
Jack Sparrow : Heist for ONEPIECE

In the opening chapter "The Tale of Two Jacks: One Destiny, One Piece," the narrative unfolds along two distinct threads. The first strand traces the journey of Jack, an orphan, as he navigates the challenging streets of the fishermen's district, ultimately seeking refuge at Grandmother's home—a sanctuary where fellow orphans gather for solace and shared anime adventures. The second narrative thread immerses readers in the high-seas adventures of Teenage Captain Jack Sparrow, a legendary pirate on a quest to obtain the fabled Sword of Cortés. These seemingly disparate stories are intricately woven together by the threads of fate. As the story progresses, hints of an impending twist emerge, a twist that involves a reincarnation merging the soul of Orphan Jack into the enigmatic Captain Jack Sparrow, propelling him into the fantastical realm of One Piece.

BabaYagga · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

The Maiden Duel and A Certain Tangerine

As the marine ship closed in on the outskirts of Jack's boat, Captain Thornwood executed his carefully planned maneuver, taking advantage of the element of surprise. On Jack's vessel, an air of relaxation prevailed, the crew blissfully unaware of the impending threat. Jack, maintaining his charismatic grin, appeared intoxicated, meandering around the deck with a bottle of rum in hand.

The sun descended, casting a warm, golden hue over the horizon as the two ships approached each other. The atmosphere remained serene, oblivious to the impending danger.

Thornwood's ship finally closed in on Jack's boat, and from his elevated position on the deck, he barked orders to his crew. "Prepare to board! We'll take them by surprise!"

Armed marines swiftly leaped onto Jack's boat, catching the crew off guard. Chaos erupted as Gibbs and Carmen scrambled to defend themselves. Swords clashed, fists flew, and the deck resounded with shouts.

Jack, however, seemed oddly nonchalant amidst the commotion. Emerging from below deck, he appeared intoxicated, a sly glint in his eyes. As the marines closed in, he put on a show of being utterly inebriated.

"Ahoy there, me hearties! What brings ye fine gentlemen to this humble abode of mine?" Jack slurred, intentionally exaggerating his words.

Momentarily taken aback by Jack's apparent drunkenness, the marines hesitated. It was the diversion Jack needed. Seizing the opportunity, he allowed himself to be apprehended, playing the part of a careless, drunken captain.

"Take me away, lads! I'll come along quietly, I promise!" Jack chuckled, feigning a lack of awareness about the situation.

Meanwhile, in the midst of the skirmish, Gibbs valiantly fought alongside Carmen, fiercely protecting her. Despite their efforts, they found themselves at a disadvantage, as instructed by Jack not to reveal their Rokushiki techniques.

Amidst the chaos, Jack couldn't help but feel a pang of concern for his confiscated belongings, including his sword and compass. He observed with a mix of worry and intrigue as the marines led them towards their ship, where they were soon imprisoned.

In the confines of the brig, Jack found himself in unexpected company. Two young beauties, one with long light purple hair tied in a chignon and captivating blue eyes, and the other with orange hair and warm brown eyes, a familiar face that struck a chord in Jack's memory. He recognized her immediately, being a devoted fan of her from his past life.

Still playing up his intoxicated act, Jack greeted them with a theatrical bow. "Well, well, my lovely companions in this dreary dungeon. What brings you two to this illustrious establishment?"

The girl with light purple hair, introducing herself as Carina, couldn't help but giggle at Jack's antics. "You're quite the character, even for a pirate. I'm Carina, and this is my friend Nami."

Nami, the one with orange hair, eyed Jack with a hint of caution. "Care to introduce yourself, pirates?"

Smiling at the reserved Nami, Jack winked. "Ah, my dear, behold the full essence of Captain Jack Sparrow, and the grumpy beaten guy over there is my first mate Gibbs, and the beauty beside him is our resident cook Carmen. Now, tell me, what brings two young ladies like yourselves into the clutches of the marines?"

Carina explained that they were caught attempting to steal from a marine outpost, hoping to acquire valuables and mainly a map of other seas. Jack, sensing an opportunity, grinned. "Well, well, it seems we're all in the business of acquiring information, my dear companions. Let's make the most of our time together, shall we?"

As Jack engaged in conversation with Carina and Nami, his guise of drunkenness slowly faded. To Gibbs and Carmen, it now became evident that his act was a ploy to gain information. Leaning in closer to the two young women, his eyes gleaming with curiosity, Jack inquired, "Tell me, my dear companions, what do you make of this ruckus? Any inkling as to why the marines might have taken such an interest in my crew and me?"

Carina exchanged a knowing glance with Nami before replying, "There are rumors of an upcoming celestial gathering, and certain individuals with unique talents are being sought after. You, Captain Sparrow, and your crew might have drawn their attention."

Jack's eyes widened with intrigue. "Ah, a celestial gathering, you say? Sounds like a delightful affair."

As Jack continued his conversation with the two young pirates, he couldn't help but ponder the curious turn of events. His crew's defeat, orchestrated by his own strategy, had landed him in a marine prison cell, but it seemed this unexpected imprisonment might unveil more than he had anticipated.

With the revelation of the celestial gathering, Jack's mind surged with possibilities. His crew's apparent defeat and imprisonment were strategic elements of his master plan, and armed with newfound information, a daring escape loomed on the horizon. Engaged in conversation with Carina and Nami, Jack discreetly signaled to Gibbs and Carmen, patiently awaiting the opportune moment.

