the one that cheated.'

'No, I did not.'

'Okay, girls, I am thirsty and I really do not feel like dealing with your sissy fighting and wet panty slinging.'

'Wet panty ,what!, gosh you have a saying for everything, I do not know what that means, Jack, what does that mean?'

'I do not know, it is the first time I heard that too.'

'Oh, sorry, I forgot you do not have a social life.'

'Ooow, burn.'

'You know, you two are really good friends, you never spare a moment to insult or degrade me.'

'Of course we are or would you rather have friends that talk behind your back.'

'You tell him Sir.'

'Honestly I do not think there was anything to tell in the first place.'

'There was too, he asked you a question then you did not answer.'

'That is not telling that is asking, maybe you should come to school more.'

Elizabeth remained silent and look out at the yard, Sir C.J gave Jack a cold glare then cleared his throat.

'Okay, now that we are done fighting how about we go inside and get ourselves something to drink, it is quite hot today.'

'Yes, that would be nice thank you.' Elizabeth answered softly.

Sir C.J held open the door for her to go in and Jack followed.

'Welcome!....Welcome dear friends to the Kipper mansion, where every day is all fun and games, please have a seat over here, while I order our drinks, please do excuse me, the service in this place is a little slow.'

The two sat down at the table and Sir C.J left the kitchen calling for someone named Sevkie.

Jack and Elizabeth looked around trying every possible means to avoid eye contact with each other, until Jack ran out of places to look.

Jack: "Nice weather we are having today don't you think?"

Elizabeth did not respond she just stared at him straight in the eyes.

Jack(again): "Nice weather we having today don't you think?"

Elizabeth ignored him once again, she yawned, then check the time on an imaginary watch.

Jack: "Nice weather we are having here today, don't you think?"

Elizabeth: " Jack are you stupid or something, you can clearly see that I am blocking you out mentally, why are you asking the same question over and over again?"

Jack: "Because, I knew you would answer me eventually and look I guess, I was right.

Elizabeth smiled and turned away from him before answering again.

Elizabeth: "You are crazy."

Jack: "Yes, crazy for you."

Elizabeth: "Jack!, you cannot say things like that to your friend."

Jack: "Why do we have to be friends, I do not understand!"

Elizabeth: "Jack, we have been over this so many times I am not going into it again."

Jack leaned over and took her hand.

Jack: "Look, I know you are leaving and I can leave with you, all you need to say is yes."

Elizabeth: "Yes, to what?"

Jack: "To this, to me."

Elizabeth removed her hand from his.

Elizabeth: " What is this, what is this relationship, it does not even have a name!, and you, who are you, what do you have, what have you achieved, huh!, Jack wake up, this union you are hoping for is not going to happen, we are still young and both of us have time to achieve whatever we want to, I do not want to be just someone's wife, I want my own identity, me!, you understand, I want to be somebody, so I am sorry if I hurt you right now but in time you will find someone, that will be whatever you want them to be, love you , the way you want to be loved, but unfortunately I am not that person, nor I guess, will never be, only time will tell, all I can offer you is friendship, I hope we can treat and talk to each other in a civil manner if not then one of us will have to leave and it is not going to be me I am afraid, deal with it."

Jack simply smiled and stretched his hands over his head.

Jack: "I will gladly be your friend."

Elizabeth: "Really…..you certainly take rejection well."

Jack: "Because there is still hope."

Elizabeth: "Hope?"

Jack: "You said, that time will only tell, if you will reciprocate my love."

Elizabeth laughed.

Elizabeth: "Yes, only time will tell."

Soon After, Sir C.J entered the room, with a slightly pretty, not pretty but cute young lady, maybe in her early twenties.

'Guys!, I found her!, here is Sevki, my house cleaning person and food maker, she is really something special, what is going on here, what is up with this tense atmosphere.'

He walked over to Elizabeth put his hand on her shoulder, his eyes shifted between Elizabeth and Sevki, then took a deep breath, exhaled then spoke.

'Elizabeth, did Jack try anything funny with you, while I was gone, searching for Sevki, no need to be scared, I am here now?'

Sevki, looked at Jack then Sir C.J and stood behind him.

'Wait, what are you trying to say, you think of me like this?'

'No need to plead your innocence now, you should be ashamed of your actions, Jack!, but I must know what you have done, so I can serve justice, too long have men escaped with heinous crime because of women who dare not speak up for themselves but I will not let these crimes take place in my house!'

Sevki started applauding her employer.

