
Its a world of blending with group chat

I do not know English, so I used the translator to translate the story, and now this is a vulgar embodiment story in the anime world with a group chat and travel between the worlds of anime and novels . For more chapters please visit my patreon p@treon.com/Akasaki_Ryujin

Akasaki_Ryujin · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

Chapter 4: Starter Pack

[Ding, you've got the Starter Pack]

[Do you want to open the starter pack?]

[ Yes / No ]

Akira looked at the group's notification and decided to ignore it for now.

Akiya: "Then who will go first?"

Akira was more curious about the members' luck than his own broken luck.

Shin: "I'll go first."


in District 86.

Shin was sitting in his room resting after getting rid of the Legion wave while chatting with Akira and the others.

Shin did not know the reason, but he found this phone in his mecha when he went out to fight the Legion, and when the fighting ended, he decided to examine it and ended up with his current condition.

[Do you want to open the starter pack?]

[ Yes / No ]

Shin pressed "yes" after a little hesitation.

[Congratulations, you have acquired a mecha combat suit]

(Like Bumblebee and other such cartoon)

Suddenly, light surrounded Shin's wrist for a few seconds and then disappeared to reveal a black bracelet.

Once he got the bracelet, Shin also got the full information of the bracelet, allowing him to operate it, use it, the energy he needs...etc.

"What a useful thing" - Shin muttered upon seeing that he could change the shape of mecha with just his thoughts, which made it very suitable for him.


Shin: "I've got a mecha to help me fight the legionnaires."

Akira: "Congratulations."

Asuna: "+1".

Shido: "+1."

Rimuru: "+1."

Akira: "Then who will be next?"

Shido: "I'll go."


In a forest within the estate of Baron Kagino.

A cute kid with black hair and eyes of the same color was looking at a phone with an excited expression.

[Do you want to open the starter pack?]

[ Yes No ]

"Come!!" - Shido exclaimed excitedly as he pressed (Yes).

[Congratulations, your physical and magical abilities have doubled.]

"Ha-ha-ha-ha, I feel so much power flowing inside of me," Shido exclaimed as he covered his right eye to look even more cool.

Shido's physical abilities have doubled, such as speed, strength, reaction...etc.

The amount, purity, and thickness of his magic power doubled.


Shido: I got double my physical and magical strength."

Akira: "Congratulations."

Asuna: "+1".

Shin: "+1."

Rimuru: "+1."

Rimuru: "I'll be next."


The world of Tensora inside the cave of Vildora.

[Do you want to open the starter pack?]

[ Yes No ]

Rimuru pressed "Yes" without any delay.

[Congratulations, you have obtained Dragon Slayer Magic (without attribute)]

As soon as the notification appeared, information about the Dragon Slayer Magic flowed to Rimuru, letting him know how to use it and the excitement of using it.


Rimuru: "I have obtained a dragon slayer magic that allows me to evolve into a dragon with continuous use."

Rimuru was extremely excited to become one of the strongest beings in the world.

Akira: "Congratulations."

Asuna: "+1".

Shido: "+1."

Shin: "+1."

Asuna: "Then I'll go now."


SAO World, Tokyo.

Asuna was in her room talking to everyone and was a little excited about getting superpowers.

[Do you want to open the starter pack?]

[ Yes No ]

Asuna pressed "yes" and felt her heart explode with excitement.

[Congratulations, you have obtained the Sacred Equipment (Twilight Healing)]

Suddenly, a bright light enveloped Asuna's hands, causing her to panic.

But the light soon receded to reveal two rings of simple design and an emerald gem in the middle on Asuna's hands.

With the appearance of the rings, Asuna received all the information about the healing aurora, from how to manifest it and use it to hide it.


Asuna: I obtained a Sacred Equipment (Twilight Healing)."

Akira: "Congratulations."

Shin: "+1."

Shido: "+1."

Rimuru: "+1."

Akira: "It's my turn."


[Do you want to unlock the starter pack?]

[ Yes No ]

Akira pressed "yes" and felt his heartbeat quicken slightly with anticipation.

[Congratulations, you have obtained an Asauchi]

A sword appeared in front of Akira out of nowhere, which Akira recognized as a Zanpakuto from the anime Bleach.

The Asauchi was a Zanpakutou without an owner and Akira needed to meditate and honey him with his Reiatsu in order to bond with him and become his Zanpakutou.

Akira has obtained all the information he needs to develop the asauchi, and it seems that the reiatsu is the same as the spiritual energy, so Akira will have no trouble developing his Zanpakutou.


Akira: "I obtained Asauchi who will become his Zanpakutou by feeding him reiatsu or spiritual energy."

Rimuru: "Congratulations."

Asuna: "+1".

Shido: "+1."

Shin: "+1."


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