
Its ya boi, Emisyl

The Main Character is busy selling hotdogs so the side characters starts to steal his story. https://www.patreon.com/Vhix Characters in Cover : Niultynjere, Emisyl Cover :

Vhix · Fantasy
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143 Chs


We see Murasyl still hanging out with Gloriasse.

Murasyl then looks at the camera.

By signing, he asks the camera man to go away.

Now back at Canava Dumpsite.

"Grubliek" the monster speaks as it fully regenerates.

"Grubliek" he adds.

Emisyl and Suin is still paused as they can't find a way to deal

with Grubliek.

"What should we do?" Emisyl asks as he looks at Suin.

Suin thinks then suddenly makes a sound.

"Hmm" he says.

Suin starts walking and slashing the air as everyone watches him.

Nana and Emisyl looks with a weirded out face.

"Swui, Shoo!, Fuf" Suin gracefully slashes the air.

He then drops his sword on some position.

By signing, Suin asks both Emisyl and Nana to bait Grubliek to the position

of the sword.

Nana and Emisyl nods.

Emisyl immediately throws his spear, making himself weaponless and shieldless.

Nana then connects by trying to shackle Grubliek but the shackle just

goes through.

"Stupid!" Nana tells herself.

Nana then decides to just summon rune on the top of the monster's head.

"Screw this!" Nana loses herself.

Emisyl then reconizes that attack and stops Nana by dragging her down

by her waist.

"What are you doing!?" Nana furiously asks.

Grubliek then starts walking towards them as Emisyl hugs Nana while they lie.

"Grubliek" says Grubliek as he slowly charges.

As Grubliek steps on the sword, Suin speaks.

"Rewind" he says.

Suddenly, he disappears and reappears on his last positions and starts

redoing each slash at high speed.

(swish-swoosh-swish-swish-swish-clang-chak-swish-bzrk) his blades

released sounds as the slash happens.

Moments later, its done.

Grubliek once again slashed into tiniest pieces possible.

There was no reaction towards the bubbles.

Thinking they're safe, Emisyl picks up his spear and shield while

Nana and Suin looks for the door.

Suddenly, bubbles start to group on bottom of Suin.

Suin gasps.

As more bubbles group, a mouth appears within millisecond and devours


The two were surprised and felt fear.

"S-suin!?" Emisyl speaks in fear.

Nana sweats but still poses a fighting stance in case.

"We're screwed" says Nana as she sees the mouth-shaped goo acts

as if it chews Suin.

Suin then goes out as if nothing happened.

"That was terrifying" he says.

Nana and Emisyl felt relieved.

They then grouped together and moved back from the mouth-faced goo.

Not so long, it goes back to its original form.

"Grubliek" says the monster.

Suin then lights his cigarette.

After taking a hit, he immediately activates his rewind as Grubliek is still

at the same position.

Just as usual, Grubliek was slashed to tiny bits.

Suin got tired of it and felt like same thing would happen over and over.

He then throws his cigarette on the goo.

Surprisingly, the goo solidifies.

He tries stepping on the solidified goo and it quickly shattered.

"I just found the way" says Suin.

He then starts looking around and finds out that the whole block is

lit by a torches.

"Get the torches" Suin instructs.

However, Emisyl realizes that they're way too high.

Grubliek then starts reforming.

This time, Nana pushes Emisyl away and does something.

Nana starts blazing and a rune starts appearing from the ground.

As Grubliek reforms, a quick and powerful blazing explosion starts ascending.

(Kaboom) the explosion occured within half a second.

Suddenly, Grubliek solidifies.

Emisyl thinks its an opportunity and tries to stab Grubliek's body.

Surpringly, Grubliek got way too hard that the spear couldn't penetrate.

Grubliek then slams Emisyl but he blocked it with his shield and was

just pushed away.

Nana then summons her sword that is made of light and attemps a slash.

What happened was the one she didn't expect.

Her light sword splits apart as if they were made of steel.

Nana was surprised that this happened.