'Sir C.J, Jack did nothing.'

'Really?, man, I was really hoping to carry on this scene but since Jack was not man enough to do anything perverted, I must let this one slid.'

'So I must be perverted.'

'No, not even if your life depends on it.'

'Are you two done, can I order something now, a lady can only maintain her thirst for so long.'

'Sorry ma 'am , I just caught in the moment.'

Sevki stepped out from behind Sir C.J and did a little bow before Elizabeth.

'No need to apologise Sevki, they are the ones to blame always arguing and doing something which is honestly completely unnecessary.

'I have to agree with you on that one miss.'

'Okay, ladies, this is not a high tea, it is my house, so Miss Elizabeth, whatever your surname maybe, I forget, what would you like my dear Sevki to bring you.'

'I would just like chamomile tea and some cake from the bakery Jack works at.'

'And what would you like young Master.'

Sevki turned to face Jack.


'He'll have my leftovers.'

Everyone laughed and high fived each other, while Jack just stared at them, then Sevki turned back to Jack.

'Young Master, what would you like?'

'I would like some tea too and some of the bakery's cake, it is funny I work there but I have never tasted some of Charlotte's cake or any of her sweet treats as a matter of fact.'

'Then why are you working there in the first place, what a waste.'

'Sevki, what do you mean by that.'

'Nothing., S….Sir, I will have your stuff ready, you can wait in the lounge, while I prepare your orders.'

Sevki bolted out of the room and the three were staring at each other in awkward silence, until Jack decided to break the silence with an outrageous statement.

'Sir C.J, I think you stole money from your wife's purse.'

'What, where did that come from?'

'Nowhere, you just look like someone that steals money from their wife's purse.'

'I think, it is something you would do, are you bored and we need to do something before Jackie boy over here gets some evil ideas, you know what they say an ideal mind, is the devil's workshop, so I think it is time for a house tour.'

'No, I am going to sit this one out, I have been on three already.'

'Come on, Elizabeth, I can't go on this tour alone with Jack, who knows what kind of funny things he might try to do with me, when we are alone.'

'Do not flatter yourself.'

'Please, please, come with us Elizabeth, I will give you some of that Earl Gray tea you like so much.'

'I want the whole box.'

'Okay, I can afford more anyway.'

'And I also want a jar of honey.'

'You got it!'

'So, what are you two donkeys doing over here standing around for, time is going.'

'Wait, now, it is first time for some roll call.'


'Yes, Elizabeth, I did not issue permission slips for you to take home and get signed, so I have to do roll call before we go anywhere, to ensure your safety as the tour guide, your safety is my first priority, so please line up.'

Elizabeth and Jack got up and stood side by side in front of Sir C.J as he pulled out a note book, check the time and then called their names.



'Good, now that everyone's here we can go.'

'You not going to call Jack's name out?'



'That is what I would like to know too?'

'He does not pay school fees, his safety is none of my concern.'

'You are really something Sir C.J.'

'One of a kind my dear Jackie boy, let's go!'

Time laps….( however long it takes to finish a tour around a mansion.)

After the tour which I will not go into much detail because the writer slash narrator, is returning after a long time and kind of lost his drive and creativity due to writer's block and dealing with some emotional difficulties, so he is not going to describe the entire tour or else it is just going to depress your day or invoke unnecessary aggression, just know the house was breath taking, think rich singer or movie star mansion you see in those old horror films, just breath taking , Jack managed to keep his hands to himself and overcome his desire to take all the money laying around, so they made their way to the living room where Sevki has laid out the table with all sorts of snacks and drinks.

'Woow!, Sevki, you really went all out with for your guest.'

'Of course, they are our guest after all.'

'Thank you, Sevki.'

'My pleasure Master Jack.'

'Master Jack!, how come you are calling him Master, you never call me Master.'

C.J slammed his hand on the table.

'Are you done?'

'Yes, you know I like to find the little moments, to act out.'

'I know Cather.'

'Is everything okay?', Elizabeth asked.

'Do not worry about anything miss, he like to get dramatic and act like a child from time to time.'

'Yes, I am a naughty boy.'

'I have told him so many times, he should join the theater club, where he could act and throw tantrums all he wants and people would pay attention.'

'Why don't you join the theater, Sir C.J?'

'Oh, dear Elizabeth, Eeeellllliiiizzzzabeth, you know very well that those people could never afford me or be able to handle my talent.'

'More like, they would not want you.'

'I think so too Master Jack.'

