
Jack Sparrow : Heist for ONEPIECE

In the opening chapter "The Tale of Two Jacks: One Destiny, One Piece," the narrative unfolds along two distinct threads. The first strand traces the journey of Jack, an orphan, as he navigates the challenging streets of the fishermen's district, ultimately seeking refuge at Grandmother's home—a sanctuary where fellow orphans gather for solace and shared anime adventures. The second narrative thread immerses readers in the high-seas adventures of Teenage Captain Jack Sparrow, a legendary pirate on a quest to obtain the fabled Sword of Cortés. These seemingly disparate stories are intricately woven together by the threads of fate. As the story progresses, hints of an impending twist emerge, a twist that involves a reincarnation merging the soul of Orphan Jack into the enigmatic Captain Jack Sparrow, propelling him into the fantastical realm of One Piece.

BabaYagga · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

A Third Jack and the Glowing Fruit

Carina strums her lute, a lively melody dancing on the salty air. Her voice soars, a tribute to the newly christened crew.

The Caribbean Pirates (sung by Carina)

From the East Blue's sun-kissed shores,

A motley crew, a legend roars.

The Captain, Jack, with cunning grin,

Leads us on, where adventure begins.


We sail the Grand Line, a boundless sea,

Where danger lurks, for all to see.

With rum in hand and hearts ablaze,

The Caribbean Pirates sing our praise.


Sing, the dreamer, with visions grand,

Crafts the Firebird, sails the land.

Carina, songstress, with heart so strong,

No home to bind, where we belong.


We sail the Grand Line, a boundless sea,

Where danger lurks, for all to see.

With rum in hand and hearts ablaze,

The Caribbean Pirates sing our praise.


The Jolly Roger, a grinning skull,

Jack's hat askew, a playful pull.

Crossed cutlasses, a fearless fight,

Compass guiding, through day and night.


We sail the Grand Line, a boundless sea,

Where danger lurks, for all to see.

With rum in hand and hearts ablaze,

The Caribbean Pirates sing our praise.


The Grand Line awaits, a treacherous quest,

But fear not, pirates, we'll put it to the test.

For in this crew, a bond takes hold,

The Caribbean Pirates, stories unfold!


The celebratory cheers on the Firebird were momentarily interrupted by a squawk from the lookout's nest. Suddenly, a flurry of cooing erupts from the crow's nest. It's News Coo, their calls strangely melodic and synchronized, swooped down with a rolled-up parchment secured by a wax seal. The merriment replaced by a playful curiosity.

"Looks like a party favor from a grumpy neighbor, Captain," Gibbs quipped, a mischievous glint in his eye. He swaggered over, his hand outstretched to receive the message from the squawking bird.

Unfurling the parchment, Gibbs "The Ironside" with his uncanny ability to deflect any attack received a bounty of Five million berries, rumbled with amusement. "Well, shiver me timbers," he boomed, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Seems the World Government wants to play a little game of 'Pin the Bounty on the Pirate.'"

A collective roar of laughter erupted from the crew. A bounty? On them? The most notorious scalawags, scoundrels, and swashbucklers to ever sail the East Blue? Why, it was the highest compliment they could have received!

"Fifteen million berries for your head alone, Captain," Gibbs chuckled, his voice laced with pride.

Jack a.k.a. "Jack Sparrow, Captain of Mischief," threw his head back and laughed, a sound that echoed across the sun-drenched deck. "Fifteen million, eh? Seems my reputation precedes me! A hefty sum, enough to buy a small island and retire a wealthy…well, slightly less wealthy pirate."

Carmen "Lightning Miranda", the fiery cook who could dice vegetables faster than a hummingbird's heartbeat, who received the lowest of Two million berries slammed her fist on the table, sending a tray of mugs clattering to the floor. "A paltry sum for the terror of the high seas!" she declared, her eyes blazing with a righteous fury. "They'll learn to fear the Caribbean Pirates, mark my words!"

