

Teenage life in a humble family.

iscovia · Teen
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Teenage Life in a Humble family in Africa

Growing up as a teenage was something that was never interesting for me as i come from a family of now 5 children before it was of 6 children but we lost one of our sibling in a tragic horrible accident. Having a mother who was just a house wife and a father (who is now late... may the soul continue to rest in peace) who had a job which was very low paying can some times finding it hard to even feed us. My dear mother was forced to venture into doing some small business to add some extra monies to support us the children with at least basic needs especially food, at times things could even be much harder when the little she gets had to be shared with our dad because there are times he could ask money...that little money my mom struggle to get from brewing local drink called 'AMALUWA' in the local language here in Uganda.

Life was hard but being the first born of the family, i was looked at the eldest and would mostly perform all the duties by myself and sometimes ended up being late for school because i had to do most of the house chaos before leaving for school, i thank God that i was able to finished my both primary, secondary and University studies with a little help from some relatives because my late dad could not afford. Things became fair for me when i graduated with a bachelors in Business Administration and even got some job with an Asian company in Uganda. This opportunity allowed me to give in a helping hand to my mom, dad and siblings. Wait till this horrible, painful tragedies started to unfold in our lives!

In 2018 August we lost our only bread winner my dear dad, that is when every thing changed for us all as a family. To make matters worse in the next year January 2019 we lost our dear sister to a horrible traffic accident, she was my only hope to give me a helping hand in supporting the family after the passing on of our dad, my dear mom was terrified, she became depressed and sick too, losing a husband and a child in span of just one year was not easy, i had to be there for her and our siblings.

Once again troubles and sufferings worsened given the out break of COVID-19 around the global, i lost my job, yet i was the only one who could support the family, leave alone even my own children now its even hard to support them but by grace of God i always find a way to keep them safe.

Teenage life in a humble family especially here in Africa is never i must most of the time not easy to cope with, one has to always suffer to get the basic needs like food, shelter and education and its more bad for girl child because we need guidance when reach a certain stage in life, i my self never got that chance, i had to learn every thing my self.

All in all, i conclude by saying that if you have determination in life, you can always succeed in life no matter what the circumstances, challenges or obstacles you face along the way, that is why i am still very much optimistic that i will over come this stage in life, many friends and relatives have abandoned due to my current state but i know this is not permanent. It will come to pass too.

'Always value what you have, no matter how small it maybe'

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