
Ja! Barikade Magiva

“Whatever you do become number 1!” Raised In a Strict family that was obsessed with becoming number 1 his common sense is distorted, Egon’s common sense is different from other people He is forced to train from a young age every day until the current date. The path to becoming number 1 in the world isn’t as easy as he thinks. Many obstacles he needs to go through Even if the path isn’t stable and straight ahead, he wouldn’t give up, with his indomitable spirit he will become number 1. With his Barrier magic, he will become number 1 in the world! But, what does he need to do to become number 1? Become strong is the only thing he needs to do? The Cover Art is not mine, by Sarkhan Ismiev, if the artist wants to take it down please DM me

AirAqua · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


His Second Aunt walks toward him and pushes him toward the girl, the situation escalated all of the sudden making him surprised.

"Greet her with respect, Our family couldn't make a bad impression of The Imperial main family yet"

Egon's eyebrows raised, and as he heard his second aunt's words he understand why his aunt speaks in formal all of the sudden. Egon's eyes changed and his face become cold and expressionless.

"Yamato Young Princess, he is the heir of Toby family. It is a please for him to meet you here" she said

"Good afternoon Princess, it is a pleasure to meet you"

Egon bows his head down, and with his hand on his chest, he gives the princess a deep bow.

"Is this gentleman Tobi's family heir? It is nice to meet you and please take care of me"

Princess Yamato raises her hand toward Egon, with a bow he takes her hand and kisses her backhand

"Please take care of me as well"

After the greetings and some words, they split into two, Egon goes with his aunt to the tailor shop. Egon's body needs to be measured for next week's School entrance ceremony.

Egon glances at the glass door and sees the princess still looking at them. The end of his mouth raised upward for a moment before going back to usual hearing his aunt bickering.

"How lucky for us to meet one of the main branches of the imperial families, Egon you need to be grateful for this sudden encounter," she said.

"Yes Auntie," he said.

"It will be better if you can deepen the relationship between you two but I can't expect too much" She raises her hand to his head, stroking his hair for few times before it got rejected and booted out by his hand.

"I understand,"

"Sheesh, you truly are a tsundere. Don't be shy with Auntie"

She opens her hand intending to hug him, Egon tries to evade all the hugs with his steps, but he couldn't and in a matter of time, he got caught in his aunt's hug.

"By the way auntie, is the Yamato family excel in disguise magic?"

"Yamato family? No way, they excel in water magic, their predecessor is from one of the strongest troops of the Imperial Navy."

"Is that so"

He stares at the ground, his aunt notices the sudden disrupted mood and put his head in contact with her.

"Egon, do you got fascinated by the princess?" she said with the eyes of burning love, the surrounding area become pinkish and her stares locked on him.

"Fascinated? What is that mean?"

"Err, it means do you like the princess? Or something like that"

"This is the first time we met, I'm not fascinated"

His Aunt gets her face closer to him and stares at both of his eyes using he eyes while poking his cheeks with her forefinger.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Auntie"

"Tch, and here I have thought you had an interest with the princess because you ask such a question"

His aunt continues her walk to the tailor shop, and Egon follows up from behind. The tailor shop place didn't too far away from the previous building. After a few minutes of walking, they arrived in front of the shop.

Inside the shop, there is various type of lights shining, everything sold in the shop is glimmering, and when Egon checks the price of thing being sold there are many zero's.

The same shirt he uses for training is in the shop but the price is ten times more than the price of it he has been told few years ago.

He looks at his busy aunt talking to the shop clerk, trying to make his aunt notices him but to no avail his aunt notices him. He continues to view around the store, why is he doing nothing in here it is better to train, he thought. There are many types of clothes inside the shop. Each of the clothes glimmered their quirk, he is in dismay and pinches his cheeks to check the reality of the first time he saw something as gorgeous as the tailor shop.

At this time a new customer came to the shop, he glances at the new customer and views the person. Black long hair and red eyes, the appearance are the same as the princess of the Yamato he saw not long ago.

But, the most difference between each of them is their skin color. The new customer has darker skin compared to Princess Yamato.

Other than the skin color, and the mole under the left eye of the princess, they have the appearance of twin siblings, he thought. But it couldn't be the truth because he has been told his way of looking is unique.

"Hello miss, welcome to the Tavern Tailor. May I know with which appointment you have come today?"

The store employee greets her with a cold smile. The attire the female wears made the employee twitch her mouth for few times and numerous amount of imagination.

"Li Kuwait De Namina," she said

"I understand, please wait for a few minutes while I'm searching for the appointment"

The store employee locks her sight on the appointment book, and the female sits down on one of the sofas while waiting for the employee.

He got mesmerized by the female, this is the first time after got into the Imperial he sees the same skin as him.

She looks around the shop looking for something and at him, the four-eyes look at each other, he wanted to turn away his sight but he couldn't. Something unknown made him not look away, she nodded and turns her eyes to the magazine on the table.


His aunt's voice made the lock break, he could turn away his eyes and see his aunt coming at him with a uniform in her hand

"This is your new uniform, try it in the fitting room and show it to Auntie," she said.

"Yes Auntie," he said.

He goes to the fitting room, inside the fitting room there is a full-body mirror. When he sees his reflection, his body emits a black shine before coming back to normal.

Egon tries the uniform his aunt told him to try. The uniform fit his body, everything is comfortable and nothing is lacking. He left the fitting room and show the uniform on his body to his aunt.

"The uniform is captivating and it suits well with your face Egon, Auntie is happy," she said while giving him her thumbs up, she walks to him and hug him. This time, he doesn't try to evade the hug.

The store clerk swipes her empty eyes and clapped her hands. Egon's face becomes red, he lets go of his aunt's hug and goes back to the fitting room.

"He truly is a tsundere, what does sister in law taught him," she said, her mouth raising upward on her face, she puts her hands on her mouth and held her chuckle.

Egon's aunt's eyes set on Egon that running to the fitting room. She turns her eyes to the store clerk, her mouth back to normal, and stares at the store clerk

"Put the tab on Tobi's family account"

The store clerk twitches and bows her head down with an immediate response. Her whole body is shaking with the pressure the customer gave her. How can a person changes their face faster than a bullet train, she thought.