
J makin new story cuz not getting views

An average every day high schooler was transmigrated with his memories in to the world of One piece world. Waking up in a completely new body with an empty stomach he found a Bright blue fruit next to him.... MC will be born with the body of Gojo Satoru including the six eyes. He will possess limitless as a devil fruit power

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6 Chs

Oh New world.... Thats cool

Gimme some powerstones--> They make me feel good about myself


"Mom can you get me some tylenol!" I must've drank something spiked last night because I have the worst headache right now. Grabbing the piece of cloth that was covering my face I was met with a big ass... tree? What? I swear I made it home last night. Thinking back all I do remember is going to a party and then driving home and then...

"Oh. What the fuck was I thinking." I could only facepalm at the drunk me's stupidness. Looking around I was under a humongous tree and by what I could only assume was an ocean based on the beach and the large body of water in front of me.

"Holy shit dude. Why am I at the beach? I live in Wyoming!" Trying to calm myself from the impending panic attack that was coming I searched my pockets for my phone. Nothing. Damn it I might really be fucked this time. Ignoring my body's aches I forced myself up and hobbled myself out of the shade of the tree and into the blazing heat of the beach. I wobbled towards to the water to wash my face and hopefully wake up from this nightmare.

I could've seen a lot of things in my reflection on the water and not been suprised. I would not have minded If i was missing part of my face, or looked busted up or hell I wouldn't have been shocked if I was 30 years older and was some decrepit old man waking up from a coma now. But turning into some model with white hair and with the most gorgeous pair of blue eyes I've ever seen. Yeah, that caught me off guard for sure. Washing my face I again checked to see if I was still this model, and it seemed god was smiling down on me because it didn't seem like this was some crazy ass face paint. Looking at my body I realized I was in a completely different fucking body. A hot one at that. Ehh I'm not complaining.

Well, there is one thing I have to check. Sticking my hand in my pants I went to go find my crown jewels only to be met with BIGGEST HARDEST BALL SA- never mind it's a fruit. Taking it the mysterious fruit that somehow ended up in my pants I saw a bright blue star shaped apple. It looked absolutely delicious.

"Hm, god gave me this sweet new body and a cool ass fruit, maybe I really am blessed!"

OOMF! Oh my god thats disgusting. EHH! Swallowing what might've been the nastiest thing I've ever eaten; which is saying a lot because there has been times where i had to eat worms dipped in mustard (don't ask).

Wait a minute. Inspecting the fruit again it kinda looked similar to something I had seen. Yeah, know that I think about it there's no way this fruit exists on earth, not with it's color that seems almost glowing and the weird star shape it was I would've definitely heard or seen it before. It almost reminded me of a devil fruit from one piece.

Hahaha thats funny. What a cool gimmick.. I wonder who made such an accurate depiction of one. Wait. Oh shit don't tell me I've been isekaid by some author and am now the protagonist of shitty fanfic! Well it would make sense, with the hot new body, and cool fruit only thing missing now is my super power that'll concur the world with, or hopefully find the one piece with.

Only one way to find out. Getting up I did the only thing I knew how to activate my new powers.

"KAME-HAME-HAME-HA!" Nothing hapend. Wow, I really hope nobody saw that. I can't believe I would do something as geeky as that....

"KAME-HAME-HA!" Ok, it definitely doesn't work.


BOOOOM! The sand in front of me blasted away and the humongous tree seemed to crack at the base before falling.

"Holy shit. I really am some shitty fanfic protoganist."


Ye, short chap I know. See it is 12 on a school night and not really in the mood to write anymore. Expect some short chaps for a little. I'm going to try and build up a bunch of chapters in case I get burned out and need to take a break so you guys can still have chaps to read. Just while I still inspiration to write this fanfic I'm gonna grind my ass off to have a bunch of extra chaps.

Also I know what your thinking. This guy drops every fanfic after 20 chaps.. Ya i know I do but I bet I wouldn't if you gave me some power stones sooo..... AndThats why i'm getting a bunch of chaps in advance. Because I wouldn't write like 50 chaps and just give up because of the story. Would make all the work a waste.

Expect a chap tmr about the same size. Will try and start making 1000+ word chaps after a little. And I do promise to try and stay consistent.

Also don't complain about mc if you don't like him yet. Remember he's just a 17 year old in his prime douchebag years who doesn't realize his actions have affects on anything yet.

Thank you for reading!