
Its Not Like I Want To Be Here

Miller suddenly woke up in a stranger's house for no reason at all. What will happen to him? Will he be alright? and Who is this stranger?

FelixR · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


Hello everyone this is felix

I am terribly sorry because I didn't update any more chapter in this story.

I just wanted to say that i am not gonna continue this story anymore.

I am sorry if you are disappointed on me, but i can't risk my love for this r18 stories.

I am so sorry everyone.

i am still gonna write stories and it's still bl but all of it will be smooth and no more kissing or segs scene.

Again i am so sorry.

Miller's last word for Jake:

I am so stupid to love a cheater like you and i am so stupid to fall inlove again with that stupid character game, I am so tired on loving, I can't take this anymore.

I don't want to see you anymore, BOTH OF YOU!!!

I will be choosing to die more than to see both of you!! Get lost!! and dont ever come back in my life!!!

*Miller cried out loud as if he is going to die, he keeps remembering the happy days with Jake and specially how jake make him embarrass himself to all those people, He keeps remembering everything until he become independent to anything.

Miller keep on living his life now happily and freely without anyone hurting his feelings and without anyone cheating and leaving him.*

Miller is happy and that's a good thing.

have a nice life Miller....