
The memory errasing seal (metsu)

"Come on Izuki, wake up" shouted Nigituna.

"What is going on?" asked Izuki.

"I don´t have time to explain, come on."

"OK, I am coming"

Izuki got up and followed Nigituna to the kitchen. The moment they stepped in the kitchen a man extended his hand up to Nigituna's throat and he said:

"Your not going anywhere"

"Run, Izuki. Find a Jonin or the Hogake and call for backup."

threw the woman at the ground and tied her up then ranned to get Izuki. when he caught up to Izuki, Izuki ridiculously tried to fight the man but the man just picked him up and threw him over his shoulder. When they got back into the house there was another man sitting in a chair.

"So what do we have here. Well I have a mission. this mission requires that I kill this woman lying down by my feet and i have a feeling that you are her son. Am I right?" asked the man.

"Yes" said Izuki.

"Well I'm going to kill her without any remorse. When I was a kid I also saw my mother die right in front of my eyes so I know what you will be feeling the next five to ten years. Pain and hate."

"Please Don't hurt my mother." mumbled Izuki.

"As I said, I am going to kill her without remorse" he replied calmly.

"Please. I'm begging you to don't hurt her"

Ignoring Izuki's word the man said :

"I will spare you the pain of watching your mother die. To do that I will need to do a Memory Erasing Seal more known as Metsu"

When he said that he did the hand signs and shouted "metsu"