'Oh, you are teaming up against me, that is incest and I think you are referring to yourself here, because everyone wants me and everyone wants to be me even you Jackie boy, so I would choose my words wisely, you would not want to come across as a hypocrite now do you?'

Jack and C.J exchanged looks with each other and it looked very likely that things were about to escalate to the point were certain secrets were about to be exposed.

'Okay girlies, before you start scratching each other's eyes out or knowing you two, this fight will amount to nothing more then patty cake….'

'Or even a hop scotch duel, miss Elizabeth.'

'I tell you Sevkie, there is honestly, no point in hoping to that things would escalate into violence, or anything like that.'

'Are they even men, miss Elizabeth?'

'I wonder that sometimes too, Sevkie.'

Jack and Sir C.J stared at the two women puzzled as they exchanged dialog.

'Sir C.J, I think I will never get married.'

'Ha, that is what everyman says.'

'I am being honest, I truly do not understand women sometimes, I mean who would choose mindless violence over patty cake…'

'Or hop scotch.'

'Who would want to get punch in the face.'

'I surely don't want that or to hurt my beautiful hand.'

'You really got nice hands Sir C.J.'

'I know right, uhmm, are you girls done with your high tea gossip session.'

'Aww no, I think we have offended them Sevkie, what shall we ever do?'

'I do not know Miss Elizabeth, maybe point and laugh at them.'

'That is a good idea Sevkie, I think you are my new best friend.'

'Thank you, shall we do it now.'

'Yes of course…, 1, 2, 3..'

Both of them pointed and laughed at the men or should I say, a man and a little boy, to be more specific.

'What kind of employer are you that allows his employees to disrespect him like this.'

'Look whose talking if you are so brave, then why, don't you do something?'

'I would but due to all this talk about doing something, I suddenly developed a sore throat and it looks like a serious infection, just by talking like this, I can feel my saliva causing clots in my nose, so I do not want to be talking too much for it could develop into herpes or something worse.'

'I hate to say this but sometimes you are just disgusting and vulgar.'

'Thanks and you know what?'


'If I cannot speak then this story cannot go on.'

'What nonsense, like you are so important.'

'Yes, I am, look I do not like to brag, oh, who am I kidding, I love to, if you take a look at the title of the story whose name is at the front?', Jack said with a smile.

'I hate to burst your bubble, oh who am I kidding, I love to, but unfortunately I cannot see because I am just someone's imagination my whole body and character is just words, so I am happy to say, that I cannot answer your question because I do not have eyes and even if I did, I bet that if I had eyes and I saw your name, they would explode immediately inside my SKULL!'

'Hectic stuff, but you have to admit you are a little jealous, one thing I will admit though, green is not a good colour for you.'

'Do not flatter yourself, for your information, I wore a green suit to my mother's sixth wedding and everyone said that I looked great.'

'They lied, obviously, and your mother has been married six times?'

'Yeah, it is kind of weird how they die exactly six months after she has been added to the will.'

'Yes, strange.'

'Are you two done, gosh, you fight like two teenage girls fighting over the last piece of toilet paper, I do not know why girls always go to the toilet together, do you perhaps know why Sevkie?'

'I really do not know Miss, it is just one of those phenomenon, that the world as yet to figure out.'

'Elizabeth what is the point of this, I was about to finish him off but you came in between with talks about toilet paper and girls.'

'Listen here Jack Peterson, I did not come all the way here to listen you and Sir C.J fighting..'

'You tell them Miss!'

'I came here so I can eat fancy food and hopefully take some home, with some scented candles by the way C.J, I am going to steal some candles.'

'Take as many as you want.'

'With pleasure, I do not need this bickering from you two now, you are spoiling my afternoon!'

'Okay, Elizabeth, let us just calm down and let go of the knife, no one needs to get hurt, if you are going to hurt anyone hurt Jack and spare Sevkie, I have known her longer then him.'

'Oh but someone needs to get hurt, everyone knows, that a human being only learns his lesson through scarring and there needs to be scarring, this is what happens!, when you get in between a girl and her food and her having fun and everyone knows girls just wanna have fun and eat food.'

'I know but how are you going to have fun with a knife.'

Sir C.J moved slowly and carefully towards her.

'Well, seeing fear in another human beings eyes is also fun.'

'I could not agree with you more, are you sure that we are not related?'

'This is not the time to ask these questions, the girl is crazy and she has a knife with her!'

Jack shouted from behind Sevkie, slowly but surely steering her in a position where she could be the perfect human shield.

