
Izuku Midoriya in To Love-Ru

One for All and All for One, I finally realized why he was strongest opponent for me and why he was my destined enemy. We stood on the other end of spectrum but we started slowly as before, we both were useless and wanted to be a hero... All for One succumbed to hardship and developed as an anti hero, with series of events he changed and his smaller brother heard his cry for help, so he passed down his power to save his brother help and call... Huh... why, Hmm I think it's over, hmm where is this anyway.” At a void place Izuku Midoriya was looking around to found himself totally alone, but when he closed his eyes and concentrated to found he recalled memories, of a boy called Yuki Rito. When he felt he would be able to open his eyes again, with a slight effort he was able to where a brown cheat nut haired beauty was sleeping by his side, there was a cold compress on his head and by the look he was sweating a lot, maybe because of fever he had. follow the story of Izuku Midoriya as an Rito become the first hero in the world of To Love-Ru. Hello guys my name is Akash Tiwari from India, my Motive of writing down this FanFiction is to gather your attention and request few things if possible, in the coming competition which happen every week I will be participating with my original novel, for that twin that competition I will request for you guys too what some Power stone until I give that it novel in the competition I will be writing the highest amount of chapter I can to cover up for you and your loss. you guys must be aware about how people stop writing FanFiction in between is very simple because we are also humans and cannot fill our stomach beaches FanFiction while we will never get royalty out of it writing a FanFiction, if you guys supported me on the novel I will original create I will definitely will continue to write this FanFiction to the least possible chapter would be 600.

IwanttoKill · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Matsuhara Rescue

"Oh! then allow me to invite, every lady presents here." Matsuhara eyes glinted as he looked at the group, Rito who was holding in all this time his feelings, finally felt a Peng of crack appearing, inside his will.

Matsuhara words infuriated Haruna and Mikan, but they found all the people coming with him, surrounding them and any idiot would realise, the reason behind their action.

"You guy's, stop it." A shout shook everyone out, as a beautiful girl with red hair, came in entering, Haruna was surprised to see her friend Nanaka Shirakawa.

She was in an attire, she seems to be dressed in male clothing with her hair tied back, given she was asked by her mother to act as a personal maid of someone.

She was a girl named Tenjoin Saki, given after meeting with Rito, her luck was changed she was able to live in this country, She was really happy about it, give in this country was her homeland and she did not want to leave it.

Her job in Tenjoin Saki- Sama home, was a pleasant experience for her. Even though she was a little different, but she was a kind master for everyone.

Saki came after Nanaka entry, she looked around at the hotel staff and then looked at the centre person, Rito was also looking at the person, who had entered inside the hotel.

Saki_Sama huh! she seems to be a highly respected person, given the staff are also looking at her with respect.

Rito thought, as he smiled, given he was about to snap out there. Matsuhara who was about to retort, shut his mouth down, as he was looking at Saki. Even though his father was at a Higher level, Status than normal people, Infront of Saki father authority.

"I see you are troubling, a friend of mine as expected of rumours about you, definitely a petty person, with a suitable personality to boot with."

Saki did not hold back, as she always hated seeing people being bullied by others. Aya and Rin smiled at the sight since Ayaka was well aware of that fact.

Saki usually doesn't take the side of boy's casually, but Rito was a kind one, the Nanaka his maid had talked about, so she remembered his name. "Yuki Rito right, It seems you do not have what it take to save these girl's."

Rito was unfazed by taunting, given due to Kachan, thinks he was immune to taunting. "Thank you, miss Umm! anyway, I owe you one this time, given I was about to snap, but there are some teenagers, mix within us and it was appropriate for me to lash out."

"Hmm!" Saki was startled given the guy in front of her, was way too quiet and polite with his word's, making her feel a little guilty, the way she had speaking to him.

Aya and Rin were also a little astonished, Rito was totally what they didn't expect to be.

Matsuhara was a little startled, but his rage burned faster as he looked at Saki, Hostility was brimming in his eyes, what he wanted to do, is simply wanted to get rid of her, he looked around at his luck with a wicked smile.

A total of 12 people, started to walk around them, Rin was alerted, given she was able to tell that they were targeting Saki. Rito looked around and shook his head in disappointment When all the ruffians were about to circle Saki and others.

"I must say, I am quite disappointed by the reaction." Rito, voice echoed in the surrounding, but this time he had a fierce glint, in his disposition and temperament.

The leader among the ruffian smiled, he turned his eyes toward Rito, with an interesting smile, he was looking at the guy, who seems to be laid back, but from within, he was able to sense that, he was a good fighter.

Finally, this guy gonna act now, I must say he had to take quite a sweet time to react back. Rito who was looking at Matsuhara, and had a look of disgust and insult. He always believes the fact that, no matter how bad of a person he could be, there is always a limit he would never cross.

Rito gaze was way too infuriating for him, the guy I thought he has suppressed, was still standing in front of him, the girl he loves had been looking after this guy, at that thought I was thinking, that it might be related to his talent for the soccer.

For attention and self Pride, I had been doing everything I can to insult him, but still, he was standing in front of him and looking down, just like he did from the very beginning.

In the number of friends I was ahead of him, in the football where Rito always shined, I was standing in that place.

When Rito spoke, "You always wanted to surpass me right, but right now you are still standing in front of me, the way you were 6 months ago."

"Want, need and greed. You are not able to understand anything yet, you always believe by snatching the place you will have everything, but here you are, now tell me what have you received trapping me like that."

Mikan opened and closed her mouth, as she looked at Rito with a tear streaking her eyes, 'Onii_Chan, you always knew who was it, huh! Why are you so kind. Onii-chan Baka.'

Haruna was also feeling guilty, given it was easy for her to guess, the reason why? Matsuhara acted the way he did.

Rito looked at Matsuhara and waited, waited for him to reply, waited for him to speak for his redemption. 'This boy was beyond redemption by normal way.'

Rito smiled, given it was time to save Matsuhara. Hatred will turn into hate, Redemption is the only way for forgiveness, and forgiveness will end any hate.

In Hero society, they were not allowed to kill them, they were sent for redemption and self Solitude.