Carina, the wise and watchful songstress, placed a calming hand on Carmen's shoulder. Though the bounty was a surprise, it didn't dampen her spirit. "This is a sign, Captain," she said, her voice filled with a quiet determination. "The World Government sees us as a threat. A force to be reckoned with."

Jack, a steely glint now replacing the amusement in his eyes, slowly crumpled the bounty notice in his fist. "A threat?" he growled, his voice low and dangerous. "Perhaps they're right. We are a storm brewing on the horizon, a disruption to their precious order. And this bounty… this is just the beginning of our legend!"

He straightened, his signature swagger returning. "But fear not, me hearties," he declared, his voice ringing out across the deck. "A little bounty won't deter us from our grand adventure! We may be pirates, but we're also survivors, and most importantly, we're a crew! We'll face this challenge head-on, and we'll emerge stronger. The Grand Line awaits, and we'll carve our own path, a path paved with gold, glory, and enough rum to fill a pirate's bathtub!"

A renewed cheer erupted from the crew, the sound mingling with the rhythmic creak of the ship and the crash of waves against the hull. The Caribbean Pirates, their pockets soon to be lined with gold (hopefully!), were ready to face the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead. The Grand Line, with all its dangers and wonders, awaited them.

With a final flourish, Jack raised his tankard high. "To the Caribbean Pirates!" he roared.

"To the Caribbean Pirates!" the crew echoed back, their voices filled with a renewed confidence and a thirst for adventure. The bounty may have cast a shadow, but it had also solidified their bond. They were a crew, a family, united by their love of freedom, rum, and maybe a little mischief.

A vibration came from Jack's coat pocket, and he whipped out his trusty compass. It displayed a new message:

Mission Completion: Assemble a Crew - 3/6 (Name: Yuen Sing)

Reward Received: Geppo (Moon Walk) - Enables the user to jump or even fly through the air by kicking off the air itself

These individual rewards were also shared with the crew, enhancing their abilities and contributing to their overall strength.

For recognized temporary member the highlighted reward will be active till the member is part of the crew.

Crew Stats:

Name: Yuen Sing

Pirate Level: 1 (Shipwright)

Strength: 14/100 (50/100)

Agility: 18/100

Charisma: 10/100

Luck: 40/100


Ship Building: 30/100

Shaolin Kung Fu: 20/100

Swordsmanship: 5/100

Marksmanship: 3/100

Geppo: 10/100

Jack marveled at how the compass had integrated his new crewmates' information. Then he checked his own stats:

Name: Jack Sparrow

Bounty: Captain of Mischief, Fifteen million berries

Pirate Level: 1 (Captain)

Strength: 19/100 (50/100)

Agility: 25/100 (50/100)

Charisma: 35/100

Luck: 100/100


Navigation: 100/100

[Unlock Navigation 2.0 after awakening Kenbunshoku Haki (The Color of Observation Haki)]

Swordsmanship: 16/100 (45/100)

Marksmanship: 12/100

Tekkai: 18/100

Soru: 23/100

Geppo: 10/100

Inner Peace: 50/100 (Awaken Observation Haki on reaching 100)

Name: Joshamee Gibbs

Bounty: The Ironside Gibbs, Five million berries

Pirate Level: 1 (First Mate)

(See Details)

Name: Carmen Palencia

Bounty: Lightning Miranda, Two million berries

(See Details)

Mission: Assemble a Crew - 3/6 (Each Member with a Skill Rating over 20 and a Maximum Cap of 100)

Individual Reward (Per Crew Member): a Rokushiki Technique

Final Reward (Upon Mission Completion): Sword of Triton

Temporary Crew:

Name: Princess Carina

Pirate Level: 1 (Songstress)

(Details Not Accessible.)

"Having undergone rigorous training at the 36th Chamber of Shaolin, my abilities have significantly improved. But discovering the potential to unlock observation haki was an unexpected and pleasant surprise. As for Carina's mysterious 'Princess' identity, it remains a puzzling aspect of her character as not much known of her past in the original storyline," Jack pondered silently as he approached the intrigued Sing.

