
Its Not Like I Want To Be Here

Miller suddenly woke up in a stranger's house for no reason at all. What will happen to him? Will he be alright? and Who is this stranger?

FelixR · Fantasy
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13 Chs

passionate night

Jake kiss me passionately and held me gently, he keeps kissing me, his right hand is in my head while his other hand is lifting my shirt slowly and reaching my nipples

OMGG he is really doing it

"Nngh, wa-wait Jake" Jake keeps playing with my nipples while his removing my-

"ahh.. aghh Ja-jake wha-!!"

Jake grab my butt and stopped playing with my nipples, he pushed me gently and slap my butt using his 2 hand


"Hahaha, Miller you have a lot of meat, can i taste it?"

"wha-what are you talking about!!?" Jake grabbed my 2legs and pull me into him and my butt is close into his face....?

"hey,wha-what are you going to do?"

"I'm gonna taste your pretty and fluffy meat"

"tha-that stop saying things!!?"

Jake kiss my but and sucked it gentle,,

"he-hey Jake,,thats dirty....let me take a bath first!?"

Jake bit my butt and its fckng hurtss!!!


"ohh sorry, is that hurts?"

"yo-youu~" *crying*

"Hey hey, why are you crying? I'm sorry, i am just happy that we are already officially dating, I'm so sorry" Jake kiss my forehead and lift me gently and carry me into my room.

He is surprisingly gentle to me, more gentle than yesterday? aghh I don't know anymoreee this is driving me crazy.....he-hee!!!!! just cary mee!!!! like his brideee!! KYAAAAA!!

When we reached my room, he put me in my bed gently and kiss me again into my forehead

"I will be gentle, Miller, I love you~"

Jake kiss me into my forehead to my chick and when he is finally close to my lips, he lift his head and look into my eyes seriously yet sexy, when he is about to kiss me, i avoided it and look into my right which the door...

"Why? you don't wanna do it?"

"N-no its just"

Its because my body is dirty, i wanna take a bath firstt!!! im sweating so much because im so nervous!~ *sigh*

"Mm? What? do you really want to take a bath first? you are sweaty but it doesn't mean you are smelly"

whaaa~!!!? omgg I'm blushing again, he said that with a serious face while he is on top of me. It's cheezy but I don't feel any cringeor something....

is that even needed!? why is he so handsome!, just WHYYYY!? his deep and sexy eyes is looking at me!!!!! jsidbskxbia

"bu-but just....can you ummmm....let me clean my self down there" i use my cutie face for him to agree...But guess whaaat!!!!!!!?

He still continue what he wants to do that I WANTTT TO DO!~

Jake pull me inti him and began to lick my butt and suck the chick of it, he keeps doing it while playing with my nipple

"Jakeee~~ aaahh ughhh Ja-jake!! sto-stopp!!"

"whyy?, haah Miller you are so delicious"


I stopped when Jake do me in THERE while still licking, sucking and bitting my butt.

*ughh i feel like im lossing it!!*

My mind is no where to be finddddd, I don't know what to think!!! I don't know what to feel!!

i feel like melting but it feels good but it hurts too!!! what with this feeling? and this is my 2nd time with him , and he uses a lot of techniques today!! we just finish eating and it's still afternoon..... well it is getting dark bu-but!!!

"Jake ca-can you stop ja-jacking me? i-i think im gonna cum!!"

"nopee~, you can't"


Jake stop doing what his doing, he took the c**d*m on his packet and put it in his D**k, he ask me if i have a lube but ofcours I don't have it... like what the fck am i gonna do with that?, with me alone in my house!?.

"Miller.....open your mouth"


"just do it"

"ok-- Ughh!?"

Jake put his 2 finger in my mouth, and i was so surprised with it because i thought his gonna kiss me! bu-buttt

"ughhh, ahhh haaah"

"Miller your voice is so sexy"

"wah? ahhh"

"i said your so sexy right now, i wanna eat you"

"eh? haaah ughh krrrkrrr *cough cough*"

he pushed it deep!!! tf?

"ehh? sorry Miller, are you okay?"

"well *cough* ye-yeah"

"sorry, again hehe"

"its oka~~y!?"

Jake suddenly grabbed my hips and lift my ass infront of him, he insert his finger in my ass and he is looking at it while thrusting his finger like he is ready to devour it.

"wai- aghh heungg!?"

Jake insert mare than 2fingers in my ass which make my body twitch moree

"waitt!! Jakeee stoppp AHHH!?!?" Jake pulled his three finger in my butt too sudden


"why did you pulled it too sudden!?"

"whyy? does it hurt? orrr do you liked it? *sarcastic voice*"

Jake ask those things with a sarcastic smile in his face and into his voice too!

"how am i gonna liked it!? HUH!?"

I push him and i got a chance to run away but Jake grabbed me in my hands and pull me into him which makes me fall into the bed...



While jake is getting ready on putting THAT into me, my face is red and my whole body is twitching like crazy, he pull me gently and rubbing his D into my hole.

"Jake that's not gonna fitt its too big!"

