
Jack Sparrow : Heist for ONEPIECE

In the opening chapter "The Tale of Two Jacks: One Destiny, One Piece," the narrative unfolds along two distinct threads. The first strand traces the journey of Jack, an orphan, as he navigates the challenging streets of the fishermen's district, ultimately seeking refuge at Grandmother's home—a sanctuary where fellow orphans gather for solace and shared anime adventures. The second narrative thread immerses readers in the high-seas adventures of Teenage Captain Jack Sparrow, a legendary pirate on a quest to obtain the fabled Sword of Cortés. These seemingly disparate stories are intricately woven together by the threads of fate. As the story progresses, hints of an impending twist emerge, a twist that involves a reincarnation merging the soul of Orphan Jack into the enigmatic Captain Jack Sparrow, propelling him into the fantastical realm of One Piece.

BabaYagga · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Setting Sail for Adventure

With a newfound sense of purpose and a body aching pleasantly from his training, Jack made his way back to the docks. The rhythmic hammering and clanging grew louder as he approached, a symphony of industry fueled by Sing's relentless drive. There, amidst the scattered tools and half-finished contraptions, Jack found the shipwright, his brow furrowed in concentration as he adjusted a strange contraption on the ship's bow.

"Sing," Jack called out, his voice carrying over the din. "There you are. Almost finished with the ship?"

Sing straightened, a wide grin splitting his face as he wiped a sheen of sweat from his brow. "Almost, Captain! Just putting the finishing touches on my...secret weapon. But enough about that! How was your little…field trip, shall we say?"

Jack chuckled, a hint of his old swagger returning. "Let's just say I learned a thing or two about myself and the art of kicking butt." He paused, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Speaking of which, are you still interested in joining my crew? Seems like the crew could use a talented shipwright who isn't afraid of a little…unconventional design."

Sing's grin widened even further if that was possible. "Captain," he boomed, his voice echoing across the docks, "I thought I already was! This ship practically built herself under my watch, thanks to your…encouragement, of course."

Jack chuckled, draping an arm around Sing's shoulders. "Excellent! Welcome aboard officially, Sing. So, what should we name her?"

Though his inner thoughts clamored for the name Black Pearl, Jack refrained, respecting the shipwright's dedication.

"I was considering naming her FIREBIRD," Sing suggested eagerly, "symbolizing a phoenix rising from the ashes, a testament to the ship's rebirth."

Jack's eyes lit up with approval. "FIREBIRD it is, then," he declared, nodding in agreement. "A name with strength and symbolism. It suits her perfectly."

Sing beamed with pride, his chest puffing out as if he were already captain of the newly christened vessel. "Thank you, Captain," he said, his voice brimming with gratitude. "I'll make sure FIREBIRD lives up to her name and carries us through even the toughest of seas."

With the name decided, the crew sprang into action, preparing the ship for her maiden voyage under her new identity. Under Sing's expert guidance, repairs and modifications were swiftly completed, and soon FIREBIRD stood ready to spread her wings and take to the open ocean.

As the crew gathered on the deck, anticipation buzzed in the air like static before a storm. Jack raised a hand, calling for attention. "To FIREBIRD!" he proclaimed, his voice ringing out over the water. "May she soar high and fierce, a beacon of freedom and adventure for all who sail with her!"

The crew echoed his sentiment with cheers and raised tankards, their voices blending with the creak of rigging and the crash of waves against the hull. With the setting sun casting a golden glow over the horizon, FIREBIRD set sail, her destiny intertwined with the boundless expanse of the sea and the dreams of those who dared to chase them.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and purple, Jack assembled his crew for a final briefing. Gibbs, scratched his beard thoughtfully. "So, Captain," he rumbled, "where to next? We've got a ship that can outrun anything on the sea, a crew (mostly) raring to go, and a captain with a newfound appreciation for…inner peace, was it?" he added with a hint of amusement.

Jack's lips curved into a familiar grin. "Inner peace, Gibbs, is all well and good, but a pirate needs a little adventure to keep him sane. Besides," he added, a glint in his eye, "rumors abound about a legendary treasure hidden somewhere beyond…" he paused dramatically, "the Grand Line!"


A collective gasp rippled through the crew. The Grand Line, a treacherous sea route rumored to be the most dangerous and coveted in the world, was a pirate's playground and a graveyard in equal measure. It was a place where legends were made and fortunes were lost.

Carina, her eyes sparkling with excitement, stepped forward. "The Grand Line, Captain? Are you sure? It's a dangerous place, even for a ship like the Firebird."

Jack sauntered closer to her, a playful smile on his face. "Dangerous? Now that's exactly what makes it interesting, wouldn't you agree, Miss Smyth? Besides," he winked, "we have a secret weapon on board, don't we, Sing?"

Sing puffed out his chest with pride, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Aye, Captain. The Firebird is ready to take on anything the Grand Line throws at us. And who knows, maybe we'll even find a few more…modifications along the way."

