

I was 12 years old when it started. We didn't even realize what was happening at first. Everyone just started getting sick, there wasn't a name for what was happening, at least not at the time. The symptoms of the sickness were as follows.




And in most cases...


A very painful agonizing death ending with blood coming from your eyes. My mother was the first person in my family to get the sickness. She didn't last long after that. Maybe a week before it took her away from us. Shortly after I got the sickness. I remember I was completely over taken with fear, afraid of the pain that would soon over take my body, but it was around that time that scientists and doctors realized not everyone who got the sickness died from it.

Those who got the sickness and survived were forever changed, they got some sort of strange supernatural abilities, like super heros almost. That was when we started calling it The Beginning. Of what we did not know, but it gave those of us who got sick hope that maybe we all wouldn't die.

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