
Chapter 1: A (birth)day to remember(I)

''Jack of All Genres activating in 5 hours. You will be reminded when there is 5 seconds remaining.''

This went unnoticed, for around an hour, as it was an automated message and the target of it happened to be asleep.

Not so long after, he woke up.

''Ding! Ding! Ding!''

It was an alarm on his phone.

''Five more minutes…''

He couldn't go back to sleep, and he didn't feel well-rested either.

'Shit.' He thought.

He got up, before remembering two things:

A) the application results for Eleanora Academy(named after the founder), the most prestigious school in the country were being shown today, and b) the fact that it was his birthday.

Despite being an orphan, he'd managed to figure it out by using the age tab in the system. When he was younger, he checked his status screen practically hourly, and noticed that one day it went up.

Jason, the man in question, walked downstairs.

''Happy birthday!''

A brown-haired middle-aged woman, and a younger-looking blonde man shouted.

Jason smiled.

''Thanks, Aunt Joyce. Oh, and Uncle Matt.''

He cringed inwardly.

'Ah, shit, I couldn't think of anything to reply with, and that's what I chose?'

His phone began to ring.

It was his best friend, Leo.


He shouted, seemingly ecstatic.

''Hm? What happened?''

Jason muted his microphone, before signaling that he was going to go up to his room.

''I GOT IN!''

''Let's fucking go! Congrats, now all we have to wait for is mine.''

''Don't worry, dude, you're 100% gonna get in, just wait.''

''Yeah, yeah, let's do something to celebrate! We'll meet up at the normal place, just lemme just call Keith.''

''Got it.''

He hung up, before calling Keith and letting him know the details.

A short while later, Jason left his home.

''I know the directions already… I'm so smart.''

''Right.. Left… Another left.. straight.. and now I need to enter the forest near.''

He felt a presence behind him, and froze up, before slowly turning.

It was a black-haired tall guy with curly hair.

''Boo! Aha, you should've seen the look on your face..''

Jason face-palmed.

''Why am I even friends with you?''

''Obviously because you're an idiot.''

''Yeah, yeah, got any ideas while we're waiting for Keith to get here?''

''I have a little something…''


A guy slightly shorter than Jason ran to them, panting.

''Ah.. ah.. why is this so far from our houses?''

''It's not even that far, relax. You're just so out of shape this seems like a marathon to you..''

'It's not my fault you guys went to the gym for, like, a year and got into decent shape without me!''

''One tiny detail: you were the one who said, and I quote: No, it's gonna be boring, and you guys will quit anyways..''

''I don't remember that, you're 100% lying.''

''I'm just not even gonna bother.. Lemme just let you in on what we're gonna do, for Jason's birthday and the fact that… drum roll, please…''

He paused for dramatic effect.

''I made it into Eleonora.''

''Damn, congrats.''

''What's with the shitty reaction? I was actually looking forward to you finding out…''

''You literally showed me this morning, dumbass.''

''Oh, yeah..''

''But, yeah, what we're gonna do is this…''

He whispered to Keith.


''Alright, we're here! Since I've made it into Eleonora, I just need to show them the card that came with the acceptance letter..''

Leo walked up to the stand, a spring in his step, with Jason and Keith following behind.

''Just got into a levelling academy, eh?''

''Your status, please.''

The man brought out an empty piece of paper, Leo placing his hand on it.

A few seconds later, a large amount of text appeared.

''Alrighty, let's see.. titles… Oh! You're a future student at Eleonora! Congratulations!''

Leo grinned.


''Let me guess.. you're vouching for these two?''

Leo nodded.

''Everything seems to be good, come in.''

He opened a door near the stand, and the trio entered.

''Just enter this door.''

Leo and Keith ran in, Jason lagging behind.

He paused.

''Guys, I'll be in in a few minutes! Just gotta do something.''

''Come on.. we're still gonna wait for you, me and you get are gonna share the first kill 'cause I got into Eleonora, and it's your birthday.''

''I'll hurry up, don't worry.''

''Okay then.''

Jason opened his status screen.

[Jack of All Genres will activate in 5.. 4… 3… 2.. 1.]

A/N: As with all my novels, the first chapter is short and the usual length is ~1.2k?

First chapter, let's see where this takes us lmao

don't forget to add this to library + leave a comment, thanks in advance

aigotchacreators' thoughts
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