Suin then connects by trying to slash it as well but the skin is just way too tough.

They thought Grubliek can't move at this state but he did.

Grubliek then smashes Suin but he held it and was just knocked back.

Grubliek then starts marching towards Emisyl and performs an extremely powerful


Nana and Suin felt the power before it was released by Emisyl surpringly held

it with his shield and it didn't do much other than pushing him back in a bit.

(How the) Nana speaks on her head.

(He got a potential) Suin speaks on his head as he stares on Emisyl.

"We need to find a way!" Emisyl speaks as he blocks more but weaker slams

from Grubliek.

"Grub, grub, Grub" Grubliek chants as he deliver slams and punches.

Nana then identifies if there's any weak point.

She then saw Grubliek opening its mouth and thinks.

"Maybe that could work" she speaks.

Suin then looks at Nana and asks.

"What are you thinking?" he says.

"I'm going for the mouth" Nana answers.

Nana confidently charges at Grubliek then tells Emisyl something.

"Make him eat your shield again" As Nana charges.

Emisyl then tosses his shield and as usual, Grubliek opens its

mouth attempting to eat it.

As the shield runs, Nana sends out a small glittering sphere on

Grubliek's mouth.

(Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing) (Kaboom)

The sphere then shimmers and explodes on Grubliek's mouth.

They all paused as they try to see the results.

However, it didn't do anything but stun Grubliek in a bit.

Grubliek then starts slamming the ground with his solid body and suddenly

helds it.

(What is it trying to do?) Emisyl speaks on his head.

Nana pauses and observes.

Suin did the same thing.

Grubliek then starts charging upwards as if its trying to jump.

It did jump and is now in the air.

"Stay away!" says Suin.

Grubliek now starts dropping at high velocity towards Emisyl.

Emisyl then picks up his shield and rolls, dodging the jump.

"This is stubborn" Nana reacts.

Grubliek turns around and looks at Emisyl then turns back and performs

another charge.

Once again, Grubliek starts flying in the air and attempts to drop

at Emisyl.

Emisyl just as well, rolls and dodges it.

This time, Grubliek becomes faster and is now aiming at Nana.

Nana sweats and gets herself together.

Grubliek flies again and drops at Nana in high velocity.

Nana reacts by summoning runes below her and turning her fists release

starry blaze.

Nana helds and stops Grubliek mid-air.

"Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Nana angrily releases a battle cry.

As Grubliek's energy and Nana's energy conflicts each other, the ground

breaks and lightning starts running around them.

"Hmph!" Nana persists.

Suin then realizes Nana can't do it and she will get squished.

He immediately moves at Nana and grabs her by the waist with his elbow then

drops her down.

As conflict of energy stops, Grubliek finally drops and slightly destroyed

the field as well as pushing Nana and Suin away.

The field is now in ruins as the three struggles to find a way.

Grubliek then starts furiously slamming the ground as he jumps.

Suin stares from a distance.

"Oof" Nana holds her head as she tries to move up.

"How the hell can we do it?" Suin then talks.

As Suin talks, he sees Emisyl observing carefully as he holds his spear.

Emisyl then realizes something.

There's a soft hole at the back of Grubliek that can be possibly penetrated.

"What is that thing" he asks himself.

"Maybe its his butt" he adds.

Grubliek then starts charging at the two.

Suin unleashes an ability where he jumps and swings his arms then release spiritual blades.

It didn't penetrate Grubliek but pushed him away towards Emisyl.

Emisyl then blocks the impact with his shield.

Grubliek realizes that Emisyl is way too close to his back and decides to

perform a bodyslam with his butt. (Buttslam)

As Grubliek slowly drops his body, Emisyl leaves his spear upwards then

rolls away.

The spear's position is just right and it penetrated Grubliek's butt.

"Grubrek, Grub, grubaa" Grubliek drops down in pain.

Emisyl then pulls out his spear but its way too stuck.

Surprisingly, the more he moves his spear the more Grubliek cries in pain.