Jack proceeded to enlighten the crew about his unique ability, prompting Carina to display genuine interest.

"Considering making status of permanent crew for a boost in power, my love?" Jack playfully suggested.

Carina coyly responded, "While it's not solely for a power boost, your charming persuasion might sway me, Captain."

Deciding not to delve further into Carina's mysterious past, Jack opted to give her the space to share at her own pace.

After few days as Gibbs steered the Firebird towards the lush forested island a commotion could be heard that erupted from the jungle's edge. A frantic screech echoed through the air, followed by shouts and the unmistakable crack of gunfire. Jack's heart lurched. Trouble had come calling, and it wasn't the kind he could ignore.

"Looks like someone's not welcome on this island," Jack muttered, a steely glint replacing his usual amusement. He grabbed his trusty compass and pistol, his crew close behind. They followed the sounds of struggle, the lush foliage parting to reveal a sight that sent a jolt of anger through Jack.

Two rugged figures, armed with muskets and clad in rough attire, were menacingly cornering a small green monkey, who clung to a half-eaten mango as a makeshift weapon, guarding an injured individual trapped inside a chest. It was none other than the island's self-proclaimed guardian, Gaimon, with his distinctive pear-shaped face and uni-brow.

"Leave him alone my hearties!" Jack announced with his arrival, his voice echoing through the clearing. The poachers whirled around, startled, their faces hardening into menacing scowls.

"Well, well, well," one of them sneered, a greasy beard dripping with sweat. "Looky here, boys. Seems we got ourselves some unwanted company."

The other poacher hefted his musket, aiming it at Jack. "This ain't your concern, pirate. We're just takin' what's ours."

Jack's hand twitched towards his pistol, but a more entertaining solution flashed in his mind. With a mischievous glint in his eye, he whipped out his compass and spun it rapidly. "Lost, are we?" he drawled, his voice laced with mock concern. "This island's a tricky one. Easy to get turned around. Why, there's a whole valley of gold just north of here, guarded by grumpy, fire-breathing… uh… flamingos!"

The poachers exchanged confused glances. Flamingos? Gold? This pirate was clearly daft.

"Don't listen to him," the first poacher scoffed. "He's just trying to distract us."

But the seed of doubt had been planted. The poachers, greedy and easily swayed, hesitated. Gold? Flamingos? It was worth checking out, at least.

Taking advantage of their indecision, Jack winked at his crew. In a practiced ballet of chaos, the pirates erupted into action. Sing, the resourceful shipwright, used his rigging skills to fashion a tripwire from vines, sending the poachers tumbling to the ground with a yelp.

In the ensuing pandemonium, Jack the Monkey saw his chance. With a screech of defiance, he flung the half-eaten mango at the nearest poacher's face, the sticky sweetness momentarily blinding him. Then, in a blur of green fur and agility, Jack the Monkey scrambled up Jack Sparrow's shoulder, chattering excitedly.

The startled poachers, disoriented and facing a crew of pirates more interested in theatrics than swordplay, Gibbs letting out a booming war cry, charged towards the poachers with a cutlass glinting in the sunlight finished both of them before they can understand what just transpired.

As the last rustle of leaves faded away, Jack's crew burst into laughter. Even the ever-stoic Carina cracked a smile. Jack, holstering his pistol with a flourish, looked down at the little green monkey perched on his shoulder, his fur ruffled but his eyes bright with mischief.

Trapped within his wooden confinement, Gaimon spoke with a voice thick with pain, expressing his gratitude, "Thank you, Captain... whoever you are. For halting them from pilfering my... my treasures!"

Jack's brow creased with concern. Treasures? Familiar with Gaimon's plight, he stepped forward and addressed the chest directly, "Fear not, my friend. I am Captain Jack Sparrow of the Caribbean Pirates. We've put an end to those ruffians' schemes. Now, how can we assist you in escaping this predicament?"