"It....is....gonna...fit~~ besides when we first did it-"

i stopped him because im embarrassed, i was drunk that day!!!.....am i?? I AMMM RIGHT!!? Right? *sigh*

"I'm going in, Miller take a deep breath, no worries i will be really really gentle and we will do it just once...okay? don't cum too soon *kiss*"

Jake kiss me into my forehead through my chicks and when he reach my lips, he kiss me roughly and i can feel him rubbing his D into my ass, then i feel him inside of me....and it feels so big!!! i feel like melting..insideee.... it hurtss!!!

*sobs* *hick*

"hey hey, why are you crying Miller?"

"N-no its just that..... *sobs* it hurtss~ *hick* *sobs*"

"I'm sorry, im just getting too excited, you are so sexy and beautiful right now, i can't help it, I'm so sorry. *kiss*"

"Mnn." *sobs*

"can i?"

"ye-yeah, go on *hick*"

"okay, then, Miller....."


"I love you *kiss*"

Jake kiss my forehead and held me gently, jake started on putting it inside more, and thrusting it gently. he keeps rubbing my head and kiss me all over, I have hickey in my neck and to my legs, butt, and to my tummy. he is putting it gently until he reach its limit, Jake look at me with a serious eyes and kiss me passionately.

"ahh haaah"

"haaah miller *kiss*"

" Ja-jakee nngh!" *slurp*

"im Ahh Mmm gonna put it in okay? Nngh!"


Jake thrust it in roughly and that makes me moan, i covered my mouth using my 2 hand and i keep my eyes closed and my tears rushed out because of that sensation.

"Mi-Miller, Ahhgg!"

"Aahh!! Hickk!"

"Miller!! Ahh soo go-good!!"

"do-don't *squelch* Ahh~ haah!!"

"Miller don't nnghh *creak* Don't cover~~ Ahhhmm, your mouth!"

"N-Noo~~ AHHHH!!"

Jake suddenly thrust faster and roughly that makes my moan come out, and my hand is grabbing the bed sheets, he keeps thrusting it roughly and faster and faster...


"Miller ahhhh~~ Haah Miller~~ you are so good"

"nngh!!! Jakee!! sto-stopp!! sloo- Nngh!!! Ughh!!"

"Millerrr!! soo good!!"

Jake keeps thrusting it roughly and keeps ignoring my words, bu-but he said he will be gentle!!


"Jakee *sobs* sto-stopp!"

"Miller, I'm gonna cum!! Ahh"

"M-Me too, Ja-Jakee Ahhh"

both-- "ahhh huuuh nngh!!!! Jakee!"

"ahhh huuuh nngh!!!! Millerr!! so good"

"ahh n-noo i-im Cumming~"

"M-Me too, Let's come together, Miller!!"

"AAaAnghh!! Mnn!!"

Jake and i cum together it was so good and it almost make my mind blank and make my body melt, i was twitching like crazyyy!!!

"haah finally over"

"we are done? really?"

Jake ask me soo handsomely and so sexyyy

"bu-but you told me we will do it just once!!"

"did i say that?"

"yess!! and you said you will be gentle"

"did i? I don't remember anything...mmmm?"


Jake put it inside me again and it went in smoothly, smoothly that makes me moan gently.

"woah!! that's great Miller, can you do it again?"


"then....let me make you do it Hahh!"

*slap creak*



"Jakee!!! slo-slow downn!! Ahh!! Ughh!!"


Jake pull his D and thrust it slowly

"Nngh~!! Ahhmm~!!"

"Mmm so you liked it slowly, Mm?"

"Agh, N-Noo~!!"


"N-No Jakee!! aAmMmm!!!"

He keeps thrusting it gently, smoothly and yet a little roughly in the end.

I think im gonna loss my mind completely this time, he keeps thrusting it soo gently im feeling every move, him twitching inside of me and him going deep inside of me, it feels like crazyy wkdbisdhjsns...

"Jakee~~ if you keep doing that.....i...i will cum!!"

"it's okay, then let's do it together"

Jake said it like it was nothing, when we both finally cum again together, Jake want to do it again and again until its already almost morning, just an hour ago its just evening....now its already almost morning..

"N-No more Jake im ti-tired"


Jake pull his D away and he remove the C*nd*m and there is another one of it....and he op-open it? WA-WAIITT!!!! WTF!!!!USBDIDNXISN


"Miller this is the last one, we use 1box of it, it feels amazing inside of you Miller *kiss*"

Jake kiss my forehead again, BUT I'M TIRED I DON'T WANT IT ANYMOREE!!!! I FEEL LIKE DYING!!!!! NOOOO!!

Jake thrust it inside me roughly and faster until we cum together again....

My back hurts like hell, i wanna resttt!!! it fckng hurtss!!! godddd is he a monster or something? how can he do it until morning T~T...

"Ja-jake n-no m-mo-more, nngh, mmmm i-im s-so tired, ughh"

"yes yes, that was wonderful Miller, *kiss* I love you Miller"

"Mmm I-"

"Mm? Miller? Hey wake up"

That was the last word i here, i couldn't continue what i want to say because im so exhausted like hell, i wanna cry, it hurts but it felt nice, it was rough but its good, I don't like the way he keeps asking for more but i love it ....

I..... DON'T.....KNOW.....ANYMOREE!!!

Jake was gentle yet roughly, asking for more yet sweet, my body hurts yet it felt soo good that make me pass asleep.

He was a so handsome, sexy, gentle, sweet, rough, and so passionate