Under the guise of their feigned defeat, Jack whispered to his crew, "Gather your strength, me hearties. The real spectacle is about to commence." The trio shared a knowing look, their determination solidifying for the impending showdown.

As the marine ship sailed through tranquil waters, Thornwood, basking in his perceived victory, reveled in the capture of Jack's crew. Unbeknownst to him, Jack's seemingly inebriated charade had served its purpose, providing the ideal cover for the impending chaos.

The moment unfolded with a sudden surge of energy. Jack, Gibbs, and Carmen unleashed their concealed Rokushiki techniques, catching the marines off guard. With remarkable speed and precision, they overwhelmed their captors, sowing confusion and panic in their wake.

The marine ship transformed into a battleground, with Jack's crew seizing control. Swords clashed, fists flew, and the air crackled with the clash of abilities. Carina and Nami, though confined, watched in awe as Jack, Gibbs, and Carmen fought with renewed vigor, their true strength now laid bare.

While crossing the decks Jack found his trusty compass and sword lying idly on a desk that looked mostly probably of ships navigator's which he didn't forget to take back immediately while moving out.

Thornwood, realizing he had underestimated his captives, sought to regain control. With a determined glint in his eye, he confronted Jack, and a fierce one-on-one duel unfolded on the ship's deck.

In the heart of the thrilling clash, Jack Sparrow, the whimsical pirate captain, emerged as an unlikely swashbuckler. His movements, though seemingly fueled by rum rather than skill, held a surprising effectiveness.

Captain Thornwood, a man of rigid posture and predictable strikes, found himself confounded by Jack's erratic swordplay. Jack pranced about the deck, his blade flashing about like a drunken butterfly. One moment he'd be lunging forward with exaggerated aggression, only to trip over his own shoelace and land with a comical thud. The next, he'd be waltzing around Thornwood, his sword held aloft in a mock salute.Thornwood, fueled by frustration more than rum, roared incoherently and swung his own blade with heavy, predictable swings. Jack sidestepped each blow with an almost comical ease, occasionally punctuating his dodges with a wink or a silly piratical quip.The crew, initially tense, couldn't help but be drawn into Jack's performance. Gibbs chuckled heartily, while Carmen smothered a smile behind her hand. Even the captive marines watched in stunned silence, unsure whether to be frightened or entertained.The fight reached its climax when Jack, with a flamboyant flourish, managed to disarm Thornwood. The heavy cutlass clattered across the deck, sending sprays of seawater into the air. Thornwood, weaponless and bewildered, sputtered in outrage.The defeated captain, now weaponless, stood at the mercy of Jack Sparrow. The crew and marines watched in awe as the charismatic pirate approached Thornwood with a sly grin. "Seems like your plans have gone awry, Captain Thornwood. But fear not, we're a generous crew. We'll be leaving you a little parting gift."

In that moment, Jack's playful demeanor took on a more serious undertone. The crew observed with bated breath as Jack, in a theatrical gesture, produced his trusty compass from his coat. The direction showed in the compass, known only to Jack, held the key to Thornwood's fate.

With a flourish, Jack spared Thornwood a final smirk before tossing him overboard. He plunged into the sea, disappearing beneath the waves. Jack's theatricality served as a fitting conclusion to the duel, leaving marines in a state of bewilderment.

The crew, having witnessed Jack's strategic prowess and flair for the dramatic, erupted into cheers. The ship, once a battleground, now echoed with the victorious laughter of Jack Sparrow and his resilient crew. The marine ship, now under Jack's control, sailed away from the scene of their supposed defeat, leaving other marines adrift in the aftermath of their thwarted conquest. With the marine ship now under Jack's control, the salty breeze of the open sea tousled his unruly hair as he turned to address Carina and Nami. His tone, though lighthearted, carried a genuine curiosity. "Ladies, where would you like to disembark? I mean, I don't mind if you'd like to join us. We've got an open spot on our crew for those with a taste for adventure."

The two women exchanged a meaningful glance, their eyes conveying unspoken understanding. Carina, with a subtle nod, signaled her acceptance of Jack's offer. Nami, in response, spoke with a determined tone, "You can drop me on the nearby island; I'll find my way from there."

Jack absorbed Nami's decision, silently admiring her strength, even though a part of him wished to rescue her from Arlong's grasp. He acknowledged her choice with a nod, recognizing the resilience that would serve well on any seafaring crew. Shifting his focus to Carina, he found her response intriguing. Though seemingly detached, her words hinted at a depth that fascinated Jack. "Well, unlike the Orange, I don't have a place to call home, so I can accompany you for the time being. But committing to a crew is a daunting task; trust isn't something I take lightly." The underlying sadness in her tone hinted at a history of broken trust, a facet Jack chose to respect, refraining from delving further into Carina's past.

With a genial shrug, Jack accepted Carina's terms. "Well, temporary it is. Welcome to the team. Let's celebrate to that, my friends!" His declaration rang out, punctuated by the clinking of invisible glasses in a metaphorical toast to newfound camaraderie.

Now, with Thornwood and the marines adrift somewhere in his old decapitated boat and the marine ship under his command, Jack navigated the vessel away from the scene of their supposed defeat. The sea stretched before them, an open canvas of possibilities, as Jack's crew, augmented by the additions of Carina and Nami, embarked on a journey into the unknown. The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a golden glow over the ocean, symbolizing the promise of adventure and untold tales that awaited them in the vast expanse of the Grand Line.