
Izuku Midoriya in To Love-Ru

One for All and All for One, I finally realized why he was strongest opponent for me and why he was my destined enemy. We stood on the other end of spectrum but we started slowly as before, we both were useless and wanted to be a hero... All for One succumbed to hardship and developed as an anti hero, with series of events he changed and his smaller brother heard his cry for help, so he passed down his power to save his brother help and call... Huh... why, Hmm I think it's over, hmm where is this anyway.” At a void place Izuku Midoriya was looking around to found himself totally alone, but when he closed his eyes and concentrated to found he recalled memories, of a boy called Yuki Rito. When he felt he would be able to open his eyes again, with a slight effort he was able to where a brown cheat nut haired beauty was sleeping by his side, there was a cold compress on his head and by the look he was sweating a lot, maybe because of fever he had. follow the story of Izuku Midoriya as an Rito become the first hero in the world of To Love-Ru. Hello guys my name is Akash Tiwari from India, my Motive of writing down this FanFiction is to gather your attention and request few things if possible, in the coming competition which happen every week I will be participating with my original novel, for that twin that competition I will request for you guys too what some Power stone until I give that it novel in the competition I will be writing the highest amount of chapter I can to cover up for you and your loss. you guys must be aware about how people stop writing FanFiction in between is very simple because we are also humans and cannot fill our stomach beaches FanFiction while we will never get royalty out of it writing a FanFiction, if you guys supported me on the novel I will original create I will definitely will continue to write this FanFiction to the least possible chapter would be 600.

IwanttoKill · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Rito plan to make money

Sitting and studying with Mikan was something they had not done for quite some time, but the reason for it was still unknown to them maybe it was something not too good so they tried to forget about it, or the reason must be so small that they end up being forgotten by them.

Mikan looked at Rito, who seems to be concentrating on the subject quite well and was not distracted by anything else, given he had found out that there were quite a few changes which would have been quite troublesome if he would not have revised it at this moment.

Among those thoughts, he was also revising the plan how to increase his physical stamina quickly so that he would be able to at least use One for All at 5% quickly, which can also increase his confidence to protect at least his family from any harm, given for thugs and criminals it would be quite damaging where the strongly trained Hero Killer was knocked out, even though it was the effort of both of them along with him.

After two hours or so both of them were tired of studying continuously for 2 hours but Rito felt that the effort was worth it.

After he and Mikan started to have prepared for dinner they were about to have on which Rito was very clumsy and could not help out Mikan, so he silently put up with it and what was inside the Hall room as he opened the TV again to watch whatever he can, as his mind was busy thinking about something else.

Money is something one face but for or rito it was not the problem given her mother is a fashion designer in the foreign while his father is a Manga artist which is not that popular but still able to earn a lot of amounts for himself and them.

For Rito or Izuku they were not creative as for drawing they were not so great about it, given the experience he had is only related to the work of a Hero and it was nothing since this world doesn't have any kind of job-related to it but he could only work out as a delivery boy or something.

As for why he needs money was related to the equipment he wants to buy to train his body, given his mother is already investing in a new design plan he does not want to bring any kind of problem for her.

His father was also doing his best with the fees of schools and others for them, not to say all the pocket money they got was already creating problems for his father.

Rito thought and finally thought of working as a small part-time and wait for the time he could do something of the money he earns to try investing or gambling stuff, but for the chances, he had very low when he suddenly remembered that he had learned how to use Piano in the previous world.

For now, he was still not able to come up with an idea related to earning money, He also wanted to make a Hero outfit but this time he will change it a lot giving he wanted something to hide his face and look cool also when he remembered how many comments he got at the outfit which hit his sour points.

Rito smiled while shaking his head since he was out of all the ideas at which he could have earned some money when he looked at the tourist news which was quite new for him, where it was said that quite a few foreigners work coming in Japan for or going to Akihabara.

If he remembered there was much technical stuff when one wanted to change the American dollar into to Japanese yen, for that we also had a person inside his mind who was working in the central bank and I would be happy to help him out without any kind of transaction or procedure.

Given those foreigners were rich bastards and if in a hurry they would even sell out their dollars for half the price and for that use the difference in the amount of the currency to strike some good deals.

Smiling Rito had planned what he needed to do after this and had a perfect plan given not all people are good at speaking English like him and could be a good source of dependency of those American people.

Rito also had few thousand with him which he will make transactions and will be ready for the juicy customer.

"Rito what are you grinning about, it's quite creepy so quit doing it already."

Mikan spoke as she looked at Rito and pinched his cheeks due to Rito carelessness at which she smiled war to ear too, Yuki Rito suddenly jumped back from the Sofa and was standing behind Mikan as he pinched back her cheeks in his revenge, at which she pouted where Rito didn't even give her the time to retort back as he said: "Alright, let's go I am quite hungry and it seems you are done with the cooking right."

She nodded as they both entered the dining room where they sat at their respective seats while Mikan started to serve both of them the food. At which as a big brother Rito tried to help but it was and successful on his first try, given after looking at rito clumsy work, Mikan smiled her full.

After the night descended quite quickly and Rito also tried to help Mikan at cleaning the dishes at which he was a little successful given he did not mess up this time, Mikan smiled knowing that it was something her brother was doing to apologize to her for that.

Finally, both of them entered their room to sleep as the night slowly descended upon the world while Rita was sleeping nicely without knowing what was about to happen was not that dangerous at all...

Guys, I am vampire X, I am here to suck the blood of every mosquito in this world, be aware Yuki Rito... Haha...Haha..Haha.