'Elizabeth, there is no need to go down this road, there is always a solution to a problem but killing yourself is not the solution.'

'Wait…What, I do not want to kill myself, I love my life..'

'That is good Elizabeth, think about all the good thinks in your life, think about your family and friends.'

'Sir C.J,what are you on about, I do not want to kill myself, I just wanted to peel this apple.'

'Dammit Jack!', Sir C.J ripped off his blazer and threw it down in a fit of rage.

'I should have known better, how could you have listened to him, he always grabs the wrong end if the stick, I have learnt my lesson and by the way you cannot eat that, they are fake.'

'They are?'

'Of course not polystyrene has not been invented yet, they are fresh as two days old.'


'Wait…, what is going on here, Elizabeth you not going to stab anybody?' Jack emerged from behind Sevki.

'Ahhh, some people do not appreciate real drama.'

'I know right, no, Jack I am not going to stab anyone, what is with you and C.J with Killing and stabbing?'

'Do you think it is unreasonable for us to react in this manner, after what you did the last time to us, I can still feel the burn.'

'That means it worked, no pain no gain.'

'What was there to gain?'

'Your respect for women.'


'I always, thought that he was narrow minded when it came to women and their rights.'

'I have to agree with Cather, I did feel unsafe while he was standing behind me.'

'Did he do anything funny to you?'


'Good, otherwise, there was going to be a blood bath here, you know, Sevkie, even though I am a man I am also a major feminist.'

Sir C.J put his hands on his hips and looked around, expecting an applause.


'I don't know I just thought that Elizabeth and Sevki would start applauding.'

'I don't think that that is something worth applauding Cather.', Sevki said.

'ENOUGH!', Jack shout for no reason.


'Why on earth are you shouting like this in my house, this is not your mother's house.'

'This is not your house either, last time I check Mrs Kipper own this property.'

'Is that so, well where is she now!'

Sevki, covered her mouth and left the room.

'Aww, look at her she is so attached to my wife, every time I ask her where she is, she gets so emotional.'

'May I ask a question Sir?'

'Yes, of course Elizabeth, anything, except for you Jack you have a habit for asking inappropriate questions, learn some manners man!, you were saying Elizabeth?'

'Where is your wife and daughter?'

Sir C.J inhaled deeply held his breath for a little while then sighed.

'My wife is just around the corner, in France her father has not been well for some time now, so she and my daughter just went to visit him for a little while, they will return once he is better, I do not know why Sevki goes on like she is never coming back.'

'Okay, how long has Sevki been with you?'

'Oh, that poor thing has been with us since the day we got married, my wife picked her over the other many servants, my wife felt sorry for her, because she was the youngest amongst the many others and taught her how to read and write, now she is ravaging through the my liberty down stairs a book a week but all that knowledge is giving her a big head, do you see how she treats me better then Jack, she even calls him Master, ridiculous.'

'I do not think so, I think she see you as a big brother figure or a fatherly figure.'

'I guess you right, I mean I am the best at being a brother, not to mention a father figure, undoubtedly the greatest of all times.'

'May I ask another, if you do not mind?'

'Yes but what is with all these questions are you doing some interview for a newspaper or something?'

'No, how long will your wife be gone?'

The smile vanished from Sir C.J's face and a clear sign of anger appeared on his face, accompanied by an aggressive tone.

'Why, do you want to know!'

'Sir C.J are you alright?' Jack intervened

'Of course I am, why would, I not be.'

'It is just that you have never spoken to Elizabeth in this tone before.'

'Well,there is a first time for everything.'


'What is it with you two screaming like this in my house, let us change the subject, come, get up, forget all this and enjoy a dance what do you say?'

'You surely changed quickly.'

'I have to because it looks like Elizabeth is about to pounce on me.'

Sir C.J laughed nervously.

'Since it is the day for firsts' I would like to be the first young lady to kill a man with a fork.'

'I do not think that you would be the first young lady to kill a man because there a many young ladies that killed a man, even became heroes in their places of residence.'

'Oh, lookie it is Jackie Peterson, Mr know it all, I sit in the library and read book and drink tea with old ladies or should I say lady.'

'Real mature C.J.'

'It is Sir C.J to you.'

'Why should I call you Sir C.J and your employees get to call you by your name?'

'Because unlike my employees whom I have known for years and whom I have developed some sort of attachment and relationship with, I have no problem cutting your throat open or putting a bullet in your head, with this very gun hanging here on the wall.'

