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An average every day high schooler was transmigrated with his memories in to the world of One piece world. Waking up in a completely new body with an empty stomach he found a Bright blue fruit next to him.... MC will be born with the body of Gojo Satoru including the six eyes. He will possess limitless as a devil fruit power

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Gojo D. Honey?

"Vice admiral Garp, there appears to be a bondfire of some sort on the beach of that island to our North-East. Should we check it out someone could be signaling for help?"

The humongous figure of Monkey D. Garp with a dog hat on turned around and looked the basic solider up and down while munching on rice crackers.

"Na I'm almost out of crackers lets get to the 80th branch sooner." The marine solider new on Garps ship caught by suprised by the apparent lack of concern saluted before turning around to leave when he bumped into another tall man with a suit and a sword on his side and falling down.

"Oh Bogard sir I apologize!" Getting up and immedietely saluting, it was clear the man was nervous with all the high ranking marines around him.

"Garp... We can't just leave the clear signs of life on an abandoned island." Looking down at the solider "Tell the helmsmen to steer towards the island."

Garp clearly annoyed let up and went towards the edge of the ship and inspected the bondfire from afar.

"I'll just check it out myself if there's nothing there we'll head to the 80th." Stuffing 10 rice crackers in his mouth he jumped off the bout and kicked the air towards the island. Worried about what his superior would pull, Bogard quickly followed after and directed that the ship follow them to the island.


Waking up from my sleep I was met with the face off a dog? Looking similar to my one from my past life I couldn't help but rub it's head.

"Your a good boy yes you are, yes you ar- AAAAHHH! Who are you old man and what did you do to my dog!"

"AHAHAHAH! What dumb-ass Bogard, he thought I was a dog. AHAHAHAH!"

Waking myself up completely I inspected my surrondings through the cloth turned blindfold I had woken u with. Over the past 2 weeks I learned it was better to not always have my eyes out as it drained energy from me. Although when training I always took it off as it had helped me correct any form errors in my workouts and in battle with the animals on the island I had grown a lot. The tiger I once struggled with seemed like no more than an ant would in my past life. The species was common across the island and they made for good training partners, and even better food.

Thats when I realized the two men in front of me where marines. There large white robes gave it away, it also did help that the man staring down on me was the hero of the marines himself Monkey D. Garp.

I couldn't help but ask myself why he was in some random part of the West Blue, but ehhh too much thinking involved in that. Pushing myself upwards to stand I was met with a tight grip on my shoulder. An extremely tight grip.

"Owwwee! Whats that for? Aren't you marines supposed to help people in need not hurt them. Can't you see I'm just a poor innocent boy that needs help? And food. Lots of food. Preferebly something sweet."

The hero taking off his dog mask, smiled at the boy, "You look more like a criminal than a hero to me." Looking down I realized; I hadn't taken a shower in 2 weeks. I was stained with blood from the tigers and grime from the muddy terrain. I must've looked like I slaughtered a village.

"Whats your name boy?

"Gojo D. Satoru! This is all just a big misunderstanding Monkey! Ya see my mom is actually a flamingo, I know hard to believe but it's true. She was giving me a ride across the ocean as all mothers do when a giant sea king jumped out of the water and ate us. The problem is that I can't swim, I never learned how because I have fragile limbs and water hurts it. Long story short I ended up eating the sea king inside out which is how I got so bloody and now I'm here." I couldn't tell if my story wasn't believable or my shit eating grin gave away my lie, but Garp didn't look so convinced.

"Oh, well I guess your good here then..." Walking away the Vice-admiral seemed like he was about to leave the island.

"Wait don't leave I'm sorry you caught me. I didn't want to reveal how I truly ended up her because..."

The nameless sharply dressed swordsman and the Vice admiral both stopped to look at me with expectant looks.

"Because....Because, my mom isn't a flamingo she's actually a can of honey."

"AHAHAHA! I have no clue what the fuck your talking about but it seems like you need a ride and a shower. Hop on my boat." Turning around expectantly Garp saw his ship had just arrived at the beach front.

"Good thing I made sure we came here Bogard. If we left it up to you we would already be at the marine base AHAHAHAH!" Bogard simply ignored the blatant lies and helped me up before directing me on to the boat.

What a weird guy. Oh well at least I found my ticket to civilization, I was getting bored of talking to the stones and dead tigers. Although they did listen really well they never gave there own opinion. Made the conversations a bit dry.


After I had showered and got situated in my cabin that I had shared with some soliders on the marine ship I headed onto the deck in hopes of some dinner, and I had realized I never told Garp where to drop me off. I damn sure don't want to be stuck at some marine base, I was a busy man, I had a crew to build and a sea to conquer.

"Hey boy! How are you able to see that blindfold?" Garp stared at me from the top of the roof deck questioning.

"It's see through. I wear it cuz it makes me look cool ya know!" For some reason the senile dude just started laughing histerically. I didn't even say anything funny. I'm kind of confused how this dude is supposed to have gone toe to toe with roger. He seems like just some senile dumbass when I talk to him.

Turning my back to head to the dining hall I felt a very strong sign of danger from behind, quickly shifting my body to dodge the massive fist aimed for the back of neck I jumped back avoiding the attack.

Looking over to the spot where I once stood Garp with a more serious look on his face had his fist clenched.

"The fuck was that old man! You tryna kill me or something?" Garp simply looked over to me before walking over with a big grin.

"Seem like you know how to fight a little. How about you join the marines son?"

"Na I'm good would rather be a pirate or something. Way cooler ya know."

...*Awkward Silence*...