A moment of silence ensued, followed by a weary sigh emanating from the chest. "It's... a lengthy tale, Captain Jack Sparrow. A narrative of misfortune and shattered dreams."

Jack glanced at his crew, their faces etched with curiosity. "Sounds like a tale worth hearing," he declared, a hint of amusement creeping back into his voice. "Besides, wouldn't hurt to rest our weary bones for a bit, would it?"

With a chorus of agreement from the crew, Jack settled himself comfortably under the shade of a nearby palm tree. Carmen, ever the resourceful one, rummaged through her supplies and produced a surprisingly delicious spread of fruit and bread. As the crew munched and sipped on fresh coconuts, Gaimon, his voice raspy but surprisingly clear, began his tale.

He spoke of his arrival on the island years ago, filled with dreams of adventure. But fate had other plans. A shipwreck had left him stranded and injured, his body compressed within this very chest. Unable to climb the treacherous cliff overlooking the island, he was forced to adapt. He befriended the island's unique fauna, the lion-piglets and slithering rabbit-snakes, finding solace in their companionship. He became the island's protector, a one-man (or rather, one-chest) deterrent against poachers seeking to exploit the island's rare creatures.

Gaimon spoke of the chests atop the cliff, a cruel reminder of his shattered dreams of finding hidden treasure.

Knowing the chests are empty but to give the man closure Jack volunteered to scale the treacherous cliff. Reaching the peak, he found not just the empty chests mocking him like hollow promises, but suddenly the mischievous green monkey with a mischievous glint in his eyes, came from behind a stone. Jack the Monkey, a notorious prankster of island of rare animals guided jack to a cave entrance hidden by overgrown grasses that seemed to beckon him deeper into the island's heart.

"Well, Jack," Jack said, a genuine smile playing on his lips, "seems you've got a knack for finding trouble."

The monkey squawked back, a sound that suspiciously resembled, "Aye, Captain!"

Curiosity, a relentless itch that Jack could never resist scratching, burned bright. Venturing inside, he found a passage that led him deep into the core of the island, the air growing warmer with each step and the ground rumbling faintly beneath his feet. Finally, he emerged into a vast cavern, its walls shimmering with volcanic rock that pulsed with an eerie, internal glow.

In the center, nestled amongst several overflowing treasure chests that could make even the most stoic pirate drool with avarice, lay a peculiar fruit. It was unlike anything Jack had ever seen - white with black swirls, shaped like a feline paw with a lightning bolt stem. It pulsed with a faint, electric glow that seemed to hum with an unknown energy. Mesmerized, Jack pocketed the strange fruit, his pirate instincts tingling with the promise of an even greater treasure than gold or jewels. He returned to Gaimon, chests in tow.

The sight of overflowing riches brought a torrent of emotions to the islander's eyes. Tears welled up, a mixture of relief and sorrow. "This will only bring trouble," Gaimon croaked, his voice thick with emotion. "The animals… they need peace, not gold. They've been my companions for so long, the only family I have left."

Jack, touched by Gaimon's dedication and the raw emotion in his voice, a rarity for the usually carefree captain left the island behind, with chests full of treasure and with even a strange, electric fruit.

As they departed, a new crew member swung onto the Firebird's rigging with surprising agility. It was a mischievous green monkey with a mischievous glint in his eyes, a hybrid of parrot and capuchin, known for his uncanny ability to mimic human speech.

Despite his initial apprehension of humans, he seemed to get along with Jack Sparrow, squawking out a greeting, "Ahoy, me hearties!" in a surprisingly good.

From that day forward, Jack the Monkey became an unlikely mascot of the Caribbean Pirates. He proved to be a valuable asset, his sharp eyes and nimble movements perfect for scouting and pilfering trinkets (mostly harmless pranks) from unsuspecting ports. He and Jack Sparrow, despite their vastly different temperaments, developed a strange camaraderie. The monkey seemed to understand the pirate captain's brand of humor, often mimicking his swagger and catchphrases, much to the crew's amusement.