'No,way that old relic will be able to fire a bullet, not to mention a dust ball.'

'We can always find out.'

'Wait for a few minutes before you kill him, I would like to hear about the teenage girls who killed men and became a hero.'


Elizabeth ran over to him and grabbed him by the chest.

'kill him, he turned out to be useless.'

'Yes ma'am!.'

Sir opened the case, loaded the gun and took aim at Jacks head.

'Locked and loaded, awaiting permission to fire.'

'Ready!, fi….'

'Okay!...., wait I will tell you, gosh.'

'Lower your aim soldier, he is ready to talk.'

'Yes, I am but I have one question, you weren't really going to tell him to shoot me were you?'

'Of course I was.'


'To be honest I also want to see if that old gun still works.'

'And you Sir C.J, were you really going to shoot me?'

'Yes but I was just going to give you a flesh wound, nothing serious.'

'I don't know why, I am friends with you two?'

'Because we toxic and most people like getting intoxicated, to escape their problems, poetic justice, all from a substance and in some cases from people, I am done being philosophical, now tell me about this girl.'

'I don't need this but in any case I will tell you about one of the greatest female heroes of all times, Joan of Arc.'

'Oh my gosh, how could I forget about old Joany, what a sweet heart, really pure of heart, I use to be her friend.'

'Of course you were.'

'I use to go by the name Gil…'

'Please Sir C.J, I do not mean to you be rude but could you please keep quiet, while Jack narrates the story.'

Jack stared at C.J.

'Sir C.J, what did you just say?'

'It is not important.'

Then gave Jack a little smirk.

'Oh Hellooooo…., Jack are you still there?'


'Are you okay, you kind of spaced out a little.'

'It is nothing, you were saying.'

'You were going to tell me the story about Joan of Arc.'

'Look, I cannot tell you the entire story it is a very long story and because that would be plagiarism, so I suggest you go look for it at the library.

'Yes, you can go to the library, now how about that dance.'

'Yes, let us listen to Cather and do something fun.'

'Jack, now listen to me very carefully, if you ever call me by my first name or C.J, I will have you arrested for breaking and entering.'

'How, you invited me here.'

'Did I…, what kind of 'guest', enters from the back door, I mean that is very suspicious, is it not Elizabeth?'

'No, it is kind of a trend amongst us young people.'

'Wait, did you just take my side.'


Sir C.J placed his hand on his chest and threw himself on the table.

'Elizabeth, you betrayed me, I thought you were always on myside.'

'I was never on anyone's side, I like to have options.'

'Unfortunately, I am not available because I have a wife and child.'

'Are you telling yourself that to make yourself feel better?'

'Woow, you sure told him.'

'Quiet Jack, I don't see you coming up with comebacks, Elizabeth when did you become so cold?'

'You are a pathetic man Sir C.J.'

'Look who is talking but let us forget about the past it just causes unnecessary pain, it is time to live in the present.'

'Yes, let us forget about that now, it is not like you boys have anything left to say, do you?'

'No, ma'am.'

'Good, now how about we get to that dancing shall we?'

'On it.'

'Do you know how to dance Jack?'

'No, do you?'

'Nope, so how about we humor each other?'

'Okay, I am game.'

'Do not worry my lovies, Uncle Sir C.J is here to help you helpless souls, just wait here while I get dressed in my dancing clothes and get my dance partner.'

'Sevki, does knows how to dance.' Jack asked

'God no, she could not dance to save her life, the pillar outside can move better then her, I had my own help while traveling the world, I think your first impression of Sevki is completely wrong my boy, toodle doo.'

'He gets weirder by the day.'

'More like by the hour.'

'More like by the minute.'

'More like the by second.'

'More like by..'

'Shut up Jack, you don't always have to have the last word, gosh, you cannot get everything in life.'

'I really do not understand you sometimes.'

'Helloooooo, I am back.'

Sir C.J jumped into the room wearing a tight black long sleeve shirt, with a ridiculous big V-neck accompanied with a tighter boot leg leather pants with sparkles down the sides.

'Woow, you look so great Sir C.J.'

'I think you mean fabulous.'

'Are you sure you got enough breathing space there Sir C.J.'

'My breathing is perfect.'

'I don't think you understand what I am saying, do you have enough breathing space.'

'Disgusting, mind your tongue sir, there are women around, I do not understand the kids of today, ill-mannered and have no respect.'

'So, were is this partner you were talking about.'

'I will deal with you later boy, she is on her way Elizabeth.'