Suin and Nana just watched him do it.

"I get it, fire solidifies his body and his weak point is his butt"

says Suin.

Nana gasps.

Realizing this, Nana charges while sweating and instructs Emisyl.

"Go away" she says.

Nana then penetrates Grubliek's buttocks with her whole arm and sends

out multiple glittering spheres.

Nana then removes her arms summons a shield made of runes.

(Pshewwwwwwwwwwww) (Kaboom!)

Grubliek explodes from within and dies.

Grubliek's arms went down and goes passive after the explosion.

A door opens.

"Phew" Nana wipes her sweat.

Emisyl then drops his weapons and sits down.

He removes his shirt to wipe his sweat as well.

Suin removes his scarf and smiles then wipes his sweat.

The three got extremely tired after that battle.

Suin and Nana sat just as well after wiping their sweat.

Nana lies down then speaks.

"We did it" she says as she breathes heavily.

"This isn't the last" Suin replies.

"I know" Nana answers.

"Let's take a break" she suggests.

Emisyl stands up and goes closer to Nana and lightly kicks her leg.

He then speaks.

"Do you have food?" Emisyl asks.

"Oh" Nana pauses after she hears that question.

She then does and indian sit as she looks at her inventory.

She finds chips and materializes 4 of them.

"Here" she says as she passes one on Emisyl.

Nana then turns around while sitting and tosses another one to Suin.

"Thanks" says Suin after catching.

They then took a break by eating the snack.

Meanwhile, We see Murasyl and Gloriasse standing in an arc at Vividleaf

as they carry hotdog and softdrink.

"I guess it ends here" says Gloriasse then takes a bite at the hotdog.

"Yeah" says Murasyl as he smiles.

Talking people can be heard in the background.

"I had fun" he adds.

"Same" says Gloriasse.

"Oh" Gloriasse acts as if she remembers something.

She then picks up her phone and swipes.

After swiping, she shows her phone number to Murasyl.

"Here, save my number in case you need me" she cheerfully suggests.

"Alright" Murasyl says as he starts saving the number.

As Murasyl saves, Gloriasse asks something.

"Where is your friend?" she asks then takes another bite at the hotdog.

"They're on Canava, I think at that dumpsite training camp" he says as

he types something on his phone.

"I see..." says Gloriasse.

"Are you planning to come?" asks Murasyl as he puts back his phone on his pocket.

"I think not, but I'll come soon" Gloriasse answers.

"Where are you planning to go now?" Murasyl asks.

"I'll wait Nana command me but if there's still no notification then I'll go with

other clients" she says.

"Oh I remember, you hunt strong animals right?" Murasyl tells.

"Yes" Gloriasse answers.

Gloriasse then opens her arms as if she's asking for Murasyl's hug.

Murasyl gratefully accepts it.

Gloriasse then starts to speak.

"I'll miss you little boy" she says as she hugs Murasyl with closed eyes.

"Me too" says Murasyl as he blushes.

After the hug, they then starts sending a goodbye wave on each other.

Not so long, Gloriasse disappears on Murasyl's sight.

Murasyl then returns to the town and looks at their photo from a tourist

spot in Petalburst.

He sees Gloriasse smiling while her arm is at the shoulders of Murasyl as

Murasyl is just simply smiling on that photo.

Fireworks starts to appear in the sky and Murasyl looks.

Gloriasse looks back as she hears it then stares at the fireworks.

After that, she continues walking.

Nana new abilities as seen in the story :

1.Nanostar Burst III

-She sends out small glimmering spheres that explodes releasing minimal to massive energy once she activates them

2.Energy Materialization I

-Manipulates energy to create tools such as weapons to aid the caster.

-This time, Nana uses Solar Energy to create a "Light" sword.

Suin's new abilities as seen in the story :

1.Grand Repel IV

-Sends out massive energy by swinging arms attempting to push enemies away or dissipate them.

-Each characters have different Grand Repels and Suin have himself summoning single or multiple blades.

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