
Its a world of blending with group chat ( Rewrite )

Rewriting my previous novel

Akasaki_Ryujin · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 26 : Photo Session

*Suimei University of the Arts, 4 pm*

"Yui, can I ask you for a favor?" Akira asked as he walked out of school with Yui and Mashiro.

"Of course, has something happened?" Yui didn't hesitate to agree, feeling concerned since Akira had been glancing at the clock frequently earlier.

"Unfortunately, I have a photoshoot at 4:30 in xxxx and I need to leave immediately," Akira explained with a sarcastic smile. "So, I want you to take Mashiro to Sakura-sou and make sure she arrives safely."

"Absolutely, you can rely on me," Yui readily agreed, knowing that Mashiro had been unable to do anything on her own all day and Akira had been helping her constantly.

"Thank you. Here, take this money and buy her a bento along with a baumkuchen," Akira said, handing Yui some money from his wallet. "I'll be off now, goodbye."

After placing the money in Yui's hand, Akira quickly kissed Mashiro and hurried towards the back courtyard to get to his parked car, needing to reach the photoshoot location within half an hour.

"It seems he's really in a hurry," Yui sighed, watching Akira disappear and reappear as he used his superpower to reach the car quickly.

"Shall we go too, Mashiro-chan?" Yui smiled gently, holding Mashiro's hand as Mashiro reminded her of her favorite pet, cats.

"Mm..." Mashiro nodded, taking her eyes off Akira who had disappeared and held Yui's hand as they walked together.

"I almost forgot I had a photoshoot today because of everything that happened recently," Akira muttered as he got into his black Bugatti La Voiture Noire.

If his partner hadn't reminded him that she was counting on him for the photoshoot today, Akira wouldn't have remembered he had one.

Without hesitation, Akira started his car and headed towards the shopping center where the photoshoot would take place.

Even though Akira started at 40 km/h, he quickly increased his speed to 120 km/h upon entering a public road.

At this speed, there wouldn't be any issue reaching the shopping center on time, although Akira kept accelerating whenever he saw there was no traffic.


*XXXX Shopping Center, 4:27 pm*

Akira parked his car in the underground parking lot and used the elevator to go to the third floor above ground where the photoshoot was set.

While in the elevator, Akira used clairvoyance to locate the photoshoot site and intended to go there directly.

[Ding! Congratulations on destroying the protagonist's chance of becoming a model.]

[Host has received 10k Destiny Points.]

[System Note: The host will only receive lottery cards upon obtaining full love from the heroines and having sex with them. For killing protagonists, the host will receive a mysterious treasure chest containing random items.]

"...," Akira felt a bit disappointed but didn't show it. Recalling the lottery cards, he remembered he had a diamond lottery card.

'System, use the diamond lottery card,' Akira commanded in his thoughts, hoping to get something good.

[Ding! Using the diamond grade lottery card.]

[Congratulations! The host has received an invitation to the multidimensional chat group. Due to it being a special invitation, the host will become the Admin of the multidimensional chat group.]


At that moment, a new screen appeared out of nowhere in front of Akira, showing the chat group.

[Ding! {Lord of Luck} has joined the multidimensional chat group.]

"Interesting, but unfortunately, I don't have time to explore the chat group," Akira muttered, having reached the photoshoot crew's location.

"Hello everyone," Akira greeted everyone with a kind smile, as they had always been nice to him. "I look forward to working with you today."

"Oh, Akira, I didn't expect you to arrive now since you usually come well ahead of schedule," the director said in surprise. Having worked with Akira multiple times, this was the first time he was almost late.

"I had school today and didn't want to leave early since it's only been two days since the term started," Akira smiled and lied, not wanting to tell them he had forgotten about the photoshoot.

"I see, it seems we need to celebrate since you've become a high school student," the director smiled, seizing any excuse to celebrate. "By the way, today's photoshoot theme is 'Me and Two Girlfriends.'"

"You'll be working with Miu-chan and Mai-chan today," the director said with a smile, pointing to the cold Mai who nodded towards Akira and the sweet Miu who waved at Akira with a gentle smile. "Today's session promotes polygamy as per the company's request due to declining birth rates and rising numbers of unmarried women."

"I'll be under your care today, Miu-san, Mai-san," Akira smiled, not commenting on the theme as he was the owner of the main company and had instructed Kazama to promote polygamy for his own benefit, desiring to start a harem.

"I'll be under your care as well, Akira-san," Miu smiled happily, glad to work with Akira again, especially since she had recently been harassed by a rude model and considered asking Akira for help instead of the agency, confident in Akira's ability to handle the matter discreetly.

"Take care of me too," Mai said with her usual expression, showing little interest in making friends. She had only returned to the entertainment industry due to her mother's pressure, hoping to solve her problems as many people had forgotten about her.


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