
Its ya boi, Emisyl

The Main Character is busy selling hotdogs so the side characters starts to steal his story. https://www.patreon.com/Vhix Characters in Cover : Niultynjere, Emisyl Cover :

Vhix · Fantasy
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143 Chs

I know it was you

We see people speaking as their faces were against the light.

The sorcerer with wings starts to speak.

"There was this woman"

"I did everything, but she didn't tilt at all"

The man with bird mask then starts to speak as he moves his hands while he explains.

"Her power... was immense"

A thunder strike occured throughout the windows.

Suddenly, he looked at where is it from.

It was the sorcerer, Grimwing.

He was casting his spell to make the scene look cool.

Bird Mask then reacts.

"Yo, stop" he tells.

"I'm sorry" Grimwing apologizes.

As they talk, we see a man presumably on his 30's with a long mustache and a short hair.

It was Andreias, the man who sent backup to Zereth.

He then speaks.

"I didn't expect it to be that hard" he tells.

"Should I go?" he asks the three.

He then looks at the ogre.

"Do you have any teleportation scroll?" he asks.

The ogre nods.

He then hands it over to Andreias.

Andreias takes it and looks at it.

He then channels the scroll he was holding and he slowly starts to disappear.

Meanwhile, Carrion was facing Alomonimos.

Almonimos clenches his teeth due to nervousness while Carrion calmly points his blade.

They had a staredown that lasted for 5 seconds.

Suddenly, Suin appears and blasted Carrion with Grand Repel that pushed him away along with Clarc.

Carrion and Clarc flies but Carrion immediately regains himself and teleported.

As he teleports, he sees Alomonimos running.

Suin was also running with Kaasa but was unseen by Carrion.

Kaasa then tells something to Suin as they run.

"Alomonimos is so slow, I think he'll get caught" she tells.

"Well... I did my best" Suin says.

Carrion then summons a gigantic monster with red eyes on front of Alomonimos.

"Nighmare Void" Carrion whispers.

The monster then quickly devours Alomonimos.

Alomonimos stared at the monster as it charges towards him.

He then crosses his arms and blocks his head from desperation.

(Chomp!) the incoming crunch echoed throughout the entire place and a small quake was felt by Emisyl and Gloriasse.

"The heck was that?" Emisyl asks Gloriasse.

"So strong..." Gloriasse reacts.

The newbie elites looked at where its from as well.

Now back at the fight.

We see Alomonimos slowly faints.

He then drops the ground.

"Is he dead?" Clarc asks Carrion.

They then approached Alomonimos.

"No, he's just under deep sleep" Carrion tells as he looks down to Alomonimos.

As they were about to pick up Alomonimos, an aura was felt behind them.

Clarc immediately reacted and lands a sand powered punch.

As he delivers, he sees Andreias wearing an Oni mask.

Andreias lowers his head to dodge the punch then sends out a tiny but powerful blast on Clarc's stomach.

"Gwaghkh!" Clarc felt it and he slowly drops down.

Andreias then poses a hand to hand combat stance as Carrion slowly walks back and points his blade.

He became nervous after he had seen how Clarc was taken down easily.

"Don't worry, it's just he didn't expect that surprise attack" Andreias tells.

They then started walking in circles as they stare on each other.

Andreias secretly moved Carrion away from Alomonimos' lying body.

Carrion then lands a swing.

Just as well, Andreias dodges it and counters with a chop but Carrion disappeared causing it to miss.

Suddenly, the place turned dark and a horde of bats starts charging at Andreias.

Andreas sends out massive strength on his left arm and swings it unleashing the energy.

The dark place dissipates and he sees Carrion once again pointing his blade.

"Is that your best?" Andreias asks.

Carrion sweats.

"Who are you?" he asks.

Just as he asks, Carrion's place gone dark.

Andreias dashes and performs an inch punch on his gut.

It was a direct hit and was so strong that Carrion lost his grip on his sword.


The sword drops.

Carrion in desperation, fought Andreias in a hand to hand combat as his fists blazes in purple flames.

He lands a punch with his left fist but was blocked.

He another one with right hand but was blocked.

He then performs a spinning blazing kick and Andreias lowered his body and connects it with low kick.

Carrion drops but before he reaches the land, he teleports.

He then blasts Andreias with dark energy and bats from the back.

"Gah!" Andreias was caught and he crashes.

He slides the ground and drops.

Carrion immediately attempts to connect with the attack he sent by sending out a downward punch.

Andreias rolls and Carrion ended up punching the ground.

Andreias then performs a backhand slap on Carrion to punish the missed attack.

He then connects it a spin kick on Carrion's head.

Carrion was knocked out.

To end it all, he summoned a spell that made him unleash powerful aura.

He then swings his palm from center to downward left and performs a kick that intentionally missed.

As the kick lands, a gigantic dark toes was struck on Carrion.

"Gwakgh! Gah!" he felt its power.

Andreias then swings his right arm as finishing touch as he looks down Carrion.

As he sees that it's done, he decided to look for Alomonimos.

He immediately found him and attempts to pick him up.

However, Alomonimos feels so cold as he lifts him.

Andreias then slowly drops him and looks.

Alomonimos is dead.

He then looks away and closes his eyes to find Zereth.

He immediately sensed him and is now walking towards Zereth's position.

"A powerful enemy is approaching" Lucia tells Zereth.

Zereth then smiles at Lucia as he sees her anticipating too much about it.

He then talks.

"Don't worry, I'll tell him to not interrupt with us" says Zereth.

"What do you mean?" Lucia asks.

Just as Lucia was asking, Emisyl and Gloriasse felt a strong wind passing through their faces.

Emisyl looks at Gloriasse in the eyes then looks at where the energy was heading.

A blast was felt on Lucia's position and the two sees a man wearing a mask of an oni.

It was having a stand-off with Lucia and their energy was piercing against each other.

"You're strong" Lucia tells as she resists.

Using psychokinesis, Lucia repels the Oni Mask man which is Andreias.

Andreias was supposed to crash on the newbie elites but they moved away ending up Andreias on the trees.

Andreias then slowly regains himself and flips his way to stand up.

Lucia anticipates.

As Andreias charges, Lucia used telekinesis to move everyone to safety except Zereth because he was handcuffed with Lucia.

After lifting everyone, Lucia decides to remove the handcuffes that set Zereth free.

Andreias finally reaches and a powerful attack was about to land.

A charge on his arm was seen and its aiming to Lucia's face.

Lucia decides to disengage it by using her arm but Andreias suddenly changes direction and charges towards Zereth.

Both suddenly disappeared.

And Lucia as surprised.

We see Zereth getting dragged by the arm as they run away.

"I know it was you, gramps" Zereth tells as he was dragged.

Andreias then talks.

"I tried to save Alomonimos but he was dead when I arrived" he tells.

This stopped Zereth a bit and he ended up sliding on the ground.

"Don't stop running" Adreias tells.

"I'm sorry" Zereth replied and they continued running away and jumping their way out.