'All the way from Columbia, my travel partner, please help me welcome VERNOICAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!.'

Soon a women appeared wearing a beautiful red dress with ruffles and the end and a big sparkle bow tie on the side.


Elizabeth eyes widened in admiration of the woman's dress.

'Your dress is really beautiful.'

'Yes, thank you, Sir, made it.'

'Of course he did.'

'Jelly, Jackie boy?'

'Of you, never.'

'Shut up, VIRGOS RULE!!!!'

Then he high fived both Veronica and Elizabeth.

'More like the over ruled by overthinking.'

'Our overthinking is what makes us good at everything because we actually think before we do.', Veronic answered.

'What are you, Jack?.', Elizabeth asked.


'Impulsive as ever.'

'Uhmm, I thought we are here to learn to dance.'

'See, what I mean but the boy does have a point, time waits for no man, so what would you like to teach or students here Veronica.'

'I was thinking about something easy, something like a slow dance and a chaca-chaca, tango or waltz.'

'I like the waltz.'

'Okay, then we shall do it.'

'Yes, Sir, that is fine with me.'

'Alrighty, now, you two watch, how the pros dance so you don't embarrass yourselves at a public event, I really cannot have my name being smeared through the mud, I am mainly referring to you Jack.'

Sir C.J walked over to the gram and opened up the cupboard above the musical instrument which contained a large number of black discs.

'So, what do you want, a Mozart, Chopin, or Beethoven?'

'I am thinking something not to fast and also not too slow, I will take Mozart.'

'Good choice!'

Sir C.J took out of the record and placed on the gram and winded it up and just like that the music started, he walked over to Veronica and offered out his hand, she nodded took his hand and gave a slight bow and walked with him to the center of the room turned to face the children and bowed to them.

'Now, children pay close attention for you about to experience a Master-Master class, this is a teaching that many in the world would kill for an…..'

'Do you mind starting soon, because the music has been playing or do you plan on talking the whole time.'

'What a rude boy and you wonder, why girls always friend zone you.'

Disclaimer: Since, neither writer/narrator knows how to dance and due to unforeseen financial issues that resulted in the writer/narrator could not download or stream a video on ball room dancing, so you dear lovely reader will have to research and stream the videos on your own, if you do not want that is fine to continue the story, the writer/narrator, will conjure up the bare minimum knowledge his has in order to feed your imagination for this scene.

'Now, here we go, 1….2…3, take the ladies hand and hold it as if you are holding a new born baby's head or neck, well since their neck has not developed when they are born but then again you do not hold the neck directly so, I suppose I am right.'

'No one was debating with you.'

'Jack just keep quiet, I am the teacher here and if you do not like my teaching style then you are free to leave.'

'No, Sir I am fine where I am.'

'Good, so where was I, take her hand, lift it to roughly more or less shoulder high, take your right and place it on the lower back NOT ON THE BUTTOM,( he slapped his hand hard on Veronica's buttocks, causing her to give to give a little scream, then he glanced over at Jack with a little grin on his face.), I know what you thinking boy and I saw that smile.'

'I no such thing!'

'Of course you did not, now you will set the right forward and she will move her left foot back and remember the male must take the lead, I bet Elizabeth will take the lead in this dance, wink..wink.'

'Did you Just say "wink" out loud?'

'No, I did not , wink..wink.'

'You did it again.'

'BOY!, do not worry about that and pay ATTENTION!!!, did I ever tell you about that time when I was in the military, special forces.'

'Yes, you did Sir C.J and you Jack, he is right, it is time you pay attention, I would really like to learn how to dance, when I get to London, I will probably be asked to dance a lot.'

'Oh, trust me darling with your beauty, you will be invited to every ball or social gathering they host there you will be an accidental Casanova, or in your case a Casanovia, Huh, I wonder what ever happened to that guy, he truly was a Master of seduction, his presence was extremely intoxicating.'

'How..do…you, you know what nothing, I am not even going to ask.'

'Veronica do you think, what he is saying is true, do you also think that a girl like me from a small town will be invited anywhere.'

'I think you mean small village.' Jack snickered to himself.

'Yes, dear, you are surely will, with your beauty and attitude you will go places beyond London.'

'You are just being nice, Miss Veronica.'

'No, dear I am not, you are surly a rising star, a flower in the blooming..'

'She is right Elizabeth but if you want to bloom into a flower, you better learn how to dance, so let us continue.'

'Yes Sir.'

