
The Accident

Hey there! My name is Kiseki Mercy, I'm 15 currently turning 16 this year, Im a normal boy living an average life with good grades. Well, at least I thought I was normal, not until that accident happened.....

I was walking along the road as per usual of my daily routine. The summer breeze blew softly against me, birds chirping and singing brightly and cars driving by. I lived in a rather small town where everyone knew each other, I was reading my book as I walked. Foolishly not paying attention to anything around me, I walked towards the road with no attention.

I hear a honk of a truck, and when I turned a truck came hurling at me and hit me. It was so painful I wanted to die, its like I was gonna die. I heard peoole gasping and gathering around the truck, I looked around and saw my right arm across the road, both my legs were barely clinging onto my body. I saw pools of blood everywhere, my ribs were poking out of my skin, how am I even alive at this point?

This must be a really bad accident if I lost my arms and legs to it, but then... I felt something warm and fuzzy inside. My legs were reattaching! My arm started growing again, was that possible to regrow an arm? No way, its impossible, especially at this rapid speed. I think back to school, before the final bell rung and everyone left.

"If you move on to page 300, you will see the topics of Iyashins. What are Iyashins? They are creatures that can regenerate at rapid speed, it is said that their blood is the most valued in the world, from curing mental diseases to physical. They were discoverer 15 years ago so it is still hard to research about them. It means one of you could even be an Iyashin, they look like normal human and the only way you can discover an Iyashin is to kill them and theyll come back to life, they can lose an arm and grow it back like a reptile, but their blood is ," Mr Baldy said to my class. Some giggled and one of my classmate shouted, "They're not real, are they?"

Mr Badly fixed his glasses before continuing, "It is unknown, but the government claim they are real as they have one captive, there are currently 47 known Iyashins in the entire world which makes them extremely rare."

The final bell rung and everyone packed up and left. I snapped out of my thoughts and decided I need to get out of here, my legs were still healing so I crawled my way out with one arm, I was an Iyashin..... This is really bad.

I crawled out and stood up when my legs reattached, I couldn't believe it, that made me the 6th Iyashin in Japan. I looked at my friends who were also staring at me, I assumed they were passing by and saw the accident.

"I-im not an Iyashin..." I said, "Y-ya you're not! C-come on, let's go!" one of my friends said as he held out his hand. No.... He's gonna turn me in for money! I backed off before quickly running, I looked back as I ran and saw cops coming.

I saw my face everywhere on national TV and panic, I'll be hunted down for the rest of my life now... Dammit! From a med student to a wanted Iyashin, how nice. I ran into the woods and dodged every tree and branches in my way, I've been here my whole life and I could distinguish it like the back of my hand.

I heard a slight ringing in my ears, it was a bell like sound and it felt as if it was calling for me. I followed the sound, ignoring my surroundings and not caring if any cops are near by. I see an old, run-down shrine in the distance, it seemed to be coming from there.

I follow the sound and stood infront of a shrine, I saw the most breathtaking man in my life that would make any straight men consider their sexuality. His dark hair, piercing dark eyes that look almost black, his pale and delicate skin and chiseled jaw!

My hand was on my chest, my brown hair was softly blowing from the breeze, my cheeks were probably burning red on my pale skin. It was so perfect, a soft ray of sunlight shone on his face, where he sat upon the place of offerings and the shade covering his face.

He smirked and stood up, man was he tall! His black turtle neck shirt hugged his body so perfectly, every muscle and curve could be seen. He stood in front of me and we had a silence.

It was a comfortable silence, birds chirping and the cooling wind blew. A perfect ray of sunlight shone on his and my face, he was the definition of perfect and God.

My neck was a bit sore from looking up for such a long period of time. He smirked evily, I give a small smile to him, he hugged me tightly and I froze. Slowly but surely, I relaxed and hugged him back with my tiny and short arms. My head rested softly against his chest, I could feel his chest rising, his heartbeat...

Badump.... Badump..... Badump

I was in Heaven, everything just froze and time stopped, there were no more birds chirping and the wind stopped. It was just me and him together, the missing part of my soul clicked in place with his.

I heard footsteps, this is bad, the cops might be here. "Hey, uh the cops are after me and they might catch you too! Let's go," I said as I looked up at him. He wore a cold face, I heard a gun trigger, then....
