

Two bodies stood there, shrouded in darkness. Our breaths intertwined as I hugged him tight. His scent enveloped my body giving me the feeling of comfort and relaxation. In his arms, it felt like the safest place in the world. Oh how I wished to remain in his embrace forever.

He looked at me with gentle eyes, our gazes filled with unspoken words of affection. We moved our heads to each other, our lips touching and our messy breaths together.

I could feel his heartbeat and mine thumping in a rythm.

We kissed. He slid his tounge inside my mouth as we tasted the sweet saliva from each other. With eyes closed, our tounges playfully danced together.

He then stopped and called out my name whispering to my ear. It sent a string of electricity from my ears to my stomach as i felt my being tingle.

He gently walked with his hands on my waist as i followed, walking backwards. He then laid me down the bed. I felt my heart pounce madly in my chest.

He kissed me again, even harsher this time. He madly ravaged the inside of my mouth as i held the back of his head, playing with his smooth and silky hair.

He wasnt bulky nor muscled. He was fair and slender in contrast to others. His slender hands quietly approached the helm of my shirt as he slipped his hand inside. He gently massaged one of my breasts while kissing me firmly.

We stopped and he whispered. I followed his request and removed the strap form behind and then followed suit by my bra. I felt the cloth of my shirt rubbing against my hard nipples.

With my breath ragged and uneven, he pushed me down on the bed once more. This time he raised my shirt, revealing two round and plump circles. He looked at my hard nipples and he smirked. I blushed and raised my hands against my face to cover up the embarrasment.

He didnt look at it for too log though, he then put his head closer to my breasts. He licked and sucked while he massaged the other.

It was ticklish and it felt good, like an itch that was being scratched. I played with his hair as e nibbled and sucked. I could feel his tounge moving and playing with my nipples.

After that, he took off his shirt and helped me with mine. He stood naked, his dick hard and sturdy that bulged with veins. While i sat down with all my being exposed, but my legs closed, embarrassed to spread out.

He wasnt one to take it slow. He immediately asked for me to lay down on the center of the bed. Without delay, he spread my legs and admired all the glory as he thought of the things to do later.

He held both my thighs and shamelessly ravaged my thing with his mouth.

I moaned.

He knew me too well. My sensitive spots were not spared as he licked up and down continuosly, going alternitively from fast and slow. He licked vigorously a little bit beneath my clit as I closed my eyes and enjoyed with pleasure.

Ofcourse, he woudnt want me to be the only one to enjoy. He stopped and I felt myself getting dragged down from cloud nine. He knelt and pointed to his exposed large dick.

I obediently crawled and bent over, my face facing his dick. I licked and he smirked. He grabbed my hair and pulled it to his dick as if he wanted me to choke on it. He did honedtly, he loved choking me with it.

I mustered up my will and put the entirety of his dick in my mouth. My saliva dripped as i continuosly choked but never stopped going up and down and sucking his dick. It became slimy with my saliva in no time.

Feeling like it was not enough, he knelt with only his knees and humped his dick inside my mouth repeayedly.

I was getting mouthfucked. His grip on my hair became stronger as he humped harder and harder with a sadistic smile on his face. It was my first time being this intimate with anyone too.

I choked repeatedly and my saliva dripped on the sheets. My throat hurts. He grabbed my hair and raised my tired face to meet his. I could see the sadistic smile on his face and it seemed he enjoyed my pitiful state.

"What? Had enough?" He asked in a joking manner. 'We're only getting started love' He whispered as he lowered his head to my ears.

He told me to bend down like a cat. My butt raised as far as i could while my hands and head on the bed. He stood up on top of the bed, my butt just right on his dick.

And he grabbed the sides of my hips. He rubbed his dick on me. It felt really good. He rubbed repeatedly and noticed my pleasured face. He slapped my butt.

He wasnt nearly as close to the final course as he stopped. I felt a bit impatient from all the stopping when I was already pleasured.

This time, it was him that layed down, his hands behind his head in a postion of being relaxed.

"Sit on it and rub on it." He said demandingly.

I sat down on his dick and rubbed on it. I found a comfortable spot and continued rubbing. It was so good, my eyes looked at the ceiling and a smile was plastered on my face.

"Dirty bitch," he smirked. He then beckoned me to bend over, with my pussy facing him and his dick infront of my face.

He used his hands to pry my butt cheeks away from each other and licked vigorously once more. I didnt dally as I licked and sucked his dick, masturbating him. I felt the ammount of wetness on my vagina increase.

After a while, he made me sit on him like a child, my back faced on his chest while his dick was infront of my pussy. He held my breast on his left hand and kissed me while he used his right hand to masturbate me. He rubbed his finger repeatedly on my clit and put it inside me.

He fingered me. It felt so damn good that my kissing became sluggish. It felt weird for a moment and there it was. A burst of pleasure ran through my veins as I cummed from the pleasure he gave. It was relaxing, like i was on top of the clouds. No, it felt like more than that.

"Its ready." He said.

Like a beast, he pushed me onto the bed, entrapping both my hands above my head. His strength was great, contrary to his slender figure. I couldn't even move my hands.

He positioned his dick on my vagina. Just as my eyes widened in realization, he put it all in one go. It hurts. It fucking hurts.

"Aaahhhh," i cried a bit from the pain. In response, he shut me up with a fierce kiss. The edge of my eyes watered.

He started slowly. It was very uncomfortable. But as it prolonged, it became pleasurable. He gradually released my arms and I used it to hug his neck.

His rythm became faster and faster as I moaned loudly. It was so good. So good that I was losing my track of mind.

He stopped for a bit tho. He made me bend down again as my head rested on a pillow that I hugged. He continued ravaging my insides going as fast as he can. He took my arms and pulled it from behind. I had no choice but to raise my body a bit while he balanced me by pulling my arms drom behind.

He was like a beast. A beast that had not been satisfied for thousands of years and is ravaging everything now.

I didnt know when it will end, when he will be satisfied. I've had already cummed more than 4 times and my head is muddled. We've been doing different positions. He fucked me from behind, from my sides and he fucked me as i sat on his dick facing him. I was about to lose my mind. He hasnt been losing emergy either, it felt like he was going even faster then before. And his smirk, I wish i could rip that sadistic smile of his. He simply watched and enioyed my torture of pleasure.

Then finally he made me lay down on the bed again and he fucked me normally. I could feel the intense pleasure once more, ready to explode. But this time, he was also sweating and frwoning a bit. He was close.

I smiled and bit his shoulder as he fucked me harder. It was really really close. My eyes rolled upwards from the pleasure and he closed his eyes.

THERE. We both cummed together in sync. This was the most intense pleasure I have ever experienced as I felt my insides getting filled up. His reaction was priceless too. He was frowning and closed his eyes.

After, he looked at me once more with those loving gentle eyes.

"I love you," he says.

My mind tingled and thought of somehing funny to get back at him.

"Is that all you can do? Weak." I smirked.

"Oh? Seems like we can go for a few more rounds." He grinned devilishly.

Oh fuck.

Then i was hit once more with the intense amount of pleasure. It was an endless chamber of pleasure.