And so the two students and teachers danced until the sun began to set and Jack and Elizabeth finally got the hand of it like their Master even so that they have Mastered the art of slow dance, looking into each others eyes completely emerging them in one another's presence and the music.

'I think that is it for today and ever, it is getting late and I do not want to be in trouble with parents, I have had many friends who are teachers tell me that a worrying parent far worse then a narcissistic one, who did not have the guts to follow their own dreams and are forcing their children to do it for them, Oi!, you two the music has stopped why are you still moving like that, you creeping me out, Elizabeth!.'

Sir C,J walked over to the dancing couple and physically removed them from each other.'

'Okay, did you hear what I said, it is time to go home, the sun is setting.'

'Sorry, Sir C.J, must have been in some kind of trans, I was just enjoying the music so much, it is really lovely.'

'No, need to apologise, I understand, it is totally understandable, I do have a good taste in music.'

'I was really enjoying it too.'

'I am sure you did, who knows what you were thinking in that dirty little mind of yours.'

'Why do you have to be so rude?'

'I am not rude, if I were rude, I would be standing here in the nude and possibly get sued, causing a family feud and my wife will put me on mute and that all because I was rude, and if I were rude would I have asked Sevki to pack you both biscuits and boxes of tea to take home, huh, would I have?'

'I guess not.'

'Good, now how about you two thank your teacher, who I, yours truly have brought here for you.'

'Thank you Miss Veronica for your wonderful teachings and your time.'


'Wow, Jackie boy what a way to show your gratitude.'

'Thank you too…two, it was a real pleasure to have such talented students.'

'Thank you Veronica for wasting your time on us, you are dismissed now and it is time for you to go.'

Veronica blew them both kisses and enter the corridor her shoes making a loud steps of the stairs until the vanished.

'Well, that was fun, come get your things together Jack, I can at least take you half way.'

'Okay, but how will Elizabeth get home, who will walk with her, surely you are not planning to let her walk home alone?'

'How dare you Sir, who do you think you talking to, do I look like a monster to you a heartless being out to kill women for the sere pleasure of it, no I think not, she will go home how she always goes home by carriage, my driver will drop her home.'

'How come I do not get to go home in the carriage.'

'Jack are you a woman now, do you not have feet.'


'So, how about you put them to good use.'

'You are so mean sometimes.'

'Tough love Jackie boy…..Tough love.'

'Why me though, I am a vulnerable human being with a skin condition.'

'A what.'

'A skin condition!'

'Sies, get away from me.'

Sir C,J shoved him to one side.

'Ha!, it is very contagious so you just got it.'

'I will go bathe in holy water.'

'I am just joking, of course I do not.'

'That is what every person says when they have something, 'Oh, I do not have STD's but guess what a few days later you get a burning SURPRISE!, when you go to toilet, in some cases it is worse.'

'STD's, what is that?'

'Uhmmm…, like a skin condition but never mind that and you do not go ask your mother about it, you understand?'

'Yes, Sir, you know Sir C.J, you are a strange human being.'

'Strange you say, I do not think so, I think of myself as a creative.'

'A creative?'

'Yes, a genius creative, one Greek fellow said, you cannot have genius without out a little madness, there was madness alright, you do not want to know what they did to little boys like yourself back then, shocking stuff, I had to leave.'

'Leave from where.'

'Greece, after my friend died, the one who told me that, I had no one.'

'And so you came back home, nooo, I still wondered around with another man named Paulo, he stole something from the Chinese and apparently made it his own but do not take my word for it.'

'Wait, how old are you?'

'Jack life should not feel long, it should feel like a blessing.'

'You still did not…'

'Look here we are your stop, Good night.'

'Good night, see you later alligator.'

'See you, when I see you. Bye.'


Jack walked for a little while and turned around and watched the fashionable black figure disappear into the distance.'

The next day Jack woke up with the biggest smile ever, he had a wonderful dream which it was only him and Elizabeth, NO…No.., it was not that kind of dream dear reader, I cannot tell you the contents of the dream because I cannot like see into the minds of the character they even surprise me from time to time but by the looks of his pants, it was a clean innocent dream, properly filled with unicorns and rainbows, I think, he got dressed by humming Twinkle, Twinkle, little star, how I wonder wha….,Sorry almost got carried away there, after dressing himself, he walked out of the room, twirled, then shouted, 'GOOD MORNING YOU BEAUTIFUL SOULS!'

'Good morning son.'