There it was, the spark of adventure, the thrill of the unknown, that Jack craved most. He raised a tankard of grog high in the air. "Then it's settled! We set sail for the Grand Line, in search of fortune, glory, and maybe a good tavern or two along the way! But first," he added, lowering his voice to a conspiratorial whisper, "we need a name for this glorious crew. Any suggestions?"

"A name!" boomed Gibbs, his voice rough as sandpaper. "Aye, a crew needs a name that strikes fear into the hearts of landlubbers and respect into the mugs of other pirates! Something with a proper…rum-soaked quality to it, wouldn't you agree, Captain?"

A slow smile spread across Jack's face. Rum, the lifeblood of any pirate crew, was certainly a worthy inspiration. "Aye, Gibbs, a rum-inspired name has a certain…je ne sais quoi. How about the 'Rum Runners'?"

Carina, ever the pragmatist, chimed in, "A bit too predictable, Captain. Perhaps something with a bit more…punch? The 'Rumbustious Rum Rovers'?"

Jack chuckled, the image of a rum-fueled crew rovering the seas tickling his fancy. "Rumbustious? Now that's a word I haven't heard in a while. But perhaps a touch too long-winded for a good pirate yell."

Carmen, her fiery spirit mirrored in the setting sun, leaned forward. "A name should strike fear, but also inspire a bit of swagger, wouldn't you say? Something that speaks to the captain himself! How about the 'Sparrow Scoundrels'?"

A flicker of amusement danced in Jack's eyes. "Scoundrels? Not entirely inaccurate, but lacks a certain…grandeur. The 'Sparrow Seadogs' perhaps? A touch more regal."

"Seadogs?" Carina interjected, a playful smile on her lips. "More like a pack of mischievous…Sparrow Swashbucklers?"

Jack threw his head back and laughed, the sound echoing across the waves. "Swashbucklers! Now that has a certain ring to it. Though perhaps a touch too…refined for this lot."

Sing, ever the enthusiast, piped up, his voice brimming with misplaced confidence. "Why not something truly fearsome, Captain? Something that strikes terror into the hearts of our enemies! The 'Fist of Fury Flyers'!"

A chorus of groans and guffaws erupted from the crew. Jack, tears welling up from laughter, waved a dismissive hand. "The Fist of Fury? Sing, my friend, leave the naming to those with a better grasp of subtlety."

The suggestions flew back and forth, each more outlandish than the last. The 'Grog-Soaked Squawkers,' the 'Inebriated Incorrigibles,' and the (thankfully vetoed) 'Singing Sea Sickness Sufferers' were all soundly rejected. Finally, as the last rays of the sun dipped below the horizon, a hush fell over the crew.

Jack, a thoughtful expression on his face, surveyed his motley band. "You know," he began, his voice low and serious, "we're not your typical pirate crew and a captain with a…unique approach to life."

A slow grin stretched across his face. "There's a place I hail from," he continued, his voice gaining momentum, a mischievous glint returning to his eyes. "The Caribbean. A land bursting with vibrant cultures, wild jungles, and the spirit of adventure that burns bright in every soul."

The crew murmured in agreement. The Caribbean - it struck a chord with them, a connection to their shared journey and the uncharted waters ahead.

"So, me hearties," Jack boomed, raising his tankard high, the crew mirroring his action, their faces alight with anticipation. "How about we embrace the unconventional? A name that sends shivers down the spines of even the toughest navies and calls like a siren song to those who crave freedom and a life less ordinary?"

He raised his tankard high, the crew mimicking his gesture, their faces alight with anticipation.

"We are the..." A dramatic pause hung heavy in the air.

"The Caribbean Ca..." Another pause, even more dramatic than the first.

"The CARIBBEAN PIRATES!" Jack roared, his voice echoing across the vast expanse of the ocean.

The crew erupted in cheers, the name resonating with a sense of camaraderie, adventure, and a touch of delightful madness. The Caribbean Pirates – a name that perfectly captured the essence of this unlikely crew and the extraordinary journey that lay ahead.

The cheers died down, replaced by a satisfied hum as the crew basked in the glory of their new name. Then, with a flourish that rivaled Jack's theatrics, Carina stepped forward, a mischievous glint in her eyes that mirrored the one in the skull on the Jolly Roger she held aloft.

"Captain," she announced, her voice ringing out across the deck, "to truly solidify our legend, we need a visual representation of the Caribbean Pirates' spirit!"

Carmen, ever the fiery one, materialized beside Carina, a sly grin tugging at the corner of her lips. Together, they unfurled the Jolly Roger they had secretly sewn during their downtime.

A hush fell over the crew as they took in the image. It was a perfect representation of their captain – a bit irreverent, a touch whimsical, and undeniably powerful. The skull, its empty sockets echoing Jack's signature mischief, grinned back at them. Atop its weathered cranium perched his tricorn hat, tilted at a jaunty angle, as if daring the world to challenge them. Crossed antique cutlasses adorned the skull's jaw, a symbol of their willingness to fight for their freedom. And behind it all, draped gracefully over the compass that had always guided Jack's journeys.

Jack's face broke into a wide grin. This wasn't just a flag; it was a declaration. The Caribbean Pirates had arrived, and the Grand Line would never be the same.