
Its a world of blending with group chat

I do not know English, so I used the translator to translate the story, and now this is a vulgar embodiment story in the anime world with a group chat and travel between the worlds of anime and novels . For more chapters please visit my patreon p@treon.com/Akasaki_Ryujin

Akasaki_Ryujin · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

Chapter 11: Fiancee

"Whoah~" - Akira yawned and got up from the sofa lazily.

It had been an hour since he started writing and he had finished stacking 3 volumes of bleached manga.

But he decided to stop because the food was ripe and it was time for lunch.

Akira went to the kitchen and put out the fire because the mapo tofu was done. He carried the pot to the dining table and then brought the white rice.

Although mapo tofu was eaten without rice, Akira was a fan of rice, so he made rice to eat together.

"Hiro-ni, it's time to eat!" - Akira exclaimed to Hirotaka, controlling his saliva at the delicious aroma, even though his tongue was tingling due to the intense smell of pepper.

"I'm coming," said Hirotaka, and without hesitation accepted his toy and went to eat.

Although Akira's food was not as incredibly tasty as the heroes in the other stories, the reason why Hirotaka loved the food was that it was prepared for him by his younger brother.

"Right, Hiro-ni, what is Nao-ni doing these days?" - asked Akira, wondering about his second brother, whom he hadn't seen for a while.

"He's studying. Looks like he's working on an important project at the university," Hirotaka replied to Akira's question.

Despite Hirotaka's apathetic appearance, he always cares for his siblings, although he doesn't show it often.

"Right Hiro Nie, can you ask Kabakura-san and Koyanagi-san, if they would like to work in my company too, and of course Narumi-san" - said Akira, feeling that it would be good for them to be editors in his company because of their personalities.

"I'll ask Kabakura-san and Koyanagi-san, but I don't know Narumi's phone number. It's been a while since I spoke to her," Hirotaka said, reaching for the chopsticks.

"Well, but Narumi-san will soon come to work at the company where she works. You can ask her at that time," - said Akira and also picked up his chopsticks.

"How do you know that Narumi will come to work at the company I work for?" - Hirotaka asked in bewilderment, unable to tell the source of confidence from his younger brother's tone.

"It doesn't matter how I know, but don't forget to ask her," said Akira, not wanting to explain any further.

"Okay," Hirotaka nodded and agreed to Akira's request despite his bewilderment.

"Itadakimas" x 2.

The two brothers cheered while clapping their hands together and began eating while discussing which company Akira would like to buy.


After finishing lunch, Akira spun the utensils, cleaned the place, and went back to sitting next to Hirotaka.

"Right, Hiro-ni, you told me that you wanted to tell me something yesterday," Akira asked, remembering why he was here.

"That's right, I completely forgot about it," Hirotaka muttered, remembering why he called his younger brother yesterday.

The reason for his contact with his younger brother goes back to the time two days ago when he received a call from his mother's cousin in the United States.


Two days ago .

In a certain company there was a young, handsome young man of about twenty with black hair and eyes of the same color, wearing a blue suit and a red tie with a pair of glasses.

This handsome young man was Akira's older brother, Nifuji Hirotaka.

Hirotaka had just finished work and was getting ready to leave to finish playing around the house when he stopped hearing his phone ring.

Hirotaka looked at the caller ID and was surprised to see who it was - "Makoto Ojisan, I wonder why he's arriving at such a time."

Hirotaka was puzzled as to why his distant uncle was calling him at this time, but he wasted no time and answered the call.

[Hi, Hirotaka-kun]

Hirotaka heard the gentle voice of a middle-aged man.

[Hi, Makoto Ojisan]

Hirotaka replied and started exchanging pleasantries with Makoto for a while.

[Well, I won't take your time any longer. I called you to tell you that my daughter is coming to Japan, and I want Akira to take care of her since they are the same age and childhood friends, and most importantly, she is his fiancée.]

[ .... ]

Hirotaka fell silent upon hearing his uncle's words and did not speak for a while.

[Uncle, why don't you tell Akira about this directly?]

Makoto understood what Hirotaka meant by this.

[Well, I know that Akira and my daughter loved each other when they were children, and that is why we made this engagement, but since the emergence of my daughter's talent, she has moved away from the world and has not interacted with people much, which has caused her to forget many things except for the things she learned to hone her talent]

[It seems that Akira forgot about the engagement, as did my daughter, but I hope that they will remember the engagement and the reason that made us hold it.]

Hirotaka could hear Makoto's sighing behind the phone.

Hirotaka knew this naturally and knew that his uncle felt guilty for his daughter and Akira.

Especially his daughter, whose life has been like a bird in a cage until now.

[But I do not want to force them for this. I will not tell them about the engagement, and I will leave the decision in their hands. If they want to be together, I will tell them about the engagement, but if they do not fall in love with each other again, this engagement will be forgotten.]

Hirotaka was silent for a while upon hearing his uncle and finally said.

[Okay, I will tell Akira about her arrival and not mention the engagement to him.]

[Thank you Hirotaka-kun, then I'll hang up]

Having said this, Makoto hung up on his part and went to tell his daughter that she will be staying with her cousin when she goes to Japan.

After hanging up with Makoto, Hirotaka stood silently as he remembered the cute little girl who was a reflection of his younger brother in terms of looks.


Nowadays .

"So this distant cousin of mine will come to live with me and go to the same school with me" - Akira asked with a somewhat strange face.

"That's what Makoto Ogisan said on the phone," Hirotaka nodded at Akira's question as he played.

"But I'm a man and she's a woman. Is it okay?" Akira couldn't help but ask.

"Well... Makoto Ogisan trusts you" - Hirotaka didn't know what to say for a while but said this even though his thoughts differed from his words - 'This is Makoto Ogisan's goal in making her live with you... he sighed.'

"Sigh...Okay, I'll go home now, you'll find dinner in the fridge" - After saying this, Akira walked towards the exit.

"Take care of yourself" - Akira heard Hirotaka's voice as he reached the entrance.

Akira put on his shoes and walked to his apartment thinking what to do with this girl who came to live with him.


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