'Yes, mother it is a good morning, you are looking beautiful today, even you my dear sister, are you two going somewhere?'

'No, I always look like this.'

'And you know very well that I…., wait a second did you just say that I look beautiful?'


'MOTHER!!!, I think Jack is broken, I think he has been brain washed by those Veeeegaaans…..'

'What are those, Jack do you want some scrambled eggs too?'

'No, I will just have bread.'

'I knew it, veeegaaansss.'

'No, it is not, I am just not that hungry, by the way where is your husband?'

'I do not know he has not returned since yesterday, maybe you could ask some people if they had not seen him on your way to school?'

'He is a grown man mother, he can take care of himself, he is the adult here and I am the child, he will return when he returns.'


'Sure, I am sure, now not us not dwell on depressing matters anymore it is killing my apatite and the flavour of this dry bread, I should have taken over the egg too, by the way mother do you need any more books.'

'Yes, I have finished two.'

'Already, uhmmm.., could you please put them in my bag and I shall bring new ones when I return.'

'I will do so.'

'And I would like some candy.'


Jack finished and took his bag and left for school.

When he arrived at school he saw that Susan and Julia was already waiting for him at the gate, he turned around to look if he knew anyone so he could walk right past them but then the truth hit him hard, somebody actually wanted to be his friend.

'Good morning Jack!, how are you doing today my good Sir?'

'Uhhmmm…, I am very fine thank you very much, are you feeling okay, perhaps eat something you should not have or ate something that someone offered you,( Jack rolled his eyes towards Susan).'

'Yes, she is, it is just that she had a long chat with mother about how to act like a lady and how they should speak.'

'Yeeeeesss, well, it is kinda surprise to see Julia subjugate herself to societal norms, she always seemed extremely individualistic, almost like some rebel but seeing her like this, it is just not..'

'It is just not, what?'

'Do not get me wrong here Julia but is this you, you cannot change overnight and there is no use changing if you are not happy with it.'

'I really do appreciate your concern or fake concern one never knows with your ambitious speech but I am….'

'Of course she is, this is how she is suppose to act.', Susan said.

'Suppose to, why, who says so?'

'Because it has always been this way, it is a must, you do not want to stand out like some outcast.'

'How are you an outcast when you just want to be yourself, if you like yourself, if you like your curves and size, if you like the way you dress, if you like your quirky, wired attitude, if you like more boy games then girl games, if that makes you happy, why should you change?'

'Are you a girl, Jack?'

'No but..'

'Yes, you not, so you will not understand the high standards a girl or a women is kept to, it is not said but you can see it, with every person that walks by and there is not one person in this world that does not care what another person thinks about, so this idealist freedom you have in your mind for women, is nothing but a brain fart this is the world we were born into, so do not try to be some kind of women's rights activist or feminist because you do not know what it is like to be the opposite gender in this world, it is easy to speak when you looking from the outside in but to look from the inside out you the very earth will seem different.'



'Calm down Susan, let us change.'

'I am just so tired of men thinking that is easy to be a women in this world, we have dreams too, we want to do things they do too but here we are sacrificing our dreams for a family because it is what we were born to do and we must just shut up and take it.'

'I was just trying to understand.'

Jack walked away, while he was walking to class, everything Sir C.J and Elizabeth said started bombarding his brain trying to make sense of what Susan just said, thinking about it until he reached the class, walking like a zombie, whose wife just issued him a divorce.

Sitting down in his desk or at his desk, Jack stared out the window and got lost in thought but suddenly he remembered something very, very important that hit him like a wet salmon across the face causing an unexplainable feeling flash through his body.

'Today, is the day.'

The person or shall I say extra that sits in front of him turned around thinking that this is the opportunity were she can make a debut and be acknowledged as a character in the story.

'What day is it today?'

'She is leaving today.'

'Who is le….'

Jack got up from his seat and left before she could finish her sentence, he put his hand in front of his mouth pretending that he needs to vomit, which was completely unnecessary because there was no teacher in the class and no one in the class was actually paying attention to him, when he got out of class a victory smile appeared on his face thinking that his brilliant acting skills saved him but soon reality set in and he realised why he did it in the first place and went into a depression for a few seconds until he was snapped out from it by a brilliant idea, to him at least, he was going to go to run to her place and tell her everything by doing this he will have no regret after she leaves and hopefully he will remain in her heart and wait for him until he makes enough money to get to her then they will get married and move to the countryside and live happily ever after, with this idea as motivation in his fuel tank nothing was going to stop him from getting to her.